If you're a developer, you can obtain a lot of information about marknotes and what he does by enabling the debug mode.
You'll find in the settings.json.dist
file properties for this :
"debug": {
"enabled": 0,
"development": 0,
"logfile": {
"template": "[%level_name%] %message% %context%"
"output": {
"debug": 1,
"info": 1,
"notice": 1,
"warning": 1,
"error": 1,
"critical": 1,
"alert": 1,
"emergency": 1
There are two boolean : enabled
and ´development`.
is the higher mode, when extra informations are displayed or sent to the debug log file. For some actions like Ajax requests, when the development
mode is set, the output can differ (more information) and can be stopped in case of problems (f.i. when notes are exported to a specific format like .docx
Enabling the normal debugging mode is thus, simply, set enabled
to the value of 1.
"debug": {
"enabled": 0
You can, of course, enable the debug mode from the settings screen of marknotes.
You'll find the debug file in the /tmp
folder of your marknotes website. The name of file is debug.log
This file can be removed without a problem, it'll be created every time marknotes will be called; even for an Ajax request.
The file will be created each time : there is no append to the file; a log is one action.
marknotes use the monolog library for outputting strings in the log file.
The sentence will have a specific layout as described here library. You can choose to mention the date/time, the username, ...
The standard template is : [%level_name%] %message% %context%
where %message% is the placeholder when the real debug sentence will appear.
If you want something else, you can modify the template
"debug": {
"logfile": {
"template": "[%level_name%] %message% %context%"
The last properties are, in fact, filters : you can choose to output only errors message and not "pollute" the debug file with debug / info / notice or warning messages, you just want to see errors.
If it's your choose, look the code below : we've filter message until error, the first one who will be displayed in our log file.
"debug": {
"output": {
"debug": 0,
"info": 0,
"notice": 0,
"warning": 0,
"error": 1,
"critical": 1,
"alert": 1,
"emergency": 1
You can also use the DEBUG interface by adding /DEBUG to your URL so, instead of going to http://localhost/notes visit http://localhost/notes/DEBUG.
DEBUG is indeed the name of a subfolder of marknotes. You'll find there a index.php file that will display an interface to help you to debug marknotes like f.i. an interface for reading the debug.log file.