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File metadata and controls

131 lines (106 loc) · 20.5 KB


Terraform module to remote build lambdas and deploy within the context of a terraform plan/apply - build and deploy your code and infrastructure in one pipeline.

  • Creates a "worker" lambda which can be used for building and packaging source code for your lambdas
    • build your lambdas in the same environment they will run on
    • additional build dependencies should be loaded at build-time, or as lambda layer(s) on the worker
  • Eliminates the need for multiple build pipelines when deploying lambda code with terraform - do everything in 1 set of terraform
    • works best when terraform code is in same repo as application code
  • Build logs stored in Cloudwatch logs and available as an output on the module - includes a aws web console link for quick access
  • Enables a continuous deployment lifecycle with pre and post deploy testing (TODO)
  • Built and tested on Terraform Cloud, but can be used with any terraform runtime (no external dependencies except terraform itself)

Known issues / quirks

  • Only supports nodejs v14.x at this time. If you'd like to use this module with another runtime, please raise an issue or a PR.
  • A lambda runtime container only has 512MB of space available to write to the /tmp directory mount. This module downloads, extracts, and runs build commands all within the /tmp directory, so your build processes, source sizes, and dependencies (and their caches) need to fit in this restriction. Builds are cleaned pre and post every build process, and free space is logged to assist in debugging.
  • Cannot install with npm install --global due to write permissions. If a global build-time dependency is needed for your project, consider moving it to your project scope, running it with npx, or installing as a lambda layer
  • Due to current limitations in the aws terraform provider, the lambda invocation datasource will invoke during a plan when there are no code changes to the lambda. The worker will detect a built package in the s3 bucket you're using, and exit quickly, however this will result in a billed invocation of <200ms. Awaiting PR here for the fix: hashicorp/terraform-provider-aws#19488


module "my_lambda" {
  source  = "sellalong/lambda-cd/aws"
  version = "1.0.0"

  meta_name            = "my_lambda"
  package_sources_path = "${path.module}/lambda_source"
  package_target_dir   = "dist"

  # S3 bucket with versioning required for storage of package artefacts
  package_target_s3 = {
    bucket = "my_package_s3_bucket"
    prefix = "my_lambda/"

  # Consider allocating more memory/timeout to the worker lambda, as builds may take a while. More memory = more CPU
  worker_lambda_memory_size = 512
  worker_lambda_timeout     = 300

  # Can use npm v7 if desired for build
  worker_lambda_npm_7 = true

  # Customise build commands (defaults below)
  build_commands = [
    "npm ci",
    "npm run build"


Name Version
terraform >= 1
archive >= 2.2.0
aws >= 3.46.0
external 2.1.0
time >= 0.7.2


Name Version
aws >= 3.46.0
time >= 0.7.2


Name Source Version
lambda ./modules/lambda n/a
package_archive ./modules/package n/a
worker ./modules/lambda-worker n/a


Name Type
aws_iam_role_policy.worker_lambda_s3_access resource
aws_s3_bucket_object.package_sources resource
time_sleep.worker_invoke_iam_s3_access resource
time_static.package_sources_updated resource
aws_lambda_invocation.worker_invoke_build data source
aws_s3_bucket_object.package_existing_sources data source


Name Description Type Default Required
build_commands Commands to run remotely on the worker lambda during build phase, in the directory root of ${var.package_source_path} list(string)
"npm ci",
"npm run build"
build_environment_variables A map that defines environment variables to use in the build process while building the lambda in the worker. map(string) {} no
cloudwatch_logs_enable Enable logging to cloudwatch logs for the built lambda bool true no
cloudwatch_logs_retention Log retention in days number 7 no
lambda_environment_variables A map that defines environment variables for the built lambda. map(string) {} no
lambda_handler Handler spec for the built lambda string "main.handler" no
lambda_layers Lambda layers for the built lambda list(string) [] no
lambda_memory_size Memory to allocate for the lambda: 128 MB to 3,008 MB, in 64 MB increments. CPU allocated relative to memory. number 128 no
lambda_role Existing iam role (name not arn) to allocate to the lambda at runtime string null no
lambda_runtime Runtime to use for the built lambda string "nodejs14.x" no
lambda_timeout Timeout in seconds for the runtime of the built lambda number 3 no
meta_name Name of the lambda and all resources string n/a yes
package_sources_exclude Files/directories relative to ${var.package_sources_path} to exclude from the sources package zip (zip compatible wildcards/pattern matching accepted, see: list(string) [] no
package_sources_include Files/directories relative to ${var.package_sources_path} to include in the sources package zip - defaults to all files (zip compatible wildcards/pattern matching accepted, see: list(string)
package_sources_path Deploy sources from local path to the lambda package. This or package_sources_s3 must be specified. string null no
package_sources_s3 Deploy from existing sources package in S3. This or package_sources_path must be specified.
bucket = string
key = string
version_id = string
null no
package_target_dir Directory relative to the sources path root to package for deployment (eg: "./dist") string "." no
package_target_exclude Files/directories relative to ${var.package_target_dir} to exclude from the package zip (zip compatible wildcards/pattern matching accepted, see: list(string) [] no
package_target_include Files/directories relative to ${var.package_target_dir} to include in the package zip (zip compatible wildcards/pattern matching accepted, see: list(string)
package_target_s3 S3 bucket and key prefix for packages and artefacts
bucket = string
prefix = string
n/a yes
worker_lambda_function_name Use an existing worker lambda string null no
worker_lambda_layers Additional lambda layers for the worker lambda list(string) [] no
worker_lambda_memory_size Memory to allocate for the worker lambda: 128 MB to 3,008 MB, in 64 MB increments. CPU allocated relative to memory. number 128 no
worker_lambda_npm_7 Enable npm 7 on the worker lambda (installed as a layer) bool false no
worker_lambda_role Existing iam role (name not arn) to allocate to the worker lambda at runtime string null no
worker_lambda_timeout Timeout in seconds for the runtime of an invocation in the worker lambda number 180 no
worker_meta_name Name of worker lambda and all its resources - defaults to: "worker_${var.meta-name}" any null no


Name Description
lambda Outputs a map with the built lambda's arn, function_name, last_modified, and role
package Outputs a map with the built package's build_time, logs, and s3 location
worker Outputs a map with the worker lambda's function_name