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Hello World

In many web applications, the canonical "hello, world!" program is represented by a simple client GET to a well-known URL.

For our purposes, we'll be testing Foxy against

But before we just dive in and look at the end code, it's useful to review Foxy's...

Core Abstractions

Foxy's core abstractions revolve around the notion of an HTTP session. A session represents a persistent connection between a client and server over which many messages are exchanged. For HTTP, connections are considered persistent by default under HTTP/1.1 and when the connection: keep-alive header field is used in HTTP/1.0.

Foxy presents users with a foxy::basic_session which is a class templated on a Stream type.

Any Stream can be supplied so long as


returns true.

The foxy::basic_session<Stream> aims to abstract away the necessary parameters for using boost::beast::http::async_read and boost::beast::http::async_write.

The foxy::basic_session wraps an instance of a foxy::basic_multi_stream<Stream> object, a boost::beast::flat_buffer, a boost::asio::steady_timer and a copy of foxy::session_opts.

foxy::session_opts is a class internally used by the library to control things like timeouts and SSL.

The foxy::basic_multi_stream is a templated class that wraps a given Stream in a variant-like type such that the underlying stream operations are done plainly or over SSL. This enables the same async_read_some/async_write_some interface as a normal AsyncStream but is transparent with regards to encryption.

This allows the foxy::basic_session to reduce the number of user-supplied parameters to the HTTP parsing and serialization functions (and also enables the library to internally manage the buffer for users as well).

One can perform:

namespace http = boost::beast::http;

foxy::basic_session<Stream> session{io_context};

// read a message in
http::request_parser<http::string_body> req_parser;
session.async_read(req_parser, yield);

// write the same message back out
auto message = req_parser.release();
session.async_write(message, yield);

The user is free to parse/serialize any valid Beast type and Foxy will also respect any Asio-compliant CompletionHandlers supplied to the functions. Foxy dispatches heavily to Asio and respects its universal asynchronous model.

Client Session

Client functionality is not nearly as generic or as simple parsing/serailizing functions. Foxy offers a foxy::client_session which is an HTTP client-oriented class. It offers two additional functions over the foxy::basic_session: async_connect and async_request. The client_session is not templated on its underlying stream type and instead is hard-coded to use the boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket.

foxy::client_session::async_connect is used to connect with a remote and will first perform DNS resolution, establish the TCP connection and then, if needed, perform the SSL handshake.

foxy::client_session::async_request will write the message/serializer to the underlying stream of the session and then read the response back into the supplied parser/message. It's largely a convenience function when all you want is a simple request-response cycle.

"Hello, World!"

Now that most of Foxy's basics have been covered, we can finally dive into the code and make a fully working Foxy "Hello, World!" client.

#include <foxy/client_session.hpp>

#include <boost/beast/http/message.hpp>
#include <boost/beast/http/empty_body.hpp>
#include <boost/beast/http/string_body.hpp>
#include <boost/beast/http/verb.hpp>

#include <boost/asio/io_context.hpp>
#include <boost/asio/spawn.hpp>

#include <iostream>

namespace asio = boost::asio;
namespace http = boost::beast::http;

  // this is the main workhorse for Asio and effectively operates the same as the event loop in
  // Node.js
  asio::io_context io;

  // we now construct a `client_session` with the default parameters (no SSL, timeout of 1s on
  // read/write ops)
  auto client = foxy::client_session(io, {});

  // we now choose to spin up a "stackful" coroutine
  // this essentially means that this coroutine suspends by taking a snapshot of the current call
  // stack and any registers and persists them to some allocated storage
  // the coroutine resumes by copying the stack back and setting all the appropriate registers again
  // this effectively enables the coroutine to be suspended from below us as the actual suspension
  // happens in our underlying function calls
  asio::spawn([&](asio::yield_context yield) {
    // these arguments get forwarded directly to Asio via Foxy
    // `host` is somewhat self-explanatory but `service` can be either a port number directly or a
    // protocol as is demonstrated here
    auto const* const host    = "";
    auto const* const service = "http";

    auto const http_version = 11; // 1.1

    // we build our message containers up-front
    // `request` is a simple "GET / HTTP/1.1\r\n\r\n"
    // `response` is declared up-front as the intended container type for the reply from Google
    auto request  = http::request<http::empty_body>(http::verb::get, "/", http_version);
    auto response = http::response<http::string_body>();

    // we now attempt to connect to, using plain HTTP
    // note, if there is an error, this coroutine will be resumed with an exception
    client.async_connect(host, service, yield);

    // we now write the request and read the response
    client.async_request(request, response, yield);

    // closing a connection is either synchronous or asynchronous depending on whether or not the
    // underlying stream is encrypted or not
    // Foxy doesn't directly handle this so it's up to the user to gracefully close the connection
    // with the connected remote
    // we access the plain portion of the wrapped multi-stream and do normal Asio TCP connection
    // closing
    auto& socket =;

    std::cout << "Got a response back from Google!\n";
    std::cout << response << "\n\n";

    // at this stage, we've done everything we needed to!
    // we turned the human-readable domain name into a set of IPs, formed a TCP connection with the
    // first one we could and then wrote a request object to the underlying TCP stream and read the
    // response back in a container that we control ourselves
    // we finish off with a bit of manual work, gracefully closing the TCP connection ourselves

  // we've created the code for our coroutine but we haven't actually done any work yet
  // we must now register the main thread as a worker thread for Asio's `io_context`
  // `io_context::run` will keep the calling thread busy until there's no more work to do
  // in this case, we have only one submitted task right now, our above coroutine

  return 0;

To ToC