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Cloudify Console

The Cloudify Console provides User Interface for managing and analyzing Cloudify Manager.

Cloudify Console screenshot


The following requirements should be met prior starting the application:

  • Node.js (version 16.x, at least 16.14.0) installed
    • With NVM installed just execute nvm use to set Node.js version compatible with this project
  • PostgreSQL (version >= 9.5.x) installed and configured
  • Cloudify Manager (version >= 6.x) accessible from your local machine

The following platforms are supported for development:

  • Linux
  • MacOS
  • Windows with WSL 2.0


To setup development environment and start the application follow the steps below.

  1. Cloudify Manager installation

    There are many ways to install Cloudify Manager:

  2. Configuration

    • Create conf/me.json file basing on conf/me.json.template.
    • Change <MANAGER_IP> into real IP of your Cloudify Manager in that file.
  3. Dependencies installation

    Run npm run beforebuild to install application dependencies.

  4. Database setup

    Running postgres database locally make sure that:

    • You have a database named stage
    • You have a user named cloudify with cloudify as password

    You can do this easily by:

    docker pull postgres
    docker run --name postgres-cfy -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=cloudify -e POSTGRES_USER=cloudify -e POSTGRES_DB=stage -p 5432:5432 -d postgres

    Run cd backend && npm run db-migrate to initialize database.

  5. Application start

    You can run the application by starting the stage backend server and starting webpack dev server serving client side:

    • In backend folder, run npm run devStart to start backend server
      NOTE: you will need to have write permissions to /var/log/cloudify/stage). For more information and troubleshooting visit backend.

    • And also run npm run devServer to start webpack dev server.

At this point you should have development environment configured and running. Open http://localhost:4000 page in your web-browser to see if application is running.

Changes in the source code shall be loaded to the development version of the application:

  • for changes in app and widgets directory you need to reload page to see your updates,
  • for changes in backend directory you don't need to reload page as backend server will automatically be restarted.


First time you run Cloudify Manager you would be asked about the license (see Activating Cloudify Manager and License Management for more details). You can find the license here. The access to the license is restricted.

TypeScript support in IDEs

The project is written in TypeScript and is using project references to speed up type-checking of multiple subprojects.

Compilation results are stored in the tsc-dist directory. Keep in mind those are only used by the TypeScript compiler and are not used in the UI application. Keeping those files serves as a cache to speed up subsequent compilations.

When developing, make sure your IDE TypeScript plugin supports project references and is using the main tsconfig.json file as the configuration file. If your IDE uses project-specific tsconfig.json files (e.g. app/tsconfig.json for files in the app directory), your IDE will be doing unnecessary work compiling subprojects multiple times.

IDEs known to work with project references:

  1. VSCode

  2. WebStorm

  3. neovim LSP

    It requires a project-specific config or some other way to point to the main tsconfig.json. See neovim/nvim-lspconfig#940 (comment)


You can create application package and deploy it on a remote Cloudify Manager server.

Package creation

You can create either tarball package or RPM package.

Tarball package

To create tarball package:

  1. Create production build by running: npm run build.
  2. Pack all necessary files into archive by running: npm run zip.
  3. Application package will be in stage.tar.gz file in repository main directory.

RPM package

To create RPM package:

  1. Push branch with your changes to the remote.
  2. Your RPM package will automatically be created by CircleCI (check Artifacts tab on the build-rpm job).

Package upload

To upload the package to the remote Cloudify Manager:

  1. Copy private SSH key to access Cloudify Manager to ~/.ssh/cloudify.key or explicitly define path to it: export SSH_KEY_PATH=<PATH>.
  2. Define Cloudify Manager IP address by specifying manager.ip in conf/me.json or by exporting environment variable: export MANAGER_IP=<MANAGER_IP>.
  3. Make sure tarball package (stage.tar.gz) is built or explicitly define path to the tarball or RPM package: export STAGE_PACKAGE=<PATH>.
  4. Run uploading script: npm run upload.
  5. Open browser and go to page http://<MANAGER_IP> to see if application is running.

Package content

Tarball package

Package tarball archive contains the following resources:

  • backend - Stage Backend - whole backend folder
  • conf - configuration files (see Configuration for details)
  • dist - Stage Frontend - directory created by Webpack according to the production configuration
    • appData - built-in application data
      • widgets - built-in widgets
        • <widget-name> - every widget has its own folder
          • widget.js - minified widget bundle file (+ gzip-compressed widget bundles)
          • widget.js.gz - (optional) gzip-compressed widget.js
          • - documentation file
          • widget.png - widget thumbnail
        • ...
      • templates - built-in templates - whole templates folder
    • static - static files
      • images - image files
      • fonts - font files
      • js - JavaScript bundles
        • main.bundle.js - bundle created from client-side application source code (+ gzip-compressed bundle)
        • main.bundle.js - gzip-compressed main.bundle.js
        • vendor.bundle.js - bundle created from client-side application external dependencies
        • vendor.bundle.js.gz - gzip-compressed vendor.bundle.js
      • index.html - main HTML file (created from app/index.tmpl.html)
    • userData - user application data (empty in clean package)
      • widgets - custom widgets (empty in clean package)
      • templates - custom templates (empty in clean package)
        • pages - custom pages (empty in clean package)

RPM package

RPM package has all the files present in tarball package. In addition all files from packaging/files directory are installed.

Docker images

Stage uses two docker images - the backend app server, and the frontend static files server. You can use them together with any Cloudify Manager RESTService and database, however usually you will want a nginx proxy in front.

To build them, refer to:


Go to test/


  1. Source Code documentation

    • Frontend - client-side of the application
    • Backend - servers-side of the application
    • Widgets - widgets documentation (including custom widget development)
  2. Documentation way-of-work

    See this to learn how this project is documented.


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