01. JavaScript Fundamentals
console . log ( typeof null ) ; // object
console . log ( typeof undefined ) ; // undefined
console . log ( typeof void 0 ) ; // undefined
console . log ( typeof function ( ) { } ) ; // function
console . log ( typeof [ ] ) ; // object
number: 1
bigint: 123n
string: "a"
boolean: true
symbol: Symbol("id")
object: { a: 1 }
array: [1, 2]
function: function() {}
set: new Set(["a", 1])
map: new Map([["name", "Ali"]])
date: new Date()
, false
, 0
'\t \n'
, abc
, NaN
, null
, undefined
, NaN
, ""
, " "
: checks the equality without type conversion.
console . log ( 'Z' > 'A' ) ; // true, 90 > 65 unicode comparison
console . log ( '2' > '1' ) ; // true, 50 > 49 unicode comparison
console . log ( 'Aa' > 'A' ) ; // true
console . log ( '2' > 1 ) ; // true, 2 > 1
console . log ( '01' == 1 ) ; // true, 1 == 1
console . log ( true == 1 ) ; // true, 1 == 1
console . log ( false == 0 ) ; // true, 0 == 0
console . log ( '' == false ) ; // true, 0 == 0
console . log ( null == undefined ) ; // true, they equal each other, but not any other value.
console . log ( null == 0 ) ; // false
console . log ( null > 0 ) ; // false, 0 > 0
console . log ( null >= 0 ) ; // true, 0 >= 0
console . log ( undefined > 0 ) ; // false, NaN > 0
console . log ( undefined < 0 ) ; // false, NaN < 0
console . log ( undefined == 0 ) ; // false
The precedence of &&
is higher than ||
console . log ( 0 || 2 || 1 ) ; // 2
console . log ( undefined || 0 || null ) ; // null
console . log ( 1 && 0 && 1 ) ; // 0
console . log ( 1 && 2 && 3 ) ; // 3
console . log ( 1 && 2 || 0 && 1 ) ; // 2, (1 && 2) || (0 && 1) --> 2 || 0 = 2
12. Nullish Coalescing Operator
console . log ( 0 ?? 1 ) ; // 0, (0 !== null) && (0 !== undefined) ? 0 : 1 = 0
console . log ( null ?? 0 ) ; // 0
console . log ( undefined ?? 0 ) ; // 0
console . log ( 1 && 2 || 3 ?? 4 ) ; // SyntaxError: Unexpected token '??'
for ( let i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i ++ ) console . log ( i ) ; // 0, 1, 2
for ( let i = 0 ; i < 3 ; ++ i ) console . log ( i ) ; // 0, 1, 2
let i = 0 ;
while ( i < 3 ) console . log ( i ++ ) ; // 0, 1, 2
console . log ( i ) ; // 3
i = 0 ;
while ( i < 3 ) console . log ( ++ i ) ; // 1, 2, 3
console . log ( i ) ; // 3
Labels for break
, continue
outer: for ( let i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i ++ ) {
for ( let j = 0 ; j < 3 ; j ++ ) {
break outer;
for ( let i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i ++ ) { }
test ( ) ; // hoisted
function test ( ) { }
test ( ) ; // TypeError: test is not a function
var test = function ( ) { } ;
// Single-line
* Multiline
* Returns object of x and name.
* @param {number} x - The number x
* @param {string} name - Your name
* @return {Object} An object of x and name
const makeObj = ( x , name ) => ( { x, name } ) ;
06. Polyfills and Transpilers
A transpiler is a special piece of software that translates code to another source code.
Babel is one of the most prominent transpiler.
height = height ?? 100 ;
height = ( height !== undefined && height !== null ) ? height : 100 ; // transpiled
A script that updates/adds new functions is called polyfill.
core.js is one of the most popular polyfill library.
if ( ! Math . trunc ) {
Math . trunc = ( num ) => num < 0 ? Math . ceil ( num ) : Math . floor ( num ) ;
Object keys converted to string.
const obj = {
0 : "zero" ,
"lorem ipsum" : "lipsum" ,
a : undefined ,
} ;
console . log ( obj [ 0 ] ) ; // "zero"
console . log ( obj [ "0" ] ) ; // "zero"
console . log ( obj . __proto__ ) ; // {}
obj . __proto__ = 0 ; // Cannot be set to a non-object value;
console . log ( obj . __proto__ ) ; // {}
obj . __proto__ = null ; // Can be set to null;
console . log ( obj . __proto__ ) ; // undefined
console . log ( "lorem ipsum" in obj ) ; // true
console . log ( obj . a ) ; // undefined
console . log ( "a" in obj ) ; // true
Property names limitations
const obj = {
for : 1 ,
const : 2 ,
return : 3 ,
} ;
console . log ( obj . for + obj . const + obj . return ) ; // 6
const user = {
name : "Ali" ,
age : 20 ,
} ;
for ( const key in user ) console . log ( key ) ; // "name", "age"
const numbers = {
3 : "three" ,
"5" : "five" ,
"seven" : 7 ,
2 : "two" ,
"4" : "four" ,
"six" : 6 ,
1 : "one" ,
} ;
for ( const num in numbers ) console . log ( num ) ; // "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "seven", "six"
02. Object References and Copying
Cloning and merging, Object.assign
const user = {
name : "Ali" ,
age : 20 ,
} ;
const userClone = { } ;
Object . assign ( userClone , user ) ;
const userClone2 = Object . assign ( { } , user ) ;
const user = {
name : "Ali" ,
age : 20
} ;
user . me = user ;
const clonedUser = structuredClone ( user ) ;
console . log ( clonedUser ) ; // { name: "Ali", age: 20, me: [Circular] }
// Function object could not be cloned.
structuredClone ( {
fn : ( ) => { }
} ) ;
const ali = { name : "Ali" } ;
const veli = { name : "Veli" } ;
function greet ( ) { return `Hi, ${ this . name } ` ; }
ali . greet = greet ;
veli . greet = greet ;
console . log ( ali . greet ( ) ) ; // "Hi, Ali"
console . log ( veli . greet ( ) ) ; // "Hi, Veli"
console . log ( greet ( ) ) ; // `this` is undefined in strict mode
05. Contructor, Operator new
function User ( name ) {
this . name = name ;
this . age = 20 ;
const user = new User ( "Ali" ) ;
console . log ( user . name ) ; // "Ali"
console . log ( user . age ) ; // 20
Constructor mode test: new.target
function User ( ) {
console . log ( new . target ) ;
User ( ) ; // undefined
new User ( ) ; // function User() {...}
function User ( ) {
this . name = "Ali" ;
return { name : "Veli" } ; // overrides `this`
console . log ( new User ( ) . name ) ; // "Veli"
function User ( ) {
this . name = "Ali" ;
return ;
console . log ( new User ( ) . name ) ; // "Ali"
function User ( ) { this . name = "Ali" ; }
const user = new User ( ) ;
// same as
const user2 = new User ;
console . log ( user . name ) ; // "Ali"
console . log ( user2 . name ) ; // "Ali"
obj ?. prop ; // returns value or undefined
obj ?. [ index ] ; // returns item or undefined
obj . method ?. ( ) ; // invokes method or undefined
const id = Symbol ( "id" ) ;
const id2 = Symbol ( "id" ) ;
console . log ( id == id2 ) ; // false
console . log ( id . toString ( ) ) ; // "Symbol(id)"
console . log ( id . description ) ; // "id"
Symbols are skipped by for..in
const id = Symbol ( "id" ) ;
const user = {
name : "Ali" ,
age : 20 ,
[ id ] : 123
} ;
for ( const key in user ) console . log ( key ) ; // "name", "age"
console . log ( user [ id ] ) ; // 123
const id = Symbol ( "id" ) ;
const user = { [ id ] : 123 } ;
// `Object.assign` copies both string and symbol properties.
const clonedUser = Object . assign ( { } , user ) ;
console . log ( clonedUser [ id ] ) ; // 123
const id = Symbol . for ( "id" ) ;
const id2 = Symbol . for ( "id" ) ;
console . log ( id === id2 ) ; // true
console . log ( Symbol . keyFor ( id ) ) ; // "id"
08. Object to Primitive Conversion
To do the conversion, JavaScript tries to find and call three object methods:
Call obj[Symbol.toPrimitive](hint)
if such method exists,
Otherwise if hint is string
try calling obj.toString()
or obj.valueOf()
, whatever exists.
Otherwise if hint is number
or default
try calling obj.valueOf()
or obj.toString()
, whatever exists.
const user = {
name : "Ali" ,
age : 20 ,
[ Symbol . toPrimitive ] ( hint ) {
if ( hint === "string" ) return this . name ;
if ( hint === "number" ) return this . age ;
if ( hint === "default" ) return `{ "name": "${ this . name } ", "age": ${ this . age } }` ;
console . log ( String ( user ) ) ; // "Ali"
console . log ( Number ( user ) ) ; // 20
console . log ( user + "" ) ; // "{ 'name': 'Ali', 'age': 20 }"
console . log ( user . toString ( ) ) ; // "[object Object]"
const user = {
name : "Ali" ,
age : 20 ,
// hint === "string"
toString ( ) { return this . name ; } ,
// hint === "number || hint === "default"
valueOf ( ) { return this . age ; }
console . log ( user . toString ( ) ) ; // "Ali"
console . log ( String ( user ) ) ; // "Ali"
console . log ( user . valueOf ( ) ) ; // 20
console . log ( user * 1 ) ; // 20
01. Methods of Primitives
console . log ( 1. . toFixed ( 2 ) ) ; // "1.00"
console . log ( "Ali" . toLocaleUpperCase ( "tr" ) ) ; // "ALİ"
console . log ( typeof 0 ) ; // "number"
console . log ( typeof new Number ( 0 ) ) ; // "object"
const zero = new Number ( 0 ) ;
console . log ( zero && "zero is an object" ) ; // "zero is an object"
const falseObj = new Boolean ( false ) ;
console . log ( falseObj && "falseObj is an object" ) ; // "falseObj is an object"
console . log ( 1_000_000_000 === 1e9 ) ; // true
console . log ( 0.000_000_000_1 === 1e-10 ) ; // true
// Hexadecimal
console . log ( 0xff === 255 ) ; // true
console . log ( 0xFF === 255 ) ; // true
// Binary
console . log ( 0b111_111_11 === 255 ) ; // true
// Octal
console . log ( 0o377 === 255 ) ; // true
const num = 255 ;
// base = 16: 0..9, A..F
console . log ( num . toString ( 16 ) ) ; // "ff"
// base = 2: 0, 1
console . log ( num . toString ( 2 ) ) ; // "11111111"
// base = 36(maximum): 0..9 A..Z
console . log ( 123_456. . toString ( 36 ) ) ; // "2n9c"
console . log ( 1e500 ) ; // Infinity
console . log ( 0.1 + 0.2 === 0.3 ) ; // false
console . log ( 0.1 . toFixed ( 20 ) ) ; // "0.10000000000000000555"
console . log ( 0.2 . toFixed ( 20 ) ) ; // "0.20000000000000001110"
console . log ( 0.3 . toFixed ( 20 ) ) ; // "0.29999999999999998890"
console . log ( 0.4 . toFixed ( 20 ) ) ; // "0.40000000000000002220"
console . log ( 0.5 . toFixed ( 20 ) ) ; // "0.50000000000000000000"
console . log ( 0.6 . toFixed ( 20 ) ) ; // "0.59999999999999997780"
console . log ( 0.7 . toFixed ( 20 ) ) ; // "0.69999999999999995559"
console . log ( 0.8 . toFixed ( 20 ) ) ; // "0.80000000000000004441"
console . log ( 0.9 . toFixed ( 20 ) ) ; // "0.90000000000000002220"
console . log ( 9_999_999_999_999_999 ) ; // 10000000000000000
console . log ( - 0 === 0 ) ; // true
console . log ( Object . is ( - 0 , 0 ) ) ; // false
Tests: isFinite
and isNaN
console . log ( isNaN ( NaN ) ) ; // true
console . log ( isNaN ( "str" ) ) ; // true
console . log ( NaN === NaN ) ; // false
console . log ( isFinite ( "15" ) ) ; // true
console . log ( isFinite ( "str" ) ) ; // false, value: NaN
console . log ( isFinite ( Infinity ) ) ; // false
and Number.isFinite()
do not autoconvert their argument into a number.
: returns true
if value belongs to the number
type and it is NaN
: returns true
if value belongs to the number
type and it isn't NaN
, Infinity
, -Infinity
console . log ( Number . isNaN ( NaN ) ) ; // true
console . log ( Number . isNaN ( "str" ) ) ; // false, because "str" is string
console . log ( Number . isFinite ( 123 ) ) ; // true
console . log ( Number . isFinite ( Infinity ) ) ; // false
console . log ( Number . isFinite ( 2 / 0 ) ) ; // false
console . log ( Number . isFinite ( "15" ) ) ; // false, because "15" is string
console . log ( Object . is ( NaN , NaN ) ) ; // true
console . log ( NaN === NaN ) ; // false
console . log ( Object . is ( - 0 , 0 ) ) ; // false
console . log ( - 0 === 0 ) ; // true
and parseFloat()
console . log ( parseInt ( "100px" ) ) ; // 100
console . log ( parseFloat ( "12.5em" ) ) ; // 12.5
console . log ( parseInt ( "12.3" ) ) ; // 12
console . log ( parseFloat ( "12.3.4" ) ) ; // 12.3
console . log ( parseInt ( "a123" ) ) ; // NaN
// parseInt(str, radix)
console . log ( parseInt ( "0xff" , 16 ) ) ; // 255
console . log ( parseInt ( "ff" , 16 ) ) ; // 255
console . log ( parseInt ( "2n9c" , 36 ) ) ; // 123456
console . log ( Math . random ( ) ) ; // [0, 1)
console . log ( Math . max ( 3 , 5 , - 10 , 0 , 1 ) ) ; // 5
console . log ( Math . min ( 1 , 2 ) ) ; // 1
console . log ( Math . pow ( 2 , 10 ) ) ; // 1024, 2^10 = 1024
, r
New line
, \f
, \v
Backspace, From Feed, Vertical Tab - not used nowadays
const name = "Ali" ;
console . log ( name [ 0 ] ) ; // "A"
console . log ( name . at ( 0 ) ) ; // "A"
console . log ( name [ name . length - 1 ] ) ; // "i"
console . log ( name . at ( - 1 ) ) ; // "i"
for ( const char of name ) console . log ( char ) ; // "A", "l", "i"
Searching for a substring
const str = "Widget with id" ;
console . log ( str . indexOf ( "id" , 2 ) ) ; // 12
console . log ( str . lastIndexOf ( "id" , 11 ) ) ; // 1
const str = "stringify" ;
// str.slice(start [, end]): allows negatives
console . log ( str . slice ( 2 ) ) ; // "ringify"
console . log ( str . slice ( 0 , 5 ) ) ; // "strin"
console . log ( str . slice ( - 4 , - 1 ) ) ; // "gif"
// str.substring(start [, end]): converts negatives to 0
console . log ( str . substring ( 2 , 6 ) ) ; // ring
console . log ( str . substring ( 6 , 2 ) ) ; // ring
// str.substr(start [, length]): allows negative start
console . log ( str . substr ( 2 , 4 ) ) ; // ring
console . log ( str . substr ( - 4 , 2 ) ) ; // gi
console . log ( "Z" . codePointAt ( 0 ) ) ; // 90
console . log ( "z" . codePointAt ( 0 ) ) ; // 122
console . log ( String . fromCodePoint ( 90 ) ) ; // "Z"
console . log ( String . fromCodePoint ( 0x5a ) ) ; // "Z"
console . log ( "ö" > "z" ) ; // true
console . log ( "ö" . localeCompare ( "z" , "tr" ) ) ; // -1
console . log ( "a" . repeat ( 3 ) ) ; // "aaa"
console . log ( [ 1 , 2 , 3 ] . at ( - 1 ) ) ; // 3
Methods pop
and shift
const fruits = [ "Apple" , "Orange" , "Pear" ] ;
// pop(): returns popped item
console . log ( fruits . pop ( ) ) ; // "Pear"
console . log ( fruits ) ; // ["Apple", "Orange"]
// push(...items): returns new length
console . log ( fruits . push ( "Ananas" ) ) ; // 3
console . log ( fruits ) ; // ["Apple", "Orange", "Ananas"]
// shift(): returns shifted item
console . log ( fruits . shift ( ) ) ; // "Apple"
fruits ; // ["Orange", "Ananas"]
// unshift(...items): returns new length
console . log ( fruits . unshift ( "Watermelon" ) ) ; // 3
console . log ( fruits ) ; // ["Watermelon", "Orange", "Ananas"]
The ways to misuse an array
Add a non-numeric property like arr.test = 5
Make holes, like add arr[0]
and then arr[1000]
(and nothing between them).
Fill the array in the reverse order, like arr[1000]
, arr[999]
and so on.
const arr = [ 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ] ;
arr . length = 2 ;
console . log ( arr ) ; // [1, 2]
arr . length = 5 ;
console . log ( arr ) ; // [1, 2, , , ]
const arr = new Array ( "Apple" , "Orange" ) ;
console . log ( arr ) ; // ["Apple", "Orange"]
const arr2 = new Array ( 2 ) ;
console . log ( arr2 ) ; // [ , ]
console . log ( arr2 . length ) ; // 2
const arr = [ 1 , 2 , 3 ] ;
console . log ( String ( arr ) ) ; // "1,2,3"
console . log ( arr . toString ( ) ) ; // "1,2,3"
Don't compare arrays with ==
// comparison by reference
console . log ( [ ] == [ ] ) ; // false
console . log ( [ 0 ] == [ 0 ] ) ; // false
console . log ( Number ( [ ] ) ) ; // 0
console . log ( Number ( [ 0 ] ) ) ; // 0
console . log ( String ( [ ] ) ) ; // ""
console . log ( String ( [ 0 ] ) ) ; // "0"
// comparison by value
console . log ( 0 == [ ] ) ; // true, 0 == 0
console . log ( 0 == [ 0 ] ) ; // true, 0 == 0
console . log ( "0" == [ ] ) ; // false, "0" == ""
console . log ( "0" == [ 0 ] ) ; // true, "0" == "0"
: returns removed items
const arr = [ "I" , "go" , "home" ] ;
delete arr [ 1 ] ;
console . log ( arr [ 1 ] ) ; // undefined
console . log ( arr ) ; // ["I", ,"home"]
console . log ( arr . length ) ; // 3
// arr.splice(start [, deleteCount, elem1, ..., elemN])
const arr = [ "I" , "go" , "home" ] ;
console . log ( arr . splice ( 1 , 1 ) ) ; // ["go"]
console . log ( arr ) ; // ["I", "home"]
const arr = [ 1 , 2 , 5 ] ;
console . log ( arr . splice ( - 1 , 0 , 3 , 4 ) ) ; // []
console . log ( arr ) ; // [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
: returns sliced items
const arr = [ "t" , "e" , "s" , "t" ] ;
console . log ( arr . slice ( 1 , 3 ) ) ; // ["e", "s"]
console . log ( arr . slice ( - 2 ) ) ; // ["s", "t"]
console . log ( [ 1 , 2 ] . concat ( [ 3 , 4 ] , 5 , 6 ) ) ; // [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
const arr = {
0 : "a" ,
1 : "b" ,
[ Symbol . isConcatSpreadable ] : true ,
length : 2 ,
} ;
console . log ( [ 1 , 2 ] . concat ( arr ) ) ; // [1, 2, "a", "b"];
[ "a" , "b" ] . forEach ( ( item , index , arr ) => {
console . log ( item ) ; // "a", "b"
console . log ( index ) ; // 0, 1
console . log ( arr ) ; // ["a","b"], ["a","b"]
} ) ;
const arr = [ 1 , 0 , false , 0 , NaN ] ;
console . log ( arr . indexOf ( 0 ) ) ; // 1
console . log ( arr . indexOf ( 2 ) ) ; // -1
console . log ( arr . lastIndexOf ( 0 ) ) ; // 3
console . log ( arr . indexOf ( NaN ) ) ; // -1
console . log ( arr . includes ( NaN ) ) ; // true
and findIndex
[ "a" , "b" ] . find ( ( item , index , arr ) => {
console . log ( item ) ; // "a", "b"
console . log ( index ) ; // 0, 1
console . log ( arr ) ; // ["a","b"], ["a","b"]
} ) ;
const users = [
{ id : 1 , name : "Ali" } ,
{ id : 2 , name : "Veli" } ,
{ id : 3 , name : "Ali" } ,
] ;
console . log ( users . find ( ( u ) => u . name === "Ali" ) ) ; // { id: 1, name: "Ali" }
console . log ( users . find ( ( u ) => u . name === "Ahmet" ) ) ; // undefined
console . log ( users . findIndex ( ( u ) => u . name === "Ali" ) ) ; // 0
console . log ( users . findIndex ( ( u ) => u . name === "Ahmet" ) ) ; // -1
console . log ( users . findLastIndex ( ( u ) => u . name === "Ali" ) ) ; // 2
console . log ( users . findLastIndex ( ( u ) => u . name === "Ahmet" ) ) ; // -1
[ "a" , "b" ] . filter ( ( item , index , arr ) => {
console . log ( item ) ; // "a", "b"
console . log ( index ) ; // 0, 1
console . log ( arr ) ; // ["a","b"], ["a","b"]
} ) ;
const users = [
{ id : 1 , name : "Ali" } ,
{ id : 2 , name : "Veli" } ,
{ id : 3 , name : "Ali" } ,
] ;
console . log ( users . filter ( ( u ) => u . name === "Ali" ) ) ; // [{ id: 1, name: "Ali" }, { id: 3, name: "Ali" }]
[ "a" , "b" ] . map ( ( item , index , arr ) => {
console . log ( item ) ; // "a", "b"
console . log ( index ) ; // 0, 1
console . log ( arr ) ; // ["a","b"], ["a","b"]
} ) ;
console . log ( [ 1 , 2 ] . map ( ( num ) => num * 2 ) ) ; // [2, 4]
const arr = [ 1 , 2 , 15 ] ;
console . log ( arr . sort ( ) ) ; // [1, 15, 2], Sorted by string
console . log ( arr ) ; // [1, 15, 2]
console . log ( arr . sort ( ( a , b ) => a - b ) ) ; // [1, 2, 15]
console . log ( arr ) ; // [1, 2, 15];
const arr = [ "ö" , "z" , "a" ] ;
console . log ( arr . sort ( ) ) ; // ["a", "z", "ö"]
console . log ( arr ) ; // ["a", "z", "ö"]
console . log ( arr . sort ( ( a , b ) => a . localeCompare ( b , "tr" ) ) ) ; // ["a", "ö", "z"]
console . log ( arr ) ; // ["a", "ö", "z"]
const arr = [ 1 , 2 , 3 ] ;
console . log ( arr . reverse ( ) ) ; // [3, 2, 1]
console . log ( arr ) ; // [3, 2, 1]
console . log ( "1, 2, 3, 4" . split ( ", " , 2 ) ) ; // ["1", "2"]
const sum = [ 1 , 2 , 3 ] . reduce ( ( accumulator , item , index , arr ) => {
console . log ( accumulator ) ; // 0, 1, 3
console . log ( item ) ; // 1, 2, 3
console . log ( index ) ; // 0, 1, 2
console . log ( arr ) ; // [1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3]
return accumulator + item ;
} , 0 ) ;
console . log ( sum ) ; // 6
console . log ( [ 1 , 2 , 3 ] . some ( ( num ) => num % 2 === 0 ) ) ; // true
console . log ( [ 1 , 2 , 3 ] . every ( ( num ) => num % 2 === 0 ) ) ; // false
console . log ( [ 1 , 2 , 3 ] . fill ( "a" , 1 , 2 ) ) ; // [1, "a", 2]
const arr = [ "a" , "b" , "c" , "d" , "e" ] ;
console . log ( arr . copyWithin ( 0 , 3 , 5 ) ) ; // ["d", "e", "c", "d", "e"], copy ["d", "e"] to index 0
console . log ( arr ) ; // ["d", "e", "c", "d", "e"]
console . log ( [ 1 , 2 , [ 3 , 4 ] ] . flat ( ) ) ; // [1, 2, 3, 4]
console . log ( [ 1 , 2 , [ 3 , 4 , [ 5 , 6 ] ] ] . flat ( 2 ) ) ; // [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
console . log ( [ 1 , 2 , [ 3 , 4 , [ 5 , 6 , [ 7 , 8 , [ 9 , 10 ] ] ] ] ] . flat ( Infinity ) ) ; // [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
console . log ( [ 1 , 2 , 3 ] . flatMap ( ( num ) => Array ( num ) . fill ( num ) ) ) ; // [1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3]
console . log ( typeof { } ) ; // "object"
console . log ( typeof [ ] ) ; // "object"
console . log ( Array . isArray ( { } ) ) ; // false
console . log ( Array . isArray ( [ ] ) ) ; // true
Most methods support thisArg
Almost all array methods that call functions accept an optional parameter thisArg
except sort
arr . find ( ( ) => { } , thisArg ) ;
arr . filter ( ( ) => { } , thisArg ) ;
arr . map ( ( ) => { } , thisArg ) ;
const army = {
minAge : 18 ,
maxAge : 27 ,
canJoin ( user ) {
const age = user . age ;
return age >= this . minAge && age < this . maxAge ;
} ,
} ;
const users = [
{ age : 16 } ,
{ age : 20 } ,
{ age : 23 } ,
{ age : 30 } ,
] ;
const soldiers = users . filter ( ( user ) => army . canJoin ( user ) , army ) ;
console . log ( soldiers ) ; // [{ age: 20 }, { age: 23 }]
const range = {
from : 1 ,
to : 3 ,
[ Symbol . iterator ] ( ) {
this . current = this . from ;
return this ;
} ,
next ( ) {
if ( this . current <= this . to ) {
return { done : false , value : this . current ++ } ;
return { done : true } ;
} ,
} ;
console . log ( range [ Symbol . iterator ] ( ) . next ( ) ) ; // { done: false, value: 1 }
for ( const num of range ) console . log ( num ) ; // 1, 2, 3
const str = "𝒳😂" ;
for ( const char of str ) console . log ( char ) ; // "𝒳", "😂"
console . log ( str . length ) ; // 4
console . log ( str . charCodeAt ( 0 ) ) ; // 55349
Calling an iterator explicitly
const str = "Hello" ;
const iterator = str [ Symbol . iterator ] ( ) ;
while ( true ) {
const res = iterator . next ( ) ;
if ( res . done ) break ;
console . log ( res . value ) ; // "H", "e", "l", "l", "o"
Iterables and array-likes
const iterable = {
from : 1 ,
to : 3 ,
[ Symbol . iterator ] ( ) { } ,
} ;
const arrayLike = {
0 : "a" ,
1 : "b" ,
length : 2 ,
} ;
Array.from(obj[, mapFn, thisArg])
const arrayLike = {
0 : "a" ,
1 : "b" ,
length : 2 ,
} ;
const arr = Array . from ( arrayLike ) ;
console . log ( arr ) ; // ["a", "b"]
const iterable = {
from : 1 ,
to : 3 ,
[ Symbol . iterator ] ( ) {
this . current = this . from ;
return this ;
} ,
next ( ) {
if ( this . current > this . to ) return { done : true } ;
return { done : false , value : this . current ++ } ;
} ,
} ;
const arr = Array . from ( iterable , ( num ) => num * num ) ;
console . log ( arr ) ; // [1, 4, 9]
const str = "𝒳😂" ;
console . log ( str . length ) ; // 4
const chars = Array . from ( str ) ;
console . log ( chars . length ) ; // 2
console . log ( chars [ 0 ] ) ; // "𝒳"
console . log ( chars [ 1 ] ) ; // "😂"
for ( const char of str ) console . log ( char ) ; // "𝒳", "😂"
console . log ( str . slice ( 1 , 3 ) ) ; // "##" (two pieces from different surrogate pairs)
console . log ( str . slice ( 0 , 2 ) ) ; // "𝒳"
allows keys of any type. (Object
keys converted to string).
new Map()
: creates the map.
map.set(key, value)
: stores the value by the key.
: returns the value by the key, undefined
if key
doesn't exist in map.
: returns true
or false
: removes the element.
: removes everything from the map.
: returns the current element count.
const map = new Map ( ) ;
. set ( "1" , "abc" )
. set ( 1 , 123 ) ;
console . log ( map . get ( "1" ) ) ; // "abc"
console . log ( map . get ( 1 ) ) ; // 123
const obj = { name : "Ali" } ;
console . log ( map . set ( obj , 20 ) ) ; // Map { "1" => "abc", 1 => 123, { name: "Ali" } => 20 }
console . log ( map . get ( obj ) ) ; // 20
console . log ( map . keys ( ) . next ( ) . value ) ; // "1"
console . log ( map . values ( ) . next ( ) . value ) ; // "abc"
console . log ( map . entries ( ) . next ( ) . value ) ; // ["1", "abc"]
for ( const [ key , value ] of map ) {
console . log ( key ) ; // "1", 1, { name: "Ali" }
console . log ( value ) ; // "abc", 123, 20
map . forEach ( ( value , key , map ) => {
console . log ( key ) ; // "1", 1, { name: "Ali" }
console . log ( value ) ; // "abc", 123, 20
console . log ( map . size ) ; // 3, 3, 3
} ) ;
: Map
from Object
const map = new Map ( [
[ "1" , "abc" ] ,
[ 1 , 123 ] ,
[ true , false ] ,
] ) ;
console . log ( map ) ; // Map { "1" => "abc", 1 => 123, true => false }
const obj = {
name : "Ali" ,
age : 20 ,
} ;
const map = new Map ( Object . entries ( obj ) ) ;
console . log ( map . get ( "name" ) ) ; // "Ali"
console . log ( map . get ( "age" ) ) ; // 20
const map = new Map ( [ [ "a" , 1 ] , [ "b" , 2 ] ] )
const obj = Object . fromEntries ( map ) ; // omit .entries()
console . log ( obj ) ; // { a: 1, b: 2 }
Collection of unique values.
new Set([iterable])
: creates the set.
: adds a value, returns the set itself.
: removes the value, returns true
if value
existed or false
: returns true
if value exists or false
: removes everything from the set.
: elements count.
const set = new Set ( ) ;
const ali = { name : "Ali" } ;
const veli = { name : "Veli" } ;
set . add ( ali ) ;
set . add ( veli ) ;
set . add ( ali ) ;
console . log ( set . size ) ; // 2
const set = new Set ( [ "a" , "b" , "c" ] ) ;
console . log ( set ) ; // Set { "a", "b", "c" }
for ( const char of set ) console . log ( char ) ; // "a", "b", "c"
set . forEach ( ( value , valueAgain , set ) => {
console . log ( value ) ; // "a", "b", "c"
console . log ( valueAgain ) ; // "a", "b", "c"
console . log ( set ) ; // Set { "a", "b", "c" }, Set { "a", "b", "c" }, Set { "a", "b", "c" }
} ) ;
console . log ( set . keys ( ) . next ( ) . value ) ; // "a"
console . log ( set . values ( ) . next ( ) . value ) ; // "a"
console . log ( set . entries ( ) . next ( ) . value ) ; // ["a", "a"]
keys must be objects, not primitive values.
let ali = { name : "Ali" } ;
const weakMap = new WeakMap ( ) ;
weakMap . set ( ali , 20 ) ;
ali = null ; // ali is removed from memory
console . log ( weakMap . get ( ali ) ) ; // undefined
weakMap.set(key, value)
const weakSet = new WeakSet ( ) ;
let ali = { name : "Ali" } ;
weakSet . add ( ali ) ;
console . log ( weakSet . has ( ali ) ) ; // true
ali = null ; // ali is removed from memory
console . log ( weakSet . has ( ali ) ) ; // false
09. Object.keys, values, entries
const id = Symbol ( "id" ) ;
const obj = {
[ id ] : 123 ,
name : "Ali" ,
age : 20 ,
} ;
console . log ( Object . keys ( obj ) ) ; // ["name", "age"]
console . log ( Object . values ( obj ) ) ; // ["Ali", 20]
console . log ( Object . entries ( obj ) ) ; // [["name", "Ali"], ["age", 20]]
const prices = {
banana : 1 ,
orange : 2 ,
apple : 4 ,
} ;
const doublePrices = Object . fromEntries (
Object . entries ( prices ) . map ( ( [ key , value ] ) => [ key , value * 2 ] )
) ;
console . log ( doublePrices ) ; // { banana: 2, orange: 4, apple: 8 }
10. Destructuring Assignment
const arr = [ "Ali" , 20 , true , { } ] ;
const [ name , age , ...rest ] = arr ;
const obj = {
name : "Ali" ,
age : 20 ,
isAdmin : true ,
address : { }
} ;
const { age : userAge , age = 18 , salary : income = 1_000 , ...rest } = obj ;
const greet = ( { name = "Ali" } = { } ) => { }
const Jan01_1970 = new Date ( 0 ) ;
const Dec31_1969 = new Date ( - 24 * 60 * 60 ) ;
console . log ( new Date ( "2000-01-31" ) ) ; // 31 Jan 2000
console . log ( new Date ( 2000 , 0 , 1 , 0 , 0 , 0 ) ) ; // 1 Jan 2000, 00:00:00
: 2000
: 0..11
: 1..31
, getMinutes()
, getSeconds()
, getMilliseconds()
: 0..6: 0
Sunday, 6
, getUTCMonth()
, getUTCDay()
: 0
is 1 Jan 1970.
: 60
is UTC-1, -180
is UTC+3.
: deprecated. Use getFullYear()
Every one of them except setTime()
has a UTC-variant.
setFullYear(year, [month], [date])
setMonth(month, [date])
setHours(hour, [min], [sec], [ms])
setMinutes(min, [sec], [ms])
setSeconds(sec, [ms])
const date = new Date ( 2000 , 0 , 32 ) ;
console . log ( date ) ; // 1 Feb 2000
date . setDate ( - 3 ) ;
console . log ( date ) ; // 28 Jan 2000
const ms = Date . now ( ) ; // milliseconds count from 1 Jan 1970
: year-month-day.
: delimeter.
: hours, minutes, seconds and milliseconds.
: UTC+0
const ms = Date . parse ( "2000-01-13T15:45:59.865+03:00" ) ;
console . log ( ms ) ; // 947767559865
const student = {
name : "Ali" ,
age : 20 ,
isAdmin : false ,
courses : [ "haskell" , "elixir" ] ,
address : null
} ;
JSON . stringify ( student ) ;
"name": "Ali",
"age": 20,
"isAdmin": false,
"courses": ["haskell", "elixir"],
"address": null
Methods, symbols and undefined properties are skipped.
const user = {
greet ( ) { } ,
[ Symbol ( "id" ) ] : 123 ,
something : undefined ,
} ;
console . log ( JSON . stringify ( user ) ) ; // "{}"
const room = { number : 42 } ;
const meetup = { participants : [ "ali" , "veli" ] } ;
meetup . place = room ;
room . occupiedBy = meetup ;
JSON . stringify ( meetup ) ; // Error: cyclic object value
Excluding and transforming: replacer
JSON.stringify(value[, replacer, space])
const meetup = {
title : "Conference" ,
participants : [ { name : "Ali" , age : 20 } , { name : "Veli" , age : 40 } ] ,
space : 40
} ;
console . log ( JSON . stringify ( meetup , [ "title" , "participants" , "name" ] , 4 ) ) ;
"title": "Conference",
"participants": [{ "name": "Ali" }, { "name": "Veli" }]
const room = {
number : 42 ,
toJSON ( ) {
return this . number ;
} ,
} ;
console . log ( JSON . stringify ( room ) ) ; // 42
JSON.parse(str, [revier])
const str = '{"title":"Conference","date":"2000-01-01T12:00:00.000Z"}' ;
const meetup = JSON . parse ( str , ( key , value ) => {
if ( key === "date" ) return new Date ( value ) ;
return value ;
} ) ;
console . log ( meetup ) ; // { title: "Conference", date: "2000-01-01T12:00:00.000Z" }
05. Advanced Working with Functions
02. Rest Parameters and Spread Syntax
const sumAll = ( ...nums ) => {
let sum = 0 ;
for ( let num of nums ) sum += num ;
return sum ;
console . log ( sumAll ( 1 , 2 , 3 ) ) ; // 6
function sumAll ( ) {
console . log ( arguments ) // { 0: 1, 1: 2, 2: 3, length: 3 }
console . log ( arguments . length ) // 3
console . log ( arguments [ 0 ] , arguments [ 1 ] , arguments [ 2 ] ) // 1, 2, 3
let sum = 0 ;
for ( let num of arguments ) sum += num ;
return sum ;
console . log ( sumAll ( 1 , 2 , 3 ) ) ; // 6
03. Variable Scope, Closure
Closure: functions that remember their outer variables and can access them. They automatically remember where they were created using a hidden [[Environment]]
const name = "Ali" ;
console . log ( name ) ; // Ali
console . log ( name ) ; // Error: name is not defined
const age = 20 ;
const age = 30 ; // Error: Cannot redeclare block-scoped variable
All functions remember the Lexical Environment in which they were made.
// # global LexicalEnvironment --[outer]-> null #
// - makeCounter: function
// - counter: function
function makeCounter ( ) {
// # LexicalEnvironment of makeCounter() call --[outer]-> global
// - count: 0 (becomes 1 after seconds counter() call)
let count = 0 ;
return function ( ) {
// # LexicalEnvironment: [[Environment]] --[outer]-> makeCounter()
// - <empty>
return count ++ ;
const counter = makeCounter ( ) ;
console . log ( counter ( ) ) ; // 0
console . log ( counter ( ) ) ; // 1
var name = "Ali" ;
console . log ( name ) ; // "Ali"
console . log ( name ) ; // "Ali"
for ( var i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i ++ ) console . log ( i ) // 0, 1, 2
console . log ( i ) ; // 3
tolerates redeclarations
var age = 20 ;
var age = 30 ;
console . log ( age ) // 30
variables can declared below their use
const greet = ( ) => {
name = "Ali" ;
console . log ( name , age ) ; // "Ali" undefined
var name ; // hoisted to the top of the function
var age = 20 ; // declarations are hoisted, but assignments are not
greet ( ) ;
Emulates block-level visibility for var
( function ( ) {
var name = "Ali" ;
console . log ( name ) ; // "Ali"
} ) ( ) ;
console . log ( name ) ; // Error: name is not defined
( function ( ) {
console . log ( "IIFE" ) ; // "IIFE"
} ( ) ) ;
! function ( ) {
console . log ( "Bitwise" ) ; // "Bitwise"
} ( ) ;
+ function ( ) {
console . log ( "Unary plus" ) ; // "Unary plus"
} ( ) ;
function sum ( ) { }
console . log ( sum . name ) ; // "sum"
const greet = function ( ) { }
console . log ( greet . name ) ; // "greet"
const farewell = ( ) => { }
console . log ( farewell . name ) ; // "farewell"
function fn ( callback = function ( ) { } ) {
console . log ( callback . name ) ; // "callback"
fn ( ) ;
const arr = [ function ( ) { } ] ;
console . log ( arr [ 0 ] . name ) ; // [empty string]
const a = ( a1 , ...rest ) => { }
console . log ( a . length ) ; // 1
function b ( a1 , a2 , ...rest ) { }
console . log ( b . length ) ; // 2
const greet = ( ) => {
greet . counter ++ ;
return "Hi" ;
greet . counter = 0 ;
console . log ( greet ( ) ) ; // "Hi"
console . log ( greet ( ) ) ; // "Hi"
console . log ( greet . counter ) ; // 2
Named Function Expression
const greet = function print ( name ) {
if ( name ) {
console . log ( name ) ;
} else {
print ( "Ali" ) ;
greet ( ) ; // "Ali"
greet ( "Veli" ) ; // "Veli"
07. The new Function
const sum = new Function ( "a" , "b" , "return a + b" ) ;
console . log ( sum ( 1 , 2 ) ) ; // 3
const sum2 = new Function ( "a,b" , "return a + b" ) ;
console . log ( sum2 ( 1 , 2 ) ) ; // 3
09. Decorators and Forwarding, call
Decorator: a special function that takes another function and alters its behavior.
const worker = {
name : "worker" ,
process ( size ) {
console . log ( `${ this . name } .process(${ size } )` )
const arr = [ ] ;
for ( let i = 0 ; i < size ; i ++ ) arr . push ( i ) ;
return arr ;
const cachingDecorator = ( fn ) => {
const cache = new Map ( ) ;
return function ( ) {
// # Borrowing Array.join method
const key = [ ] . join . apply ( arguments , [ "," ] ) ;
if ( cache . has ( key ) ) return cache . get ( key ) ;
const result = fn . call ( this , ...arguments ) ;
cache . set ( key , result ) ;
return result ;
worker . process = cachingDecorator ( worker . process ) ;
worker . process ( 1000 ) ; // worker.process(1000)
worker . process ( 1000 ) ;
Decorators and function properties
If the original function had properties on it, like fn.calledCount
, then the decorated one will not provide them.
const veli = { name : "Veli" }
const ali = {
name : "Ali" ,
greet ( ) {
return {
isGlobal : this === globalThis ,
message : `Hi, ${ this . name } !`
} ;
console . log ( ali . greet ( ) ) ; // { isGlobal: false, message: "Hi, Ali!" }
const greetAli = ali . greet ;
console . log ( greetAli ( ) ) ; // { isGlobal: true, message: "Hi, undefined!" }
const greetVeli = ali . greet . bind ( veli ) ;
console . log ( greetVeli ( ) ) ; // { isGlobal: false, message: "Hi, Veli!" }
const sum = ( a , b ) => a + b ;
const plusTwo = sum . bind ( null , 2 ) ;
console . log ( plusTwo ( 3 ) ) ; // 5
06. Object Properties Configuration
01. Property Flags and Descriptors
: if true
, the value can be changed.
: if true
, then listed in loops.
: if true
, the property can be deleted and these attributes can be modified.
const user = { name : "Ali" } ;
console . log ( Object . getOwnPropertyDescriptor ( user , "name" ) ) ;
// { value: "Ali", writable: true, enumerable: true, configurable: true }
Object . defineProperty ( user , "age" , { value : 20 } ) ;
console . log ( Object . getOwnPropertyDescriptor ( user , "age" ) ) ;
// { value: 20, writable: false, enumerable: false, configurable: false }
// # Non-writable: { writable: false }
user . age = 30 ;
console . log ( user . age ) ; // 20
// # Non-enumerable: { enumerable: false }
console . log ( user ) ; // { name: "Ali" }
// # Non-configurable: { configurable: false }
Object . defineProperty ( user , "age" , { writable : true } ) ; // Error: Cannot redefine property: age
writable: true
can be changed to false
for a non-configurable object.
const user = { } ;
Object . defineProperties ( user , {
name : { value : "Ali" , configurable : true } ,
age : { value : 20 , enumerable : true } ,
} ) ;
const user = { } ;
Object . defineProperties ( user , {
name : { value : "Ali" , writable : true , enumerable : true , configurable : true } ,
age : { value : 20 } ,
} ) ;
const clone = Object . defineProperties ( { } , Object . getOwnPropertyDescriptors ( user ) ) ;
console . log ( Object . getOwnPropertyDescriptors ( clone ) ) ;
name: { value: 'Ali', writable: true, enumerable: true, configurable: true },
age: { value: 20, writable: false, enumerable: false, configurable: false }
Sealing an object globally
: forbids the addition of new properties to the object.
: sets configurable: false
for all existing properties.
: sets writable: false, configurable: false
for all existing properties.
02. Property Getters and Setters
const user = {
name : "Ali" ,
surname : "Veli" ,
get fullName ( ) {
return `${ this . name } ${ this . surname } ` ;
} ,
set fullName ( value ) {
[ this . name , this . surname ] = value . split ( " " ) ;
} ,
} ;
user . fullName = "Ahmet Mehmet" ;
console . log ( user . fullName ) ; // "Ahmet Mehmet"
: works when a property is read.
: called when the property is set.
const user = {
name : "Ali" ,
surname : "Veli" ,
} ;
Object . defineProperty ( user , "fullName" , {
get ( ) {
return `${ this . name } ${ this . surname } ` ;
} ,
set ( value ) {
[ this . name , this . surname ] = value . split ( " " ) ;
} ,
} ) ;
user . fullName = "Ahmet Mehmet" ;
console . log ( user . fullName ) ; // "Ahmet Mehmet"
for ( const key in user ) console . log ( key ) ; // "name", "surname"
function User ( name , birthday ) {
this . name = name ;
this . birthday = birthday ;
Object . defineProperty ( this , "age" , {
get ( ) {
const year = new Date ( ) . getFullYear ( ) ;
return year - this . birthday . getFullYear ( ) ;
} ,
} ) ;
const ali = new User ( "Ali" , new Date ( 2000 , 0 , 1 ) ) ;
console . log ( ali . age ) ; // 23
07. Prototypes, Inheritance
01. Prototypal Inheritance
Objects have a special hidden property [[Prototype]]
, that is either null
or references anothor object.
The __proto__
property is outdated. Use Object.getPrototypeOf/Object.setPrototypeOf
functions instead.
const user = { age : 20 } ;
const ali = {
__proto__ : user ,
name : "Ali" ,
} ;
console . log ( ali . age ) ; // 20
// # Writing doesn't use prototype
ali . age = 30 ;
console . log ( ali . age ) ; // 30
console . log ( user . age ) ; // 20
is always the object before dot.
const user = { age : 20 } ;
const ali = {
__proto__ : user ,
name : "Ali" ,
} ;
console . log ( Object . keys ( ali ) ) ; // ["name"]
for ( const key in ali ) {
if ( ali . hasOwnProperty ( key ) ) {
console . log ( key ) ; // "name"
} else {
console . log ( key ) ; // "age"
If F.prototype
is an object, then the new
operator uses it to set [[Prototype]]
for the new object.
const user = { age : 20 } ;
function Admin ( name ) {
this . name = name ;
Admin . prototype = user ;
const ali = new Admin ( "Ali" ) ;
console . log ( ali . __proto__ === user ) ; // true
console . log ( ali . age ) ; // 20
Default F.prototype, constructor property
function Admin ( ) { }
// Admin.prototype = { constructor: Admin }
const ali = new Admin ( ) ;
console . log ( ali . __proto__ . constructor ) ; // Admin
console . log ( ali . constructor === Admin ) ; // true
const veli = new ali . constructor ( ) ;
// # JavaScript itself does not ensure the right `constructor` value.
function User ( ) { }
User . prototype = { age : 20 } ;
const ahmet = new User ( ) ;
console . log ( ahmet . constructor === User ) ; // false
const obj = { } ;
console . log ( obj . __proto__ === Object . prototype ) ; // true
console . log ( obj . toString === obj . __proto__ . toString ) ; // true
console . log ( obj . toString === Object . prototype . toString ) ; // true
console . log ( Object . prototype . __proto__ ) ; // null
Other built-in prototypes
const arr = [ 1 , 2 , 3 ] ;
console . log ( arr . __proto__ === Array . prototype ) ; // true
console . log ( arr . __proto__ . __proto__ === Object . prototype ) ; // true
console . log ( arr . __proto__ . __proto__ . __proto__ ) ; // null
console . log ( arr . toString ( ) ) ; // "1,2,3", Array.prototype.toString()
const f = ( ) => { } ;
console . log ( f . __proto__ === Function . prototype ) ; // true
console . log ( f . __proto__ . __proto__ === Object . prototype ) ; // true
and undefined
have no object wrappers.
Changing native prototypes
Object . defineProperty ( Number . prototype , "isEven" , {
get ( ) {
return this % 2 === 0 ;
} ,
} ) ;
console . log ( 2. . isEven ) ; // true
console . log ( 3. . isEven ) ; // false
Borrowing from prototypes
const user = {
0 : "Ali" ,
1 : "Veli" ,
length : 2 ,
} ;
user . join = Array . prototype . join ;
console . log ( user . join ( " " ) ) ; // "Ali Veli"
04. Prototype Methods, Objects Without __proto__
const user = { age : 20 } ;
const ali = Object . create ( user , {
name : { value : "Ali" , writable : true , enumerable : true , configurable : true } ,
} ) ; // { __proto__: user, name: "Ali" }
console . log ( ali . __proto__ === user ) ; // true
console . log ( Object . getPrototypeOf ( ali ) === user ) ; // true
Object . setPrototypeOf ( ali , null ) ;
console . log ( ali . __proto__ ) ; // undefined
console . log ( Object . getPrototypeOf ( ali ) ) ; // null
const clone = Object . create (
Object . getPrototypeOf ( obj ) ,
Object . getOwnPropertyDescriptors ( obj )
) ;
const obj = Object . create ( null ) ;
obj . __proto__ = "Ali Veli" ;
console . log ( obj . __proto__ ) ; // "Ali Veli"
console . log ( obj . toString ( ) ) ; // Error: obj.toString is not a function
class User {
constructor ( name ) {
this . name = name ;
greet ( ) {
return `Hi, ${ this . name } !` ;
console . log ( typeof User ) ; // "function"
console . log ( User === User . prototype . constructor ) ; // true
console . log ( Object . getOwnPropertyNames ( User . prototype ) ) ; // ["constructor", "greet"]
const ali = new User ( "Ali" ) ;
console . log ( Object . getOwnPropertyNames ( ali ) ) ; // ["name"]
console . log ( ali . __proto__ === User . prototype ) ; // true
Not a just syntactic sugar
is labelled by a special internal property [[IsClassConstructor]]
Class methods are non-enumerable.
Classes always use strict
class User { }
console . log ( typeof User ) ; // "function"
console . log ( User . toString ( ) ) ; // "class User { }"
User ( ) ; // Error: cannot be invoked without `new`
const User = class { }
const Admin = class AdminClass { }
function makeClass ( name ) {
return class {
greet ( ) {
return `Hi, ${ name } !` ;
const Ali = makeClass ( "Ali" ) ;
console . log ( new Ali ( ) . greet ( ) ) ; // "Hi, Ali!"
class User {
constructor ( name ) {
this . name = name ;
get name ( ) {
return `name: ${ this . _name } ` ;
set name ( value ) {
if ( value . length < 3 ) {
console . log ( "Short name" ) ;
return ;
this . _name = value ;
const ali = new User ( "Ali" ) ;
console . log ( ali . name ) ; // "name: Ali"
new User ( "" ) ; // "Short name"
class User {
[ "greet" + "Me" ] ( ) {
return "Hi!" ;
console . log ( new User ( ) . greetMe ( ) ) ; // "Hi!"
Class fields are set on individual objects, not Obj.prototype
class User {
name = "Ali"
// # Making bound methods with class fields
greet = ( ) => {
console . log ( `Hi, ${ this . name } !` ) ;
console . log ( Object . getOwnPropertyNames ( User . prototype ) ) ; // ["constructor"]
const ali = new User ( ) ;
console . log ( Object . getOwnPropertyNames ( ali ) ) ; // ["name", "greet"]
setTimeout ( ali . greet , 0 ) ; // "Hi, Ali!"
class User {
constructor ( name ) {
this . name = name ;
greet ( ) {
return `Hi, ${ this . name } !` ;
// Admin.prototype.[[Prototype]] = User.prototype
class Admin extends User {
giveAccess ( ) {
return `${ this . name } : granted` ;
console . log ( Admin . prototype . __proto__ === User . prototype ) ; // true
const ali = new Admin ( "Ali" ) ;
console . log ( ali . greet ( ) ) ; // "Hi, Ali!"
console . log ( ali . giveAccess ( ) ) ; // "Ali: granted"
Any expression is allowed after extends
function f ( name ) {
return class {
greet ( ) {
return `Hi, ${ name } ` ;
class User extends f ( "Ali" ) { }
console . log ( new User ( ) . greet ( ) ) ; // "Hi, Ali!"
Arrow functions don't override super
class User {
constructor ( name ) {
this . name = name ;
greet ( ) {
return `Hi, ${ this . name } !` ;
class Admin extends User {
greet ( ) {
return `${ super . greet ( ) } You're Admin.` ;
const ali = new Admin ( "Ali" ) ;
console . log ( ali . greet ( ) ) ; // "Hi, Ali! You're Admin."
A derived constructor has a special internal property [[ConstructorKind]]: "derived"
A derived constructor must call super
in order to execute its parent constructor, otherwise the object for this
won't be created.
class User { }
class Admin extends User {
constructor ( name ) {
// super(); // uncomment this line to get rid of the error
this . name = name ;
new Admin ( "Ali" ) ; // Error: Must call super constructor in derived class before accessing 'this' or returning from derived constructor
The parent constructor always uses its own field value.
The class field initialized before constructor for the base class and after super()
for the derived class.
class User {
name = "Ali" ;
constructor ( ) {
console . log ( this . name ) ;
this . greet ( ) ;
greet ( ) {
console . log ( `Hi, Ali!` ) ;
class Admin extends User {
name = "Veli" ;
greet ( ) {
console . log ( `Hi, Veli!` ) ;
console . log ( new User ( ) ) ; // "Ali", "Hi, Ali!"
console . log ( new Admin ( ) ) ; // "Ali", "Hi, Veli!"
is defined for methods both in classes and in plaing objects.
const user = {
name : "User" ,
greet ( ) { // user.greet.[[HomeObject]] = user
return `Hi, ${ this . name } !` ;
} ,
} ;
const admin = {
__proto__ : user ,
name : "Admin" ,
greet ( ) { // admin.greet.[[HomeObject]] = admin
return super . greet ( ) ;
} ,
} ;
console . log ( admin . greet ( ) ) ; // "Hi, Admin!"
cannot be changed.
const user = {
greet ( ) {
return "User" ;
} ,
} ;
const admin = {
__proto__ : user ,
greet ( ) { // admin.greet.[[HomeObject]] = admin
return super . greet ( ) ;
} ,
} ;
const animal = {
greet ( ) {
return "Animal" ;
} ,
} ;
const puma = {
__proto__ : animal ,
greet : admin . greet
} ;
// It shows "user" because its copied from admin.
console . log ( puma . greet ( ) ) ; // "User"
03. Static Properties and Methods
class User {
static staticMethod ( ) {
return this === User
console . log ( Object . getOwnPropertyNames ( User ) ) ; // ["length", "name", "prototype", "staticMethod"]
console . log ( User . staticMethod ( ) ) ; // true
class Admin { }
Admin . staticMethod = function ( ) {
return this === Admin ;
console . log ( Object . getOwnPropertyNames ( Admin ) ) ; // ["length", "name", "prototype", "staticMethod"]
console . log ( Admin . staticMethod ( ) ) ; // true
const admin = new Admin ( ) ;
admin . staticMethod ( ) ; // Error: admin.staticMethod is not a function
class User {
static age = 20
console . log ( Object . getOwnPropertyNames ( User ) ) ; // ["length", "name", "prototype", "age"]
console . log ( User . age ) ; // 20
Inheritance of static properties and methods
class User {
static greet ( name ) {
return `Hi, ${ name } !` ;
class Admin extends User { }
// inherits static methods
console . log ( Admin . __proto__ === User ) ; // true
// inherits regular methods
console . log ( Admin . prototype . __proto__ === User . prototype ) ; // true
const admin = new Admin ( ) ;
console . log ( admin . __proto__ === Admin . prototype ) ; // true
04. Private and Protected Properties and Methods
class User {
#age = 0 ;
#controlAge( value ) {
if ( value < 0 ) return 0 ;
return value ;
showAge ( ) {
// private fields cannot be accessible as 'this[key]'
return `Age: ${ this [ '#age' ] } ` ;
const user = new User ( ) ;
user . #age = 100 ; // Error
user . #controlAge( 20 ) ; // Error
console . log ( user . showAge ( ) ) ; // "Age: undefined"
class Admin extends User {
printAge ( ) {
// #age is only accessible inside User
console . log ( this . #age) ; // Error
05. Extending Built-in Classes
class ExtendedArray extends Array {
get isEmpty ( ) {
return this . length === 0 ;
let arr = new ExtendedArray ( 1 , 2 , 3 ) ;
console . log ( arr . isEmpty ) ; // false
// Built-in methods like 'map', 'filter' return inherited type
arr = arr . filter ( ( n ) => n > 1 ) ;
console . log ( arr . constructor === ExtendedArray ) ; // true
class ExtendedArray extends Array {
get isEmpty ( ) {
return this . length === 0 ;
static get [ Symbol . species ] ( ) {
return Array ;
let arr = new ExtendedArray ( 1 , 2 , 3 ) ;
arr = arr . filter ( ( n ) => n > 1 ) ;
console . log ( arr . constructor === ExtendedArray ) ; // false
// arr is Array not ExtendedArray
console . log ( arr . isEmpty ) ; // undefined
No static inheritance in built-ins
Built-in classes don't inherit statics from each other.
// does not inherit static methods
console . log ( Array . __proto__ === Object ) ; // false
// inherits regular methods
console . log ( Array . prototype . __proto__ === Object . prototype ) ; // true
console . log ( typeof Object . keys ) ; // function
console . log ( typeof Array . keys ) ; // undefined
06. Class Checking: instanceof
class User { }
const user = new User ;
console . log ( user instanceof User ) ; // true
function Admin ( ) { }
console . log ( new Admin ( ) instanceof Admin ) ; // true
const arr = [ 1 , 2 , 3 ] ;
console . log ( arr instanceof Array ) ; // true
console . log ( arr instanceof Object ) ; // true
The algorithm of obj instanceof Class
If there's a static method Symbol.hasIntance
runs it.
class Adult {
static [ Symbol . hasInstance ] ( obj ) {
return obj . age >= 18 ;
console . log ( { age : 10 } instanceof Adult ) ; // false
console . log ( { age : 20 } instanceof Adult ) ; // true
Checks whether Class.prototype
is equal to one of the prototypes in the obj
prototype chain.
class User { }
class Admin extends User { }
const admin = new Admin ( ) ;
console . log ( admin instanceof User ) ; // true
console . log ( admin instanceof Object ) ; // true
console . log ( admin . __proto__ === User . prototype ) ; // false
console . log ( admin . __proto__ . __proto__ === User . prototype ) ; // true
console . log ( User . prototype . isPrototypeOf ( admin ) ) ; // true
console . log ( admin . __proto__ . __proto__ . __proto__ === Object . prototype ) ; // true
Bonus: Object.prototype.toString
for the type
const objectToString = Object . prototype . toString ;
const obj = { } ;
const arr = [ ] ;
const fn = ( ) => { } ;
const set = new Set ( ) ;
const map = new Map ( ) ;
const date = new Date ( ) ;
function * generator ( ) { }
console . log ( objectToString . call ( obj ) ) ; // "[object Object]"
console . log ( objectToString . call ( arr ) ) ; // "[object Array]"
console . log ( objectToString . call ( fn ) ) ; // "[object Function]"
console . log ( objectToString . call ( set ) ) ; // "[object Set]"
console . log ( objectToString . call ( map ) ) ; // "[object Map]"
console . log ( objectToString . call ( date ) ) ; // "[object Date]"
console . log ( objectToString . call ( generator ) ) ; // "[object GeneratorFunction]"
console . log ( objectToString . call ( generator ( ) ) ) ; // "[object Generator]"
const num = 0 ;
const str = "" ;
const bool = false ;
const und = undefined ;
const nll = null ;
const bigint = 1n ;
const symbol = Symbol ( ) ;
console . log ( objectToString . call ( num ) ) ; // "[object Number]"
console . log ( objectToString . call ( str ) ) ; // "[object String]"
console . log ( objectToString . call ( bool ) ) ; // "[object Boolean]"
console . log ( objectToString . call ( und ) ) ; // "[object Undefined]"
console . log ( objectToString . call ( nll ) ) ; // "[object Null]"
console . log ( objectToString . call ( bigint ) ) ; // "[object BigInt]"
console . log ( objectToString . call ( symbol ) ) ; // "[object Symbol]"
const user = {
[ Symbol . toStringTag ] : "User"
console . log ( { } . toString . call ( user ) ) ; // "[object User]"
Only one single object can be inherited. One [[Prototype]]
per object. A Class can be extend only one other class.
const greetMixin = {
greet ( name ) {
return `Hi, ${ name } !`
} ,
} ;
const greetFarewellMixin = {
__proto__ : greetMixin ,
greet ( ) {
return `${ super . greet ( this . name ) } Welcome!` ;
} ,
farewell ( ) {
return `Goodbye, ${ this . name } .` ;
} ,
} ;
class User {
constructor ( name ) {
this . name = name ;
Object . assign ( User . prototype , greetFarewellMixin ) ;
const ali = new User ( "Ali" ) ;
console . log ( ali . greet ( ) ) ; // "Hi, Ali! Welcome!"
console . log ( ali . farewell ( ) ) ; // "Goodbye, Ali."
const eventMixin = {
on ( eventName , handler ) {
if ( ! this . _eventHandlers ) this . _eventHandlers = { } ;
if ( ! this . _eventHandlers [ eventName ] ) this . _eventHandlers [ eventName ] = [ ] ;
this . _eventHandlers [ eventName ] . push ( handler ) ;
} ,
off ( eventName , handler ) {
const handlers = this . _eventHandlers ?. [ eventName ] ;
if ( ! handlers ) return ;
for ( let i = 0 ; i < handlers . length ; i ++ ) {
if ( handlers [ i ] === handler ) handlers . splice ( i -- , 1 ) ;
} ,
trigger ( eventName , ...args ) {
if ( ! this . _eventHandlers ?. [ eventName ] ) return ;
this . _eventHandlers [ eventName ] . forEach ( handler => handler . apply ( this , args ) ) ;
} ,
} ;
class Menu {
choose ( value ) {
console . log ( value )
this . trigger ( "select" , value ) ;
Object . assign ( Menu . prototype , eventMixin ) ;
const menu = new Menu ( ) ;
menu . on ( "select" , ( value ) => {
console . log ( `Value: ${ value } ` ) ; // "Value: 123"
} ) ;
menu . choose ( "123" ) ;
01. Error Handling, try...catch
try {
console . log ( "1st line" ) ; // "1st line"
fn ( ) ;
console . log ( "3rd line" ) ;
} catch ( error ) {
console . log ( error . name ) ; // "ReferenceError"
console . log ( error . message ) ; // "fn is not defined"
console . log ( error . stack ) ; // "ReferenceError: fn is not defined..."
try {
return console . log ( "return" ) ; // "return"
console . log ( "2nd line" ) ;
} finally {
console . log ( "finally" ) ; // "finally"
window . onerror = ( message , url , line , col , error ) => {
console . log ( message ) ; // "Uncaught ReferenceError: fn is not defined"
console . log ( url ) ; // "/index.html"
console . log ( line ) ; // 8
console . log ( col ) ; // 1
} ;
fn ( ) ;
process . on ( 'uncaughtException' , ( error , origin ) => {
console . log ( error . name ) ; // "ReferenceError"
console . log ( error . message ) ; // "fn is not defined"
console . log ( origin ) ; // "uncaughtException"
} ) ;
fn ( ) ;
02. Custom Errors, Extending Error
class ValidationError extends Error {
constructor ( message ) {
super ( message ) ;
this . name = this . constructor . name ;
try {
throw new ValidationError ( "Invalid data" ) ;
} catch ( error ) {
if ( error instanceof ValidationError ) {
console . log ( error . name ) ; // "ValidationError"
console . log ( error . message ) ; // "Invalid data"
} else {
// rethrow unknown error
throw error ;
const result = new Promise ( ( resolve , reject ) => {
resolve ( 123 ) ;
resolve ( 456 ) ; // ignored
reject ( new Error ( 'An error occured' ) ) ; // ignored
} ) ;
. finally ( ( ) => console . log ( "finally" ) ) // 1st: "finally"
. then (
( value ) => {
console . log ( value ) ; // 2nd: 123
throw new Error ( 'Throw error' ) ;
} ,
( error ) => console . log ( error ) , // can't catch "Throw error"
. catch ( ( error ) => console . log ( error . message ) ) ; // 3rd: "Throw error"
const result = new Promise ( ( resolve ) => resolve ( 2 ) )
. then ( ( num ) => {
console . log ( num ) ; // 2
return num * 2 ;
} )
. then ( ( num ) => {
console . log ( num ) ; // 4
return new Promise ( ( resolve ) => resolve ( num * 2 ) ) ;
} )
. then ( ( num ) => {
console . log ( num ) ; // 8
return num * 2 ;
} ) ;
result . then ( ( num ) => console . log ( num ) ) ; // 16
result . then ( ( num ) => console . log ( num ) ) ; // 16
04. Error Handling with Promises
new Promise ( ( _ , reject ) => {
// throw new Error("Rejected"); // same as below
reject ( new Error ( "Rejected" ) ) ;
} ) . catch ( ( error ) => console . log ( error . message ) ) ; // "Rejected"
new Promise ( ( ) => { throw new Error ( "Rejected" ) ; } )
. catch ( ( error ) => console . log ( error . message ) ) // "Rejected"
. then ( ( ) => console . log ( "Executed successfully" ) ) ; // "Executed successfully"
window . addEventListener ( "unhandledrejection" , ( event ) => {
console . log ( event . promise ) ; // "[object Promise]"
console . log ( event . reason ) ; // "Error: Rejected"
} ) ;
new Promise ( ( ) => { throw new Error ( "Rejected" ) ; } ) ;
process . on ( "unhandledRejection" , ( reason , promise ) => {
console . log ( promise ) ; // "[object Promise]"
console . log ( reason ) ; // "Error: Rejected"
} ) ;
new Promise ( ( ) => { throw new Error ( "Rejected" ) ; } ) ;
Promise . all ( [
1 ,
new Promise ( ( resolve ) => resolve ( 2 ) ) ,
] ) . then ( ( result ) => console . log ( result ) ) ; // [1, 2, 3]
Promise . all ( [
1 ,
new Promise ( ( _ , reject ) => reject ( new Error ( "Rejected" ) ) ) ,
] )
. then ( ( result ) => console . log ( result ) )
. catch ( ( error ) => console . log ( error . message ) ) ; // "Rejected"
Promise . allSettled ( [
1 ,
new Promise ( ( resolve ) => resolve ( 2 ) ) ,
] ) . then ( ( result ) => console . log ( result ) ) ;
{ status: 'fulfilled', value: 1 },
{ status: 'fulfilled', value: 2 },
{ status: 'fulfilled', value: 3 },
Promise . allSettled ( [
1 ,
new Promise ( ( _ , reject ) => reject ( new Error ( "Rejected" ) ) ) ,
] ) . then ( ( result ) => console . log ( result ) ) ;
{ status: 'fulfilled', value: 1 },
{ status: 'rejected', reason: [Error: Rejected] },
{ status: 'fulfilled', value: 3 },
Promise . race ( [
new Promise ( ( _ , reject ) => setTimeout ( ( ) => reject ( new Error ( "Rejected" ) ) , 3000 ) ) ,
new Promise ( ( resolve ) => setTimeout ( ( ) => resolve ( 2 ) , 1000 ) ) ,
new Promise ( ( resolve ) => setTimeout ( ( ) => resolve ( 3 ) , 2000 ) ) ,
] ) . then ( ( result ) => console . log ( result ) ) ; // 2
Promise . any ( [
new Promise ( ( _ , reject ) => setTimeout ( ( ) => reject ( new Error ( "Rejected" ) ) , 1000 ) ) ,
new Promise ( ( resolve ) => setTimeout ( ( ) => resolve ( 2 ) , 2000 ) ) ,
new Promise ( ( resolve ) => setTimeout ( ( ) => resolve ( 3 ) , 3000 ) ) ,
] ) . then ( ( result ) => console . log ( result ) ) ; // 2
Promise . any ( [
new Promise ( ( _ , reject ) => setTimeout ( ( ) => reject ( new Error ( "Rejected" ) ) , 1000 ) ) ,
new Promise ( ( _ , reject ) => setTimeout ( ( ) => reject ( new Error ( "Rejected 2" ) ) , 2000 ) ) ,
] ) . catch ( ( error ) => {
console . log ( error . constructor . name ) ; // "AggregateError"
console . log ( error . message ) ; // "All promises were rejected"
for ( const { message } of error . errors ) {
console . log ( message ) ; // "Rejected", "Rejected 2"
} ) ;
Promise . resolve ( 1 ) . then ( ( result ) => console . log ( result ) ) ; // 1
Promise . reject ( new Error ( "Rejected" ) )
. catch ( ( error ) => console . log ( error . message ) ) ; // "Rejected"
const greet = ( name , callback ) => {
callback ( null , `Hi, ${ name } !` )
const promisify = ( fn ) => {
return function ( ...args ) {
return new Promise ( ( resolve , reject ) => {
const callback = ( err , ...res ) => {
if ( err ) reject ( err ) ;
else resolve ( res . length === 1 ? res [ 0 ] : res ) ;
fn . apply ( this , [ ...args , callback ] ) ;
} )
const greetPromise = promisify ( greet ) ;
greetPromise ( "Ali" ) . then ( ( message ) => console . log ( message ) ) ; // "Hi, Ali!"
const greet = ( name , callback ) => {
callback ( null , `Hi, ${ name } !` )
const { promisify } = require ( "util" ) ;
const greetPromise = promisify ( greet ) ;
greetPromise ( "Ali" ) . then ( ( message ) => console . log ( message ) ) ; // "Hi, Ali!"
Promise . resolve ( )
. then ( ( ) => console . log ( "2nd" ) ) // "2nd"
. then ( ( ) => console . log ( "4th" ) ) ; // "4th"
console . log ( "1st" ) ; // "1st"
setTimeout ( ( ) => console . log ( "6th" ) , 0 ) ; // "6th"
Promise . resolve ( )
. then ( ( ) => console . log ( "3rd" ) ) // "3rd"
. then ( ( ) => console . log ( "5th" ) ) ; // "5th"
const sumAsync = ( x , y ) =>
new Promise ( ( resolve ) => setTimeout ( ( ) => resolve ( x + y ) , 100 ) ) ;
const res = await sumAsync ( 1 , 2 ) ;
console . log ( res ) ; // 3
const run = ( generatorFunction ) => {
const iterator = generatorFunction ( ) ;
const handleNext = ( value ) => {
const next = iterator . next ( value ) ;
if ( next . done ) return next . value ;
return Promise . resolve ( next . value ) . then ( handleNext , ( err ) =>
Promise . resolve ( iterator . throw ( err ) ) . then ( handleNext )
) ;
} ;
handleNext ( ) ;
} ;
run ( function * ( ) {
const res = yield sumAsync ( 1 , 2 ) ;
console . log ( res ) ; // 3
} ) ;
11. Generators, Advanced Iteration
function * generateSquence ( ) {
yield 1 ;
yield 2 ;
return 3 ;
const generator = generateSquence ( ) ;
console . log ( generator . next ( ) ) ; // { value: 1, done: false }
console . log ( generator . next ( ) ) ; // { value: 2, done: false }
console . log ( generator . next ( ) ) ; // { value: 3, done: true }
console . log ( generator . next ( ) ) ; // { value: undefined, done: true }
function * generateSquence ( ) {
yield 1 ;
yield 2 ;
return 3 ;
const generator = generateSquence ( ) ;
for ( const value of generator ) console . log ( value ) ; // 1, 2
console . log ( [ 0 , ...generateSquence ( ) ] ) ; // [0, 1, 2]
Using generators for iterables
const range = {
from : 1 ,
to : 3 ,
* [ Symbol . iterator ] ( ) {
for ( let value = this . from ; value <= this . to ; value ++ ) {
yield value ;
} ;
console . log ( [ ...range ] ) ; // [1, 2, 3]
function * generateSequence ( from , to ) {
for ( let i = from ; i <= to ; i ++ ) yield i ;
function * generatePasswordCodes ( ) {
// 0..9
yield * generateSequence ( 48 , 57 ) ;
// A..Z
yield * generateSequence ( 65 , 90 ) ;
// a..z
yield * generateSequence ( 97 , 122 ) ;
const str = [ ...generatePasswordCodes ( ) ] . reduce (
( acc , curr ) => ( acc += String . fromCharCode ( curr ) ) ,
) ;
console . log ( str ) ;
// "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
is a two-way street
function * generate ( ) {
const sum = yield "2 + 2 = ?" ;
yield `${ sum } * ${ sum } = ?` ;
const generator = generate ( ) ;
console . log ( generator . next ( ) . value ) ; // "2 + 2 = ?"
console . log ( generator . next ( 4 ) . value ) ; // "4 * 4 = ?"
console . log ( generator . next ( ) ) ; // { value: undefined, done: true }
function * generate ( ) {
try {
const sum = yield "2 + 2 = ?" ;
console . log ( sum ) ;
} catch ( error ) {
console . log ( error . message ) ; // "error message"
const generator = generate ( ) ;
console . log ( generator . next ( ) . value ) ; // "2 + 2 = ?"
generator . throw ( new Error ( "error message" ) ) ;
function * generate ( ) {
const sum = yield "2 + 2 = ?" ;
console . log ( sum ) ;
const generator = generate ( ) ;
console . log ( generator . next ( ) . value ) ; // "2 + 2 = ?"
try {
generator . throw ( new Error ( "error message" ) ) ;
} catch ( error ) {
console . log ( error . message ) ; // "error message"
function * generate ( ) {
yield 1 ;
yield 2 ;
yield 3 ;
const generator = generate ( ) ;
console . log ( generator . next ( ) ) ; // { value: 1, done: false }
console . log ( generator . return ( "abc" ) ) ; // { value: "abc", done: true }
console . log ( generator . next ( ) ) ; // { value: undefined, done: true }
02. Async Iteration and Generators
const range = {
from : 1 ,
to : 3 ,
[ Symbol . asyncIterator ] ( ) {
return {
current : this . from ,
last : this . to ,
async next ( ) {
await new Promise ( ( resolve ) => setTimeout ( resolve , 100 ) ) ;
if ( this . current <= this . last ) {
return { done : false , value : this . current ++ } ;
} else {
return { done : true } ;
} ;
} ,
} ;
for await ( const value of range ) console . log ( value ) ; // 1, 2, 3
async function * generate ( from , to ) {
for ( let i = from ; i <= to ; i ++ ) {
await Promise . resolve ( setTimeout ( ( ) => { } , 100 ) ) ;
yield i ;
const generator = generate ( 1 , 3 ) ;
for await ( const value of generator ) console . log ( value ) ; // 1, 2, 3
const range = {
from : 1 ,
to : 3 ,
async * [ Symbol . asyncIterator ] ( ) {
for ( let value = this . from ; value <= this . to ; value ++ ) {
await new Promise ( ( resolve ) => setTimeout ( resolve , 100 ) ) ;
yield value ;
} ,
} ;
for await ( const value of range ) console . log ( value ) ; // 1, 2, 3
01. Modules, Introduction
< script >
console . log ( this ) ; // window object
</ script >
< script type ="module ">
// "use strict" // pre defined
name = "Ali" ; // Error: name is not defined
console . log ( this ) ; // undefined
</ script >
A module code is evaluated only the first time when imported
export const user = {
name : "Ali" ,
} ;
import { user } from "user.js" ;
user . name = "Veli" ;
import { user } from "user.js" ;
console . log ( user . name ) ; // "Veli"
< script type ="module ">
console . log ( import . meta. url ) ; // the URL of the current HTML page
</ script >
export const greet = ( ) => console . log ( "Hi" ) ;
export default ( ) => console . log ( "Bye" ) ;
<!-- Dynamic imports work in regular scripts too -->
< script >
const load = async ( ) => {
const module = await import ( "./index.js" ) ;
module . greet ( ) ; // "Hi"
module . default ( ) ; // "Bye"
</ script >
const user = { name : "Ali" } ;
const proxy = new Proxy ( user , {
get ( target , prop , _receiver ) {
const value = target [ prop ] ;
if ( prop === "name" ) return `My name is ${ value } ` ;
return value ;
} ,
} ) ;
console . log ( proxy . name ) ; // "My name is Ali"
const age = { value : 20 } ;
const proxy = new Proxy ( age , {
set ( target , prop , value , _receiver ) {
if ( typeof value === "number" ) {
target [ prop ] = value ;
return true ;
return false ;
} ,
} ) ;
proxy . value = "Ali" ;
console . log ( proxy . value ) ; // 20
const obj = { _id : 1 } ;
const proxy = new Proxy ( obj , {
has ( target , prop ) {
if ( ! target . hasOwnProperty ( prop ) ) return false ;
if ( prop . startsWith ( "_" ) ) return false ;
return true ;
} ,
} ) ;
console . log ( "_id" in proxy ) ; // false
const obj = { _id : 1 } ;
const proxy = new Proxy ( obj , {
deleteProperty ( target , prop ) {
if ( prop . startsWith ( "_" ) ) return false ;
delete target [ prop ] ;
return true ;
} ,
} ) ;
console . log ( delete proxy . _id ) ; // false
console . log ( proxy . _id ) ; // 1
const greet = ( name ) => `Hi, ${ name } !` ;
const greetProxy = new Proxy ( greet , {
apply ( target , thisArg , args ) {
const [ name ] = args ;
return target . apply ( thisArg , [ `my name is ${ name } ` ] ) ;
} ,
} ) ;
console . log ( greetProxy ( "Ali" ) ) ; // "Hi, my name is Ali!"
function User ( name ) {
this . name = name ;
const UserProxy = new Proxy ( User , {
construct ( target , args , _newTarget ) {
const [ name ] = args ;
return new target ( `My name is ${ name } .` ) ;
} ,
} ) ;
const user = new UserProxy ( "Ali" ) ;
console . log ( user . name ) ; // "My name is Ali."
const obj = { } ;
const proxy = new Proxy ( obj , {
getPrototypeOf ( _target , _handler ) {
return { name : "Ali" } ;
} ,
} ) ;
console . log ( Object . getPrototypeOf ( proxy ) ) ; // { name: "Ali" }
const proto = { _id : 1 } ;
const obj = { __proto__ : proto } ;
const proxy = new Proxy ( obj , {
setPrototypeOf ( _target , value ) {
Object . assign ( proto , value ) ;
return true ;
} ,
} ) ;
console . log ( Object . setPrototypeOf ( proxy , { name : "Ali" } ) ) ;
console . log ( Object . getPrototypeOf ( proxy ) ) ; // { _id: 1, name: "Ali" }
const obj = { } ;
Object . preventExtensions ( obj ) ;
const proxy = new Proxy ( obj , {
isExtensible ( target ) {
return Reflect . isExtensible ( target ) ;
} ,
} ) ;
console . log ( Object . isExtensible ( proxy ) ) ; // false
const user = { name : "" } ;
const proxy = new Proxy ( user , {
preventExtensions ( target ) {
target . name = "Ali" ;
Object . preventExtensions ( target ) ;
return true ;
} ,
} ) ;
console . log ( proxy ) ; // { name: "" }
Object . preventExtensions ( proxy ) ;
console . log ( proxy ) ; // { name: "Ali" }
console . log ( Object . isExtensible ( proxy ) ) ; // false
const user = { name : "" } ;
const proxy = new Proxy ( user , {
defineProperty ( target , prop , descriptor ) {
if ( prop === "name" ) target . name = `My name is ${ descriptor . value } ` ;
else target [ prop ] = descriptor . value ;
return true ;
} ,
} ) ;
proxy . name = "Ali" ;
console . log ( proxy . name ) ; // "My name is Ali"
Object . defineProperties ( proxy , { age : { value : 20 } } ) ;
console . log ( proxy . age ) ; // 20
const obj = { } ;
const proxy = new Proxy ( obj , {
getOwnPropertyDescriptor ( _target , _prop ) {
return { configurable : true , value : "Ali" } ;
} ,
} ) ;
console . log ( Object . getOwnPropertyDescriptor ( proxy , "name" ) ) ;
// { value: "Ali", writable: false, enumerable: false, configurable: true }
const obj = { } ;
const proxy = new Proxy ( obj , {
ownKeys ( _target ) {
return [ "name" , "age" , Symbol ( "id" ) ] ;
} ,
} ) ;
console . log ( Object . getOwnPropertyNames ( proxy ) ) ; // ["name", "age"]
console . log ( Object . getOwnPropertySymbols ( proxy ) ) ; // [Symbol(id)]
: is a built-in object that simplifies creation of Proxy
const user = {
_name : "User" ,
get name ( ) {
return this . _name ;
} ,
} ;
const userProxy = new Proxy ( user , {
get ( target , prop , receiver ) {
console . log ( target === user ) ; // true
console . log ( target [ prop ] ) ; // "User"
return Reflect . get ( target , prop , receiver ) ;
} ,
} ) ;
const admin = {
__proto__ : userProxy ,
_name : "Admin" ,
} ;
console . log ( admin . name ) ; // "Admin"
Built-in objects: Internal slots
const map = new Map ( ) ;
const proxy = new Proxy ( map , {
get ( target , prop , receiver ) {
const value = Reflect . get ( target , prop , receiver ) ;
return typeof value === "function" ? value . bind ( target ) : value ;
} ,
} ) ;
proxy . set ( "name" , "Ali" ) ;
console . log ( proxy . get ( "name" ) ) ; // "Ali"
class User {
#name = "Ali" ;
getName ( ) {
return this . #name;
let user = new User ( ) ;
user = new Proxy ( user , {
get ( target , prop , receiver ) {
const value = Reflect . get ( target , prop , receiver ) ;
return typeof value === "function" ? value . bind ( target ) : value ;
} ,
} ) ;
console . log ( user . getName ( ) ) ; // "Ali"
const user = { } ;
const proxy = new Proxy ( user , { } ) ;
console . log ( user === proxy ) ; // false
const user = { name : "Ali" } ;
const { proxy, revoke } = Proxy . revocable ( user , {
get ( ) {
return "Veli" ;
} ,
} ) ;
console . log ( proxy . name ) ; // "Ali"
revoke ( ) ;
console . log ( proxy . name ) ; // Error: Cannot perform 'get' on a proxy that has been revoked
02. Eval: Run a Code String
let name = "Ali" ;
eval ( 'name = "Veli"; const age = 20;' ) ;
console . log ( name ) ; // "Veli"
console . log ( age ) ; // Error: age is not defined
Currying: is a transformation of functions that translates a function from callable as f(a, b, c)
into callable as f(a)(b)(c)
const sum = ( x , y , z ) => x + y + z ;
const curry = ( fn ) => {
return function curried ( ...args ) {
if ( args . length >= fn . length ) {
return fn . apply ( this , args ) ;
return function ( ...args2 ) {
return curried . apply ( this , args . concat ( args2 ) ) ;
const curriedSum = curry ( sum ) ;
console . log ( curriedSum ( 1 , 2 , 3 ) ) ; // 6
console . log ( curriedSum ( 1 ) ( 2 ) ( 3 ) ) ; // 6
console . log ( curriedSum ( 1 ) ( 2 , 3 ) ) ; // 6
The Reference Type is a "specification type". We can't explicitly use it, but it is used internally by the language.
The value of Reference Type: (base, name, strict)
: object
: property name
: true if use strict
is in effect
const user = {
name : "Ali" ,
greet ( ) {
return `Hi, ${ this . name } !` ;
} ,
} ;
// # Reference Type value
// `(user, "greet", false)`
console . log ( user . greet ( ) ) ; // "Hi, Ali!"
const greet = user . greet ;
console . log ( greet ( ) ) ; // "Hi, undefined!"
const sum = 1n + 2n ;
console . log ( sum ) ; // 3n
const divide = 5n / 2n ;
console . log ( divide ) ; // 2n
const sumBigInt = 1n + BigInt ( 2 ) ;
console . log ( sumBigInt ) ; // 3n
const sumNumber = Number ( 1n ) + 2 ;
console . log ( sumNumber ) ; // 3
// # The unary plus is not supperted on BigInts
console . log ( + 1n ) ; // Error: Cannot convert a BigInt value to a number
console . log ( 2n > 1 ) ; // true
console . log ( 2 > 1n ) ; // true
console . log ( 1 == 1n ) ; // true
console . log ( 1 === 1n ) ; // false
if ( 0n ) console . log ( true ) ;
console . log ( 1n || 2 ) ; // 1n
console . log ( 0n || 2 ) ; // 2
06. Unicode, String Internals
console . log ( "\x7A" ) ; // "z"
console . log ( "\xA9" ) ; // "©"
console . log ( "\u00A9" ) ; // "©"
console . log ( "\u{1F60D}" ) ; // "😍"
const emoji = "😍" ;
console . log ( emoji . length ) ; // 2
console . log ( emoji [ 0 ] ) ; // "#": invalid character
// # `charCodeAt` is not surrogate-pair aware
console . log ( emoji . charCodeAt ( 0 ) . toString ( 16 ) ) ; // "d83d"
console . log ( String . fromCharCode ( Number . parseInt ( "d83d" , 16 ) ) ) ; // "#": invalid character
// # `codePointAt` is surrogate-pair aware
console . log ( emoji . codePointAt ( 0 ) . toString ( 16 ) ) ; // "1f60d"
console . log ( String . fromCodePoint ( Number . parseInt ( "1f60d" , 16 ) ) ) ; // "😍"
Diacritical marks and normalization
const s1 = "S\u0307\u0323" ; // Ṩ: S + dot above + dot below
const s2 = "S\u0323\u0307" ; // Ṩ: S + dot below + dot above
console . log ( s1 == s2 ) ; // false
console . log ( s1 . normalize ( ) === s2 . normalize ( ) ) ; // true
console . log ( s1 . normalize ( ) . length ) ; // 1
console . log ( s1 . normalize ( ) === "\u1e68" ) ; // true