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Cloudify manager worker helm chart ( Premium Version )


It's a helm chart for cloudify manager which:

  • Is highly available, can be deployed with multiple replicas. ( available only when used NFS like Storage file system )
  • Uses persistent volume to survive restarts/failures.
  • Uses DB (PostgreSQL), which may be deployed as a dependency automatically (also possible to use external postgresql).
  • Uses Message Brokers (rabbitMQ), which may be deployed as a dependency automatically.

This is how the setup looks after it's deployed to 'cfy-example' namespace (it's possible to have multiple replicas (pods) of cloudify manager):



How to create and deploy such a setup?

  1. Generate certificate as a secret in k8s.

  2. Deployment of Cloudify manager worker with dependencies.

  3. (Optional) Ensure UI access to the manager upon installation

  4. (Optional) Extra configuration options

  5. Troubleshooting

  6. Uninstallation of helm charts

You need to deploy DB and Message Broker before deploying Cloudify manager worker

Generate certificates and add as secret to k8s

SSL certificate must be provided, to secure communications between cloudify manager and posrgress/rabbitmq

  • ca.crt (to sign other certificates)

  • tls.key

  • tls.crt

Option 1: Automatically generate certificates by cert-manager component installed to kubernetes cluster

Cert-manager ( should be previously installed into your k8s cluster for that!

This feature is disabled by default in helm chart, you can enable it if you add to your helm values file:

    generate: true

NOTE: Secrets, generated by cert-manager won't be removed automatically if you uninstall helm release and can be re-used later.

Option 2: Create certificates using the community cloudify manager docker container

$ docker pull cloudifyplatform/community-cloudify-manager-aio:latest
$ docker run --name cfy_manager_local -d --restart unless-stopped --tmpfs /run --tmpfs /run/lock cloudifyplatform/community-cloudify-manager-aio

Exec to the manager and generate certificates

$ docker exec -it cfy_manager_local bash

# NAMESPACE to which cloudify-manager deployed, must be changed accordingly
$ cfy_manager generate-test-cert -s 'cloudify-manager-worker.NAMESPACE.svc.cluster.local,rabbitmq.NAMESPACE.svc.cluster.local,postgres-postgresql.NAMESPACE.svc.cluster.local,localhost'

You can change the name of the created certificates (inside the container):

$ cd /root/.cloudify-test-ca
$ mv cloudify-manager-worker.helm-update.svc.cluster.local.crt tls.crt
$ mv cloudify-manager-worker.helm-update.svc.cluster.local.key ./tls.key

Exit the container and copy the certificates from the container to your working environment:

$ docker cp cfy_manager_local:/root/.cloudify-test-ca/. ./

Create secret in k8s from certificates:

$ kubectl create secret generic cfy-certs --from-file=./tls.crt --from-file=./tls.key --from-file=./ca.crt -n NAMESPACE

Option 3: Use cert-manager component installed to kubernetes cluster (manually)

You need to deploy those manifests, which will generate cfy-certs secret eventually, you need to change NAMESPACE to your namespace before. You can find this manifest in external folder - cert-issuer.yaml

kind: Issuer
  name: selfsigned-issuer
  selfSigned: {}
kind: Certificate
  name: cfy-ca
  secretName: cfy-ca-tls
  commonName: NAMESPACE.svc.cluster.local
    - server auth
    - client auth
  isCA: true
  duration: "87660h"
    name: selfsigned-issuer
kind: Issuer
  name: cfy-ca-issuer
    secretName: cfy-ca-tls
kind: Certificate
  name: cfy-cert
  secretName: cfy-certs
  isCA: false
  duration: "87660h"
    - server auth
    - client auth
    - "postgres-postgresql.NAMESPACE.svc.cluster.local"
    - "rabbitmq.NAMESPACE.svc.cluster.local"
    - "cloudify-manager-worker.NAMESPACE.svc.cluster.local"
    - "postgres-postgresql"
    - "rabbitmq"
    - "cloudify-manager-worker"
    - "localhost"
    name: cfy-ca-issuer

Create a local copy of the cert-issuer.yaml and apply it to the namespace:

$ kubectl apply -f ./cert-issuer.yaml -n NAMESPACE

Clone cloudify-helm repo

This step is necessary because the following steps will require files from this directory

$ git clone && cd cloudify-helm

Install cloudify manager worker

Create secret/configMap with premium license - required if using Cloudify premium version

Create license.yaml file and populate it with license data

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: cfy-license
  namespace: <NAMESPACE>
  cfy_license.yaml: |
      capabilities: null
      cloudify_version: null
      customer_id: <CUSTOMER_ID>
      expiration_date: 12/31/2021
      license_edition: Premium
      trial: false
    signature: !!binary |

Enable license in values file

  • License name ( must match the secretName in the values file
  secretName: cfy-license

Apply created config map:

$ kubectl apply -f license.yaml

Add the cloudify-helm repo

Add the cloudify-helm chart repo or upgrade it

$ helm repo add cloudify-helm


$ helm repo update cloudify-helm

If you want to customize the values it's recommended to do so before installing the chart - see configuration options below, and either way make sure to review the values file.

Enable PostgreSQL and RabbitMQ deployment

For now deploy PostgreSQL and RabbitMQ as dependent subcharts disabled by default for backward compatibility, so for new deployment you need to enable them.

To do that please ensure you have following parameters in the values file:

  deploy: true

  deploy: true

(optional) If you want to use k8s secrets for store passwords

PostgreSQL initial password

Create k8s secret:

$ kubectl -n NAMESPACE create secret generic SECRET_NAME --from-literal=postgresql-password='POSTGRESQL_INIT_PASSWORD'

Update following parameters in your helm values file:

  serverExistingPasswordSecret: "SECRET_NAME"

  existingSecret: "SECRET_NAME"

PostgreSQL application connection password

Create k8s secret:

$ kubectl -n NAMESPACE create secret generic SECRET_NAME --from-literal=postgresql-cloudify-password='POSTGRESQL_CLOUDIFY_PASSWORD'

Update following parameters in your helm values file:

    secret: "SECRET_NAME"

RabitMQ password

Create k8s secret:

$ kubectl -n NAMESPACE create secret generic SECRET_NAME --from-literal=rabbitmq-password='RABBITMQ_PASSWORD' --from-literal=rabbitmq-erlang-cookie='RABBITMQ_ERLANG_COOKIE'

Update following parameters in your helm values file:

  existingPasswordSecret: "SECRET_NAME"

    existingPasswordSecret: "SECRET_NAME"
    existingErlangSecret: "SECRET_NAME"

Cloudify Manager worker admin password

Create k8s secret:

$ kubectl -n NAMESPACE create secret generic SECRET_NAME --from-literal=cfy-admin-password='CLOUDIFY_ADMIN_PASSWORD'

Update following parameters in your helm values file:

      secret: "SECRET_NAME"

(optional) Ensure UI access to the manager upon installation


Use ingress-controller (e.g. NGINX Ingress Controller -


  • Modify Ingress section accordingly (see example):
      enabled: true
      host: cloudify-manager.DOMAIN
      annotations: nginx 50m # use this annotation to allow upload of resources up to 50mb (e.g. plugins)
        # "letsencrypt-prod" # use this annotation to utilize an installed cert-manager
        enabled: false
        secretName: cfy-secret-name
    HTTPS - Pre-applied SSL Cert
  • Create SSL secret with tls certificate
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Secret
      name: cfy-secret-name
      namespace: NAMESPACE
      tls.crt: SSL_TLS_CRT
      tls.key: SSL_TLS_KEY
  • Modify Ingress section accordingly (see example):
      enabled: true
      host: cloudify-manager.DOMAIN
      annotations: nginx 50m # use this annotation to allow upload of resources up to 50mb (e.g. plugins)
        # "letsencrypt-prod" # use this annotation to utilize an installed cert-manager
        enabled: true
        secretName: cfy-secret-name
    HTTPS - Certificate Manager
  • Use certificate manager (e.g. Let's Encrypt via cert-manager -
  • Modify Ingress section accordingly (see example):
      enabled: true
      host: cloudify-manager.DOMAIN
      annotations: nginx 50m # use this annotation to allow upload of resources up to 50mb (e.g. plugins) "<cluster-issuer-name>" # use this annotation to utilize an installed cert-manager
        enabled: true
        secretName: cfy-secret-name
    **HTTP/HTTPS options will expose Cloudify Manager UI on a URL matching the `host` value**


Skip Ingress and expose the Cloudify Manager service using LoadBalancer.

To have a fixed URL, you must utilize a DNS service to route the LB URL (hostname) to the URL you want.


For this method you need to edit the Service section to use the right type:

  host: cloudify-manager-worker
  type: LoadBalancer
  name: cloudify-manager-worker
    port: 80
    port: 443
    port: 53333

That will create a load balancer depending on your K8S infrastructure (e.g. EKS will create a Classic Load Balancer).

Also please add parameter config.public_ip with DNS name which you are going to configure for you Cloudify Manager load balancer endpoint, for example:


To get the hostname of the load balancer run:

$ kubectl describe svc/cloudify-manager-worker -n NAMESPACE | grep Ingress

Then you can configure DNS record (ALIAS type), points to this load balancer hostname.

The value of the ingress will be the UI URL of the Cloudify Manager.


  • To secure the site with SSL you can update the load balancer configuration to utilize an SSL Certificate

After values are verified, install the manager worker chart

$ helm install cloudify-manager-worker cloudify-helm/cloudify-manager-worker --version 0.4.0 -f ./cloudify-manager-worker/values.yaml -n NAMESPACE

Configuration options of cloudify-manager-worker values.yaml

Key Type Default Description
additionalSecrets object {} Additional secrets to mount on the manager worker pod, make sure the 'name' is also the secret name in the cluster. uncomment secrets and define your mounts More than one secret can be added and more than one mount+sub Path can defined for each secret. (below is an example), . secrets need to be base64 encoded
auth object object Parameters group for auth (for CM worker version >= 7.0)
auth.afterLogoutUrl string "/console/login" After logout page URL
auth.certPath string "" Path to SSL certificate
auth.loginPageUrl string "/console/login" Login page URL
auth.type string "local" Auth type
config object object Parameters group for Cloudify Manager configuration
config.after_bash string "" bash commands for execute after main startup script
config.caCertPath string "/mnt/cloudify-data/ssl/ca.crt" Path to CA certificate.
config.cliLocalProfileHostName string "localhost" "manager.cli_local_profile_host_name" parameter from Cloudify Manager config.yaml file.
config.labels object {} Add labels to Manager-worker container (see example below). example-label: "cloudify-example"
config.mgmtWorkerCount int 8 Maximum number of worker processes started by the management worker.
config.minReadySeconds int 120 Minimum number of seconds for which a newly created Pod should be running and ready without any of its containers crashing, for it to be considered available.
config.private_ip string nil "manager.private_ip" parameter from Cloudify Manager config.yaml file. If is not set, will be calculated automatically.
config.public_ip string nil "manager.public_ip" parameter from Cloudify Manager config.yaml file. If is not set, will be calculated automatically.
config.replicas int 1 Replicas count for launch. Multiple replicas works only with NFS like volume. string "admin" Initial admin password for Cloudify Manager. string "cfy-admin-password" Name of existing k8s secret key with initial password for Cloudify Manager admin user. string "" Name of existing k8s secret with initial password for Cloudify Manager admin user. If not empty, existing secret will be used instead of parameter. bool false Enable SSL for Cloudify Manager.
config.startDelay int 0 Delay before Cloudify Manager start, in seconds
config.tlsCertPath string "/mnt/cloudify-data/ssl/tls.crt" Path to TLS certificate.
config.tlsKeyPath string "/mnt/cloudify-data/ssl/tls.key" Path to TLS certificate key.
config.userConfig.loginHint bool true Enable initial login password hint.
config.userConfig.maxBodySize string "2gb" Maximum manager forwarded request size.
config.workerCount int 4 Cloudify Manager worker count. Suggested worker count for 1vcpu manager, add more if using a stronger host
containerSecurityContext object object Parameters group for k8s containers security context
db object object Parameters group for connection to PostgreSQL database
db.cloudifyDBName string "cloudify_db" Database name for store Cloudify Manager data
db.cloudifyExistingPassword.key string "postgresql-cloudify-password" Name of existing k8s secret key with PostgreSQL application connection password.
db.cloudifyExistingPassword.secret string "" Name of existing k8s secret with PostgreSQL application connection password. If not empty, existing secret will be used instead of db.cloudifyPassword parameter.
db.cloudifyPassword string "cloudify" Password for DB connection
db.cloudifyUsername string "cloudify" Username for DB connection string "postgres-postgresql" PostgreSQL connection host. If db.useExternalDB == true this value should contain FQDN, otherwise hostname without k8s domain.
db.postgresqlSslClientVerification bool true Enable PostgreSQL client SSL certificate verification.
db.serverDBName string "postgres" Database name for initial connection
db.serverExistingPasswordSecret string "" Name of existing k8s secret with PostgreSQL initial connection password (must contain a value for postgresql-password key). If not empty, existing secret will be used instead of db.serverPassword parameter.
db.serverPassword string "cfy_test_pass" Password for initial DB connection
db.serverUsername string "postgres" Username for initial DB connection
db.useExternalDB bool false When switched to true, it will take the FQDN for the pgsql database in host, and require CA cert in secret inputs under TLS section
fullnameOverride string "cloudify-manager-worker"
hotfix object {"rnd1267":true} Parameters group for enabling hotfixes/patches for various issues
hotfix.rnd1267 bool true Hotfix for RND-1267: in the 7.0.x branch, on some k8s setups, the manager can't be installed and throws a "/tmp/tmp is not a directory". If that happens, make sure this is enabled.)
image object object Parameters group for Docker images
image.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent" Specify a imagePullPolicy, Defaults to 'Always' if image tag is 'latest', else set to 'IfNotPresent'. ref:
image.pullSecrets list [] Optionally specify an array of imagePullSecrets. Secrets must be manually created in the namespace. ref:
image.repository string "cloudifyplatform/premium-cloudify-manager-worker" Docker image repository
image.tag string "6.4.0" Docker image tag
ingress object object Parameters group for ingress (managed external access to service)
ingress.annotations object object Ingress annotation object. Please see an example in values.yaml file
ingress.enabled bool false Enable ingress string "" Hostname for ingress connection
ingress.tls object object Ingress TLS parameters
ingress.tls.enabled bool false Enabled TLS connections for Ingress
ingress.tls.secretName string "cfy-secret-name" k8s secret name with TLS certificates for ingress
initContainers object object Parameters group for init containers
initContainers.prepareConfigs.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent" imagePullPolicy for prepare-configs init container
initContainers.prepareConfigs.repository string "busybox" Docker image repository for prepare-configs init container
initContainers.prepareConfigs.resources object object resources requests and limits for prepare-configs init container
initContainers.prepareConfigs.resources.requests object {"cpu":0.1,"memory":"50Mi"} requests for prepare-configs init container
initContainers.prepareConfigs.tag string "1.34.1-uclibc" Docker image tag for prepare-configs init container
initContainers.waitDependencies.enabled bool true Enable wait-for-dependencies init container
initContainers.waitDependencies.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent" imagePullPolicy for wait-for-dependencies init container
initContainers.waitDependencies.repository string "busybox" Docker image repository for wait-for-dependencies init container
initContainers.waitDependencies.resources object object resources requests and limits for wait-for-dependencies init container
initContainers.waitDependencies.resources.requests object {"cpu":0.1,"memory":"50Mi"} requests for wait-for-dependencies init container
initContainers.waitDependencies.tag string "1.34.1-uclibc" Docker image tag for wait-for-dependencies init container
initContainers.waitDependencies.timeout string "10m" timeout for waiting when all dependencies up
kubeVersion string ""
license object {} Can contain "secretName" field with existing license in k8s configMap, to use Secret instead, set useSecret to true.
livenessProbe object object Parameters group for pod liveness probe
livenessProbe.enabled bool true Enable liveness probe
livenessProbe.failureThreshold int 8 liveness probe failure threshold
livenessProbe.httpGet.path string "/api/v3.1/ok" liveness probe HTTP GET path
livenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds int 600 liveness probe initial delay in seconds
livenessProbe.periodSeconds int 30 liveness probe period in seconds
livenessProbe.successThreshold int 1 liveness probe success threshold
livenessProbe.timeoutSeconds int 15 liveness probe timeout in seconds
mainConfig string config.yaml template Content of the main configuration file for cloudify manager (config.yaml).
nameOverride string "cloudify-manager-worker"
nodeSelector object {} Node labels for default backend pod assignment. Ref:
okta object object Parameters group for OKTA (for CM worker version < 7.0)
okta.certPath string "" SSL certificate path
okta.enabled bool false Enable OKTA support.
okta.portalUrl string "" Portal URL
okta.secretName string "okta-license" k8s secret name containing the OKTA certificates.
okta.ssoUrl string "" SSO URL
podAnnotations object {} Additional annotations for Cloudify Manager Worker pods.
podSecurityContext object object Parameters group for k8s pod security context
postgresql object object Parameters group for bitnami/postgresql helm chart. Details:
queue object object Parameters group for connection to RabbitMQ (Message Broker)
queue.existingPasswordSecret string "" Name of existing k8s secret with RabbitMQ password (must contain a value for rabbitmq-password key). If not empty, existing secret will be used instead of queue.password parameter. string "rabbitmq" RabbitMQ connection host (without k8s domain)
queue.password string "cfy_test_pass" Password for connection to RabbitMQ
queue.username string "cfy_user" Username for connection to RabbitMQ
rabbitmq object object Parameters group for bitnami/rabbitmq helm chart. Details:
readinessProbe object object Parameters group for pod readiness probe
readinessProbe.enabled bool true Enable readiness probe
readinessProbe.failureThreshold int 2 readiness probe failure threshold
readinessProbe.httpGet.path string "/console" readiness probe HTTP GET path
readinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds int 0 readiness probe initial delay in seconds
readinessProbe.periodSeconds int 10 readiness probe period in seconds
readinessProbe.successThreshold int 2 readiness probe success threshold
readinessProbe.timeoutSeconds int 5 readiness probe timeout in seconds
resources object object Parameters group for resources requests and limits
resources.limits object {"cpu":3,"memory":"4.5Gi"} resources limits for Cloudify Manager container
resources.requests object {"cpu":0.5,"memory":"2Gi"} resources requests for Cloudify Manager container
service object object Parameters group for k8s service
service.extraPorts object {} k8s service additional ports. If you need to open additional ports for the manager, uncomment extraPorts and define your port parameters - More than one can be added (below is an example). string "cloudify-manager-worker" k8s service host
service.http.port int 80 k8s service http port
service.https.port int 443 k8s service https port
service.internalRest.port int 53333 k8s service internal rest port string "cloudify-manager-worker" k8s service name
service.type string "ClusterIP" k8s service type
serviceAccount string nil Name of the serviceAccount for attach to Cloudify Manager Worker pods.
startupProbe object object Parameters group for pod startup probe
startupProbe.enabled bool true Enable startup probe
startupProbe.failureThreshold int 30 startup probe failure threshold
startupProbe.httpGet.path string "/console" startup probe HTTP GET path
startupProbe.initialDelaySeconds int 30 startup probe initial delay in seconds
startupProbe.periodSeconds int 10 startup probe period in seconds
startupProbe.successThreshold int 1 startup probe success threshold
startupProbe.timeoutSeconds int 5 startup probe timeout in seconds
tls.certManager object {"caSecretName":"cfy-ca-tls","expiration":"87660h","generate":false} Parameters sub-group for generate certificates using cert-manager.
tls.certManager.caSecretName string "cfy-ca-tls" Secret name for CA certificate (necessary only for generate certificates by cert-manager).
tls.certManager.expiration string "87660h" Expiry time for generated certs (87660h = 10y).
tls.certManager.generate bool false Enable to auto create certs using cert-manager.
tls.pgsqlSslCaName string "postgres_ca.crt" subPath name for ssl CA cert in k8s secret. Required only for connection to external PostgreSQL database.
tls.pgsqlSslCertName string "" subPath name for ssl certificate in k8s secret for connection to external PostgreSQL database. Isn't required if db.postgresqlSslClientVerification = false.
tls.pgsqlSslKeyName string "" subPath name for ssl key in k8s secret for connection to external PostgreSQL database. Isn't required if db.postgresqlSslClientVerification = false.
tls.pgsqlSslSecretName string "pgsql-external-cert" k8s secret name with ssl certificates for external PostgreSQL database. Required only for connection to external PostgreSQL database.
tls.secretName string "cfy-certs" k8s secret name with certificates to secure communications between cloudify manager and postgresql
userConfig string userConfig.json template Content of the userConfig.json configuration file
volume object object Parameters group for data storage volume For multiple replicas of cloudify manager use NFS like storage, storageClass: 'cm-efs' (AWS example), accessMode: 'ReadWriteMany' Single replica - EBS (AWS example), storageClass: 'gp2' (AWS example), accessMode: 'ReadWriteOnce'
volume.accessMode string "ReadWriteOnce" volume access mode
volume.size string "3Gi" volume size
volume.storageClass string "gp2" volume storage class

Edit the values file in ./cloudify-manager-worker/values.yaml according to your preferences:

Upgrade cloudify manager worker

To upgrade cloudify manager use 'helm upgrade'.

For example to change to newer version (e.g. from 6.2.0 to 6.3.0 in this example),

Change image version in values.yaml:


  repository: cloudifyplatform/premium-cloudify-manager-worker
  tag: 6.2.0


  repository: cloudifyplatform/premium-cloudify-manager-worker
  tag: 6.3.0

Run 'helm upgrade'

$ helm upgrade cloudify-manager-worker cloudify-helm/cloudify-manager-worker -f ./cloudify-manager-worker/values.yaml -n NAMESPACE

If DB schema was changed in newer version, needed migration will be running first on DB, then application will be restarted during upgrade - be patient, because it may take a couple of minutes.

Upgrading to Cloudify manager worker 7.X [UNRELEASED]

In Cloudify Manager 7 we upgraded the version of PostgreSQL to 14 and of RabbitMQ to 3.10.

In Cloudify-Helm we use the bitnami/postgresql chart (which deploys PostgreSQL version 11 for Cloudify Manager 6.X, also compatible with Cloudify Manager 7.X). The bitnami/postgresql chart does not support database version upgrade, so if the user likes to upgrade PostgreSQL they'll need to do so manually using the pg_upgrade tool.

Additionally, coming from Cloudify Manager 6.X, the populate_deployment_statuses and migrate_pickle_to_json scripts must run on the data in the Manager's database in order to use it in the new version. It is handled in the config.after_bash value.

Change the following in values.yaml:

  repository: cloudifyplatform/premium-cloudify-manager-worker
  tag: 7.0.0
    tag: 3.10.13-debian-11-r9
  after_bash: "if [[ $(/opt/manager/env/bin/python --version) == *'3.10'* ]]; then opt/manager/env/bin/python /opt/mgmtworker/env/lib/python3.10/site-packages/cloudify_system_workflows/snapshots/; opt/manager/env/bin/python /opt/mgmtworker/env/lib/python3.10/site-packages/cloudify_system_workflows/snapshots/; fi"

Alternatively these can be set directly through the helm upgrade command (notice the --set of the erlang cookie, see above):

$ helm upgrade cloudify-manager-worker cloudify-helm/cloudify-manager-worker \
--reuse-values --set image.tag=7.0.0 --set rabbitmq.image.tag='3.10.13-debian-11-r9' \
--set config.after_bash="if [[ \$(/opt/manager/env/bin/python --version) == *'3.10'* ]]; then opt/manager/env/bin/python /opt/mgmtworker/env/lib/python3.10/site-packages/cloudify_system_workflows/snapshots/; opt/manager/env/bin/python /opt/mgmtworker/env/lib/python3.10/site-packages/cloudify_system_workflows/snapshots/; fi" \
--set rabbitmq.auth.erlangCookie=$RABBITMQ_ERLANG_COOKIE -n NAMESPACE


  repository: "cloudifyplatform/premium-cloudify-manager-worker"
  tag: "6.3.0"
  pullPolicy: IfNotPresent

DB - postgreSQL:

  useExternalDB: false # when switched to true, it will take the FQDN for the pgsql database in host, and require CA cert in secret inputs under TLS section
  postgresqlSslClientVerification: true
  host: postgres-postgresql
  cloudify_db_name: "cloudify_db"
  cloudify_username: "cloudify"
  cloudify_password: "cloudify"
  server_db_name: "postgres"
  server_username: "postgres"
  server_password: "cfy_test_pass"

Message Broker - rabbitmq:

  host: rabbitmq
  username: "cfy_user"
  password: "cfy_test_pass"


See customization example above

  host: cloudify-manager-worker
  type: ClusterIP
  name: cloudify-manager-worker
    port: 80
    port: 443
    port: 53333

node selector - select on which nodes cloudify manager may run:

nodeSelector: {}
# nodeSelector:
#   nodeType: onDemand

Secrets for TLS/SSL certificates

  # certificates as a secret, to secure communications between cloudify manager and postgress|rabbitmq
  secretName: cfy-certs
  # Parameters for PostgreSQL SSL certificates, required for external postgresql database only
  pgsqlSslSecretName: pgsql-external-cert # k8s secret name with psql ssl certs
  pgsqlSslCaName: postgres_ca.crt # subPath name for ssl CA cert in k8s secret
  pgsqlSslCertName: "" # subPath name for ssl cert in k8s secret, isn't required
  pgsqlSslKeyName: "" # subPath name for ssl key in k8s secret, isn't required

Additional secrets to mount onto cloudify-manager-worker pod

In case you need to mount additional secrets to the pod (e.g. self-signed certificate for 3rd party connection) For each secret you need to define its mounts. It's possible to mounts several files under one secret definition using different subPaths See below or example in the values file.

  - name: secretName
      - mountPath: /mnt/cloudify-data/ssl/secretName.crt
        subPath: secretName.crt
      - mountPath: /mnt/cloudify-data/ssl/secretName.key
        subPath: secretName.key

resources requests and limits:

    memory: 0.5Gi
    cpu: 0.5

Persistent volume size for EBS/EFS:

If using multiple replicas (High availability), NFS like Storage like EFS must be used. For more details see links to different cloud providers here

  storage_class: "efs"
  access_mode: "ReadWriteMany"
  size: "3Gi"

If using one replicas, you can use EBS (gp2) for example, gp2 is default:

  storage_class: "gp2"
  access_mode: "ReadWriteOnce"
  size: "3Gi"

readiness probe may be enabled/disabled

  enabled: true
  path: /console
  initialDelaySeconds: 10

NOTE: If you need to deploy Cloudify Manager in high availability mode with 2 replicas (config.replicas=2), and your k8s cluster version < 1.25 please set value for parameter readinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds to 120 for avoid issues with second replica start.


You can delay start of cfy manager / install all plugins / disable security (not recommended)...

  start_delay: 0
  # Multiple replicas works only with EFS(NFS) volume
  replicas: 1
  install_plugins: false
  cli_local_profile_host_name: localhost
    ssl_enabled: false
    admin_password: admin
  tls_cert_path: /mnt/cloudify-data/ssl/tls.crt
  tls_key_path: /mnt/cloudify-data/ssl/tls.key
  ca_cert_path: /mnt/cloudify-data/ssl/ca.crt


You may enable ingress-nginx and generate automatically cert if you have ingress-nginx / cert-manager installed (e.g. using nginx with existing ssl secret) - See above for more details

  enabled: false
  annotations: nginx 50m # use this annotation to allow upload of resources up to 50mb (e.g. plugins)
    # "letsencrypt-prod" # use this annotation to utilize an installed cert-manager
    enabled: false
    secretName: cfy-secret-name

If you have parameter set to "true", you need configure ingress for use HTTPS backend protocol. In case of nginx ingress, you need to add additional annotation "" set to "HTTPS", so in your values file it should looks like:

  enabled: true
  annotations: nginx "HTTPS"

Create secret for okta-license - required if using Okta/SSO

First obtain the okta/sso server certificate and store it in a file for exanple okta_certificate.pem

echo -n '-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
-----END CERTIFICATE-----'  > ./okta_certificate.pem

then let's create the okta-license secret in the NAMESPACE

kubectl create secret generic okta-license --from-file=./okta_certificate.pem -n NAMESPACE


Some common use cases:

License is not uploaded correctly upon installation

[deprecated] This might happen if the English convention of licence/license is not alligned across the values (name of the value and its value), or across the license/licence configMap.

Since v0.4.1 licence convention is not supported. please use license.

The StatefulSet accepts a secret/configMap with the data value of this syntax cfy_license.yaml

After ensuring the above, try to reinstall the worker chart

  • Workaround for this issue would be to manually upload the license after the manager installation through the UI after logging in or via the CLI.

Cloudify Manager installation succeded but I can't reach the UI

Please see above

If you already installed the chart, update the values accordingly and run:

$ helm upgrade cloudify-manager-worker cloudify-helm/cloudify-manager-worker -f <path-to-values.yaml-file> -n NAMESPACE

I had to reinstall the worker chart and now it fails on installation

This might happen due to inter-communications between the components in the different pods, a work around for that would be to delete the postgresql (has a PersistentVolume) and the rabbitmq pods, which will trigger a restart for them.

$ kubectl delete pod postgres-postgresql-0 -n NAMESPACE
$ kubectl delete pod rabbitmq-0 -n NAMESPACE

Then try reinstalling the worker chart.

Can't find the help you need here?

Feel free to open an issue in the helm chart GitHub page, or contact us through our website.


Uninstall helm release:

$ helm uninstall cloudify-manager-worker -n NAMESPACE

If you want to remove Persistent Volume Claims (for example if you are going to reinstall stack without data saving):

kubectl --namespace NAMESPACE delete persistentvolumeclaims cfy-worker-pvc data-postgres-postgresql-0 data-rabbitmq-0

To clean the supporting files:

$ kubectl delete secret cfy-certs -n NAMESPACE
$ kubectl delete secret cfy-ca-tls -n NAMESPACE
$ kubectl delete configmap cfy-license -n NAMESPACE

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