Requirements for multi-node or manual testing: Install docker and docker-compose. Start Docker daemon
Run the following command from the sgn repo root folder
go test -failfast -v -timeout 30m
Logs are located at
- geth log path: docker-volumes/geth-env/geth.log
- sgn nodeN log path: docker-volumes/nodeN/sgn/sgnd.log
Run the following command from the sgn repo root folder
go test -failfast -v -timeout 30m
Follow instructions in test/e2e/manual for multi-node manual testing in a local docker environment.
Run following commands in sgn repo root folder
make reset-test-data
WITH_CLEVELDB=yes make install-all
make localnet-start-geth
sgnops deploy --contract all
sgnd start 2>&1 | tee sgnd.log
Note: wait for a few seconds between steps
sgnops init-candidate --commission-rate 150 --min-self-stake 1000 --rate-lock-period 300
sgncli tx validator set-transactors
sgncli query validator candidate 00078b31fa8b29a76bce074b5ea0d515a6aeaee7
sgnops delegate --candidate 00078b31fa8b29a76bce074b5ea0d515a6aeaee7 --amount 10000
sgncli query validator validator sgn1qehw7sn3u3nhnjeqk8kjccj263rq5fv002l5fk
sgncli tx validator withdraw-reward 00078b31fa8b29a76bce074b5ea0d515a6aeaee7
sgncli gateway --laddr tcp://
sgnops guard-test --sgn-gateway # run in sgn repo root folder
curl -X POST -d '{ "seq_num": "10" }' # should succeed
curl -X POST -d '{ "seq_num": "12" }' # should succeed
curl -X POST -d '{ "seq_num": "11" }' # should fail
curl -X POST -d '{ "seq_num": "9" }' # should success, look for guard tx in sgnd.log
curl -X POST -d '{ "seq_num": "15" }' # should fail
- Submit and vote yes for the upgrade proposal:
sgncli tx govern submit-proposal software-upgrade test --title "upgrade test" --description "upgrade test" --deposit 10 --upgrade-height 100
sgncli tx govern vote 1 yes
- Add upgrade handler to
after the chain halts:
app.upgradeKeeper.SetUpgradeHandler("test", func(ctx sdk.Context, plan upgrade.Plan) {
// upgrade changes here
log.Infof("upgrade to test")
- Restart the chain with
sgnd start