Zend Framework 2.4.2dev
This is the second maintenance release in the version 2.4 series.
Please see CHANGELOG.md.
Zend Framework 2 requires PHP 5.3.23 or later; we recommend using the latest PHP version whenever possible.
Please see INSTALL.md.
If you wish to contribute to Zend Framework, please read both the CONTRIBUTING.md and README-GIT.md file.
Online documentation can be found at http://framework.zend.com/manual. Questions that are not addressed in the manual should be directed to the appropriate mailing list:
If you find code in this release behaving in an unexpected manner or contrary to its documented behavior, please create an issue in our GitHub issue tracker:
If you would like to be notified of new releases, you can subscribe to the fw-announce mailing list by sending a blank message to [email protected].
If you have encountered a potential security vulnerability in Zend Framework, please report it to us at [email protected]. We will work with you to verify the vulnerability and patch it.
When reporting issues, please provide the following information:
- Component(s) affected
- A description indicating how to reproduce the issue
- A summary of the security vulnerability and impact
We request that you contact us via the email address above and give the project contributors a chance to resolve the vulnerability and issue a new release prior to any public exposure; this helps protect Zend Framework users and provides them with a chance to upgrade and/or update in order to protect their applications.
For sensitive email communications, please use our PGP key.
The files in this archive are released under the Zend Framework license. You can find a copy of this license in LICENSE.txt.
The Zend Framework team would like to thank all the contributors to the Zend Framework project, our corporate sponsor, and you, the Zend Framework user. Please visit us sometime soon at http://framework.zend.com.