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Adding a new cluster

Quick notes for adding a new cluster to OnDemand, for Granite in the fall of 2024.

  • modify script that produces gpus.txt to add granite

  • in myallocation remove

    "granite": ["granite"],

and change

    "other": ["kingspeak", "notchpeak", "lonepeak", "ash", "granite"],
  • add granite sys branch to /etc/fstab: /uufs/granite/sys nfs nolock,nfsvers=3,x-systemd.requires=NetworkManager-wait-online.service,x-systemd.after=network.service 0 0
mkdir -p /uufs/granite/sys
systemctl daemon-reload
mount /uufs/granite/sys
  • add granite.yml from ondemand-test to /etc/ood/config/clusters.d/
scp u0101881@ondemand-test:/etc/ood/config/clusters.d/granite.yml .
  • add granite to /uufs/
  • re-make symbolic link on ondemand-test
rm /var/www/ood/apps/templates/cluster.txt
ln -s /uufs/ /var/www/ood/apps/templates/cluster.txt
  • get /etc/ood/config/apps/dashboard/initializers/ood.rb from ondemand-test

  • check that granite-gpu is visible and GPU types are populated (should when /uufs/ gets granite added)

  • modify /etc/ood/config/apps/shell/env to add:


Change to the new account:partition:qos scheme

in /etc/ood/config/apps/dashboard/initializers instead of

       my_cmd = "/var/www/ood/apps/templates/"


       my_cmd = %q[curl "`whoami`&env=chpc"]

in app's submit.yml.erb:

  accounting_id: "<%= custom_accpart.split(":")[0]%>"
  queue_name: "<%= custom_accpart.split(":")[1] %>"
  qos: "<%= custom_accpart.split(":")[2] %>"