Drone plugin for deployment with Nomad
Build the binary with the following command:
export GOOS=linux
export GOARCH=amd64
export CGO_ENABLED=0
export GO111MODULE=on
go build -v -a -tags netgo -o build/linux/amd64/drone-nomad
Build the Docker image with the following command:
docker build \
--label org.label-schema.build-date=$(date -u +"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ") \
--label org.label-schema.vcs-ref=$(git rev-parse --short HEAD) \
--file docker/Dockerfile.linux.amd64 --tag plugins/nomad .
docker run --rm \
-v $(pwd):$(pwd) \
-w $(pwd) \
The following variables could be configured on a nomad template with the following syntax ${VAR_NAME}
Environment | Argument | Description |
PLUGIN_ADDR | nomad addr | |
PLUGIN_CONSUL_TOKEN | consul token | |
PLUGIN_TOKEN | nomad token | |
PLUGIN_REGION | nomad region | |
PLUGIN_NAMESPACE | nomad namespace | |
PLUGIN_TEMPLATE | nomad template | |
PLUGIN_PRESERVE_COUNTS | preserve task counts when deploying (bool) | |
PLUGIN_WATCH_DEPLOYMENT | trigger a deploy and wait till the deployment is complete (bool) | |
PLUGIN_WATCH_DEPLOYMENT_TIMEOUT | if watch deployment is enabled, wait up to this time duration for the deploy to finish. Errors on timeout. Default: "5m" (duration string) | |
PLUGIN_TLS_CA_CERT | tls_ca_cert | nomad tls ca certificate file |
PLUGIN_TLS_CA_PATH | tls_ca_path | nomad tls ca certificate file path |
PLUGIN_TLS_CA_CERT_PEM | tls_ca_cert_pem | nomad tls ca certificate pem |
PLUGIN_TLS_CLIENT_CERT | tls_client_cert | nomad tls client certificate |
PLUGIN_TLS_CLIENT_CERT_PEM | tls_client_cert_pem | nomad tls client certificate pem |
PLUGIN_TLS_CLIENT_KEY | tls_client_key | nomad tls client private key |
PLUGIN_TLS_CLIENT_KEY_PEM | tls_client_key_pem | nomad tls client private key pem |
PLUGIN_TLS_SERVERNAME | tls_servername | nomad tls server name |
PLUGIN_TLS_INSECURE | tls_insecure | nomad tls insecure |
DRONE_REPO_OWNER | repository owner | |
DRONE_REPO_NAME | repository name | |
DRONE_COMMIT_SHA | git commit sha | |
DRONE_COMMIT_REF | git commit ref | |
DRONE_COMMIT_BRANCH | git commit branch | |
DRONE_COMMIT_AUTHOR | git author name | |
DRONE_COMMIT_MESSAGE | commit message | |
DRONE_BUILD_EVENT | build event | |
DRONE_BUILD_NUMBER | build number | |
DRONE_BUILD_PARENT | build parent | |
DRONE_BUILD_STATUS | build status | |
DRONE_BUILD_LINK | build link | |
DRONE_BUILD_STARTED | build started | |
DRONE_BUILD_CREATED | build created | |
DRONE_TAG | build tag | |
DRONE_JOB_STARTED | job started |