NextThingCo C.H.I.P. Yocto meta layer examples.
This layer contains examples layers for the NextThingCo C.H.I.P. board.
This layer depends on the additional layers:
- meta-yocto
- meta-yocto-bsp
- meta-openembedded/meta-oe
- meta-openembedded/meta-python
- meta-openembedded/meta-networking
- meta-chip (from my GitHub
- Additional layers for some specific examples (see the README files of the example layers)
The following layers are available:
- meta-chip-example-java: JAVA OpenJDK with Hello World and DIO applications to test the installation and show how to drive the hardware.
- meta-chip-example-1wire: usage of 1-Wire devices. Demonstrate how to easily patch the kernel with fragments and the device tree with patch files.
- meta-chip-example-spidev: usage of SPI interface. Second example to demonstrate how to patch the kernel with fragments and the device tree with patch files.
- meta-chip-example-i2c: usage of I2C interfaces with i2c-tools.
- meta-chip-example-wifi: connection to a WiFi network.
- meta-chip-example-wifi-hotspot: creation of WiFi hotspot.
The wanted layer(s) are chosen in the bitbake layers configuration file.
Clone sources:
git clone ~/yocto/meta-chip-examples
See the README files of the example layers for details on the examples.
See also the README file of the meta-chip layer (from my GitHub to check details about building and flashing images on the C.H.I.P. board.
All contributions are welcome :-)
Use Github Issues to report anomalies or to propose enhancements (labels are available to clearly identify what you are writing) and Pull Requests to submit modifications.