From 45bd17f32b56e7666b093ffc2fb33bd180a9afe3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: "renovate[bot]" <29139614+renovate[bot]> Date: Wed, 25 Oct 2023 08:35:55 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] Update Python dependencies (#43) MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit [![Mend Renovate](]( This PR contains the following updates: | Package | Change | Age | Adoption | Passing | Confidence | |---|---|---|---|---|---| | [black]( ([changelog]( | `23.9.1` -> `23.10.1` | [![age](]( | [![adoption](]( | [![passing](]( | [![confidence](]( | | [codespell]( | `2.2.5` -> `2.2.6` | [![age](]( | [![adoption](]( | [![passing](]( | [![confidence](]( | | [exceptiongroup]( ([changelog]( | `==1.1.1` -> `==1.1.3` | [![age](]( | [![adoption](]( | [![passing](]( | [![confidence](]( | | [httpx]( ([changelog]( | `==0.24.1` -> `==0.25.0` | [![age](]( | [![adoption](]( | [![passing](]( | [![confidence](]( | | [lightkube-models]( | `==` -> `==` | [![age](]( | [![adoption](]( | [![passing](]( | [![confidence](]( | | [mypy]( ([source](, [changelog]( | `1.5.1` -> `1.6.1` | [![age](]( | [![adoption](]( | [![passing](]( | [![confidence](]( | | [pytest]( ([source](, [changelog]( | `7.4.2` -> `7.4.3` | [![age](]( | [![adoption](]( | [![passing](]( | [![confidence](]( | | [pytest-mock]( ([changelog]( | `3.11.1` -> `3.12.0` | [![age](]( | [![adoption](]( | [![passing](]( | [![confidence](]( | | [pyyaml]( ([source]( | `==6.0` -> `==6.0.1` | [![age](]( | [![adoption](]( | [![passing](]( | [![confidence](]( | --- ### Release Notes
psf/black (black) ### [`v23.10.1`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Highlights - Maintanence release to get a fix out for GitHub Action edge case ([#​3957]( ##### Preview style - Fix merging implicit multiline strings that have inline comments ([#​3956]( - Allow empty first line after block open before a comment or compound statement ([#​3967]( ##### Packaging - Change Dockerfile to hatch + compile black ([#​3965]( ##### Integrations - The summary output for GitHub workflows is now suppressible using the `summary` parameter. ([#​3958]( - Fix the action failing when Black check doesn't pass ([#​3957]( ##### Documentation - It is known Windows documentation CI is broken []( ### [`v23.10.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Stable style - Fix comments getting removed from inside parenthesized strings ([#​3909]( ##### Preview style - Fix long lines with power operators getting split before the line length ([#​3942]( - Long type hints are now wrapped in parentheses and properly indented when split across multiple lines ([#​3899]( - Magic trailing commas are now respected in return types. ([#​3916]( - Require one empty line after module-level docstrings. ([#​3932]( - Treat raw triple-quoted strings as docstrings ([#​3947]( ##### Configuration - Fix cache versioning logic when `BLACK_CACHE_DIR` is set ([#​3937]( ##### Parser - Fix bug where attributes named `type` were not acccepted inside `match` statements ([#​3950]( - Add support for PEP 695 type aliases containing lambdas and other unusual expressions ([#​3949]( ##### Output - Black no longer attempts to provide special errors for attempting to format Python 2 code ([#​3933]( - Black will more consistently print stacktraces on internal errors in verbose mode ([#​3938]( ##### Integrations - The action output displayed in the job summary is now wrapped in Markdown ([#​3914](
codespell-project/codespell (codespell) ### [`v2.2.6`]( [Compare Source]( #### What's Changed - Test to check our string escape word triggers on its own by [@​peternewman]( in []( - feat(dictionary): add additiional additional entry by [@​IndexSeek]( in []( - Add `currebtly` Misspelling by [@​korverdev]( in []( - Add more typos for "approximate" by [@​int-y1]( in []( - Add new typos for "load" by [@​int-y1]( in []( - Add typos for "accommodate" by [@​int-y1]( in []( - Add spelling correction for 'prodive' by [@​adrien-berchet]( in []( - Add `annhilate` Mispelling by [@​korverdev]( in []( - Add alternative spelling corrections for "merget" by [@​cfi-gb]( in []( - Add various typos by [@​int-y1]( in []( - Add suffixes to existing typos by [@​int-y1]( in []( - Add `twine` As Dev Dependency by [@​korverdev]( in []( - frustrum->frustum by [@​tkoyama010]( in []( - Add several spelling corrections by [@​luzpaz]( in []( - Add suffixes to existing typos, part 2 by [@​int-y1]( in []( - Add iamges->images and cannel variants by [@​peternewman]( in []( - Add all corrections in [#​2857]( by [@​janosh]( in []( - Add suffixes to typos that start with "a" by [@​int-y1]( in []( - Add suffixes to typos from "b" to "ch" by [@​int-y1]( in []( - Add suffixes to typos from "cop" to "cy" by [@​int-y1]( in []( - Add spelling corrections for upperace and lowerace. by [@​cfi-gb]( in []( - Add suffixes to typos from "ci" to "con" by [@​int-y1]( in []( - Add variations of 'check' by [@​luzpaz]( in []( - Add suffixes to typos that start with "de" by [@​int-y1]( in []( - Add suffixes to typos from "di" to "dy" by [@​int-y1]( in []( - Add suffixes to typos that start with "e" by [@​int-y1]( in []( - Add some spelling corrections by [@​fxlb]( in []( - Add suffixes to typos that start with "f" by [@​int-y1]( in []( - Add typos for "general", "generate", "generic" by [@​int-y1]( in []( - Move `dateset` to code by [@​DimitriPapadopoulos]( in []( - Add correction for "distict" by [@​jdufresne]( in []( - Add several spelling corrections by [@​luzpaz]( in []( - Add new suggestions for existing typos by [@​int-y1]( in []( - Add suffixes to typos that start with "g" or "h" by [@​int-y1]( in []( - Dev Container by [@​korverdev]( in []( - Add postifx->postfix to code dictionary by [@​luzpaz]( in []( - Add openes->opens, openness, to dictionary by [@​luzpaz]( in []( - Add suffixes to typos from "ib" to "im" by [@​int-y1]( in []( - Add indepentend->independent by [@​alxgu]( in []( - Add several spelling corrections by [@​luzpaz]( in []( - feat: Add collogue->colleague to dictionary by [@​matthewfeickert]( in []( - Typos from OpenSSL 3.0 by [@​DimitriPapadopoulos]( in []( - Add suffixes to typos from "ip" to "k" by [@​int-y1]( in []( - Add suffixes to typos that start with "in" by [@​int-y1]( in []( - Add typos discovered in django/deps repository by [@​jdufresne]( in []( - Add some archaic terms for Muslim to dictionary by [@​skangas]( in []( - Add words from misspell's dictionary (A-1) by [@​skangas]( in []( - Add suffixes to typos that start with "l" by [@​int-y1]( in []( - Add typo fix: reacord->record by [@​jdufresne]( in []( - Add suffixes to typos that start with "m" by [@​int-y1]( in []( - Add suffixes to typos that start with "n" by [@​int-y1]( in []( - Add suffixes to typos that start with "o" by [@​int-y1]( in []( - Improve existing suggestions by [@​int-y1]( in []( - Add vulnerabily->vulnerably, vulnerability, spelling correction. by [@​cfi-gb]( in []( - Add suffixes to typos from "pa" to "pl" by [@​int-y1]( in []( - Add suffixes to typos from "po" to "pu" by [@​int-y1]( in []( - Allow words missing from aspell dictionaries by [@​DimitriPapadopoulos]( in []( - Add journalling->journaling to GB->EN dict by [@​luzpaz]( in []( - Use large aspell dictionaries by [@​DimitriPapadopoulos]( in []( - Add suffixes to typos from "q" to "red" by [@​int-y1]( in []( - Add suffixes to typos from "ref" to "rep" by [@​int-y1]( in []( - Add suffixes to typos from "req" to "ry" by [@​int-y1]( in []( - Add suffixes to typos from "sa" to "se" by [@​int-y1]( in []( - Add suffixes to typos from "sh" to "sp" by [@​int-y1]( in []( - Add suffixes to typos from "sr" to "st" by [@​int-y1]( in []( - Remove a branch from `main()` to pass Ruff CI check. by [@​korverdev]( in []( - Add suffixes to typos from "su" to "sz" by [@​int-y1]( in []( - Dictionary fixes by [@​DimitriPapadopoulos]( in []( - Add Pre-Commit as a dev dependency by [@​korverdev]( in []( - Drop support for Python 3.7 by [@​korverdev]( in []( - Fix pre-commit issues by [@​kurtmckee]( in []( - Add suffixes to typos that start with "t" by [@​int-y1]( in []( - Add suffixes to typos that start with "u" by [@​int-y1]( in []( - Add suffixes to typos that start with "v" by [@​int-y1]( in []( - Add suffixes to typos from "w" to "z" by [@​int-y1]( in []( - Add some new misspellings by [@​Jeremiah-England]( in []( - Add spelling corrections for defaoult and variants. by [@​cfi-gb]( in []( - Fix the name of the extra word lists we load by [@​peternewman]( in []( - Add suffixes to typos from "aa" to "acc" by [@​int-y1]( in []( - Add suffixes to typos from "ace" to "ad" by [@​int-y1]( in []( - Add suffixes to typos from "af" to "al" by [@​int-y1]( in []( - Dictionary fixes by [@​DimitriPapadopoulos]( in []( - Add suffixes to typos from "am" to "an" by [@​int-y1]( in []( - Use pre-commit to sort the dictionaries by [@​kurtmckee]( in []( - Simpler dictionary parsing by [@​DimitriPapadopoulos]( in []( - \[] pre-commit autoupdate by [@​pre-commit-ci]( in []( - Add suffixes to typos that start with "ap" by [@​int-y1]( in []( - Half dozen new cases in `dictionary.txt` by [@​janosh]( in []( - Add suffixes to typos that start with "ar" by [@​int-y1]( in []( - Add suffixes to typos that start with "as" by [@​int-y1]( in []( - Add suffixes to typos from "at" to "ay" by [@​int-y1]( in []( - Add suffixes to typos from "ba" to "be" by [@​int-y1]( in []( - Add preperint typo by [@​yarikoptic]( in []( - Add some typos found in a large documentation repo by [@​kurtmckee]( in []( - Add suffixes to typos from "bi" to "bu" by [@​int-y1]( in []( - Add suffixes to typos that start with "ca" by [@​int-y1]( in []( - Add some misspellings and refinements by [@​luzpaz]( in []( - Add typo variations of background(s) by [@​luzpaz]( in []( - Add more typos for "check" and similar by [@​int-y1]( in []( - ...ter → ...tor by [@​DimitriPapadopoulos]( in []( - Add suffixes to typos from "ce" to "ci" by [@​int-y1]( in []( - Remove the grave accent (\`) from the default word regex by [@​DimitriPapadopoulos]( in []( - Add typo variations for 'enble'->'enable' to main dictionary by [@​akien-mga]( in []( - \[] pre-commit autoupdate by [@​pre-commit-ci]( in []( - Add suffixes to typos from "cl" to "col" by [@​int-y1]( in []( - Generate alternative typos with a translation table by [@​DimitriPapadopoulos]( in []( - Remove redundant linting CI workflows handled by by [@​kurtmckee]( in []( - Fix ruff lint error by [@​int-y1]( in []( - Add suffixes to typos that start with "com" by [@​int-y1]( in []( - Add spelling correction for information and variant. by [@​cfi-gb]( in []( - Replace local and CI workflow by pre-commit by [@​DimitriPapadopoulos]( in []( - Add fram->frame and friend by [@​peternewman]( in []( - Add typo variations of 'dispatch' by [@​luzpaz]( in []( - Add more typos for "configure" and similar by [@​int-y1]( in []( - Add suffixes to typos from "cona" to "conr" by [@​int-y1]( in []( - Add suffixes to typos from "cons" to "conv" by [@​int-y1]( in []( - Add more typos for "correspond" and similar by [@​int-y1]( in []( - Adding articifial to artificial to `dictionary.txt` by [@​jamesbraza]( in []( - Move the valid word implementor in rare dictionary by [@​fxlb]( in []( - Typos from tcpdump and libpcap by [@​DimitriPapadopoulos]( in []( - \[] pre-commit autoupdate by [@​pre-commit-ci]( in []( - Add suffixes to typos from "coo" to "coy" by [@​int-y1]( in []( - Add suffixes to typos from "cp" to "cy" by [@​int-y1]( in []( - Add suffixes to typos from "dc" to "den" by [@​int-y1]( in []( - Add suffixes to typos from "dep" to "der" by [@​int-y1]( in []( - \[] fix new ruff issue by [@​DimitriPapadopoulos]( in []( - Add suffixes to typos from "des" to "dev" by [@​int-y1]( in []( - Add suffixes to typos that start with "di" by [@​int-y1]( in []( - Add suffixes to typos from "do" to "dy" by [@​int-y1]( in []( - Add suffixes to typos from "ea" to "en" by [@​int-y1]( in []( - Add suffixes to typos from "ep" to "exe" by [@​int-y1]( in []( - Add suffixes to typos from "exi" to "exu" by [@​int-y1]( in []( - \[] pre-commit autoupdate by [@​DimitriPapadopoulos]( in []( - Update dictionary.txt by [@​janosh]( in []( - \[] pre-commit autoupdate by [@​pre-commit-ci]( in []( - Add suffixes to typos that start with "f" by [@​int-y1]( in []( - Add suffixes to typos from "g" to "h" by [@​int-y1]( in []( - Additions to `dictionary.txt` by [@​janosh]( in []( - Modify structure of dict read from TOML to match dict read from INI by [@​DimitriPapadopoulos]( in []( - Add suffixes to typos from "id" to "inh" by [@​int-y1]( in []( - Add more typos for "initialize" and similar by [@​int-y1]( in []( - Add suffixes to typos from "ini" to "it" by [@​int-y1]( in []( - Add suffixes to typos from "j" to "l" by [@​int-y1]( in []( - Add refinement to 'draing' typo by [@​luzpaz]( in []( - Add suffixes to typos from "ma" to "me" by [@​int-y1]( in []( - Add suffixes to typos from "mi" to "mu" by [@​int-y1]( in []( - Add more variations of "except" and "exempt" by [@​barsnick]( in []( - \[] pre-commit autoupdate by [@​pre-commit-ci]( in []( - Bump actions/checkout from 3 to 4 by [@​dependabot]( in []( - Add spelling correction for "exis". by [@​cfi-gb]( in []( - Add followiing->following by [@​alxgu]( in []( - Add suffixes to typos that start with "n" by [@​int-y1]( in []( - Add suffixes to typos that start with "o" by [@​int-y1]( in []( - \[] pre-commit autoupdate by [@​pre-commit-ci]( in []( - Add suffixes to typos that start with "pa" by [@​int-y1]( in []( - Add suffixes to typos from "pe" to "po" by [@​int-y1]( in []( - Get rid of typos with apostrophe replaced by semicolon by [@​DimitriPapadopoulos]( in []( - Add suffixes to typos from "pr" to "pu" by [@​int-y1]( in []( - Add handlong->handling by [@​nils-van-zuijlen]( in []( - Bump codecov/codecov-action from 3 to 4 by [@​dependabot]( in []( - Add suffixes to typos from "q" to "rec" by [@​int-y1]( in []( - Revert [`b397a6e`]( / [#​3078]( by [@​DimitriPapadopoulos]( in []( - Add various typos by [@​luzpaz]( in []( - Add suffixes to typos from "red" to "rep" by [@​int-y1]( in []( - Add suffixes to typos from "req" to "ru" by [@​int-y1]( in []( - Dictionary additions by [@​janosh]( in []( - \[] pre-commit autoupdate by [@​pre-commit-ci]( in []( - Add suffixes to typos from "sa" to "se" by [@​int-y1]( in []( - Add correction for havne't->haven't by [@​cfi-gb]( in []( - Add suffixes to typos from "sh" to "so" by [@​int-y1]( in []( - Add suffixes to typos from "sp" to "st" by [@​int-y1]( in []( - Add suffixes to typos from "su" to "sy" by [@​int-y1]( in []( - Add suffixes to typos from "ta" to "th" by [@​int-y1]( in []( - \[] pre-commit autoupdate by [@​pre-commit-ci]( in []( - Add suffixes to typos from "ti" to "ty" by [@​int-y1]( in []( - Add suffixes to typos that start with "u" by [@​int-y1]( in []( - Add suffixes to typos from "v" to "z" by [@​int-y1]( in []( - many new typos from different repositories by [@​DimitriPapadopoulos]( in []( - fixing setuptool_scm dependency because the latest version is broken by [@​tomrijntjes]( in []( - More typos by [@​DimitriPapadopoulos]( in []( - Use f-strings wherever possible by [@​DimitriPapadopoulos]( in []( #### New Contributors - [@​IndexSeek]( made their first contribution in []( - [@​alxgu]( made their first contribution in []( - [@​kurtmckee]( made their first contribution in []( - [@​Jeremiah-England]( made their first contribution in []( - [@​pre-commit-ci]( made their first contribution in []( - [@​jamesbraza]( made their first contribution in []( - [@​barsnick]( made their first contribution in []( - [@​dependabot]( made their first contribution in []( - [@​tomrijntjes]( made their first contribution in []( **Full Changelog**:
agronholm/exceptiongroup (exceptiongroup) ### [`v1.1.3`]( [Compare Source]( ### [`v1.1.2`]( [Compare Source](
encode/httpx (httpx) ### [`v0.25.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Removed - Drop support for Python 3.7. ([#​2813]( ##### Added - Support HTTPS proxies. ([#​2845]( - Change the type of `Extensions` from `Mapping[Str, Any]` to `MutableMapping[Str, Any]`. ([#​2803]( - Add `socket_options` argument to `httpx.HTTPTransport` and `httpx.AsyncHTTPTransport` classes. ([#​2716]( - The `Response.raise_for_status()` method now returns the response instance. For example: `data = httpx.get('...').raise_for_status().json()`. ([#​2776]( ##### Fixed - Return `500` error response instead of exceptions when `raise_app_exceptions=False` is set on `ASGITransport`. ([#​2669]( - Ensure all `WSGITransport` environs have a `SERVER_PROTOCOL`. ([#​2708]( - Always encode forward slashes as `%2F` in query parameters ([#​2723]( - Use Mozilla documentation instead of `` for HTTP error reference ([#​2768](
python/mypy (mypy) ### [`v1.6.1`]( [Compare Source]( ### [`v1.6.0`]( [Compare Source](
pytest-dev/pytest (pytest) ### [`v7.4.3`]( [Compare Source](
pytest-dev/pytest-mock (pytest-mock) ### [`v3.12.0`]( [Compare Source]( - Added support for Python 3.12. - Dropped support for EOL Python 3.7. - `mocker.resetall()` now also resets mocks created by `mocker.create_autospec` (`#390`\_). .. \_#390:[](
yaml/pyyaml (pyyaml) ### [`v6.0.1`]( [Compare Source](
--- ### Configuration 📅 **Schedule**: Branch creation - "after 1am and before 2am on saturday" in timezone Etc/UTC, Automerge - At any time (no schedule defined). 🚦 **Automerge**: Disabled by config. Please merge this manually once you are satisfied. ♻ **Rebasing**: Whenever PR becomes conflicted, or you tick the rebase/retry checkbox. 👻 **Immortal**: This PR will be recreated if closed unmerged. Get [config help]( if that's undesired. --- - [ ] If you want to rebase/retry this PR, check this box --- This PR has been generated by [Mend Renovate]( View repository job log [here]( Co-authored-by: renovate[bot] <29139614+renovate[bot]> --- poetry.lock | 122 +++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------ requirements.txt | 110 +++++++++++++++++++++++------------------- 2 files changed, 119 insertions(+), 113 deletions(-) diff --git a/poetry.lock b/poetry.lock index d6b4557..c4b41f2 100644 --- a/poetry.lock +++ b/poetry.lock @@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ tests-no-zope = ["cloudpickle", "hypothesis", "mypy (>=1.1.1)", "pympler", "pyte [[package]] name = "black" -version = "23.9.1" +version = "23.10.1" description = "The uncompromising code formatter." category = "dev" optional = false @@ -102,14 +102,14 @@ colorama = {version = "*", markers = "platform_system == \"Windows\""} [[package]] name = "codespell" -version = "2.2.5" +version = "2.2.6" description = "Codespell" category = "dev" optional = false -python-versions = ">=3.7" +python-versions = ">=3.8" [package.extras] -dev = ["Pygments", "build", "chardet", "pytest", "pytest-cov", "pytest-dependency", "ruff", "tomli"] +dev = ["Pygments", "build", "chardet", "pre-commit", "pytest", "pytest-cov", "pytest-dependency", "ruff", "tomli", "twine"] hard-encoding-detection = ["chardet"] toml = ["tomli"] types = ["chardet (>=5.1.0)", "mypy", "pytest", "pytest-cov", "pytest-dependency"] @@ -359,7 +359,7 @@ python-versions = ">=3.6" [[package]] name = "mypy" -version = "1.5.1" +version = "1.6.1" description = "Optional static typing for Python" category = "dev" optional = false @@ -491,7 +491,7 @@ testing = ["covdefaults (>=2.3)", "pytest (>=7.4)", "pytest-cov (>=4.1)", "pytes [[package]] name = "pytest" -version = "7.4.2" +version = "7.4.3" description = "pytest: simple powerful testing with Python" category = "dev" optional = false @@ -525,11 +525,11 @@ testing = ["fields", "hunter", "process-tests", "pytest-xdist", "six", "virtuale [[package]] name = "pytest-mock" -version = "3.11.1" +version = "3.12.0" description = "Thin-wrapper around the mock package for easier use with pytest" category = "dev" optional = false -python-versions = ">=3.7" +python-versions = ">=3.8" [package.dependencies] pytest = ">=5.0" @@ -646,28 +646,24 @@ attrs = [ {file = "attrs-23.1.0.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:6279836d581513a26f1bf235f9acd333bc9115683f14f7e8fae46c98fc50e015"}, ] black = [ - 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