Table of contents:
- About the OliInSeq program
- Compiling and installing OliInSeq
- Quickstart
- Documentation
- Frequently aksed questions
Outlier detection, outlier masking and removing in multiple sequence alignments.
Outliers in multiple sequence alignments are a common source of error in all alignment bases sequence analyses problems. Outliers add misleading signal in pyhlogeny or population genetic analyses. They can also result in a model misspecification in model based analyses.
OliInSeq stands for OutLIer Detection IN SEQuence alingnments. The idea for this project was the joint idea of Helena Vizan-Rico and Christoph Mayer. The OliInSeq program has been developed by Dr. Christoph Mayer and was first used in the analyses for the publication Vizan-Rico et al. 2019.
When using the OliInSeq program, please cite: Will be updated soon.
- Download the project or clone the project locally.
- On the command line go to the project folder and type "make".
- Make sure that you copy the OliInSeq-vx.y.z program to a folder that listed in your $PATH variable, or copy it to the folder you want to use it from.
OliInSeq can be compiled on all platforms, which provide a C++ compiler. In particular this includes Windows, MacOS and Linux operating systems. Here I will only explain how to compile it on Mac and Linux computers.
The OliInSeq program has been designed to identify, mask and/or remove outlier sequences in molecular sequence alignments.Accepted input files are: Fasta files of aligned amino acid sequences. Sequences can either be analysed as a whole or using a sliding window. In most cases a sliding window is recommended, since it is more sensitive if sequences are outliers only in parts of the alignment.
The algorithm works as follows: Pairwise sequence scores (blosum62 scores) are computed for all sequences in the input file. From this, a mean score is determined for each sequence to all other sequences. For the score the median and the quartiles (Q1, Q2=median, Q3) are determined. The distance IQR=Q3-Q1 is called the inter-quartile range (IQR). With a parameter, IQR can be set to a minimum value, which is necessary for very similar sequences, since for almost identical sequences one or a few substitutions are already identified as outliers. If this is the case, it is recommended to increase the minimum value of IQR. A sequence or partial sequence in the sliding window is identified as an outlier, if its blosum score is less than Q1-IQR*IQR-factor, where IQR-factor is a parameter with a default value of 1.5. If you want to mask more sequences use a smaller value, e.g. 1.0, if you want to mask fewer sequences use a larger value, e.g 2.0. The default value of 1.5 corresponds to the general recommendations for the outlier detection in statistics. Preferred values depend on the data set. For moderately dissimilar sequences, larger values such as 2.0 often lead to better results. For very dissimilar sequences, outliers will only be identified if the value is reduced to 1.0. Sequences for which a specified proportion of the windows are outliers are removed entirely. Gap/ambig/lower case sites can be removed automatically. A nucleotide alignment corresponding to the amino acid alignment can be specified and residues will be masked/removed corresponding to the amino acid alignment.
You can always get online help on OliInSeq by typing:
OliInSeq-v0.x.y --help:
This displays the following usage:
-i -o [-e ]
[--minNumValidSeqsInWindow ] [-M] [-N]
[--verbosity ] [-w <unsigned
integer>] [-g ] [-I <floating
point number>] [-f ] [-R]
[--corresponding-nuc-fasta-file-name ] [--]
[--version] [-h]
-i , --input-file .
(required) Name of input file in fasta format.
-o , --output-file (required) Name of output file.
-e ,
A sequence can be completely removed from an MSA if it is identified
as an outlier in at least the specified proportion of sequence
windows. The default is 0.5. So a sequence which is identified as an
outlier in 50% or more of the sequence windows, it is removed
completely. A value >1 implies, that sequences are never removed.
A meaningful outlier test can normally only be carried out, if the
number of sequences is large. This is not always the case. In order to
be able to compute quartiles and a IQR, we decided to require 5 valid
sequences in a sliding window to be able to detect outliers. If you
think a different value for the minimum number of sequences is
appropriate, it can be specified with this parameter. Default: 5.
-M, --mask-ambig
With this argument, outlier sequence segments of nucleotide sequences
are masked with Ns and amino acid sequences with X. Default: mask with
lower case symbols.
-N, --no-masking
The default is to mask outliers with lower case symbols. With the -M
option, residues are masked with the ambiguity code characters N
(nucleotide) or X (amino acids). With the -N option, masking can be
turned off completely.
The verbosity option controls the amount of information OliInSeq
writes to the console while running. 0: Print only welcome message and
essential error messages that lead to exiting the program.
-w , --windowsSize
The window size for the sliding window outlier detection. For a value
of 0 no sliding window will be used, but the sequence will be analyses
as a whole. Default: 30
-g , --maximum-gap-proportion
If a sequence segment of window size contains only or mostly gaps, its
score to all other sequences could be used to identify it as an
outlier. To avoid problems und meaningless scores, we do not consider
sequences, which have a gap proportion of a value larger than this
parameter. The maximum-gap-proportion parameter must be in the range
0..1. With a value of 0.5, if a sequence has more than 50% gaps in a
window, the score of this sequence will not be considered in computing
the inter quartile distance nor can this sequence be determined as an
outlier in the particular window. This sequence segment is also not
considered when computing the proportion of windows in which a
sequence is an outlier. Default: 0.5
-I , --minimum-IQR
In conserved or almost invariant regions, a sequence is identified as
an outlier even if it differs by only one or two residues. To avoid
recognizing such a sequence as an outlier, a minimum value for the IQR
can be specified. If the true IQR is smaller than the minimum IQR, the
minimum IRQ is used instead of the real IQR. Default: 0.563
-f , --IQR-factor
For a given window, outliers are determined by computing
Q1-IQT*IQR-factor. Scores lower than this are considered as outliers.
Default: 1.5
-R, --remove-gap-ambig-lowerCase-sites
With this argument, alignment sites are removed which contain only gap
, ambig, and lower case sequence symbols.
Name of file corresponding to the specified amino acid file in which
outliers are detected. The corresponding file has to correspond to the
--, --ignore_rest
Ignores the rest of the labeled arguments following this flag.
Displays version information and exits.
-h, --help
Displays usage information and exits.
./OliInSeq-vx.y.z. -i input-fasta-file.fas -o output-fasta.fas
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