What goes on the map, how the map works, or what the viz team must do
Renames, large changes to calculations, large changes to affected regions
This task is waiting for completion of another task
Improvements and reporting for CTIS
Missing data, weird data, broken data
Improvements or additions to documentation
Used to filter issues when synching with Asana
Solutions to problems we don't have yet but still dread
Must coordinate with Modeling team
This work should be assigned to a coordinator and split up into several subtasks
Might be labeled for a milestone, but isn't actually due
Must-do; lab will self-destruct without it
Hope to do; lab will survive without it
Optional; lab will still thrive without it
Extremely optional; new opportunity or work area
Deliver to marketing on ship day
Long-term projects to revise existing machinery
Flag for inclusion in Release Notes
Track the finishing work for features ready for release
If this is not fixed by feature freeze time, kick this feature out of the release.
Pertains to Sir Complains-a-lot, an alerting mechanism