Use RVM to isolate ruby versions and gem sets.
In this example, we are creating an isolated gemset for the has project.
sudo gem install rvm # install RVM
rvm list known # show all available Rubies
rvm install 1.8.7 # install the latest 1.8.7 ruby
rvm list # show locally installed Rubies
rvm use 1.8.7 # use it
rvm gemset create has # make a gemset
rvm gemset use has # use your gemset
gem install capistrano # don't sudo gem install !!!!
gem install capistrano-ext
gem install ruby-debug
gem install haml
Next time you work on has try:
rvm use 1.8.7@has
and you will have only the gems you configured for has.
Another super cool thing you can do is create a “.rvmrc” file at the top of your project
the file can have just one line:
rvm use 1.8.7@has
From that point on whenever you enter your project directory, your RVM gemsets will be loaded.
We used to use rake tasks to manage our local gem files. We would invoke rake gems:install
But using this method didn’t give us as fine controll as we would have liked. Enter bunlder.
To use bundler you must have a recent version of rubygems installed. After that, managing gems is as simple as installing bundler:
gem install bundler
Next run gem bundle install
to update the your gems to meet the projects dependencies.
If you need to add a gems, or change the version of a gem, make changes to the Gemfile, and run gem install bundler
Deployment works thanks to a bundler’s capistrano support. When a project is deployed, a local gem directory will be created in the shared path shared/bundle — gems will be unpacked and loaded from this shared location. This prevents projects from contaminating system gems.
To get the capistrano bundle support to work, you will need to checkin the Gemfile and the Gemfile.lock files. But never checkin the bundle/ driectory.