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Toby Crawley edited this page May 17, 2020 · 16 revisions

Pushing is the process of uploading a jar to the Clojars repository so that others can use it.

leiningen 2.0.0

lein deploy clojars

This will prompt you for your username and password. For your password, you will need to create one or more Deploy Tokens. It is also possible to have them read from an encrypted file.

leiningen 1.x

Add a deploy-repository for clojars to ~/.lein/init.clj:

(def settings
  {:deploy-repositories {"clojars-https" {:url ""
                                          :username "username"
                                          :password "deploy-token"}}})

Then you can deploy with

lein deploy clojars-https


Add clojars to the pom.xml:

    <name>Clojars repository</name>

Add authentication info to settings.xml:


Then you can deploy with

mvn deploy

It is possible to have encrypted credentials.

Boot 2.x

Boot has tasks defined in bootlaces for this purpose.

boot build-jar push-snapshot
boot build-jar push-release

This will prompt you for your username and password, but you can specify it as environment variables too.

Deploy Tokens

See Deploy Tokens.


When you deploy to clojars, the deployment must pass a set of validations before being finalized to the repository. If any validations fail, the deployment will be rejected with an appropriate error message and nothing will be written to the repository. The following things are validated:

  • a pom file was uploaded
  • the pom parses successfully (is readable)
  • the group, name, and version are of a valid format
  • the group, name, and version values in the pom match those in the url
  • the group and name don't already exist on Maven Central
  • this isn't a redeploy of a non-SNAPSHOT version
  • a jar was uploaded if the pom packaging is jar
  • the provided checksums match the artifacts
  • if any signature is uploaded, then every artifact has a signature
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