- Fix to requirements file. WorldMap is django 1.4.13; geoconnect is 1.10.7+
- Added field to Dataverse Info: datafile_is_restricted = models.BooleanField()
- Changed field in DataverseInfo: dataset_citation was CharField, now TextField
- Added "can_use_fields_all"
- For model forms, all fields are often used. In Django 1.4, no params need to be specified. In later versions, need to specify the META param: fields = '__all__''
- Update ClassifyLayerForm so that initial queryset-created choices work with Django 1.9+ migrations
- Change Django requirements to >=1.6
- Add migrations for the layer_classification
- Upgrading Django, from 1.6 to 1.10
- Add "fields" attribute to forms: MapLayerMetadataValidationForm, ShapefileImportDataForm, ClassifyRequestDataForm
- Added default for DataverseInfo.dataset_is_public
- ClassifyLayerForm. Label update.
- ClassifyLayerForm. Add "Select..." as first form choice
- Add data_source_type to ClassifyLayerForm
- If it appears, remove "_unnamed" attribute from list of classification choices
- Added url for DELETE_TABLEJOIN
- Updated data for Dataverse API to include layer_links and join_description - Add clean method to GeoconnectToDataverseDeleteMapLayerMetadataForm
- Fixed url error
- Fixed setup packages list, was missing "worldmap_datatables"
- url updates
- Remove APIValidateHelperForm, MapLatLngLayerRequestFormWithValidate, TableUploadAndJoinRequestFormWithValidate
- Adding url for mapping lat/lng
- Forms ClassifyRequestDataForm and LayerAttributeRequestForm are no longer inheriting from APIValidateHelperForm
- Note, this is being re-configured to use regular auth for the WorldMap instead of a token
- Added DataTableResponse
- Added DataTableUploadForm (+ uploaded_file field)
- Added attributes to TableUploadAndJoinRequest
Added worldmap_datatables for geoconnect API - Added TableJoinResult, TableJoinResultForm - Added TableJoinRequest, TableJoinRequestForm - Added MapLatLngLayerRequest, MapLatLngLayerRequestForm
Added TABULAR_TYPES in the DataverseInfo model
Use forms to reduce size of map_image_link. Change bbox decimal precision to 4. See "def format_to_len255"
Changed map_image_link from a URLField to a TextField. Ran into error when the value exceeded 255 chars.
Django req. was dropped--but this change was then reverted.
Updates - Update ClassifyRequestDataForm and LayerAttributeRequestForm to include datafile_id and dataverse_installation_name
Updates - Update ClassifyLayerForm so it may be used for Geoconnect - ClassifyRequestDataForm form created to check classification API calls
Updates - Beginning use of APIValidateHelperForm for API calls
- Updated to ShapefileImportDataForm to inherit from APIValidateHelperForm
- Updated Delete function to use APIValidateHelperForm
- Remove unused EmbedLayerForm
Updates - Updated WorldMapToGeoconnectMapLayerMetadataValidationForm
- Used clean_layer_link to point to a new map instead of the standalone layer
Updates - Updated WorldMapToGeoconnectMapLayerMetadataValidationForm
- Set embed_map_link to https for dev and prod--so they will work in an iframe
Updates - Add worldmap_api_helper.url_helper
- Code moved out of geoconnect
- Add fields to MapLayerMetadata object
- llbbox - lat/long bounding box
- map_image_link - link to a png image
- download_links - other download links for a WorldMap layer
- download_links - dict of links to export in different formats:
- [u'zip', u'gml', u'tiff', u'KML', u'jpg', u'json', u'pdf', u'csv', u'xls', u'png']
- .zip is shapefile, json is geojson, tiff is geotiff
- Remove field from MapLayerMetadata object
- datafile_id - not needed. Field is part of the token.
- Source data at WorldMap only needs a Layer object to produce MapLayerMetadata
- Share MapLayerMetadata object and related form code in Geoconnect and WorldMap
- added index to DataverseInfo.datafile_id