Standalone program to study & test the jet engines of Kerbal Space Prgram
Basically a re-write of NASA EngineSim's code. Using SI units and clear nomination.
Still using stead-state model, a detailed explanation can be found
See the Excel table included for engine specification.
Improvements over the original program include:
1.Simple off-design calculation of compressors
2.Real throttle
3.All engine is one type
4.An option to mix fan duct and core flow before the nozzle
Possible improvements that I think worth doing and not too hard include:
1.More sophisticated off-design using compressor/turbine performance maps
2.Or use variable eta_c with Mach number
3.An option to have leaky compressor
Area: size of engine, does not include fan area
TPR: total pressure recovery of inlet. =1 at low Mach and decrease as Mach number increase
FHV: fuel combustion heat in J/kg. Kerosene=46.8E6
FPR: Fan pressure ratio
BPR: Bypass ratio (if BPR=0 then it's a turbojet)
CPR: Compressor pressure ratio AT THE DESIGN POINT
eta_c: compressor efficiency
TIT: turbine inlet temperature in K
eta_t: turbine efficiency
TAB: afterburner temperature in K (if =0 then no afterburner)
eta_n: nozzle efficiency
Design Mach: the mach number of design point
Design Temperature: the air temperature of the design point
Throttle: if afterburner is used, 66% Throttle=mil thrust, 100% Throttle=full afterburner
Exhaust Mixer: gas from engine core and fan duct are mixed before the nozzle
maxThrust: a hardcap on thrust
maxT3: highest temperature that a compressor can tolerate, use this as a speed limit