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Tapyrus Wallet C Sharp Library

This is WIP.

How to build

1. Build /tapyrus-wallet-ffi

Setup Rustc env on Windows env and build /tapyrus-wallet-ffi like below.

 $ cd tapyrus-wallet-ffi
 $ cargo build --release

2. Generate CSharp binding file

First, You need to install uniffi-bindgen-cs.

 $ cargo install uniffi-bindgen-cs --git --tag v0.7.0+v0.25.0

Check the later half of the tag is same with uniffi version in tapyrus-wallet-ffi/Cargo.toml.

Then, generate binding file below command.

 $ cd tapyrus-wallet-ffi
 $ uniffi-bindgen-cs target/release/tapyrus_wallet_ffi.dll --library --out-dir ..\TapyrusWalletCSharp\TapyrusWalletCSharp\src\com\chaintope\tapyrus\wallet\

Now you can find the binding file at TapyrusWalletCSharp/src/com/chaintope/tapyrus/wallet/wallet.cs

3. Build C# binding

Build the C# binding generated previous step like below.

 $ cd TapyrusWalletCSharp\TapyrusWalletCSharp
 $ dotnet build -c Release

You need to put in two dll files to your project.

  • TapyrusWalletCSharp\TapyrusWalletCSharp\bin\Debug\net6.0\TapyrusWalletCSharp.dll
  • tapyrus-wallet-ffi\target\release\tapyrus_wallet_ffi.dll

Note: tapyrus_wallet_ffi.dll cannot be added as a reference directly in the C# project. This DLL should be placed in a location accessible to the application, such as the system directory or the same directory as the executable file.

Run unit tests

Before you need to do the How to build process.


 $ cd TapyrusWalletCSharp\TapyrusWalletCSharp.Tests
 $ dotnet build
 $ cp ..\..\tapyrus-wallet-ffi\target\release\tapyrus_wallet_ffi.dll .\bin\Debug\net8.0\
 $ dotnet test

Run TapyrusWalletExample

 $ cd TapyrusWalletCSharp\TapyrusWalletExample
 $ dotnet build
 $ cp ..\..\tapyrus-wallet-ffi\target\release\tapyrus_wallet_ffi.dll .\bin\Debug\net8.0\
 $ dotnet run