I am no loner planning to do any of this! Sorry if you were waiting on me, but I have moved on to other things.
Make a new Youtube video of robot functions.
Add some response to failed arrival:
- Text message.
- Fun TTS and/or audio clip.
- Track and if repeated, affect the random destination picker.
Speak when things are done like starting ROS, making maps, etc.
- Asked to unplug
- Uplugged
Fix this error coming from TEB due to something in my config: [ WARN] [1597326961.776132466]: Control loop missed its desired rate of 20.0000Hz... the loop actually took 0.0513 seconds
- Might have to look into http://wiki.ros.org/teb_local_planner/Tutorials/Costmap%20conversion
Set every button push to have a function
Get all Sensors to work on Threeflower
Get Slam Toolbox to come up on Threeflower.
Test everything and dump stuff that doesn't work anymore.
- See FullTestRoutine.MD
Walk through entire Readme and ensure all instructions are correct/relevant.
Create a system on the web interface to create automatic mapping of an existing area
Start map
Select goals in RVIZ
System should save them and put them up on the website
- Subscribe to /move_base_simple/goal to see goals.
You can see them in order.
Then you can save the "list of goals"
Later you can select to make map, and it will start a map making session, unplug, go to those goals in order, then save the map, go "home", then load the map use it.
- This way you can remap a known area automatically.
Early start might be to just set up to monitor goals and list them out on the site as they are set.
NOTES: Options: /move_base/cancel /move_base/feedback /move_base/goal /move_base/parameter_descriptions /move_base/parameter_updates /move_base/result /move_base/status /move_base_simple/goal
What they do: /move_base/goal - announces new goals when set /move_base_simple/goal - Same, just less data /move_base/current_goal - Seems to be the same, but THIS IS WHAT RVIZ IS SHOWING! /move_base/result - Will only tell you when it is done doing something.
It seems like I want to watch: /move_base/current_goal - To see when a goal is set, and /move_base/result - To see when one is reached (or abandoned).
I can infer that whatever came in via /move_base/current_goal last is what was reached or not.
I could also subscribe to /move_base/status if I don't want to maintain state of any kind, but that seems unnecesary.
See rosInterface.js for subscribing to topics and acting on those subscriptions by pumping data into webmodel/robotmodel and/or TTS, etc.
TODO: Unsure how to "return to base". It isn't actually just all zereos is it? Maybe I need to "grab" the location upon initial startup (before we unplug).
Threeflower testing
robot.launch file:
- Set up Scanse to be able to be Scan topic.
- Set RPLidar section of up like XV11 to use /rplidar by default, but /scan if "selected" which is default if nothing is passed in.
- Test to ensure that if NO ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES OR ROS PARAMS are set, that it uses RPLidar by default.
- See TODO's in it: Need to either clean out old "active input" from previous mux package, or update twist_mux to give us the active topic and use it.