Demo grpc service for trying out Mangle deductive database.
Mangle is an extension of Datalog. The repo is here:
go get ./...
go build ./...
This starts the gprc server, with a tiny database.
go run ./server --source=example/
This queries the gprc server, with a recursive query.
go run ./client
go run ./client --query="reachable(X, /d)"
grpcurl -plaintext -use-reflection=false -proto proto/mangle.proto \
-d '{"query": "edge(/a, X)" }' localhost:8080 mangle.Mangle.Query
can be obtained like so:
go install
cd proto
protoc --go_out=. --go_opt=paths=source_relative \
--go-grpc_out=. --go-grpc_opt=paths=source_relative mangle.proto
Reminder: do not use this as a serious DB. The following is a demo deductive databse.
echo "0" | gzip - > /tmp/foo.mangle.db.gz
The following will load your (empty) DB and evaluate your program. Our demo program is the same, it contains only definitions of edges.
go run server/main.go --db=/tmp/foo.mangle.db.gz --source=example/ --persist=true
The client code only does querying, so we use grpcurl
to send updates.
grpcurl -plaintext -use-reflection=false -proto proto/mangle.proto \
-d '{"program": "edge(/d, /e). edge(/e, /f)." }' localhost:8080 mangle.Mangle.Update
When we run the query again, we find that our service now returns additional reachable nodes.
For every query, the service implementation does the computation of reachable nodes. If we know these queries in advance, we could also send an update that performs the computation.