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Manual Stemcell DotNet Version Guide

Paul Nikonowicz edited this page Jun 5, 2017 · 4 revisions

.NET Versions on Windows 2012R2 Stemcells

Running .NET applications on VMs deployed from Windows 2012R2 stemcells requires that the correct .NET framework version(s) are installed. Below is a guide to how to enable the desired .NET framework on the stemcell you build. You can also visit this link for some more detailed information.

.NET 4.6.x and .NET 4.5.x

The latest versions of these .NET frameworks come by default on a fully updated windows2012R2 image.

Run through the manual stemcell build instructions for your IaaS as outlined here for vSphere and here for OpenStack. If you install all available Windows Updates and run the provisioning command Install-CFFeatures you will enable the latest .NET 4.6.x and .NET 4.5.x frameworks.

.NET 3.5

Before you install Windows Updates, open powershell and run the following:

Install-WindowsFeature Net-Framework-Core

Installing this Windows feature will enable .NET 3.5 and doing so before installing Windows Updates will ensure you install the latest patches and security updates for the framework.

Note that if you're deploying a stemcell on Cloud Foundry and intend to use .NET 3.5, you cannot deploy a .NET application with the HWC Buildpack. You must build your project as a console application and deploy with the binary buildpack.