Open source is awesome! Any person on the planet, with Internet connection and with reasonable knowledge can bring value for humanity and push forward technological progress. Open source encourages collaboration, openness and kindness.
There are many people who contributed in Papermerge project. This file will list maintainers, contributors and sponsors of Papermerge project.
- @frenos - Backup and Restore Feature.
- @mtonnie - Packaging for Synology NAS devices.
- @francescocarzaniga - Too many to list here.
- @defaultroute-eu - Reported a bug, provided a fix/PR.
- @hactar - Documentation updates.
- Reto - for very useful feedback and testing.
- Michael Nikitochkin - for fixing docker and docker compose files.
- @FutureCow - for valuable documentation updates.
- Jesse Cureton - Docker integration improved.
- @pvinis - fixed typo in README file.
- @amo13 - typo + systemd unit file fix.
- @dani - French i18n; github issues.
- Thomas Pedersen - imap fixes.
- Georg Krause - mglib improvements; replaced pdftk with stapler.
- Herr Knedel - German translations.
A special Thank you goes to GitHub Sponsors!