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File metadata and controls

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Peeps 3


This is a simple test app for testing JSONAPI::Resources.

It supports the three different resource retrieval strategies under different namespaces, V09, V10, V11.

It is currently setup to use JR from a local directory that is a sibling of where this is checked out, but this can of course be changed in the Gemfile.

The app provides access to a contacts database with the following features for testing and demonstrating the JR v0.11 release (currently in development). The database will be seeded with a fairly large set of realistic data using the seeds script and the Faker gem.



Users of the application. These can be admins or regular users, set by an admin boolean.

Requests to Peeps3 can be authenticated or not. Pass in a username as the content of an Authorization header.


  • has_many :images, as: :imageable - Images of the user using a polymorphic type
  • has_many :contacts, foreign_key: "created_by_user_id" - Contacts created by the User


Contacts managed by Peeps3. Contacts have email, names, and a public boolean setting. The public setting is used to determine if a contact can be accessed without authorization.


  • belongs_to :creator, foreign_key: "created_by_user_id", class_name: "User" - The user that created the contact
  • has_many :phone_numbers
  • has_many :images, as: :imageable - Images of the contact using a polymorphic type


Images of Contacts or Users, using a polymorphic relationship. No real images are stored, just filenames to keep it simple.


  • belongs_to :imageable, polymorphic: true
  • belongs_to :user,-> { left_joins(:images).where(images: {imageable_type: 'User'}) }, foreign_key: 'imageable_id', optional: true
  • belongs_to :contact,-> { left_joins(:images).where(images: {imageable_type: 'Contact'}) }, foreign_key: 'imageable_id', optional: true


A Phone Number record associated with contacts.


  • belongs_to :contact


docker compose for running postgres and redis

The app contains a docker compose environment if you wish to use it to run postgres and redis. Make a copy of docker-compose.override.yml for the example file as set the ports to expose and any other needed changes.

Start the databases with docker compose up

Setup the peeps database

bundle exec rails db:setup

This should create and seed the database with some data using faker.

Run the app

bundle exec rails s

Access the API with curl

The controllers support authentication by specifying the user name in an authentication header. For example:

curl "http://localhost:4000/v11/images?include=imageable&page%5Bsize%5D=1000" \
     -H 'Accept: application/vnd.api+json' \
     -H 'Authorization: admin1'
curl "http://localhost:4000/v11/contacts?include=phone-numbers&include=images&page%5Bsize%5D=15" \
     -H 'Accept: application/vnd.api+json'

There are some additional curl commands to access the api in the Wiki.

Differences by resource retrieval strategy

Currently using 'JSONAPI::ActiveRelationRetrievalV09' does not apply permissions filtering to the included resources