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jgillis committed May 17, 2024
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion content/blog/matlab-coder/fun_intermediate.m
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% Vreate a CasADi Function
% Create a CasADi Function
F = opti.to_function('F',{p},{radius, center});

[radius_sol,center_sol] = F(p_value);
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310 changes: 188 additions & 122 deletions content/blog/matlab-coder/
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title: Matlab coder meets CasADi codegen
author: jg
tags: MPC simulink
date: 2024-05-15
image: simulink_block.png
tags: matlab
date: 2024-05-17
image: matlab-coder.png

In this post we show how CasADi codegen can be integrated seemlessly with Matlab Coder.
Matlab Coder is capable of transforming a Matlab function into C code.
CasADi codegen is somewhat similar: it generates C code out of a CasADi Function.

As a staring point, we will take an [earlier post on MPC in Simulink]( that featured an interpreted 'Matlab system' block in the simulink diagram.
# Some context

Running CasADi generated code inside a mex file is nothing new.
Indeed, it has been [featured in the user guide]( for many years.
Calls to such a mex file would play nicely with Matlab Coder out-of-the-box.

# Rationale

CasADi is not a monolithic tool. We can easily couple it to other software to have more fun.
Today we'll be exploring a _simple_ coupling with Simulink. We'll be showing off nonlinear MPC (NMPC).
Keeping related pieces of code together one m-script may make your code project more maintainable.
Here is an example piece of code that mixes CasADi and regular matlab operations, inspired by [the Ipopt codegen demo](
function [area_sol, center_sol] = fun_interpreted(a)
opti = casadi.Opti();
{{% figure src="simulink_block.png" title="Simulink block diagram" %}}
center = opti.variable(2);
radius = opti.variable();
# The details
For plant model, we'll be using the familiar [Van der Pol oscillator]( ode:
% Sample edge vertices
ts = linspace(0, 2*pi, 1000);
v_x = radius*cos(ts)+center(1);
v_y = radius*sin(ts)+center(2);
\frac{d\begin{bmatrix}x_1\\\\ x_2\end{bmatrix}}{dt} = \begin{bmatrix}(1-x_2^2)\\, x_1-x_2+u\\\\ x_1\end{bmatrix}.
p = interp1([0,1,2],[0,3,9],a);
opti.set_initial(center, [0.5, 0.5]);
sol = opti.solve();
area_sol = sol.value(pi*radius^2);
center_sol = sol.value(center);
In the above Simulink block diagram, the `rhs` MATLAB function block encodes this ode:
function y = rhs(x,u)
y = [(1-x(2)^2)*x(1) - x(2) + u; x(1)];

The `casadi_block` computes the discrete control signal by solving an Optimal Control Problem (OCP).
The act of closing the loop with the continuous plant makes our setup effectively an MPC controller.

The OCP problem here simply drives the states to zero:

\underset{\begin{array}{c}x(\cdot), u(\cdot)\end{array}}
{\text{minimize}}\quad & \int_{0}^{T}{ \left( x_1(t)^2 + x_2(t)^2 + u(t)^2 \right) \\, dt} \newline
\text{subject to} \\, \quad
& \left\\{\begin{array}{l}
\dot{x}_1(t) = (1-x_2(t)^2) \\, x_1(t) - x_2(t) + u(t) \newline
\dot{x}_2(t) = x_1(t) \newline
-1.0 \le u(t) \le 1.0, \quad x_1(t) \ge -0.25
\quad t \in [0,T] \newline
& x_1(0)=\bar{x}_1, \quad x_2(0)=\bar{x}_2

We will use the [multiple shooting transcription from the CasADi examples]( to cast the OCP to an NLP problem. In short, the multiple shooting code reads like:
Wouldn't it be nice if we could just ask Matlab Coder to generate the mex file for us?
w = {}; % decision variables
g = {}; % cosntraints
J = 0; % objective
% Initial conditions
X0 = MX.sym('X0', 2);
% Formulate the NLP
Xk = X0;
for k=0:N-1
% New NLP variable for the control
Uk = MX.sym('U');
w = {w{:}, Uk};
% Integrate till the end of the interval
Fk = F('x0', Xk, 'p', Uk);
Xk_end = Fk.xf;
% New NLP variable for state at end of interval
Xk = MX.sym('X', 2);
w = {w{:}, Xk};
% Add equality constraint
g = {g{:}, Xk_end-Xk};
codegen fun_interpreted -args {zeros(1,1)}
Unfortunately, we are greeted by a somewhat cryptic error message:

% Create an NLP solver
prob = struct('f', J, 'x', vertcat(w{:}), 'g', vertcat(g{:}));
solver = nlpsol('solver', 'ipopt', prob);
??? Diamond-shape inheritance is not supported in code generation. Class 'casadi.Opti' inherits from base class 'SwigRef' via two or more
Error in ==> Opti Line: 1460 Column: 7
Code generation failed: View Error Report
Matlab coder is trying (and failing) to dump the entire CasADi class hierarchy into C.

Recall from that example the solution plot:
How do we fix this?

{{% figure src="reference.png" title="Reference solution from multiple shooting example" %}}
# Step 1

As we all know, CasADi makes an important distinction between _initialisation_ and _evaluation_ steps.
We would not want to construct an NLP afresh at every sampling time!
Rather, we'd like to construct the NLP once, and simply evaluate it repeatedly using slightly different numerical inputs.
For this purpose, we chose a `MATLAB System` block in Simulink.
The first step we need to do is to make sure we get our hands on a CasADi Function `F` which we can later code-generate:

In abbreviated form, the code in that block reads:
classdef casadi_block < matlab.System
properties (Access = private)
methods (Access = protected)
function setupImpl(obj,~,~)
obj.casadi_solver = nlpsol('solver', 'ipopt', prob, options);
obj.lbx = lbw;
obj.ubx = ubw;
function u = stepImpl(obj,x,t)
lbw = obj.lbx;
ubw = obj.ubx;
solver = obj.casadi_solver;
lbw(1:2) = x;
ubw(1:2) = x;
sol = solver('x0', w0, 'lbx', lbw, 'ubx', ubw,...
'lbg', obj.lbg, 'ubg', obj.ubg);
u = full(sol.x(3));
function [area_sol, center_sol] = fun_intermediate(a)
% Any pre-processing using pure Matlab operations can go here
p_value = interp1([0,1,2],[0,3,9],a);
% Anything CasADi related goes here
opti = casadi.Opti();
center = opti.variable(2);
radius = opti.variable();
p = opti.parameter();
% Sample edge vertices
ts = linspace(0, 2*pi, 1000);
v_x = radius*cos(ts)+center(1);
v_y = radius*sin(ts)+center(2);
opti.set_initial(center, [0.5, 0.5]);
% Vreate a CasADi Function
F = opti.to_function('F',{p},{radius, center});
[radius_sol,center_sol] = F(p_value);
% Any post-processing using pure Matlab operations can go here
area_sol = pi*radius_sol^2;

As you can see, `setupImpl` takes care of constructing the NLP, and `stepImpl` solves the actual NLP while constraining $x_1(0)$ and $x_2(0)$ to the state _measurement_ coming in from Simulink.
At the same time, we also moved some code around to get a split-up between pure Matlab portions of code (pre-processing and post-processing) and CasADi portions of code.

# Step 2
In the next step, we introduce a `'MATLAB')` if-test around any CasADi portion of code.
Most of the code below can just be copy-pasted for your project.
The most important project-specific part is marked with '% Adapt'.
function [area_sol, center_sol] = fun_codable(a)
% Any pre-processing using pure Matlab operations can go here
p_value = interp1([0,1,2],[0,3,9],a);
% Make sure data-types and sizes are known
radius_sol = 0;
center_sol = zeros(2,1);
% Anything CasADi related goes here
% Normal CasADi usage + CasADi codegen
opti = casadi.Opti();
% Codegen via a CasADi Function
F = opti.to_function('F',{p},{radius, center});
[radius_sol,center_sol] = F(p_value);
% Generate C code
% Generate meta-data
config = struct;
config.sz_arg = F.sz_arg();
config.sz_res = F.sz_res();
config.sz_iw = F.sz_iw();
config.sz_w = F.sz_w();
config.include_path = casadi.GlobalOptions.getCasadiIncludePath;
config.path = casadi.GlobalOptions.getCasadiPath;
if ismac
config.link_library_suffix = '.dylib';
config.link_library_prefix = 'lib';
elseif isunix
config.link_library_suffix = '.so';
config.link_library_prefix = 'lib';
elseif ispc
config.link_library_suffix = '.lib';
config.link_library_prefix = '';
% This gets executed when Matlab Coder is parsing the file
% Hooks up Matlab Coder with CasADi generated C code
% Connect .c and .h file
% Set link and include path
config = coder.load('F_config.mat');
% Link with IPOPT
coder.updateBuildInfo('addLinkObjects', [config.link_library_prefix 'ipopt' config.link_library_suffix], config.path, '', true, true);
% Setting up working space
arg = coder.opaque('const casadi_real*');
res = coder.opaque('casadi_real*');
iw = coder.opaque('casadi_int');
w = coder.opaque('casadi_real');
arg = coder.nullcopy(cast(zeros(config.sz_arg,1),'like',arg));
res = coder.nullcopy(cast(zeros(config.sz_res,1),'like',res));
iw = coder.nullcopy(cast(zeros(config.sz_iw,1),'like',iw));
w = coder.nullcopy(cast(zeros(config.sz_w,1),'like',w));
mem = int32(0);
flag= int32(0);
mem = coder.ceval('F_checkout');
% Call the generated CasADi code
coder.rref(p_value), ... % Adapt to as many inputs arguments as your CasADi Function has
coder.wref(radius_sol), coder.wref(center_sol), ... % Adapt to as many outputs as your CasADi Function has
arg, res, iw, w, mem); %
coder.ceval('F_release', mem);
% Any post-processing using pure Matlab operations can go here
area_sol = pi*radius_sol^2;
In general, you may distinguish several approaches to bring CasADi computations into simulink:
1. write CasADi-Matlab code, and use an `interpreted Matlab code` in Simulink
2. write CasADi-Matlab code, and use CasADi's codegenerator to spit out a pure c function (or mex file). Then, interface that pure c function in simulink
3. write a mex file from scratch using CasADi-C++ code
Please see the inline comments for explanations of the various parts.

We used option 1 here. It's the most simple way. Obviously this is not the most efficient way,
but since all of CasADi's number-crunching happens in compiled libraries, `interpreted Matlab code` is not as bad as it sounds perhaps.
Anyway, make sure that you indicate to Simulink that the code is `interpreted`:
# Results

{{% figure src="interpreted.png" title="Simulink block diagram" %}}
The result is a Matlab function that can be handled by Matlab Coder:
codegen fun_codable -args {zeros(1,1)}
Let's jump to results.
% Call the geneated mex function

# The results
MPC control signal:
{{% figure src="simulink_control.png" title="MPC control signal" %}}
At the same time, the code can stil be run/debugged in interpreted mode and is still close to the original `fun_interpreted.m` file.

State evolution:
{{% figure src="simulink_state.png" title="State evolution"%}}
Using `'MATLAB')`, the Simulink system block of [the MPC blog post](]) could be modified and made compatible with embedded targets.

Note how the control trajectory (up to t=10s) matches the reference solution further up in this post.
The state trajectory matches too, but Simulink shows you more detail: you see the smooth time-evolution of the system in-between the sampling times.
Pretty neat, huh?
Just for fun, I dropped in some noised at around t=10s. The MPC controller manages to recover from this.
Downloads: [demo.m](demo.m), [fun_codable.m](fun_codable.m), [fun_interpreted.m](fun_interpreted.m), [fun_intermediate.m](fun_intermediate.m)

This post showed a quick way to drop your CasADi code into Simulink.
We're curious what you'll cook up based on this example. Enjoy!

Downloads: [casadi_block.m](casadi_block.m), [mpc_demo.slx](mpc_demo.slx)

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