Upgrade to elm-ui
Update package
- "mdgriffith/style-elements": "5.0.1",
- "mdgriffith/elm-ui": "1.1.5",
import Style exposing (..) import Style.Border as Border import Style.Color as Color import Style.Font as Font import Element.Attributes exposing (..)
import Element.Border as Border import Element.Font as Font import Element exposing (Attribute, Color, rgba255)
Remove stylesheet function (that returns Stylesheet Styles variation
If you have a fontFamily style function, that returns List Font, change it to use Font.family and return Attribute msg
Change function signatures
- Element Styles variation msg
- Element msg
Remove style parameter
- paragraph UnhappyPathText [ width (fillPortion 90) ] [ text string ]
- paragraph [ width (fillPortion 90) ] [ text string ]
Change width percent it becomes fill or fillPortion now
Change class
- class "blah"
- htmlAttribute (Html.Attributes.class "blah")
Change attributes
- center, verticalCenter
- centerX, centerY
Change padding and spacing calls padding and spacing take Int instead of Float fillPortion same, presumably between 0 and 1 probably others
Element.layout takes a list of attributes instead of a StyleSheet