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2024-07-21 update : added main model and added sim func.
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cbernalz committed Jul 21, 2024
1 parent c04006f commit 784e107
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Showing 11 changed files with 482 additions and 7 deletions.
20 changes: 20 additions & 0 deletions Project.toml
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Expand Up @@ -3,6 +3,26 @@ uuid = "176850df-a79a-485c-b76d-f2c16e00fafb"
authors = ["Christian O. Bernal Zelaya"]
version = "1.0.0-DEV"

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LineSearches = "d3d80556-e9d4-5f37-9878-2ab0fcc64255"
LinearAlgebra = "37e2e46d-f89d-539d-b4ee-838fcccc9c8e"
LogExpFunctions = "2ab3a3ac-af41-5b50-aa03-7779005ae688"
Logging = "56ddb016-857b-54e1-b83d-db4d58db5568"
MCMCChains = "c7f686f2-ff18-58e9-bc7b-31028e88f75d"
NaNMath = "77ba4419-2d1f-58cd-9bb1-8ffee604a2e3"
Optim = "429524aa-4258-5aef-a3af-852621145aeb"
PreallocationTools = "d236fae5-4411-538c-8e31-a6e3d9e00b46"
Random = "9a3f8284-a2c9-5f02-9a11-845980a1fd5c"
Turing = "fce5fe82-541a-59a6-adf8-730c64b5f9a0"
Plots = "91a5bcdd-55d7-5caf-9e0b-520d859cae80"

julia = "1"

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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions docs/Project.toml
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@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
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Plots = "91a5bcdd-55d7-5caf-9e0b-520d859cae80"
UCIWWEIHR = "176850df-a79a-485c-b76d-f2c16e00fafb"
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion docs/make.jl
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Expand Up @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ makedocs(;
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"HOME" => "",
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion docs/src/
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@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# [UCIWWEIHR.jl Package License](@id license)

The UCIWWEIHR.jl package is licensed under the [MIT License](
The UCIWWEIHR.jl package is licensed under the MIT License.

## MIT License

Expand Down
51 changes: 48 additions & 3 deletions docs/src/
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@@ -1,14 +1,59 @@
```@setup tutorial
using Plots; gr()
# [Tutorials](@id tutorial)

Welcome to the Tutorials page for the UCIWWEIHR.jl project. This section provides step-by-step guides and examples to help you get started with using the package and understanding its features.

## Getting Started
## 1. Getting Started

### Installation
### 1.1 Installation

To install the UCIWWEIHR.jl package, open the Julia REPL and run the following command:

``` julia
using Pkg

## 2. Generating simulated data

This package provides a way to also simulate data using the model specified in the future paper. The function called `generate_simulation_data_ww_eihr` can be used to generate synthetic data for a given number of samples and features. Here we provide a way to generate synthetic data for the default settings of `generate_simulation_data_ww_eihr`:

``` @example tutorial
using Plots
# Running simulation function with defaults
df = generate_simulation_data_ww_eihr()
first(df, 5)

Here we can make simple plots to visualize the data generated using the [Plots.jl]( package.

### 2.1. Concentration of Pathogen Genome in WW
```@example tutorial
plot(df.obstimes, df.log_ww_conc,
ylabel="Conc. of Pathogen Genome in WW",
title="Plot of Conc. of Pathogen Genome in WW Over Time")

### 2.2. Hospitalizations
```@example tutorial
plot(df.obstimes, df.hosp,
title="Plot of Hosp Over Time")

### 2.3. Reproductive Number
```@example tutorial
plot(df.obstimes, df.rt,
title="Plot of RT Over Time")
28 changes: 27 additions & 1 deletion src/UCIWWEIHR.jl
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@@ -1,8 +1,34 @@

# Write your package code here.
using AxisArrays
using MCMCChains
using Optim
using LineSearches
using Random
using LinearAlgebra
using NaNMath
using LogExpFunctions
using PreallocationTools
using Distributions
using Turing
using Random
using ForwardDiff
using Logging
using CSV
using DataFrames
using DifferentialEquations
using Plots

export eihr_ode
export sum_values
export generate_simulation_data_ww_eihr
export bayes_eihr_model
export NegativeBinomial2
export GeneralizedTDist

190 changes: 190 additions & 0 deletions src/bayes_eihr_model.jl
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@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
# bayesian non-constant Rt and hosp rate model eihr
# -------------------------------------------------
This is the bayesian semi-parametric model for the wastewater EIHR compartmental model.
The defaults for this fuction will follow those of the default simulation in generate_simulation_data_ww_eihr.jl function.
# Arguments
- `data_hosp::Array{Float64}`: An array of hospital data.
- `data_wastewater::Array{Float64}`: An array of pathogen genome concentration in localized wastewater data.
- `obstimes::Array{Float64}`: An array of timepoints for observed hosp/wastewater.
- `E_init_sd::Float64`: Standard deviation for the initial number of exposed individuals.
- `E_init_mean::Int64`: Mean for the initial number of exposed individuals.
- `I_init_sd::Float64`: Standard deviation for the initial number of infected individuals.
- `I_init_mean::Int64`: Mean for the initial number of infected individuals.
- `H_init_sd::Float64`: Standard deviation for the initial number of hospitalized individuals.
- `H_init_mean::Int64`: Mean for the initial number of hospitalized individuals.
- `gamma_sd::Float64`: Standard deviation for the rate of incubation.
- `log_gamma_mean::Float64`: Mean for the rate of incubation on log scale.
- `nu_sd::Float64`: Standard deviation for the rate of laeving the infected compartment.
- `log_nu_mean::Float64`: Mean for the rate of leaving the infected compartment on the log scale.
- `epsilon_sd::Float64`: Standard deviation for the rate of hospitalization recovery.
- `log_epsilon_mean::Float64`: Mean for the rate of hospitalization recovery on the log scale.
- `rho_gene_sd::Float64`: Standard deviation for the rho prior.
- `log_rho_gene_mean::Float64`: Mean for the row prior on log scale.
- `tau_sd::Float64`: Standard deviation for the scale/variation of the log scale data.
- `log_tau_mean::Float64`: Mean for the scale/variation of the log scale data on log scale itself.
- `df_shape::Float64`: Shape parameter for the gamma distribution.
- `df_scale::Float64`: Scale parameter for the gamma distribution.
- `sigma_hosp_sd::Float64`: Standard deviation for the negative binomial distribution for hospital data.
- `sigma_hosp_mean::Float64`: Mean for the negative binomial distribution for hospital data.
- `Rt_init_sd::Float64`: Standard deviation for the initial value of the time-varying reproduction number.
- `Rt_init_mean::Float64`: Mean for the initial value of the time-varying reproduction number.
- `sigma_Rt_sd::Float64`: Standard deviation for normal prior of log time-varying reproduction number standard deviation.
- `sigma_Rt_mean::Float64`: Mean for normal prior of log time-varying reproduction number standard deviation.
- `w_init_sd::Float64`: Standard deviation for the initial value of the time-varying hospitalization rate.
- `w_init_mean::Float64`: Mean for the initial value of the time-varying hospitalization rate.
- `sigma_w_sd::Float64`: Standard deviation for normal prior of log time-varying hospitalization rate standard devaiation.
- `sigma_w_mean::Float64`: Mean for normal prior of time-varying hospitalization rate standard devaiation.
- `param_change_times::Array{Float64}`: An array of timepoints where the parameters change.

@model function bayes_eihr_model(
E_init_sd::Float64, E_init_mean::Int64,
I_init_sd::Float64, I_init_mean::Int64,
H_init_sd::Float64, H_init_mean::Int64,
gamma_sd::Float64, log_gamma_mean::Float64,
nu_sd::Float64, log_nu_mean::Float64,
epsilon_sd::Float64, log_epsilon_mean::Float64,
rho_gene_sd::Float64, log_rho_gene_mean::Float64,
tau_sd::Float64, log_tau_mean::Float64,
df_shape::Float64, df_scale::Float64,
sigma_hosp_sd::Float64, sigma_hosp_mean::Float64,
Rt_init_sd::Float64, Rt_init_mean::Float64,
sigma_Rt_sd::Float64, sigma_Rt_mean::Float64,
w_init_sd::Float64, w_init_mean::Float64,
sigma_w_sd::Float64, sigma_w_mean::Float64,

# Prelims
max_neg_bin_sigma = 1e10
min_neg_bin_sigma = 1e-10

# Calculate number of observed datapoints timepoints
l_obs = length(obstimes)
l_param_change_times = length(param_change_times)

# PRIORS-----------------------------
# Compartments
E_init_non_centered ~ Normal()
I_init_non_centered ~ Normal()
H_init_non_centered ~ Normal()
# Parameters for compartments
gamma_non_centered ~ Normal()
nu_non_centered ~ Normal()
epsilon_non_centered ~ Normal()
# Parameters for wastewater
rho_gene_non_centered ~ Normal() # gene detection rate
tau_non_centered ~ Normal() # standard deviation for log scale data
df ~ Gamma(df_shape, df_scale)
# Parameters for hospital
sigma_hosp_non_centered ~ Normal()
# Non-constant Rt
Rt_params_non_centered ~ MvNormal(zeros(l_param_change_times + 2), I) # +2 for sigma and init
sigma_Rt_non_centered = Rt_params_non_centered[1]
Rt_init_non_centered = Rt_params_non_centered[2]
log_Rt_steps_non_centered = Rt_params_non_centered[3:end]
# Non-constant Hosp Rate w
w_params_non_centered ~ MvNormal(zeros(l_param_change_times + 2), I) # +2 for sigma and init
sigma_w_non_centered = w_params_non_centered[1]
w_init_non_centered = w_params_non_centered[2]
log_w_steps_non_centered = w_params_non_centered[3:end]

# TRANSFORMATIONS--------------------
# Compartments
E_init = E_init_non_centered * E_init_sd + E_init_mean
I_init = I_init_non_centered * I_init_sd + I_init_mean
H_init = H_init_non_centered * H_init_sd + H_init_mean
# Parameters for compartments
gamma = exp(gamma_non_centered * gamma_sd + log_gamma_mean)
nu = exp(nu_non_centered * nu_sd + log_nu_mean)
epsilon = exp(epsilon_non_centered * epsilon_sd + log_epsilon_mean)
# Parameters for wastewater
rho_gene = exp(rho_gene_non_centered * rho_gene_sd + log_rho_gene_mean)
tau = exp(tau_non_centered * tau_sd + log_tau_mean)
# Parameters for hospital
sigma_hosp = clamp.(sigma_hosp_non_centered * sigma_hosp_sd + sigma_hosp_mean, min_neg_bin_sigma, max_neg_bin_sigma)
# Non-constant Rt
Rt_init = exp(Rt_init_non_centered * Rt_init_sd + Rt_init_mean)
sigma_Rt = exp(sigma_Rt_non_centered * sigma_Rt_sd + sigma_Rt_mean)
alpha_t_no_init = exp.(log(Rt_init) .+ cumsum(log_Rt_steps_non_centered) * sigma_Rt) * nu
alpha_init = Rt_init * nu
alpha_t = vcat(alpha_init, alpha_t_no_init)
# Non-constant Hosp Rate w
w_init = exp(w_init_non_centered * w_init_sd + w_init_mean)
sigma_w = exp(sigma_w_non_centered * sigma_w_sd + sigma_w_mean)
w_no_init = exp.(log(w_init) .+ cumsum(log_w_steps_non_centered) * sigma_w)
w_t = vcat(w_init, w_no_init)

# ODE SETUP--------------------------
prob = ODEProblem{true}(eihr_ode!, zeros(3), (0.0, obstimes[end]), ones(5))
function param_affect_beta!(integrator)
ind_t = searchsortedfirst(param_change_times, integrator.t) # Find the index of param_change_times that contains the current timestep
integrator.p[1] = alpha_t_no_init[ind_t] # Replace alpha with a new value from alpha_t_no_init
integrator.p[4] = w_no_init[ind_t] # Replace w with a new value from w_no_init
param_callback = PresetTimeCallback(param_change_times, param_affect_beta!, save_positions=(false, false))
u0 = [E_init, I_init, H_init]
p0 = [alpha_init, gamma, nu, w_init, epsilon]
extra_ode_precision = false
abstol = extra_ode_precision ? 1e-11 : 1e-9
reltol = extra_ode_precision ? 1e-8 : 1e-6
sol = solve(prob, Tsit5(); callback=param_callback, saveat=obstimes, save_start=true,
verbose=false, abstol=abstol, reltol=reltol, u0=u0, p=p0, tspan=(0.0, obstimes[end]))
# If the ODE solver fails, reject the sample by adding -Inf to the likelihood
if sol.retcode != :Success
println("An error occurred during ODE solution!!!")
Turing.@addlogprob! -Inf
sol_array = Array(sol)
I_comp_sol = clamp.(sol_array[2,2:end],1, 1e10)

# W-W means--------------------------
# E - 1 // I - 2 // H - 3 // R - 4
log_genes_mean = log.(I_comp_sol) .+ log(rho_gene) # first entry is the initial conditions, we want 2:end
# Likelihood calculations------------
sol_hosp = clamp.(sol_array[3,2:end], 1, 1e10)
for i in 1:l_obs
data_wastewater[i] ~ GeneralizedTDist(log_genes_mean[i], tau, df)
data_hosp[i] ~ NegativeBinomial2(sol_hosp[i], sigma_hosp)

# Generated quantities
H_comp = sol_array[3, :]
rt_vals = alpha_t / nu
w_t = w_t

return (
alpha_t = alpha_t,
gamma = gamma,
nu = nu,
w_t = w_t,
epsilon = epsilon,
rt_vals = rt_vals,
rho_gene = rho_gene,
tau = tau,
df = df,
sigma_hosp = sigma_hosp,
H = H_comp,
log_genes_mean = log_genes_mean


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