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Releases: ccorp2002/Movecraft-CE-Unteathered

Movecraft-CE:U - Release 0.0.3HOTFIX

21 Nov 04:08
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After some testing fiddling around, I have lowered the average craft's chunk load-radius from 2 to 1.

Crafts do not load chunks unless the craft is checking blocks, processing movements, or being interacted with in the world.

Repair Subcraft Rotate Signs.
Repair Subcraft Move Signs.

Subcraft Move Signs function similarly to RMove (Relative Move) signs.

However, they operate on Subcrafts rather than the whole vehicle.
This may allow you to create sliding doors, or elevators, aboard a larger craft.

Their format is as follows:

Line 1) Subcraft Move
Line 2) SubcraftName
Line 3) X,Y,Z

The SubcaftName is to be replaced with the Subcraft's type's name. ex: Elevator.

Whereas the X,Y,Z is a bit more complicated.
The X,Y and Z axis, is relative to the sign's back side (opposite of the side that normally has writing on it).
So if the sign's back is facing North, X is Left/Right of North (East/West).
Y and Z are a bit more intuitive, Y is Up/Down, and Z is Forwards/Backwards.

To move Up on Right Click, the Line 3 of the Sign may be formatted as 0,1,0.
To move Down on Right Click, you can set line 3 to 0,-1,0.

(Sneak/Shift-right clicking the sign inverts the applied movements, simply multiplies the number(s) by -1)

Full Changelog: 0.0.2Pre...0.0.3Pre

Movecraft-CE:U - Release 0.0.2

15 Nov 04:38
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Fixes Craft Sinking.

  • Simplified/improved sinkPercent and overallSinkPercent craft options.
  • Adds a disablePercent craft option, which determines the remaining percentage of all moveBlocks, before becoming immobilized.
  • sinkPercent only applies to flyBlocks, like normal, however, sinkPercent now represents what percent of the flyBlock must be lost before it is to sink.

    overallSinkPercent applies to all blocks aboard the craft, and now represents what percent of the total block count must be lost before sinking.

Movecraft-CE:U - Release 0.0.1

13 Nov 08:12
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Movecraft-Community Edition : Unteathered

Requires at least Java 21+ & Minecraft 1.20.4-1.21.3.

MUST be using a Paper/Paper Fork (so like Purpur or something), We're ditching SpigotMC support with this one...

New Mechanic-Features/Changes:

  • Fixes the creation of holes in the Water made by recently piloted & moving Ships.

  • Redstone-Block Updates on moving crafts.

  • Delayed the expensive (Both Server- and Client-side) Lighting Updates, by a few seconds (>5s) post movement. Should help with Player's FPS on large ships and makes Craft Movement visually smoother.

  • New config.yml Options.

  • New ShipType.craft Options.

  • Improved how movecraft goes about block-setting and sending the changes to nearby players.

  • Added back WASD Direct Control, use /dc to toggle it.

  • Changes to how Fuel Items are burnt; Fuel may burn faster or slower compared to APDev/Mainstream Movecraft.

  • New Total Blockcount Craft-HP Actionbar, displays the amount of Remaining blocks aboard the craft, over the amount of initial blocks. (Non-Air Blocks, in particular)

API Changes:

  • Added new Fuel-type API/Event.
  • TrackedLocations, used internally for various things, such as tracking Interior Air-Blocks aboard ships (Helps with mitigating the holes in the water), or keeping track of Fuel-Block Locations.
  • Craft DataTags, Allow you to store arbitrary data "aboard" a Craft-Object. Is cleared upon the craft Releasing. Used for storing current Fly-Block & Move-Block count.
  • The previously mentioned fuel item-changes, now allow you to register custom fuels via the CraftManager-API.
  • SpeedModifier (SpeedMod) API, allowing developers to dynamically increase or decrease the speed of a given BaseCraft-Object.
    • Positive Numbers Decrease Speed/Increase delay of Movements; Negative Numbers do the opposite.

Many many more changes, read the code to get a better idea...


The Following ONLY works if you are using the PaperMC Fork:
Multiworld-Threading (TLDR; Large Crafts will move without extensively lagging the main thread of the server.)
In the config.yml
IsMultithreaded: false