- Environment
- Architecture
- Flow
- Data Structure
- Saved Data
- Function
- Others
- Qt 5.10.0 or Qt 5.7.1
- MSVC 2015, 64 bits
- Library
- OpenCV 3.2.0 with contribute and CUDA 8.0, build with MSVC 2015, 64 bits
- Version 2.0
- CUDA 8.0
- cudnn-9.0-windows10-x64-v7.1
- Realsense SDK 2.16.5
- Opengl 3.2
- glfw3
- Used dll
- CUDA/cudnn:
cublas64_80.dll cufft64_80.dll curand64_80.dll nppc64_80.dll nppi64_80.dll npps64_80.dll
- opengl/glfw:
glfw.dll opengl32sw.dll
- OpenCV with contribute/cuda:
opencv_XXXXXX.dll opencv_cudaXXXXX.dll
- Realsense:
- CUDA/cudnn:
- Read
- Initialize Realsense:
- Initialize Yolov2 Detector:
initialize_detector(bool tomato)
- tomato: True --> detect tomato
- tomato: False --> detecto Strawberry
- Initialize Parameters --------------------------------- Online Tracking -------------------------------------------------
- Initialize Tracking
- Read 2 frames for color and depth.
- color:
- depth:
- color:
- Detect fruits in color frame
- data structure transformation : from
) - Erase unavailable fruits in detected result:
- Initialize
information - Feature Operation
)- Find camera movement:
- Predict fruits position
- Set ID for each fruit:
- Read 2 frames for color and depth.
- Start Tracking
- Frame preprocessing
- Repeat 5.Initialize Tracking
- Eliminate false alarm every
)(Not necessary) --------------------------------- Offline Tracking ------------------------------------------------
- Eliminate false alarm:
) - Calculate fruit size histogram (pixel level):
)- Fruit size (pixel level and true size) is calculated during tracking in function
- Fruit size (pixel level and true size) is calculated during tracking in function
- Calculate fruit ripening stage:
) - Draw global map
- Calculate global coordinate:
) - Draw map
- Set ripening stage:
) - Set size (pixel level):
) - Set size (true size): X (m) * 200
- Set ripening stage:
- Calculate global coordinate:
- End
bbox_t (defined by YOLO)
struct bbox_t{ unsigned int x, y, w, h; // (x,y) - top-left corner, (w, h) - width & height of bounded box float prob; // confidence - probability that the object was found correctly unsigned int obj_id; // class of object - from range [0, classes-1] unsigned int track_id; // tracking id for video (0 - untracked, 1 - inf - tracked object) };
bbox_t_history (defined in detect_3d.hpp)
struct bbox_t_history:bbox_t{ QList<unsigned int> history; // Fruit state history sequence: 0: Inactive, 1: Lost, 2: Tracked QList<cv::Point2f> trajectory; // Fruit center x, y coordinate when in Tracked state unsigned int lost_frame; // Frame number when the fruit is Lost QList<cv::Mat> frame_mat; // Save row frame for maturity calculation QList<cv::Point2d> width_height; // Fruit width and height QList<double> depth_hist; // Fruit distance when in Tracked state QList<std::pair<float, float>> true_size_hist; // Fruit true size calculated by 3D point cloud (NOT USED IN THE NEWEST VERSION) double maturity; // Fruit maturity. Calculated in offline stage int size; // Fruit size in pixel value. Calculated in offline stage double median_depth; // Fruit depth calculate by the median value of all pixels in online stage runtime. Used for saving in QList<double> depth_hist. std::pair<float, float> true_size; // Fruit true size calculated by 3D point cloud in online stage runtime. Used for saving in QList<std::pair<float, float>> true_size_hist (NOT USED IN THE NEWEST VERSION) };
global_coor (defined in detect_3d.hpp)
struct global_coor{ cv::Point2f global_point; // Fruit global coordinate calculated in offline stage unsigned int global_fruit_ID; // Fruit ID, same as bbox_t_history.track_ID double maturity; // Fruit maturity, same as bbox_t_history.maturity int size; // Fruit size, same as bbox_t_history.size int nearest_trajectory_index; // Fruit trajectory index with smallest distance between the fruit and camera (NOT USED IN THE NEWEST VERSION) }
- for debugging
- Ex. ======= Fruit actual size ======= ID: 1 nearest_index: 11 width pixel & actual: 83, 0.0704425 (m) height pixel & actual: 95, 0.0806269 (m)
- Thesis fig. 4-27(c), by GraphPad Prism 7
- Ex. 0.0178429,0.0182098,0.0175331,0.0071291,0.00810463,0.0147567,0.0160196,
- Thesis fig. 4-27(a), by GraphPad Prism 7
- Ex. 0.0704425,0.0806269 0.079744,0.0726871 0.0742896,0.0751244 0.0480529,0.0472244 0.0519684,0.0496415
Pixel size
Thesis fig. 4-27(b), by GraphPad Prism 7
Ex. ======= Fruit size histogram ======== 9310, 11865, 8134, 3410, 4830, 9951, 9310, 10486, 11021, 8096, 4180, Max ID, size: 2, 11865
Max ID, size: 4, 3410
- Thesis fig. 4-26(b), by GraphPad Prism 7
- Ex. ======= Fruit ripening stage histogram ======= 1, 3, 4, 2, 4, 1, 2, 1, 4, 3, 3,
- stage sequence for each fruit ID
- for debugging
- Ex. Frame : 4 ID: 1 2 2 1 Frame : 5 ID: 1 2 2 1 2 Frame : 6 ID: 1 2 2 1 2 1 Frame : 7 ID: 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 Frame : 8 ID: 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 Frame : 9 ID: 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 Frame : 10 ID: 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 2
- Hue pixel value for each fruit
- Thesis fig. 4-26(a), by GraphPad Prism 7
- Ex. 18,18,23,15,19,19,23,23,18,18,23,23,24,24,21,21,19,19,21,21,19,19,21,21,27,27,27,27,...
for debugging and analyzing data
Ex. ======= Tracking Result ======= Video: F:/Fruit_harvest/Raw_data/08152019_Bird/20190815_up06.bag Online-tracking total_fruit.size() = 17
Offline-tracking Erase-ID 7, 8, 10, 12, 16, 17, total_fruit.size() = 11
- pixel size
- Thesis fig. 4-28 Relative Size
- True size
- Thesis fig. 4-28 Actual Size
1. get_bag_file()
2. initialize_realsense()
3. initialize_detector()
- type=(type==True)?tomato:strawberry
- model
- 1 vs 1 model: trained by `20171226_JingYong` imgs
- 1st round data: mostly trained by `01112019_GaoXiaw_Jinyong_depth`
- 1st round data (modified): modified model by tuning the size and number of the anchor boxes
- internet: data from `From_internet`
- 2nd round data: data from `04112019_JinYong`
- Only 100% model: fruit labeled only 100% visible. data from `01112019_GaoXiaw_Jinyong_depth`
4. Color()
5. Depth()
6. draw_detect_point(std::vector<bbox_t> result_vector, cv::Mat input, cv::Scalar fruit_point_color, bool bbox)
- bool bbox: draw bounding box boundary or not
7. draw_detect_point(std::vector<bbox_t_history> result_vector, cv::Mat input, cv::Scalar fruit_point_color, bool bbox)
8. mean_distance() (X)
- mean distance of all *fruit* pixels
9. fame_mean_distance()
- mean distance of all *frame* pixels
10. cal_SD()
- standard deviation of distance of all *fruit* pixels
11. median_distance()
- meidan distance of all *fruit* pixels
- `cal_SD()`
- return std::make_pair(median distance, SD)
12. drawHistImg() (X)
- draw img HSV histogram
13. dist_3d
- calculate distance between 2 points by 3D point cloud
14. fruit_true_size()
- `dist_3d`
15. **Kick_fruit_out_of_boundary()**
- Elimiate detection results if out of boundary. boundary = 40
- `median_distance()`
- if(median_distance < lower depth threshold || // lower depth threshold = 0.3 (m)
median_distance > higher depth threshold || // lower depth threshold = 0.9 (m)
SD_distance > SD_threshold) // SD_threshold = 0.3, maybe leaves
-> Elimiate detection results
16. draw_ID()
17. save_history()
18. set_saveiou() (X)
19. pixel_size_ratio(X)
20. moving_degree(X)
21. preprocess (X)
- input frame preprocessing: output = input frame * alpha
22. postprocess (X)
23. **run()**
24. draw_color()
25. draw_depth()
26. showColor()
27. showDepth()
1. featureDetection (X)
2. featureDetection_GPU (X)
3. featureTracking (X)
4. featureTracking_GPU
5. get_tracked_point
6. global_coordinate
7. set_ID
8. IOU(bbox_t_history prev_vec, bbox_t_history curr_vec, cv::Mat homo)
9. IOU(cv::Point2f prev_pt_LT, cv::Point2f curr_pt_LT, cv::Point2f prev_pt_RB, cv::Point2f curr_pt_RB)
- LT: left top corner coordinate
- RB: right bottom corner coordinate
10. set_ID_fast(std::vector<bbox_t_history>& total_fruit
, std::vector<bbox_t_history>& prev_vec
, std::vector<bbox_t_history>& curr_vec
, QList<cv::Mat> Homo_history
, QList<double> mean_depth_diff
, bool prev_fruit
, QList<int> threshold
, int lost_track_threshold (X)
, QList<float> avg_point_dist_hist
, cv::Mat& check_mat
, cv::Mat maturity_mat
, bool save_IOU
, bool depth)
- `total_fruit`
- `prev_vec`: detected result of previous frame
- `curr_vec`: detected result of current frame
- `Homo_history`: rigid transform matrix series, Homo_history.size() = current frame
- `mean_depth_diff`: mean depth difference between two frames series
- `prev_fruit`: if there is fruit in the previous frame or not
- `threshold`: stage 1, radius for each fruit in the previous frame
- `lost_track_threshold`: (X)
- `avg_point_dist_hist`: average distance of the feature points history
- `check_mat`: a.k.a. draw_mat, used to draw results
- `maturity_mat`: save row frame when 'Tracked'
- `save_IOU`: save IOU results or not
- `depth`: take depth information into account for decision
// -------- STAGE ONE --------- //
for(int i = 0 ; i < curr_vec.size() ; i++){
// check the fruit is too closed with others or not.
// | - Y: decrease the threshold
// | - N: do nothing
for(int j = 0 ; j < prev_vec.size() ; j++){
// Set threshold
// Calculate distance: L2norm(prev_fruit, curr_fruit)
// Calculate IOU
// Calculate depth_diff: abs(prev_fruit.median_depth - curr_fruit.median_depth)
// Set ID decision:
// | - Smallest distance
// | - IOU > IOU_threshold
// | - depth_diff < 0.05
// ith fruit in current frame equals to jth fruit in previous frame
cout << "First stage - tracked ID:" <<;
// ith fruit in current frame may be new a fruit or lost2track fruit
cout << "First stage - Lost2Track or New";
// Save total_fruit information
else{ // Must be a new fruit
// Save total fruit information = total_fruit.size() + 1;
cout << "First stage - New Fruit (No Fruit in last frame) ID: " <<;
// Append history with lost and mark the lost frame
for(int i = 0 ; i < total_fruit.size() ; i++){ = curr_frame;
// -------- STAGE TWO --------- //
for(int i = 0 ; i < curr_vec.size() ; i++){
if("first stage - Lost2Track or New"){
for(int j = 0 ; j < total_fruit.size() ; j++){
if( == LOST){
// Predict its position, bbox and depth in current frame by Homo_history and mean_depth_diff. Used Information:
// | - total_fruit.trajectory
// | - total_fruit.width_height
// | - total_fruit.median_depth
// | - Homo_history
// | - mean_depth_diff
// Check the predicted position, if out of image boundary then set to 'Inactive State'
// Calculate distance: L2norm(prev_fruit, curr_fruit)
// Calculate IOU
// Calculate diff_depth: abs(prev_fruit.median_depth - curr_fruit.median_depth)
// Set ID decision:
// | - Smallest distance
// | - IOU > IOU_threshold
// | - depth_diff < 0.05
if(there are lost fruits in total_fruit){
// ith fruit in current frame equals to the fruit in Lost state
cout << "Second stage - 1. Lost -> Tracked";
// Save total fruit information
// ith fruit in current frame is truly a new fruit
cout << "Second stage - 2. New Fruit";
// Save total fruit information
// ith fruit in current frame is a new fruit
cout << "Second stage - 2. New Fruit (No Fruit Lost in total fruit)"
// Save total fruit information
* Save total fruit information
* track_id
* history: 1: Lost, 2: Tracked, 3: Inactive
* trajectory: center point of bbox
* frame_mat: row_frame, for calculating ripening stage
* width_height: w, h, for calculating fruit ripening stage and fruit size
* depth_hist: median_depth of fruit, for finding the nearest fruit frame
* true_size_hist: true size history, for calculating fruit size
* closeness_threshold: handling the circumstance if fruits are too closed
* duplicate, used_ids: handling duplicated ID
11. bbox_t2bbox_t_history()
1. **save_track_result()**
2. **save_histogram()**
3. **save_ripening_stage()**
4. max_fruit_frame_size()
5. **Eliminate_false_alarm(std::vector<bbox_t_history>&, int threshold)**
6. **Eliminate_false_alarm(std::vector<bbox_t_history>&, int threshold, int frame)**
7. **Fruit_size_histogram()**
- max_fruit_frame_size()
- set `total_fruit.size`
8. maturity()
- Calculate maturity
9. save_ripen_img()
- Draw fruit mask with ripening stage
10. ripening_stage()
- Grabcut algorithm
- maturity()
- save_ripen_img()
11. **Fruit_ripening_stage()**
for(each fruit){
double stage = ripening_stage() = stage;
12. set_coordinate()
- global_coor
``` cpp
global_coor coor;
coor.global_point = point;
coor.global_fruit_ID = total_fruit.track_id;
coor.maturity = total_fruit.maturity;
coor.size = total_fruit.size;
13. near_origin_point()
14. nearest_point()
15. **Calculate_global_coordinate()**
for(each fruit){
trajectory_index = nearest_point() or near_origin_point()
global_coordinate() // defined in feature_function.hpp
coor.nearest_trajectory_index = trajectory_index
16. **set_maturity_color()**
17. **set_radius()**
- Fruit matching part can be advanced by Hungarian Algorithm [Hungarian Algorithm]:
- Which frame to draw a fruit on global map?
- Fruit may be tilt. Bounding box width and height cannot truely describe the fruit size.
- Map Pixel length vs Actual length miss match in Global map, result from rigid transform matrix.
- Time complexity bottle neck
- main: feature tracking (using optical flow) -> traditional tracking algo. !?
- second: calculating the predicted position of 'Lost' fruit -> can be advanced with hungarian algo.