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Large numbers using the fast-growing hierarchy

A nice way to describe a really large number is to describe a big ordinal, and plug it in to the fast-growing hierarchy. For this, some familiarity with countable ordinals is needed; everything I know about the subject is in John Baez's excellent series of blog posts Large Countable Ordinals (part 1, part 2, part 3).

Let's start by looking at the standard way to define natural numbers (N), using Church encoding. Though this is the untyped lambda calculus, it can help to think of functions as having "types" indicating their purpose, so we'll call Church integers N, and zero is c0: N

let c0 = λf x. x;

while the successor function is csucc: NN, ie a function from N to N.

let csucc = λn f x. n f (f x);

We could define integers above zero as eg let c1 = csucc c0, but I'm optimizing for fewer bits in the final expression here, so let's define these by hand: c1, c2, c3, c4: N

let c1 = λx. x;
let c2 = λf x. f (f x);
let c3 = λf x. f (f (f x));
let c4 = λf x. f (f (f (f x)));

With this structure, we say that if you have some function on natural numbers such that you know F(0) = z, and there exists a function s such that F(n + 1) = s(F(n)), then the lambda calculus representation of F(x) is simply x s z.

We can extend this idea to represent countable ordinals with fundamental sequences in lambda calculus if we add a way of handling limits. For this we ask for a function l such that where α is a limit ordinal, F(α) = li. F(α[i])); in other words, we hand l a function that maps integers to F applied to that index in the limit sequence. Thus an ordinal α is a function which takes these three parameters l, s, z, and returns F(α) ie α l s z = F(α).

Let's call the type of computable countable ordinals with fundamental sequences Ord, and suppose F is a function which takes an ordinal and returns some type T. Then the three parts we'll use to represent F have types:

  • l: (NT) → T
  • s: TT
  • z: T

and the type Ord takes one of each:

  • Ord = ((NT) → T) → (TT) → TT

Note that "ABC" should be interpreted as "A → (BC)" as per the usual convention for representing multi-argument functions in the lambda calculus; see also Currying.

Ordinal zero o0: Ord

let o0 = λl s z. z;

Ordinal successor osucc: OrdOrd

let osucc = λα l s z. s (α l s z);

We define limits using a function which takes an index and returns the ordinal at that index in the fundamental sequence. olim: (NOrd) → Ord

let olim = λf l s z. l (λi. f i l s z);

Converting a Church integer to an ordinal integer is easy (again we optimize for bits): to_ord: NOrd

# let to_ord = λn. n osucc o0;
let to_ord = λn l. n; # optimized

o1, o2: Ord

let o1 = to_ord c1;
let o2 = to_ord c2;

The first infinite ordinal ω: Ord

#let ω = olim to_ord; # Straightforward definition
let ω = λl s z. l (λi. i s z); # Optimized definition

Next we need ordinal arithmetic. We reverse the arguments of our ordinal arithmetic functions so that partial application is more useful.

Almost all of the OrdOrd functions we define here are continuous. Defining a continuous function is easy with this representation, just pass olim as the first argument. For example, ordinal addition (in which α + 0 = α, α + (β + 1) = (α + β) + 1) we define as oadd: OrdOrdOrd

# let oadd = λβ α. β olim osucc α;
let oadd = λβ. β olim osucc; # Optimized

Ordinal multiplication α * 0 = 0, α * (β + 1) = (α * β) + α as omul: OrdOrdOrd

let omul = λβ α. β olim (oadd α) o0;

and powers α^0 = 1, α^{β + 1} = α^β * α as opow: OrdOrdOrd

let opow = λβ α. β olim (omul α) o1;

With these we can define ordinals like ω^ω^ω + ω^ω2 + 4. To go further, we define an operator that takes fixed points, given a starting point α and a normal function F: fixedp: (OrdOrd) → OrdOrd

let fixedp = λf α. olim λn. n f α;

At this point it's handy to define the C combinator which swaps arguments: C: (TUV) → (UTV)

    let C = λf x y. f y x;
    let omegapow = C opow ω;
    draw omegapow;

which allows us to define epsilon0: Ord

let epsilon0 = fixedp omegapow o0;

If f α finds the least ordinal no less than α with some property, stepfix enumerates the solutions by ordinal (where this is continuous); to get the successor value, add one to the value you have and search again. stepfix: (OrdOrd) → OrdOrd

let stepfix = λf α. α olim (λp. f (osucc p)) (f o0);

Putting these together we can take derivatives. deriv: (OrdOrd) → OrdOrd

let deriv = λf. stepfix (fixedp f);

Two-argument Veblen function. Note the caution in Paul Budnik, An overview of the ordinal calculator: "if the least significant parameter is a successor and the the next least significant parameter is a limit, one must exercise care to make sure both parameters affect the result" (thanks to John Baez). For a limit ordinal γ, one cannot assume that φ_γ(α + 1) = \lim_{β<γ} φ_γ(α); see this paper for a counterexample. Instead, one must explicitly find new fixed points for every function in the limit sequence, starting from the previous fixed point found for the whole limit function.

Because this takes two arguments, it recursively builds an OrdOrd function. At zero this function is just x → ω^x. The successor of each function is the derivative. For the limit, the variable lf in the lambda below is of type NOrdOrd, and we must return an OrdOrd. Bearing in mind the above caution, we use stepfix to step through the limit fixed points. veblen2: OrdOrdOrd

let veblen2 = λα. α
    (λlf. stepfix λostart. olim λn. fixedp (lf n) ostart)

By taking fixed points one more time, we can enumerate solutions of x = veblen2 x o0 and thus define the Feferman-Schütte ordinal Γ_0 feferman_schuette: Ord

let feferman_schuette = deriv (C veblen2 o0) o0;

Now that we have some ordinals, we can define the fast-growing hierarchy fgh: OrdNN

let fgh = λ α. α (λlf n. lf n n) (λ f n. n f n) csucc;

And with that we're finally ready to write some programs which reduce to Church integers.

let f_0 = fgh o0 c4;
draw f_0;

let f_1 = fgh o1 c4;
draw f_1;

let f_2 = fgh o2 c4;
draw f_2;

let f_omega = fgh ω c4;
draw f_omega;

let f_omega1 = fgh (osucc ω) c4;
draw f_omega1;

let f_e0 = fgh (osucc epsilon0) c4;
draw f_e0;

But we didn't build all this just to define pocket calculator stuff like fgh (osucc epsilon0) c4. Let's use our biggest ordinal so far, the Feferman-Schütte ordinal:

let f_FS = fgh (osucc (osucc feferman_schuette)) c3;
draw f_FS;

This is larger than many numbers on the Googology Wiki; consider for example that Graham's Number is approximated there as fgh (osucc omega) c64 (where of course c64 = c3 c4).

We can of course go on to define larger ordinals like this (eg by taking derivatives) and thus larger integers, but the next ordinal that is different in kind is the small Veblen ordinal, followed by the large Veblen ordinal. I haven't tried to define these because I don't fully understand them yet; there's room to express even vaster numbers with this system.

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