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3. Using Mininet

Sanjhana Jayagopal edited this page Jan 6, 2020 · 5 revisions

Mininet Architecture

SSH into the devices and switches

The list of devices and switches running within mininet can be found in the inventory file on the VM.
cat <remote-inventory-file>

To log in to these devices/switches from the VM, use the name from the inventory file -

ssh <device-name>

Example - ssh gateway1

Using Wireshark to sniff packets

There are two ways in which Wireshark could be used to sniff packets -

  1. Using Wireshark on the Mininet VM
    To view traffic from the VM console,
    sudo wireshark
    From the Wireshark window, select the interface to analyze packet-level data.

  2. Using Tcpdump
    On the VM terminal, tcpdump -i <interface> -w <filename>.pcap From the local machine,

cd transparent-security/automation/p4/mininet
scp ubuntu@$(terraform output ip):_<filename>.pcap location on VM_ _File location on host OS_

Using Wireshark on the local machine, open the PCAP file to analyze the traffic.
Reference PCAP files captured from mininet environment could be accessed at -
Core-AE: core1-eth2
Core-inet: core1-eth3


The log files under /var/log/transparent-security provide an insight into the processes of setting up Mininet, running the device daemons, writing P4 table action rules to the switches, controller communication, and attack information.

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