- Future tutorials for builder:
Deploying a CLOG website - part in WEBSITE.md Creating a native application Mobile development - u/eql5 has working When to use page vs panel Plug-in panels for use on other sites Demo between different models - stateless, webpage, windows
Expand clog-db-admin to use other available dbi database types
Multi control select and alignments in Builder
Right click menus CLOG-GUI
Project scaffolding generator - done the template system in Builder
- Basic builder project - done
- CLOG-GUI builder project - done
- Builder website
Improvement to CLOG-GUI menus to enable/disable or switch menus based on current window/panel
Menu builder for Builder
Release tool to handle creating platfom executables, templates for Apache and other webservers
Training and documentation tool
Optionaly, for local apps, allow direct transport of CLOG data to webpage via apis remove need for websocket transport.
Some notes on this
Sending data to the page - https://wiki.gnome.org/Projects/WebKitGtk/ProgrammingGuide/Cookbook - look there for executing JavaScript (CLOG is JS snipits) or better https://webkitgtk.org/reference/webkitgtk/stable/webkitgtk-webkitwebview.html#webkit-web-view-execute-script also see webview/webview#8
Sending the boot.js file - Certainly a local file load will work file:// but nice if also have direct way to send html/js
Way to receive data from the page - This is one way but not ideal - https://webkitgtk.org/reference/webkit2gtk/stable/WebKitWebContext.html#webkit-web-context-register-uri-scheme and seems most all here https://blogs.igalia.com/carlosgc/2013/09/10/webkit2gtk-web-process-extensions/
- clog-monitor
- logging, usage, etc.