Provides a CRUD based API written in Go. The API is designed to read and write into a MongoDB backend database.
The API provides the following endpoints:
GET /ok
GET /cpu
GET /version
GET /languages
GET /languages/{name}
GET /languages/{name}/vote
POST /languages/{name}
DELETE /languages/{name}
The API can be used to perform GETs with curl and jq like so:
curl -s http://localhost:8080/languages | jq .
curl -s http://localhost:8080/languages/{name} | jq .
curl -s http://localhost:8080/languages/{name}/vote | jq .
The API can be used to perform POSTs with curl like so:
curl http://localhost:8080/languages/{name} \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--request POST \
--data-binary @- <<BODY
"Usecase": "system, web, server-side",
"Rank": 5,
"Compiled": false,
"Homepage": "",
"Download": "",
"Votes": 0
The API can be used to perform DELETEs with curl like so:
curl -s -X DELETE http://localhost:8080/languages/{name}
The API can be compiled using the following commands:
#ensure to be in the same dir as the **main.go** file
go get -v -t -d ./...
CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build -o api
The API is designed to read/write into a MongoDB 4.2.x database. The MongoDB database should be setup and populated using the following commands performed within the mongo shell:
use langdb;
db.createUser({user: "admin",
pwd: "password",
roles:[{role: "userAdmin" , db:"langdb"}]
db.languages.insert({"name" : "csharp", "codedetail" : { "usecase" : "system, web, server-side", "rank" : 5, "compiled" : false, "homepage" : "", "download" : "", "votes" : 0}});
db.languages.insert({"name" : "python", "codedetail" : { "usecase" : "system, web, server-side", "rank" : 3, "script" : false, "homepage" : "", "download" : "", "votes" : 0}});
db.languages.insert({"name" : "javascript", "codedetail" : { "usecase" : "web, client-side", "rank" : 7, "script" : false, "homepage" : "", "download" : "n/a", "votes" : 0}});
db.languages.insert({"name" : "go", "codedetail" : { "usecase" : "system, web, server-side", "rank" : 12, "compiled" : true, "homepage" : "", "download" : "", "votes" : 0}});
db.languages.insert({"name" : "java", "codedetail" : { "usecase" : "system, web, server-side", "rank" : 1, "compiled" : true, "homepage" : "", "download" : "", "votes" : 0}});
db.languages.insert({"name" : "nodejs", "codedetail" : { "usecase" : "system, web, server-side", "rank" : 20, "script" : false, "homepage" : "", "download" : "", "votes" : 0}});
show collections;
The API looks for the following defined environment variables:
Note: The environment variables MONGO_USERNAME
don't need to be specified if authentication is disabled or not configured on the MongoDB service.
The API can be started directly using the main.go file like so
MONGO_CONN_STR=mongodb://localhost:27017/langdb MONGO_USERNAME=admin MONGO_PASSWORD=password go run main.go
or by using the binary:
MONGO_CONN_STR=mongodb://localhost:27017/langdb MONGO_USERNAME=admin MONGO_PASSWORD=password ./api