Simple, lightweight (10kb) and configurable Bar and Line Chart library in Javascript.
Forked from: TChart.js by M.Talha Khalid
Modified to work with IE11.
This is work in progress (see roadmap). If you're looking for a lightweight, super fast, production ready library for timeseries data check out uPlot.
TChart.js is a canvas based, super lightweight, easy to use Javascript Bar and Line Chart Library to provide a configurable and dependency-free experience.
Download the TChart.min.js
and include it in your project
<script src="TChart.js"></script>
To create a Bar or Line chart, you'll need a block level container e.g 'div'.
<div id="chart">
This will be our chart!
Then you can create the TChart object in your Javascipt file.
Minimum required options:
var chart = new TChart({
targetId: "myChart",
data: [10, 10, 15, 5, 10, 10]
All currently available options:
var chart = new TChart({
targetId: "lineChart2",
data: data,
color: "#f00",
width: 320,
height: 240,
drawGuidelines: false,
drawLabels: false,
drawAxisX: false,
drawAxisY: false,
maxValue: 220,
minValue: 0
targetId - containerId (String)
Defines the id of container like "chart" -
width (Integer)
Defines the width of chart like 600 -
height (Integer)
Defines the Height of chart like 450 -
data (Objects Array or Number Array)
Defines the data objects. Use simple array of numbers (y-values) or objects with the key-value pairs 'label' and 'value' . Example object data:
var data = [
{ label: "Jan", value: 24 },
{ label: "Feb", value: 124 },
{ label: "March", value: 65 },
{ label: "April", value: 98 },
{ label: "May", value: 65 },
{ label: "June", value: 129 },
{ label: "July", value: 198 },
{ label: "Aug", value: 256 },
{ label: "Sep", value: 77 }
TODO: Document all options
After Creating TChart object call methods for creating Line or Bar Chart.
- Properly support negative values (O_O)
- Draw new data in existing chart (for fast updates)
- Add more options
- Optimize class structure (add prototypes etc.)
- tbd
MIT © M.Talha Khalid
Modified for IE11 by FQ -