Complete rework of the entities list
Updated AVDECC library to v4.0
Defaulting to Qt "fusion" style, can be changed with command line parameter -style <style name>
Current selection in list of entities lost when changing the filter
Network Interfaces combobox displays errors and selected interface in bold
Refresh issue for ClockSource, MemoryObject, AvbInterface, AudioCluster, Control, ClockDomain, AssociationID custom names
Possible crash for entities with more than 1 configuration, when using full device enumration
Always display CONTROL descriptor even if the ControlDataType is not supported by the library
CONTROL values updated by the device itself didn't update properly
Possible crash for entities returning an out-of-bounds MemoryObject length value
Files can be loaded/saved from/to UTF8 path
Crash when displaying vendor specific control values
Opening the Dynamic Mappings editor from the matrix only showed the first STREAM_PORT, it now shows all STREAM_PORTs
Clear All Dynamic Mappings
correctly clears redundant mappings for virtual entities
You can’t perform that action at this time.