)$metadata$as_of`); for
+#' typical epidemiological surveillance data, observations pertaining to a
+#' particular time period (`time_value`) are first reported `as_of` some
+#' instant after that time period has ended.
+#' 2. `epix_slide()` doesn't accept an `after` argument; its windows extend
+#' from `before` time steps before a given `ref_time_value` through the last
+#' `time_value` available as of version `ref_time_value` (typically, this
+#' won't include `ref_time_value` itself, as observations about a particular
+#' time interval (e.g., day) are only published after that time interval
+#' ends); `epi_slide` windows extend from `before` time steps before a
+#' `ref_time_value` through `after` time steps after `ref_time_value`.
+#' 3. The input class and columns are similar but different: `epix_slide`
+#' (with the default `all_versions=FALSE`) keeps all columns and the
+#' `epi_df`-ness of the first argument to each computation; `epi_slide` only
+#' provides the grouping variables in the second input, and will convert the
+#' first input into a regular tibble if the grouping variables include the
+#' essential `geo_value` column. (With `all_versions=TRUE`, `epix_slide` will
+#' will provide an `epi_archive` rather than an `epi-df` to each
+#' computation.)
+#' 4. The output class and columns are similar but different: `epix_slide()`
+#' returns a tibble containing only the grouping variables, `time_value`, and
+#' the new column(s) from the slide computations, whereas `epi_slide()`
+#' returns an `epi_df` with all original variables plus the new columns from
+#' the slide computations. (Both will mirror the grouping or ungroupedness of
+#' their input, with one exception: `epi_archive`s can have trivial
+#' (zero-variable) groupings, but these will be dropped in `epix_slide`
+#' results as they are not supported by tibbles.)
+#' 5. There are no size stability checks or element/row recycling to maintain
+#' size stability in `epix_slide`, unlike in `epi_slide`. (`epix_slide` is
+#' roughly analogous to [`dplyr::group_modify`], while `epi_slide` is roughly
+#' analogous to `dplyr::mutate` followed by `dplyr::arrange`) This is detailed
+#' in the "advanced" vignette.
+#' 6. `all_rows` is not supported in `epix_slide`; since the slide
+#' computations are allowed more flexibility in their outputs than in
+#' `epi_slide`, we can't guess a good representation for missing computations
+#' for excluded group-`ref_time_value` pairs.
+#' 7. The `ref_time_values` default for `epix_slide` is based on making an
+#' evenly-spaced sequence out of the `version`s in the `DT` plus the
+#' `versions_end`, rather than the `time_value`s.
+#' Apart from the above distinctions, the interfaces between `epix_slide()` and
+#' `epi_slide()` are the same.
+#' Furthermore, the current function can be considerably slower than
+#' `epi_slide()`, for two reasons: (1) it must repeatedly fetch
+#' properly-versioned snapshots from the data archive (via its `as_of()`
+#' method), and (2) it performs a "manual" sliding of sorts, and does not
+#' benefit from the highly efficient `slider` package. For this reason, it
+#' should never be used in place of `epi_slide()`, and only used when
+#' version-aware sliding is necessary (as it its purpose).
+#' Finally, this is simply a wrapper around the `slide()` method of the
+#' `epi_archive` and `grouped_epi_archive` classes, so if `x` is an
+#' object of either of these classes, then:
+#' ```
+#' epix_slide(x, new_var = comp(old_var), before = 119)
+#' ```
+#' is equivalent to:
+#' ```
+#' x$slide(new_var = comp(old_var), before = 119)
+#' ```
+#' Mutation and aliasing: `epix_slide` and `$slide` will not perform in-place
+#' mutation of the input archives on their own. In some edge cases the inputs it
+#' feeds to the slide computations may alias parts of the input archive, so copy
+#' the slide computation inputs if needed before using mutating operations like
+#' `data.table`'s `:=` operator. Similarly, in some edge cases, the output of
+#' the slide operation may alias parts of the input archive, so similarly, make
+#' sure to clone and/or copy appropriately before using in-place mutation.
+#' @examples
+#' library(dplyr)
+#' # Reference time points for which we want to compute slide values:
+#' ref_time_values <- seq(as.Date("2020-06-01"),
+#' as.Date("2020-06-15"),
+#' by = "1 day"
+#' )
+#' # A simple (but not very useful) example (see the archive vignette for a more
+#' # realistic one):
+#' archive_cases_dv_subset %>%
+#' group_by(geo_value) %>%
+#' epix_slide(
+#' f = ~ mean(.x$case_rate_7d_av),
+#' before = 2,
+#' ref_time_values = ref_time_values,
+#' new_col_name = "case_rate_7d_av_recent_av"
+#' ) %>%
+#' ungroup()
+#' # We requested time windows that started 2 days before the corresponding time
+#' # values. The actual number of `time_value`s in each computation depends on
+#' # the reporting latency of the signal and `time_value` range covered by the
+#' # archive (2020-06-01 -- 2021-11-30 in this example). In this case, we have
+#' # * 0 `time_value`s, for ref time 2020-06-01 --> the result is automatically
+#' # discarded
+#' # * 1 `time_value`, for ref time 2020-06-02
+#' # * 2 `time_value`s, for the rest of the results
+#' # * never the 3 `time_value`s we would get from `epi_slide`, since, because
+#' # of data latency, we'll never have an observation
+#' # `time_value == ref_time_value` as of `ref_time_value`.
+#' # The example below shows this type of behavior in more detail.
+#' # Examining characteristics of the data passed to each computation with
+#' # `all_versions=FALSE`.
+#' archive_cases_dv_subset %>%
+#' group_by(geo_value) %>%
+#' epix_slide(
+#' function(x, gk, rtv) {
+#' tibble(
+#' time_range = if (nrow(x) == 0L) {
+#' "0 `time_value`s"
+#' } else {
+#' sprintf("%s -- %s", min(x$time_value), max(x$time_value))
+#' },
+#' n = nrow(x),
+#' class1 = class(x)[[1L]]
+#' )
+#' },
+#' before = 5, all_versions = FALSE,
+#' ref_time_values = ref_time_values, names_sep = NULL
+#' ) %>%
+#' ungroup() %>%
+#' arrange(geo_value, time_value)
+#' # --- Advanced: ---
+#' # `epix_slide` with `all_versions=FALSE` (the default) applies a
+#' # version-unaware computation to several versions of the data. We can also
+#' # use `all_versions=TRUE` to apply a version-*aware* computation to several
+#' # versions of the data, again looking at characteristics of the data passed
+#' # to each computation. In this case, each computation should expect an
+#' # `epi_archive` containing the relevant version data:
+#' archive_cases_dv_subset %>%
+#' group_by(geo_value) %>%
+#' epix_slide(
+#' function(x, gk, rtv) {
+#' tibble(
+#' versions_start = if (nrow(x$DT) == 0L) {
+#' "NA (0 rows)"
+#' } else {
+#' toString(min(x$DT$version))
+#' },
+#' versions_end = x$versions_end,
+#' time_range = if (nrow(x$DT) == 0L) {
+#' "0 `time_value`s"
+#' } else {
+#' sprintf("%s -- %s", min(x$DT$time_value), max(x$DT$time_value))
+#' },
+#' n = nrow(x$DT),
+#' class1 = class(x)[[1L]]
+#' )
+#' },
+#' before = 5, all_versions = TRUE,
+#' ref_time_values = ref_time_values, names_sep = NULL
+#' ) %>%
+#' ungroup() %>%
+#' # Focus on one geo_value so we can better see the columns above:
+#' filter(geo_value == "ca") %>%
+#' select(-geo_value)
+#' @importFrom rlang enquo !!!
+#' @export
+epix_slide2 <- function(x, f, ..., before, ref_time_values,
+ time_step, new_col_name = "slide_value",
+ as_list_col = FALSE, names_sep = "_",
+ all_versions = FALSE) {
+ if (!is_epi_archive2(x, grouped_okay = TRUE)) {
+ cli_abort("`x` must be of class `epi_archive` or `grouped_epi_archive`.")
+ }
+ return(slide(x, f, ...,
+ before = before,
+ ref_time_values = ref_time_values,
+ time_step = time_step,
+ new_col_name = new_col_name,
+ as_list_col = as_list_col,
+ names_sep = names_sep,
+ all_versions = all_versions
+ ))
+#' Filter an `epi_archive` object to keep only older versions
+#' Generates a filtered `epi_archive` from an `epi_archive` object, keeping
+#' only rows with `version` falling on or before a specified date.
+#' @param x An `epi_archive` object
+#' @param max_version Time value specifying the max version to permit in the
+#' filtered archive. That is, the output archive will comprise rows of the
+#' current archive data having `version` less than or equal to the
+#' specified `max_version`
+#' @return An `epi_archive` object
+#' @export
+epix_truncate_versions_after <- function(x, max_version) {
+ UseMethod("epix_truncate_versions_after")
+#' @export
+epix_truncate_versions_after.epi_archive2 <- function(x, max_version) {
+ cloned_epi_archive <- clone(x)
+ return((truncate_versions_after(x, max_version)))
+ # ^ second set of parens drops invisibility
diff --git a/man/as_epi_archive2.Rd b/man/as_epi_archive2.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..090b455a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/as_epi_archive2.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/archive_new.R
+\title{Convert to \code{epi_archive} format}
+ x,
+ geo_type,
+ time_type,
+ other_keys,
+ additional_metadata = list(),
+ compactify = NULL,
+ clobberable_versions_start = NA,
+ versions_end = max_version_with_row_in(x)
+\item{x}{A data frame, data table, or tibble, with columns \code{geo_value},
+\code{time_value}, \code{version}, and then any additional number of columns.}
+\item{geo_type}{Type for the geo values. If missing, then the function will
+attempt to infer it from the geo values present; if this fails, then it
+will be set to "custom".}
+\item{time_type}{Type for the time values. If missing, then the function will
+attempt to infer it from the time values present; if this fails, then it
+will be set to "custom".}
+\item{other_keys}{Character vector specifying the names of variables in \code{x}
+that should be considered key variables (in the language of \code{data.table})
+apart from "geo_value", "time_value", and "version".}
+\item{additional_metadata}{List of additional metadata to attach to the
+\code{epi_archive} object. The metadata will have \code{geo_type} and \code{time_type}
+fields; named entries from the passed list or will be included as well.}
+\item{compactify}{Optional; Boolean or \code{NULL}: should we remove rows that are
+considered redundant for the purposes of \code{epi_archive}'s built-in methods
+such as \code{as_of}? As these methods use the last version of each observation
+carried forward (LOCF) to interpolate between the version data provided,
+rows that don't change these LOCF results can potentially be omitted to
+save space. \code{TRUE} will remove these rows, \code{FALSE} will not, and missing or
+\code{NULL} will remove these rows and issue a warning. Generally, this can be
+set to \code{TRUE}, but if you directly inspect or edit the fields of the
+\code{epi_archive} such as its \code{DT}, you will have to determine whether
+\code{compactify=TRUE} will produce the desired results. If compactification
+here is removing a large proportion of the rows, this may indicate a
+potential for space, time, or bandwidth savings upstream the data pipeline,
+e.g., when fetching, storing, or preparing the input data \code{x}}
+\item{clobberable_versions_start}{Optional; \code{length}-1; either a value of the
+same \code{class} and \code{typeof} as \code{x$version}, or an \code{NA} of any \code{class} and
+\code{typeof}: specifically, either (a) the earliest version that could be
+subject to "clobbering" (being overwritten with different update data, but
+using the \emph{same} version tag as the old update data), or (b) \code{NA}, to
+indicate that no versions are clobberable. There are a variety of reasons
+why versions could be clobberable under routine circumstances, such as (a)
+today's version of one/all of the columns being published after initially
+being filled with \code{NA} or LOCF, (b) a buggy version of today's data being
+published but then fixed and republished later in the day, or (c) data
+pipeline delays (e.g., publisher uploading, periodic scraping, database
+syncing, periodic fetching, etc.) that make events (a) or (b) reflected
+later in the day (or even on a different day) than expected; potential
+causes vary between different data pipelines. The default value is \code{NA},
+which doesn't consider any versions to be clobberable. Another setting that
+may be appropriate for some pipelines is \code{max_version_with_row_in(x)}.}
+\item{versions_end}{Optional; length-1, same \code{class} and \code{typeof} as
+\code{x$version}: what is the last version we have observed? The default is
+\code{max_version_with_row_in(x)}, but values greater than this could also be
+valid, and would indicate that we observed additional versions of the data
+beyond \code{max(x$version)}, but they all contained empty updates. (The default
+value of \code{clobberable_versions_start} does not fully trust these empty
+updates, and assumes that any version \verb{>= max(x$version)} could be
+clobbered.) If \code{nrow(x) == 0}, then this argument is mandatory.}
+An \code{epi_archive} object.
+Converts a data frame, data table, or tibble into an \code{epi_archive}
+object. See the \href{https://cmu-delphi.github.io/epiprocess/articles/archive.html}{archive vignette} for
+examples. The parameter descriptions below are copied from there
+This simply a wrapper around the \code{new()} method of the \code{epi_archive}
+class, so for example:
+\if{html}{\out{}}\preformatted{x <- as_epi_archive(df, geo_type = "state", time_type = "day")
+would be equivalent to:
+\if{html}{\out{}}\preformatted{x <- epi_archive$new(df, geo_type = "state", time_type = "day")
+# Simple ex. with necessary keys
+tib <- tibble::tibble(
+ geo_value = rep(c("ca", "hi"), each = 5),
+ time_value = rep(seq(as.Date("2020-01-01"),
+ by = 1, length.out = 5
+ ), times = 2),
+ version = rep(seq(as.Date("2020-01-02"),
+ by = 1, length.out = 5
+ ), times = 2),
+ value = rnorm(10, mean = 2, sd = 1)
+toy_epi_archive <- tib \%>\% as_epi_archive(
+ geo_type = "state",
+ time_type = "day"
+# Ex. with an additional key for county
+df <- data.frame(
+ geo_value = c(replicate(2, "ca"), replicate(2, "fl")),
+ county = c(1, 3, 2, 5),
+ time_value = c(
+ "2020-06-01",
+ "2020-06-02",
+ "2020-06-01",
+ "2020-06-02"
+ ),
+ version = c(
+ "2020-06-02",
+ "2020-06-03",
+ "2020-06-02",
+ "2020-06-03"
+ ),
+ cases = c(1, 2, 3, 4),
+ cases_rate = c(0.01, 0.02, 0.01, 0.05)
+x <- df \%>\% as_epi_archive(
+ geo_type = "state",
+ time_type = "day",
+ other_keys = "county"
diff --git a/man/as_of.epi_archive2.Rd b/man/as_of.epi_archive2.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..21a4cfc1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/as_of.epi_archive2.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/archive_new.R
+\title{As of epi_archive}
+\method{as_of}{epi_archive2}(epi_archive, max_version, min_time_value = -Inf, all_versions = FALSE)
+\item{epi_archive}{An \code{epi_archive} object}
+\item{max_version}{Version specifying the max version to permit in the
+snapshot. That is, the snapshot will comprise the unique rows of the
+current archive data that represent the most up-to-date signal values, as
+of the specified \code{max_version} (and whose \code{time_value}s are at least
+\item{min_time_value}{Time value specifying the min \code{time_value} to permit in
+the snapshot. Default is \code{-Inf}, which effectively means that there is no
+minimum considered.}
+\item{all_versions}{Boolean; If \code{all_versions = TRUE}, then the output will be in
+\code{epi_archive} format, and contain rows in the specified \code{time_value} range
+having \code{version <= max_version}. The resulting object will cover a
+potentially narrower \code{version} and \code{time_value} range than \code{x}, depending
+on user-provided arguments. Otherwise, there will be one row in the output
+for the \code{max_version} of each \code{time_value}. Default is \code{FALSE}.}
+Generates a snapshot in \code{epi_df} format as of a given version.
+See the documentation for the wrapper function \code{\link[=epix_as_of]{epix_as_of()}} for
+details. The parameter descriptions below are copied from there
diff --git a/man/epi_archive.Rd b/man/epi_archive.Rd
index 6a25b2af..efe5d5ba 100644
--- a/man/epi_archive.Rd
+++ b/man/epi_archive.Rd
@@ -1,9 +1,14 @@
% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
-% Please edit documentation in R/archive.R
+% Please edit documentation in R/archive.R, R/archive_new.R
\title{\code{epi_archive} object}
+An \code{epi_archive} is an R6 class which contains a data table
+along with several relevant pieces of metadata. The data table can be seen
+as the full archive (version history) for some signal variables of
An \code{epi_archive} is an R6 class which contains a data table
along with several relevant pieces of metadata. The data table can be seen
as the full archive (version history) for some signal variables of
@@ -49,6 +54,56 @@ represent potential update data that we do not yet have access to; or in
version in which it was first released, or if no version of that
observation appears in the archive data at all.
+\strong{A word of caution:} R6 objects, unlike most other objects in R, have
+reference semantics. A primary consequence of this is that objects are not
+copied when modified. You can read more about this in Hadley Wickham's
+\href{https://adv-r.hadley.nz/r6.html#r6-semantics}{Advanced R} book. In order
+to construct a modified archive while keeping the original intact, first
+make a clone using the \verb{$clone} method, then overwrite the clone's \code{DT}
+field with \code{data.table::copy(clone$DT)}, and finally perform the
+modifications on the clone.
+epi archive
+An \code{epi_archive} is an R6 class which contains a data table \code{DT}, of
+class \code{data.table} from the \code{data.table} package, with (at least) the
+following columns:
+\item \code{geo_value}: the geographic value associated with each row of measurements.
+\item \code{time_value}: the time value associated with each row of measurements.
+\item \code{version}: the time value specifying the version for each row of
+measurements. For example, if in a given row the \code{version} is January 15,
+2022 and \code{time_value} is January 14, 2022, then this row contains the
+measurements of the data for January 14, 2022 that were available one day
+The data table \code{DT} has key variables \code{geo_value}, \code{time_value}, \code{version},
+as well as any others (these can be specified when instantiating the
+\code{epi_archive} object via the \code{other_keys} argument, and/or set by operating
+on \code{DT} directly). Refer to the documentation for \code{\link[=as_epi_archive]{as_epi_archive()}} for
+information and examples of relevant parameter names for an \code{epi_archive} object.
+Note that there can only be a single row per unique combination of
+key variables, and thus the key variables are critical for figuring out how
+to generate a snapshot of data from the archive, as of a given version.
+In general, the last version of each observation is carried forward (LOCF) to
+fill in data between recorded versions, and between the last recorded
+update and the \code{versions_end}. One consequence is that the \code{DT}
+doesn't have to contain a full snapshot of every version (although this
+generally works), but can instead contain only the rows that are new or
+changed from the previous version (see \code{compactify}, which does this
+automatically). Currently, deletions must be represented as revising a row
+to a special state (e.g., making the entries \code{NA} or including a special
+column that flags the data as removed and performing some kind of
+post-processing), and the archive is unaware of what this state is. Note
+that \code{NA}s \emph{can} be introduced by \code{epi_archive} methods for other reasons,
+e.g., in \code{\link{epix_fill_through_version}} and \code{\link{epix_merge}}, if requested, to
+represent potential update data that we do not yet have access to; or in
+\code{\link{epix_merge}} to represent the "value" of an observation before the
+version in which it was first released, or if no version of that
+observation appears in the archive data at all.
\strong{A word of caution:} R6 objects, unlike most other objects in R, have
reference semantics. A primary consequence of this is that objects are not
copied when modified. You can read more about this in Hadley Wickham's
@@ -60,6 +115,22 @@ modifications on the clone.
+The following pieces of metadata are included as fields in an \code{epi_archive}
+\item \code{geo_type}: the type for the geo values.
+\item \code{time_type}: the type for the time values.
+\item \code{additional_metadata}: list of additional metadata for the data archive.
+Unlike an \code{epi_df} object, metadata for an \code{epi_archive} object \code{x} can be
+accessed (and altered) directly, as in \code{x$geo_type} or \code{x$time_type},
+etc. Like an \code{epi_df} object, the \code{geo_type} and \code{time_type} fields in the
+metadata of an \code{epi_archive} object are not currently used by any
+downstream functions in the \code{epiprocess} package, and serve only as useful
+bits of information to convey about the data set at hand.
The following pieces of metadata are included as fields in an \code{epi_archive}
@@ -78,6 +149,13 @@ bits of information to convey about the data set at hand.
\section{Generating Snapshots}{
+An \code{epi_archive} object can be used to generate a snapshot of the data in
+\code{epi_df} format, which represents the most up-to-date values of the signal
+variables, as of the specified version. This is accomplished by calling the
+\code{as_of()} method for an \code{epi_archive} object \code{x}. More details on this
+method are documented in the wrapper function \code{\link[=epix_as_of]{epix_as_of()}}.
An \code{epi_archive} object can be used to generate a snapshot of the data in
\code{epi_df} format, which represents the most up-to-date values of the signal
variables, as of the specified version. This is accomplished by calling the
@@ -87,6 +165,16 @@ method are documented in the wrapper function \code{\link[=epix_as_of]{epix_as_o
\section{Sliding Computations}{
+We can run a sliding computation over an \code{epi_archive} object, much like
+\code{epi_slide()} does for an \code{epi_df} object. This is accomplished by calling
+the \code{slide()} method for an \code{epi_archive} object, which works similarly to
+the way \code{epi_slide()} works for an \code{epi_df} object, but with one key
+difference: it is version-aware. That is, for an \code{epi_archive} object, the
+sliding computation at any given reference time point t is performed on
+\strong{data that would have been available as of t}. More details on \code{slide()}
+are documented in the wrapper function \code{\link[=epix_slide]{epix_slide()}}.
We can run a sliding computation over an \code{epi_archive} object, much like
\code{epi_slide()} does for an \code{epi_df} object. This is accomplished by calling
the \code{slide()} method for an \code{epi_archive} object, which works similarly to
@@ -109,6 +197,22 @@ tib <- tibble::tibble(
value = rnorm(10, mean = 2, sd = 1)
+toy_epi_archive <- tib \%>\% epi_archive$new(
+ geo_type = "state",
+ time_type = "day"
+tib <- tibble::tibble(
+ geo_value = rep(c("ca", "hi"), each = 5),
+ time_value = rep(seq(as.Date("2020-01-01"),
+ by = 1, length.out = 5
+ ), times = 2),
+ version = rep(seq(as.Date("2020-01-02"),
+ by = 1, length.out = 5
+ ), times = 2),
+ value = rnorm(10, mean = 2, sd = 1)
toy_epi_archive <- tib \%>\% epi_archive$new(
geo_type = "state",
time_type = "day"
diff --git a/man/epix_as_of2.Rd b/man/epix_as_of2.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6c3db717
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/epix_as_of2.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/methods-epi_archive_new.R
+\title{Generate a snapshot from an \code{epi_archive} object}
+ epi_archive,
+ max_version,
+ min_time_value = -Inf,
+ all_versions = FALSE
+\item{max_version}{Time value specifying the max version to permit in the
+snapshot. That is, the snapshot will comprise the unique rows of the
+current archive data that represent the most up-to-date signal values, as
+of the specified \code{max_version} (and whose time values are at least
+\item{min_time_value}{Time value specifying the min time value to permit in
+the snapshot. Default is \code{-Inf}, which effectively means that there is no
+minimum considered.}
+\item{all_versions}{If \code{all_versions = TRUE}, then the output will be in
+\code{epi_archive} format, and contain rows in the specified \code{time_value} range
+having \code{version <= max_version}. The resulting object will cover a
+potentially narrower \code{version} and \code{time_value} range than \code{x}, depending
+on user-provided arguments. Otherwise, there will be one row in the output
+for the \code{max_version} of each \code{time_value}. Default is \code{FALSE}.}
+\item{x}{An \code{epi_archive} object}
+An \code{epi_df} object.
+Generates a snapshot in \code{epi_df} format from an \code{epi_archive} object, as of a
+given version. See the \href{https://cmu-delphi.github.io/epiprocess/articles/archive.html}{archive vignette} for
+This is simply a wrapper around the \code{as_of()} method of the
+\code{epi_archive} class, so if \code{x} is an \code{epi_archive} object, then:
+\if{html}{\out{}}\preformatted{epix_as_of(x, max_version = v)
+is equivalent to:
+\if{html}{\out{}}\preformatted{x$as_of(max_version = v)
+Mutation and aliasing: \code{epix_as_of} and \verb{$as_of} will not mutate the input
+archives, but may in some edge cases alias parts of the inputs, so copy the
+outputs if needed before using mutating operations like \code{data.table}'s \verb{:=}
+operator. Currently, the only situation where there is potentially aliasing
+is of the \code{DT} in edge cases with \code{all_versions = TRUE}, but this may change
+in the future.
+# warning message of data latency shown
+ x = archive_cases_dv_subset,
+ max_version = max(archive_cases_dv_subset$DT$version)
+range(archive_cases_dv_subset$DT$version) # 2020-06-02 -- 2021-12-01
+ x = archive_cases_dv_subset,
+ max_version = as.Date("2020-06-12")
+# When fetching a snapshot as of the latest version with update data in the
+# archive, a warning is issued by default, as this update data might not yet
+# be finalized (for example, if data versions are labeled with dates, these
+# versions might be overwritten throughout the corresponding days with
+# additional data or "hotfixes" of erroroneous data; when we build an archive
+# based on database queries, the latest available update might still be
+# subject to change, but previous versions should be finalized). We can
+# muffle such warnings with the following pattern:
+ {
+ epix_as_of2(
+ x = archive_cases_dv_subset,
+ max_version = max(archive_cases_dv_subset$DT$version)
+ )
+ },
+ epiprocess__snapshot_as_of_clobberable_version = function(wrn) invokeRestart("muffleWarning")
+# Since R 4.0, there is a `globalCallingHandlers` function that can be used
+# to globally toggle these warnings.
diff --git a/man/epix_fill_through_version2.Rd b/man/epix_fill_through_version2.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7389388a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/epix_fill_through_version2.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/methods-epi_archive_new.R
+\title{\code{epi_archive} with unobserved history filled in (won't mutate, might alias)}
+ epi_archive,
+ fill_versions_end,
+ how = c("na", "locf")
+\item{fill_versions_end}{Length-1, same class&type as \code{x$version}: the
+version through which to fill in missing version history; this will be the
+result's \verb{$versions_end} unless it already had a later
+\item{how}{Optional; \code{"na"} or \code{"locf"}: \code{"na"} will fill in any missing
+required version history with \code{NA}s, by inserting (if necessary) an update
+immediately after the current \verb{$versions_end} that revises all
+existing measurements to be \code{NA} (this is only supported for \code{version}
+classes with a \code{next_after} implementation); \code{"locf"} will fill in missing
+version history with the last version of each observation carried forward
+(LOCF), by leaving the update \verb{$DT} alone (other \code{epi_archive} methods are
+based on LOCF). Default is \code{"na"}.}
+\item{x}{An \code{epi_archive}}
+An \code{epi_archive}
+Sometimes, due to upstream data pipeline issues, we have to work with a
+version history that isn't completely up to date, but with functions that
+expect archives that are completely up to date, or equally as up-to-date as
+another archive. This function provides one way to approach such mismatches:
+pretend that we've "observed" additional versions, filling in these versions
+with NAs or extrapolated values.
+'\code{epix_fill_through_version} will not mutate its \code{x} argument, but its result
+might alias fields of \code{x} (e.g., mutating the result's \code{DT} might mutate
+\code{x$DT}). The R6 method variant, \code{x$fill_through_version}, will mutate \code{x} to
+give the result, but might reseat its fields (e.g., references to the old
+\code{x$DT} might not be updated by this function or subsequent operations on
+\code{x}), and returns the updated \code{x} \link[base:invisible]{invisibly}.
diff --git a/man/epix_merge2.Rd b/man/epix_merge2.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a42e53e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/epix_merge2.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/methods-epi_archive_new.R
+\title{Merge two \code{epi_archive} objects}
+ x,
+ y,
+ sync = c("forbid", "na", "locf", "truncate"),
+ compactify = TRUE
+\item{x, y}{Two \code{epi_archive} objects to join together.}
+\item{sync}{Optional; \code{"forbid"}, \code{"na"}, \code{"locf"}, or \code{"truncate"}; in the
+case that \code{x$versions_end} doesn't match \code{y$versions_end}, what do we do?:
+\code{"forbid"}: emit an error; "na": use \code{max(x$versions_end, y$versions_end)}
+as the result's \code{versions_end}, but ensure that, if we request a snapshot
+as of a version after \code{min(x$versions_end, y$versions_end)}, the
+observation columns from the less up-to-date archive will be all NAs (i.e.,
+imagine there was an update immediately after its \code{versions_end} which
+revised all observations to be \code{NA}); \code{"locf"}: use \code{max(x$versions_end, y$versions_end)} as the result's \code{versions_end}, allowing the last version
+of each observation to be carried forward to extrapolate unavailable
+versions for the less up-to-date input archive (i.e., imagining that in the
+less up-to-date archive's data set remained unchanged between its actual
+\code{versions_end} and the other archive's \code{versions_end}); or \code{"truncate"}:
+use \code{min(x$versions_end, y$versions_end)} as the result's \code{versions_end},
+and discard any rows containing update rows for later versions.}
+\item{compactify}{Optional; \code{TRUE}, \code{FALSE}, or \code{NULL}; should the result be
+compactified? See \code{\link{as_epi_archive}} for an explanation of what this means.
+Default here is \code{TRUE}.}
+the resulting \code{epi_archive}
+Merges two \code{epi_archive}s that share a common \code{geo_value}, \code{time_value}, and
+set of key columns. When they also share a common \code{versions_end},
+using \verb{$as_of} on the result should be the same as using \verb{$as_of} on \code{x} and
+\code{y} individually, then performing a full join of the \code{DT}s on the non-version
+key columns (potentially consolidating multiple warnings about clobberable
+versions). If the \code{versions_end} values differ, the
+\code{sync} parameter controls what is done.
+This function, \code{\link{epix_merge}}, does not mutate its inputs and will not alias
+either archive's \code{DT}, but may alias other fields; \code{x$merge} will overwrite
+\code{x} with the result of the merge, reseating its \code{DT} and several other fields
+(making them point to different objects), but avoiding mutation of the
+contents of the old \code{DT} (only relevant if you have another reference to the
+old \code{DT} in another object).
+In all cases, \code{additional_metadata} will be an empty list, and
+\code{clobberable_versions_start} will be set to the earliest version that could
+be clobbered in either input archive.
+# create two example epi_archive datasets
+x <- archive_cases_dv_subset$DT \%>\%
+ dplyr::select(geo_value, time_value, version, case_rate_7d_av) \%>\%
+ as_epi_archive(compactify = TRUE)
+y <- archive_cases_dv_subset$DT \%>\%
+ dplyr::select(geo_value, time_value, version, percent_cli) \%>\%
+ as_epi_archive(compactify = TRUE)
+# merge results stored in a third object:
+xy <- epix_merge(x, y)
+# vs. mutating x to hold the merge result:
diff --git a/man/epix_slide2.Rd b/man/epix_slide2.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..71d3a11c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/epix_slide2.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,283 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/methods-epi_archive_new.R
+\title{Slide a function over variables in an \code{epi_archive} or \code{grouped_epi_archive}}
+ x,
+ f,
+ ...,
+ before,
+ ref_time_values,
+ time_step,
+ new_col_name = "slide_value",
+ as_list_col = FALSE,
+ names_sep = "_",
+ all_versions = FALSE
+\item{x}{An \code{\link{epi_archive}} or \code{\link{grouped_epi_archive}} object. If ungrouped,
+all data in \code{x} will be treated as part of a single data group.}
+\item{f}{Function, formula, or missing; together with \code{...} specifies the
+computation to slide. To "slide" means to apply a computation over a
+sliding (a.k.a. "rolling") time window for each data group. The window is
+determined by the \code{before} parameter described below. One time step is
+typically one day or one week; see \code{\link{epi_slide}} details for more
+explanation. If a function, \code{f} must take an \code{epi_df} with the same
+column names as the archive's \code{DT}, minus the \code{version} column; followed
+by a one-row tibble containing the values of the grouping variables for
+the associated group; followed by a reference time value, usually as a
+\code{Date} object; followed by any number of named arguments. If a formula,
+\code{f} can operate directly on columns accessed via \code{.x$var} or \code{.$var}, as
+in \code{~ mean (.x$var)} to compute a mean of a column \code{var} for each
+group-\code{ref_time_value} combination. The group key can be accessed via
+\code{.y} or \code{.group_key}, and the reference time value can be accessed via
+\code{.z} or \code{.ref_time_value}. If \code{f} is missing, then \code{...} will specify the
+\item{...}{Additional arguments to pass to the function or formula specified
+via \code{f}. Alternatively, if \code{f} is missing, then \code{...} is interpreted as an
+expression for tidy evaluation; in addition to referring to columns
+directly by name, the expression has access to \code{.data} and \code{.env} pronouns
+as in \code{dplyr} verbs, and can also refer to the \code{.group_key} and
+\code{.ref_time_value}. See details of \code{\link{epi_slide}}.}
+\item{before}{How far \code{before} each \code{ref_time_value} should the sliding
+window extend? If provided, should be a single, non-NA,
+\link[vctrs:vec_cast]{integer-compatible} number of time steps. This window
+endpoint is inclusive. For example, if \code{before = 7}, and one time step is
+one day, then to produce a value for a \code{ref_time_value} of January 8, we
+apply the given function or formula to data (for each group present) with
+\code{time_value}s from January 1 onward, as they were reported on January 8.
+For typical disease surveillance sources, this will not include any data
+with a \code{time_value} of January 8, and, depending on the amount of reporting
+latency, may not include January 7 or even earlier \code{time_value}s. (If
+instead the archive were to hold nowcasts instead of regular surveillance
+data, then we would indeed expect data for \code{time_value} January 8. If it
+were to hold forecasts, then we would expect data for \code{time_value}s after
+January 8, and the sliding window would extend as far after each
+\code{ref_time_value} as needed to include all such \code{time_value}s.)}
+\item{ref_time_values}{Reference time values / versions for sliding
+computations; each element of this vector serves both as the anchor point
+for the \code{time_value} window for the computation and the \code{max_version}
+\code{as_of} which we fetch data in this window. If missing, then this will set
+to a regularly-spaced sequence of values set to cover the range of
+\code{version}s in the \code{DT} plus the \code{versions_end}; the spacing of values will
+be guessed (using the GCD of the skips between values).}
+\item{time_step}{Optional function used to define the meaning of one time
+step, which if specified, overrides the default choice based on the
+\code{time_value} column. This function must take a positive integer and return
+an object of class \code{lubridate::period}. For example, we can use \code{time_step = lubridate::hours} in order to set the time step to be one hour (this
+would only be meaningful if \code{time_value} is of class \code{POSIXct}).}
+\item{new_col_name}{String indicating the name of the new column that will
+contain the derivative values. Default is "slide_value"; note that setting
+\code{new_col_name} equal to an existing column name will overwrite this column.}
+\item{as_list_col}{Should the slide results be held in a list column, or be
+\link[tidyr:chop]{unchopped}/\link[tidyr:unnest]{unnested}? Default is \code{FALSE},
+in which case a list object returned by \code{f} would be unnested (using
+\code{\link[tidyr:unnest]{tidyr::unnest()}}), and, if the slide computations output data frames,
+the names of the resulting columns are given by prepending \code{new_col_name}
+to the names of the list elements.}
+\item{names_sep}{String specifying the separator to use in \code{tidyr::unnest()}
+when \code{as_list_col = FALSE}. Default is "_". Using \code{NULL} drops the prefix
+from \code{new_col_name} entirely.}
+\item{all_versions}{(Not the same as \code{all_rows} parameter of \code{epi_slide}.) If
+\code{all_versions = TRUE}, then \code{f} will be passed the version history (all
+\code{version <= ref_time_value}) for rows having \code{time_value} between
+\code{ref_time_value - before} and \code{ref_time_value}. Otherwise, \code{f} will be
+passed only the most recent \code{version} for every unique \code{time_value}.
+Default is \code{FALSE}.}
+A tibble whose columns are: the grouping variables, \code{time_value},
+containing the reference time values for the slide computation, and a
+column named according to the \code{new_col_name} argument, containing the slide
+Slides a given function over variables in an \code{epi_archive} object. This
+behaves similarly to \code{epi_slide()}, with the key exception that it is
+version-aware: the sliding computation at any given reference time t is
+performed on \strong{data that would have been available as of t}. See the
+\href{https://cmu-delphi.github.io/epiprocess/articles/archive.html}{archive vignette} for
+A few key distinctions between the current function and \code{epi_slide()}:
+\item In \code{f} functions for \code{epix_slide}, one should not assume that the input
+data to contain any rows with \code{time_value} matching the computation's
+\code{ref_time_value} (accessible via \verb{attributes()$metadata$as_of}); for
+typical epidemiological surveillance data, observations pertaining to a
+particular time period (\code{time_value}) are first reported \code{as_of} some
+instant after that time period has ended.
+\item \code{epix_slide()} doesn't accept an \code{after} argument; its windows extend
+from \code{before} time steps before a given \code{ref_time_value} through the last
+\code{time_value} available as of version \code{ref_time_value} (typically, this
+won't include \code{ref_time_value} itself, as observations about a particular
+time interval (e.g., day) are only published after that time interval
+ends); \code{epi_slide} windows extend from \code{before} time steps before a
+\code{ref_time_value} through \code{after} time steps after \code{ref_time_value}.
+\item The input class and columns are similar but different: \code{epix_slide}
+(with the default \code{all_versions=FALSE}) keeps all columns and the
+\code{epi_df}-ness of the first argument to each computation; \code{epi_slide} only
+provides the grouping variables in the second input, and will convert the
+first input into a regular tibble if the grouping variables include the
+essential \code{geo_value} column. (With \code{all_versions=TRUE}, \code{epix_slide} will
+will provide an \code{epi_archive} rather than an \code{epi-df} to each
+\item The output class and columns are similar but different: \code{epix_slide()}
+returns a tibble containing only the grouping variables, \code{time_value}, and
+the new column(s) from the slide computations, whereas \code{epi_slide()}
+returns an \code{epi_df} with all original variables plus the new columns from
+the slide computations. (Both will mirror the grouping or ungroupedness of
+their input, with one exception: \code{epi_archive}s can have trivial
+(zero-variable) groupings, but these will be dropped in \code{epix_slide}
+results as they are not supported by tibbles.)
+\item There are no size stability checks or element/row recycling to maintain
+size stability in \code{epix_slide}, unlike in \code{epi_slide}. (\code{epix_slide} is
+roughly analogous to \code{\link[dplyr:group_map]{dplyr::group_modify}}, while \code{epi_slide} is roughly
+analogous to \code{dplyr::mutate} followed by \code{dplyr::arrange}) This is detailed
+in the "advanced" vignette.
+\item \code{all_rows} is not supported in \code{epix_slide}; since the slide
+computations are allowed more flexibility in their outputs than in
+\code{epi_slide}, we can't guess a good representation for missing computations
+for excluded group-\code{ref_time_value} pairs.
+\item The \code{ref_time_values} default for \code{epix_slide} is based on making an
+evenly-spaced sequence out of the \code{version}s in the \code{DT} plus the
+\code{versions_end}, rather than the \code{time_value}s.
+Apart from the above distinctions, the interfaces between \code{epix_slide()} and
+\code{epi_slide()} are the same.
+Furthermore, the current function can be considerably slower than
+\code{epi_slide()}, for two reasons: (1) it must repeatedly fetch
+properly-versioned snapshots from the data archive (via its \code{as_of()}
+method), and (2) it performs a "manual" sliding of sorts, and does not
+benefit from the highly efficient \code{slider} package. For this reason, it
+should never be used in place of \code{epi_slide()}, and only used when
+version-aware sliding is necessary (as it its purpose).
+Finally, this is simply a wrapper around the \code{slide()} method of the
+\code{epi_archive} and \code{grouped_epi_archive} classes, so if \code{x} is an
+object of either of these classes, then:
+\if{html}{\out{}}\preformatted{epix_slide(x, new_var = comp(old_var), before = 119)
+is equivalent to:
+\if{html}{\out{}}\preformatted{x$slide(new_var = comp(old_var), before = 119)
+Mutation and aliasing: \code{epix_slide} and \verb{$slide} will not perform in-place
+mutation of the input archives on their own. In some edge cases the inputs it
+feeds to the slide computations may alias parts of the input archive, so copy
+the slide computation inputs if needed before using mutating operations like
+\code{data.table}'s \verb{:=} operator. Similarly, in some edge cases, the output of
+the slide operation may alias parts of the input archive, so similarly, make
+sure to clone and/or copy appropriately before using in-place mutation.
+# Reference time points for which we want to compute slide values:
+ref_time_values <- seq(as.Date("2020-06-01"),
+ as.Date("2020-06-15"),
+ by = "1 day"
+# A simple (but not very useful) example (see the archive vignette for a more
+# realistic one):
+archive_cases_dv_subset \%>\%
+ group_by(geo_value) \%>\%
+ epix_slide(
+ f = ~ mean(.x$case_rate_7d_av),
+ before = 2,
+ ref_time_values = ref_time_values,
+ new_col_name = "case_rate_7d_av_recent_av"
+ ) \%>\%
+ ungroup()
+# We requested time windows that started 2 days before the corresponding time
+# values. The actual number of `time_value`s in each computation depends on
+# the reporting latency of the signal and `time_value` range covered by the
+# archive (2020-06-01 -- 2021-11-30 in this example). In this case, we have
+# * 0 `time_value`s, for ref time 2020-06-01 --> the result is automatically
+# discarded
+# * 1 `time_value`, for ref time 2020-06-02
+# * 2 `time_value`s, for the rest of the results
+# * never the 3 `time_value`s we would get from `epi_slide`, since, because
+# of data latency, we'll never have an observation
+# `time_value == ref_time_value` as of `ref_time_value`.
+# The example below shows this type of behavior in more detail.
+# Examining characteristics of the data passed to each computation with
+# `all_versions=FALSE`.
+archive_cases_dv_subset \%>\%
+ group_by(geo_value) \%>\%
+ epix_slide(
+ function(x, gk, rtv) {
+ tibble(
+ time_range = if (nrow(x) == 0L) {
+ "0 `time_value`s"
+ } else {
+ sprintf("\%s -- \%s", min(x$time_value), max(x$time_value))
+ },
+ n = nrow(x),
+ class1 = class(x)[[1L]]
+ )
+ },
+ before = 5, all_versions = FALSE,
+ ref_time_values = ref_time_values, names_sep = NULL
+ ) \%>\%
+ ungroup() \%>\%
+ arrange(geo_value, time_value)
+# --- Advanced: ---
+# `epix_slide` with `all_versions=FALSE` (the default) applies a
+# version-unaware computation to several versions of the data. We can also
+# use `all_versions=TRUE` to apply a version-*aware* computation to several
+# versions of the data, again looking at characteristics of the data passed
+# to each computation. In this case, each computation should expect an
+# `epi_archive` containing the relevant version data:
+archive_cases_dv_subset \%>\%
+ group_by(geo_value) \%>\%
+ epix_slide(
+ function(x, gk, rtv) {
+ tibble(
+ versions_start = if (nrow(x$DT) == 0L) {
+ "NA (0 rows)"
+ } else {
+ toString(min(x$DT$version))
+ },
+ versions_end = x$versions_end,
+ time_range = if (nrow(x$DT) == 0L) {
+ "0 `time_value`s"
+ } else {
+ sprintf("\%s -- \%s", min(x$DT$time_value), max(x$DT$time_value))
+ },
+ n = nrow(x$DT),
+ class1 = class(x)[[1L]]
+ )
+ },
+ before = 5, all_versions = TRUE,
+ ref_time_values = ref_time_values, names_sep = NULL
+ ) \%>\%
+ ungroup() \%>\%
+ # Focus on one geo_value so we can better see the columns above:
+ filter(geo_value == "ca") \%>\%
+ select(-geo_value)
diff --git a/man/epix_truncate_versions_after.Rd b/man/epix_truncate_versions_after.Rd
index 8f741418..f30be07f 100644
--- a/man/epix_truncate_versions_after.Rd
+++ b/man/epix_truncate_versions_after.Rd
@@ -1,9 +1,12 @@
% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
-% Please edit documentation in R/methods-epi_archive.R
+% Please edit documentation in R/methods-epi_archive.R,
+% R/methods-epi_archive_new.R
\title{Filter an \code{epi_archive} object to keep only older versions}
+epix_truncate_versions_after(x, max_version)
epix_truncate_versions_after(x, max_version)
@@ -15,9 +18,14 @@ current archive data having \code{version} less than or equal to the
specified \code{max_version}}
+An \code{epi_archive} object
An \code{epi_archive} object
+Generates a filtered \code{epi_archive} from an \code{epi_archive} object, keeping
+only rows with \code{version} falling on or before a specified date.
Generates a filtered \code{epi_archive} from an \code{epi_archive} object, keeping
only rows with \code{version} falling on or before a specified date.
diff --git a/man/epix_truncate_versions_after.grouped_epi_archive2.Rd b/man/epix_truncate_versions_after.grouped_epi_archive2.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5fba48fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/epix_truncate_versions_after.grouped_epi_archive2.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/grouped_archive_new.R
+\title{Truncate versions after a given version, grouped}
+\method{epix_truncate_versions_after}{grouped_epi_archive2}(grouped_epi_archive, max_version)
+Truncate versions after a given version, grouped
diff --git a/man/fill_through_version.epi_archive2.Rd b/man/fill_through_version.epi_archive2.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..48afb864
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/fill_through_version.epi_archive2.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/archive_new.R
+\title{Fill through version}
+\method{fill_through_version}{epi_archive2}(epi_archive, fill_versions_end, how = c("na", "locf"))
+\item{epi_archive}{an \code{epi_archive} object}
+\item{fill_versions_end}{as in \code{\link{epix_fill_through_version}}}
+\item{how}{as in \code{\link{epix_fill_through_version}}}
+Fill in unobserved history using requested scheme by mutating
+the given object and potentially reseating its fields. See
+\code{\link{epix_fill_through_version}}, which doesn't mutate the input archive but
+might alias its fields.
diff --git a/man/group_by.epi_archive.Rd b/man/group_by.epi_archive.Rd
index 5e867bf3..f157e834 100644
--- a/man/group_by.epi_archive.Rd
+++ b/man/group_by.epi_archive.Rd
@@ -1,8 +1,14 @@
% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
-% Please edit documentation in R/methods-epi_archive.R, R/grouped_epi_archive.R
+% Please edit documentation in R/methods-epi_archive.R, R/grouped_archive_new.R,
+% R/grouped_epi_archive.R
@@ -12,6 +18,21 @@
\method{group_by}{epi_archive}(.data, ..., .add = FALSE, .drop = dplyr::group_by_drop_default(.data))
+ grouped_epi_archive,
+ ...,
+ .add = FALSE,
+ .drop = dplyr::group_by_drop_default(grouped_epi_archive)
+\method{ungroup}{grouped_epi_archive2}(grouped_epi_archive, ...)
\method{group_by}{grouped_epi_archive}(.data, ..., .add = FALSE, .drop = dplyr::group_by_drop_default(.data))
diff --git a/man/group_by.epi_archive2.Rd b/man/group_by.epi_archive2.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3191b134
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/group_by.epi_archive2.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/archive_new.R
+\title{\code{group_by} and related methods for \code{epi_archive}, \code{grouped_epi_archive}}
+ epi_archive,
+ ...,
+ .add = FALSE,
+ .drop = dplyr::group_by_drop_default(epi_archive)
+\item{...}{Similar to \code{\link[dplyr:group_by]{dplyr::group_by}} (see "Details:" for edge cases);
+\item For \code{group_by}: unquoted variable name(s) or other
+\link[dplyr:dplyr_data_masking]{"data masking"} expression(s). It's possible to
+use \code{\link[dplyr:mutate]{dplyr::mutate}}-like syntax here to calculate new columns on which to
+perform grouping, but note that, if you are regrouping an already-grouped
+\code{.data} object, the calculations will be carried out ignoring such grouping
+(same as \link[dplyr:group_by]{in dplyr}).
+\item For \code{ungroup}: either
+\item empty, in order to remove the grouping and output an \code{epi_archive}; or
+\item variable name(s) or other \link[dplyr:dplyr_tidy_select]{"tidy-select"}
+expression(s), in order to remove the matching variables from the list of
+grouping variables, and output another \code{grouped_epi_archive}.
+\item{.add}{Boolean. If \code{FALSE}, the default, the output will be grouped by
+the variable selection from \code{...} only; if \code{TRUE}, the output will be
+grouped by the current grouping variables plus the variable selection from
+\item{.drop}{As described in \code{\link[dplyr:group_by]{dplyr::group_by}}; determines treatment of
+factor columns.}
+\item{.data}{An \code{epi_archive} or \code{grouped_epi_archive}}
+\item{x}{For \code{groups} or \code{ungroup}: a \code{grouped_epi_archive}; for
+\code{is_grouped_epi_archive}: any object}
+\item{.tbl}{(For \code{group_by_drop_default}:) an \code{epi_archive} or
+\code{grouped_epi_archive} (\code{epi_archive} dispatches to the S3 default method;
+\code{grouped_epi_archive} dispatches its own S3 method)}
+\code{group_by} and related methods for \code{epi_archive}, \code{grouped_epi_archive}
+To match \code{dplyr}, \code{group_by} allows "data masking" (also referred to as
+"tidy evaluation") expressions \code{...}, not just column names, in a way similar
+to \code{mutate}. Note that replacing or removing key columns with these
+expressions is disabled.
+\code{archive \%>\% group_by()} and other expressions that group or regroup by zero
+columns (indicating that all rows should be treated as part of one large
+group) will output a \code{grouped_epi_archive}, in order to enable the use of
+\code{grouped_epi_archive} methods on the result. This is in slight contrast to
+the same operations on tibbles and grouped tibbles, which will \emph{not} output a
+\code{grouped_df} in these circumstances.
+Using \code{group_by} with \code{.add=FALSE} to override the existing grouping is
+disabled; instead, \code{ungroup} first then \code{group_by}.
+Mutation and aliasing: \code{group_by} tries to use a shallow copy of the \code{DT},
+introducing column-level aliasing between its input and its result. This
+doesn't follow the general model for most \code{data.table} operations, which
+seems to be that, given an nonaliased (i.e., unique) pointer to a
+\code{data.table} object, its pointers to its columns should also be nonaliased.
+If you mutate any of the columns of either the input or result, first ensure
+that it is fine if columns of the other are also mutated, but do not rely on
+such behavior to occur. Additionally, never perform mutation on the key
+columns at all (except for strictly increasing transformations), as this will
+invalidate sortedness assumptions about the rows.
+\code{group_by_drop_default} on (ungrouped) \code{epi_archive}s is expected to dispatch
+to \code{group_by_drop_default.default} (but there is a dedicated method for
+grouped_archive <- archive_cases_dv_subset \%>\% group_by(geo_value)
+# `print` for metadata and method listing:
+grouped_archive \%>\% print()
+# The primary use for grouping is to perform a grouped `epix_slide`:
+archive_cases_dv_subset \%>\%
+ group_by(geo_value) \%>\%
+ epix_slide(
+ f = ~ mean(.x$case_rate_7d_av),
+ before = 2,
+ ref_time_values = as.Date("2020-06-11") + 0:2,
+ new_col_name = "case_rate_3d_av"
+ ) \%>\%
+ ungroup()
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------
+# Advanced: some other features of dplyr grouping are implemented:
+toy_archive <-
+ tribble(
+ ~geo_value, ~age_group, ~time_value, ~version, ~value,
+ "us", "adult", "2000-01-01", "2000-01-02", 121,
+ "us", "pediatric", "2000-01-02", "2000-01-03", 5, # (addition)
+ "us", "adult", "2000-01-01", "2000-01-03", 125, # (revision)
+ "us", "adult", "2000-01-02", "2000-01-03", 130 # (addition)
+ ) \%>\%
+ mutate(
+ age_group = ordered(age_group, c("pediatric", "adult")),
+ time_value = as.Date(time_value),
+ version = as.Date(version)
+ ) \%>\%
+ as_epi_archive(other_keys = "age_group")
+# The following are equivalent:
+toy_archive \%>\% group_by(geo_value, age_group)
+toy_archive \%>\%
+ group_by(geo_value) \%>\%
+ group_by(age_group, .add = TRUE)
+grouping_cols <- c("geo_value", "age_group")
+toy_archive \%>\% group_by(across(all_of(grouping_cols)))
+# And these are equivalent:
+toy_archive \%>\% group_by(geo_value)
+toy_archive \%>\%
+ group_by(geo_value, age_group) \%>\%
+ ungroup(age_group)
+# To get the grouping variable names as a `list` of `name`s (a.k.a. symbols):
+toy_archive \%>\%
+ group_by(geo_value) \%>\%
+ groups()
+toy_archive \%>\%
+ group_by(geo_value, age_group, .drop = FALSE) \%>\%
+ epix_slide(f = ~ sum(.x$value), before = 20) \%>\%
+ ungroup()
diff --git a/man/is_epi_archive2.Rd b/man/is_epi_archive2.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fd2f0a1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/is_epi_archive2.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/archive_new.R
+\title{Test for \code{epi_archive} format}
+is_epi_archive2(x, grouped_okay = FALSE)
+\item{x}{An object.}
+\item{grouped_okay}{Optional; Boolean; should a \code{grouped_epi_archive} also
+count? Default is \code{FALSE}.}
+\code{TRUE} if the object inherits from \code{epi_archive}.
+Test for \code{epi_archive} format
+is_epi_archive(jhu_csse_daily_subset) # FALSE (this is an epi_df, not epi_archive)
+is_epi_archive(archive_cases_dv_subset) # TRUE
+# By default, grouped_epi_archives don't count as epi_archives, as they may
+# support a different set of operations from regular `epi_archives`. This
+# behavior can be controlled by `grouped_okay`.
+grouped_archive <- archive_cases_dv_subset$group_by(geo_value)
+is_epi_archive(grouped_archive) # FALSE
+is_epi_archive(grouped_archive, grouped_okay = TRUE) # TRUE
diff --git a/man/max_version_with_row_in.Rd b/man/max_version_with_row_in.Rd
index cca554fa..6f0d35b3 100644
--- a/man/max_version_with_row_in.Rd
+++ b/man/max_version_with_row_in.Rd
@@ -1,18 +1,25 @@
% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
-% Please edit documentation in R/archive.R
+% Please edit documentation in R/archive.R, R/archive_new.R
\title{\code{max(x$version)}, with error if \code{x} has 0 rows}
\item{x}{\code{x} argument of \code{\link{as_epi_archive}}}
+\code{max(x$version)} if it has any rows; raises error if it has 0 rows or
+an \code{NA} version value
\code{max(x$version)} if it has any rows; raises error if it has 0 rows or
an \code{NA} version value
+Exported to make defaults more easily copyable.
Exported to make defaults more easily copyable.
diff --git a/man/merge_epi_archive2.Rd b/man/merge_epi_archive2.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..dd1e671e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/merge_epi_archive2.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/archive_new.R
+\title{Merge epi archive}
+ x,
+ y,
+ sync = c("forbid", "na", "locf", "truncate"),
+ compactify = TRUE
+\item{x}{as in \code{\link{epix_merge}}}
+\item{y}{as in \code{\link{epix_merge}}}
+\item{sync}{as in \code{\link{epix_merge}}}
+\item{compactify}{as in \code{\link{epix_merge}}}
+Merges another \code{epi_archive} with the current one, mutating the
+current one by reseating its \code{DT} and several other fields, but avoiding
+mutation of the old \code{DT}; returns the current archive
+\link[base:invisible]{invisibly}. See \code{\link{epix_merge}} for a full description
+of the non-R6-method version, which does not mutate either archive, and
+does not alias either archive's \code{DT}.a
diff --git a/man/new_epi_archive2.Rd b/man/new_epi_archive2.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..52141190
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/new_epi_archive2.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/archive_new.R
+\title{New epi archive}
+ x,
+ geo_type = NULL,
+ time_type = NULL,
+ other_keys = NULL,
+ additional_metadata = NULL,
+ compactify = NULL,
+ clobberable_versions_start = NA,
+ versions_end = NULL
+\item{x}{A data.frame, data.table, or tibble, with columns \code{geo_value},
+\code{time_value}, \code{version}, and then any additional number of columns.}
+\item{geo_type}{Type for the geo values. If missing, then the function will
+attempt to infer it from the geo values present; if this fails, then it
+will be set to "custom".}
+\item{time_type}{Type for the time values. If missing, then the function will
+attempt to infer it from the time values present; if this fails, then it
+will be set to "custom".}
+\item{other_keys}{Character vector specifying the names of variables in \code{x}
+that should be considered key variables (in the language of \code{data.table})
+apart from "geo_value", "time_value", and "version".}
+\item{additional_metadata}{List of additional metadata to attach to the
+\code{epi_archive} object. The metadata will have \code{geo_type} and \code{time_type}
+fields; named entries from the passed list or will be included as well.}
+\item{compactify}{Optional; Boolean or \code{NULL}: should we remove rows that are
+considered redundant for the purposes of \code{epi_archive}'s built-in methods
+such as \code{as_of}? As these methods use the last version of each observation
+carried forward (LOCF) to interpolate between the version data provided,
+rows that don't change these LOCF results can potentially be omitted to
+save space while maintaining the same behavior (with the help of the
+\code{clobberable_versions_start} and \code{versions_end} fields in some edge cases).
+\code{TRUE} will remove these rows, \code{FALSE} will not, and missing or \code{NULL} will
+remove these rows and issue a warning. Generally, this can be set to
+\code{TRUE}, but if you directly inspect or edit the fields of the \code{epi_archive}
+such as its \code{DT}, or rely on redundant updates to achieve a certain
+behavior of the \code{ref_time_values} default in \code{epix_slide}, you will have to
+determine whether \code{compactify=TRUE} will produce the desired results. If
+compactification here is removing a large proportion of the rows, this may
+indicate a potential for space, time, or bandwidth savings upstream the
+data pipeline, e.g., by avoiding fetching, storing, or processing these
+rows of \code{x}.}
+\item{clobberable_versions_start}{Optional; as in \code{\link{as_epi_archive}}}
+\item{versions_end}{Optional; as in \code{\link{as_epi_archive}}}
+An \code{epi_archive} object.
+Creates a new \code{epi_archive} object.
+Refer to the documentation for \code{\link[=as_epi_archive]{as_epi_archive()}} for more information
+and examples of parameter names.
diff --git a/man/next_after.Rd b/man/next_after.Rd
index 5170e8d9..82fd3ebb 100644
--- a/man/next_after.Rd
+++ b/man/next_after.Rd
@@ -1,17 +1,23 @@
% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
-% Please edit documentation in R/archive.R
+% Please edit documentation in R/archive.R, R/archive_new.R
\title{Get the next possible value greater than \code{x} of the same type}
\item{x}{the starting "value"(s)}
+same class, typeof, and length as \code{x}
same class, typeof, and length as \code{x}
+Get the next possible value greater than \code{x} of the same type
Get the next possible value greater than \code{x} of the same type
diff --git a/man/print.epi_archive2.Rd b/man/print.epi_archive2.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0105c47e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/print.epi_archive2.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/archive_new.R
+\title{Print information about an \code{epi_archive} object}
+\method{print}{epi_archive2}(epi_archive, class = TRUE, methods = TRUE)
+\item{class}{Boolean; whether to print the class label header}
+\item{methods}{Boolean; whether to print all available methods of
+the archive}
+Print information about an \code{epi_archive} object
diff --git a/man/slide.epi_archive2.Rd b/man/slide.epi_archive2.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..54db5636
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/slide.epi_archive2.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/archive_new.R
+\title{Slide over epi archive}
+ epi_archive,
+ f,
+ ...,
+ before,
+ ref_time_values,
+ time_step,
+ new_col_name = "slide_value",
+ as_list_col = FALSE,
+ names_sep = "_",
+ all_versions = FALSE
+\item{f}{Function, formula, or missing; together with \code{...} specifies the
+computation to slide. To "slide" means to apply a computation over a
+sliding (a.k.a. "rolling") time window for each data group. The window is
+determined by the \code{before} parameter described below. One time step is
+typically one day or one week; see \code{\link{epi_slide}} details for more
+explanation. If a function, \code{f} must take an \code{epi_df} with the same
+column names as the archive's \code{DT}, minus the \code{version} column; followed
+by a one-row tibble containing the values of the grouping variables for
+the associated group; followed by a reference time value, usually as a
+\code{Date} object; followed by any number of named arguments. If a formula,
+\code{f} can operate directly on columns accessed via \code{.x$var} or \code{.$var}, as
+in \code{~ mean (.x$var)} to compute a mean of a column \code{var} for each
+group-\code{ref_time_value} combination. The group key can be accessed via
+\code{.y} or \code{.group_key}, and the reference time value can be accessed via
+\code{.z} or \code{.ref_time_value}. If \code{f} is missing, then \code{...} will specify the
+\item{...}{Additional arguments to pass to the function or formula specified
+via \code{f}. Alternatively, if \code{f} is missing, then \code{...} is interpreted as an
+expression for tidy evaluation; in addition to referring to columns
+directly by name, the expression has access to \code{.data} and \code{.env} pronouns
+as in \code{dplyr} verbs, and can also refer to the \code{.group_key} and
+\code{.ref_time_value}. See details of \code{\link{epi_slide}}.}
+\item{before}{How far \code{before} each \code{ref_time_value} should the sliding
+window extend? If provided, should be a single, non-NA,
+\link[vctrs:vec_cast]{integer-compatible} number of time steps. This window
+endpoint is inclusive. For example, if \code{before = 7}, and one time step is
+one day, then to produce a value for a \code{ref_time_value} of January 8, we
+apply the given function or formula to data (for each group present) with
+\code{time_value}s from January 1 onward, as they were reported on January 8.
+For typical disease surveillance sources, this will not include any data
+with a \code{time_value} of January 8, and, depending on the amount of reporting
+latency, may not include January 7 or even earlier \code{time_value}s. (If
+instead the archive were to hold nowcasts instead of regular surveillance
+data, then we would indeed expect data for \code{time_value} January 8. If it
+were to hold forecasts, then we would expect data for \code{time_value}s after
+January 8, and the sliding window would extend as far after each
+\code{ref_time_value} as needed to include all such \code{time_value}s.)}
+\item{ref_time_values}{Reference time values / versions for sliding
+computations; each element of this vector serves both as the anchor point
+for the \code{time_value} window for the computation and the \code{max_version}
+\code{as_of} which we fetch data in this window. If missing, then this will set
+to a regularly-spaced sequence of values set to cover the range of
+\code{version}s in the \code{DT} plus the \code{versions_end}; the spacing of values will
+be guessed (using the GCD of the skips between values).}
+\item{time_step}{Optional function used to define the meaning of one time
+step, which if specified, overrides the default choice based on the
+\code{time_value} column. This function must take a positive integer and return
+an object of class \code{lubridate::period}. For example, we can use \code{time_step = lubridate::hours} in order to set the time step to be one hour (this
+would only be meaningful if \code{time_value} is of class \code{POSIXct}).}
+\item{new_col_name}{String indicating the name of the new column that will
+contain the derivative values. Default is "slide_value"; note that setting
+\code{new_col_name} equal to an existing column name will overwrite this column.}
+\item{as_list_col}{Should the slide results be held in a list column, or be
+\link[tidyr:chop]{unchopped}/\link[tidyr:unnest]{unnested}? Default is \code{FALSE},
+in which case a list object returned by \code{f} would be unnested (using
+\code{\link[tidyr:unnest]{tidyr::unnest()}}), and, if the slide computations output data frames,
+the names of the resulting columns are given by prepending \code{new_col_name}
+to the names of the list elements.}
+\item{names_sep}{String specifying the separator to use in \code{tidyr::unnest()}
+when \code{as_list_col = FALSE}. Default is "_". Using \code{NULL} drops the prefix
+from \code{new_col_name} entirely.}
+\item{all_versions}{(Not the same as \code{all_rows} parameter of \code{epi_slide}.) If
+\code{all_versions = TRUE}, then \code{f} will be passed the version history (all
+\code{version <= ref_time_value}) for rows having \code{time_value} between
+\code{ref_time_value - before} and \code{ref_time_value}. Otherwise, \code{f} will be
+passed only the most recent \code{version} for every unique \code{time_value}.
+Default is \code{FALSE}.}
+Slides a given function over variables in an \code{epi_archive}
+object. See the documentation for the wrapper function \code{\link[=epix_slide]{epix_slide()}} for
+details. The parameter descriptions below are copied from there
diff --git a/man/slide.grouped_epi_archive2.Rd b/man/slide.grouped_epi_archive2.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b5aac24c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/slide.grouped_epi_archive2.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/grouped_archive_new.R
+\title{Slide over grouped epi archive}
+ grouped_epi_archive,
+ f,
+ ...,
+ before,
+ ref_time_values,
+ time_step,
+ new_col_name = "slide_value",
+ as_list_col = FALSE,
+ names_sep = "_",
+ all_versions = FALSE
+Slides a given function over variables in a \code{grouped_epi_archive}
+object. See the documentation for the wrapper function \code{\link[=epix_slide]{epix_slide()}} for
diff --git a/man/truncate_versions_after.epi_archive2.Rd b/man/truncate_versions_after.epi_archive2.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..08ae40d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/truncate_versions_after.epi_archive2.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/archive_new.R
+\title{Truncate versions after}
+\method{truncate_versions_after}{epi_archive2}(epi_archive, max_version)
+\item{epi_archive}{as in \code{\link{epix_truncate_versions_after}}}
+\item{max_version}{as in \code{\link{epix_truncate_versions_after}}}
+Filter to keep only older versions, mutating the archive by
+potentially reseating but not mutating some fields. \code{DT} is likely, but not
+guaranteed, to be copied. Returns the mutated archive
diff --git a/man/truncate_versions_after.grouped_epi_archive2.Rd b/man/truncate_versions_after.grouped_epi_archive2.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7c25950f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/truncate_versions_after.grouped_epi_archive2.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/grouped_archive_new.R
+\title{Truncate versions after a given version, grouped}
+\method{truncate_versions_after}{grouped_epi_archive2}(grouped_epi_archive, max_version)
+\item{max_version}{as in \code{\link{epix_truncate_versions_after}}}
+\item{x}{as in \code{\link{epix_truncate_versions_after}}}
+Filter to keep only older versions by mutating the underlying
+\code{epi_archive} using \verb{$truncate_versions_after}. Returns the mutated
+\code{grouped_epi_archive} \link[base:invisible]{invisibly}.
diff --git a/tests/testthat/test-archive_new.R b/tests/testthat/test-archive_new.R
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f2d0bde5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/testthat/test-archive_new.R
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+test_that("first input must be a data.frame", {
+ expect_error(as_epi_archive2(c(1, 2, 3), compactify = FALSE),
+ regexp = "Must be of type 'data.frame'."
+ )
+dt <- archive_cases_dv_subset$DT
+test_that("data.frame must contain geo_value, time_value and version columns", {
+ expect_error(as_epi_archive2(select(dt, -geo_value), compactify = FALSE),
+ regexp = "Columns `geo_value`, `time_value`, and `version` must be present in `x`."
+ )
+ expect_error(as_epi_archive2(select(dt, -time_value), compactify = FALSE),
+ regexp = "Columns `geo_value`, `time_value`, and `version` must be present in `x`."
+ )
+ expect_error(as_epi_archive2(select(dt, -version), compactify = FALSE),
+ regexp = "Columns `geo_value`, `time_value`, and `version` must be present in `x`."
+ )
+test_that("other_keys can only contain names of the data.frame columns", {
+ expect_error(as_epi_archive2(dt, other_keys = "xyz", compactify = FALSE),
+ regexp = "`other_keys` must be contained in the column names of `x`."
+ )
+ expect_error(as_epi_archive2(dt, other_keys = "percent_cli", compactify = FALSE), NA)
+test_that("other_keys cannot contain names geo_value, time_value or version", {
+ expect_error(as_epi_archive2(dt, other_keys = "geo_value", compactify = FALSE),
+ regexp = "`other_keys` cannot contain \"geo_value\", \"time_value\", or \"version\"."
+ )
+ expect_error(as_epi_archive2(dt, other_keys = "time_value", compactify = FALSE),
+ regexp = "`other_keys` cannot contain \"geo_value\", \"time_value\", or \"version\"."
+ )
+ expect_error(as_epi_archive2(dt, other_keys = "version", compactify = FALSE),
+ regexp = "`other_keys` cannot contain \"geo_value\", \"time_value\", or \"version\"."
+ )
+test_that("Warning thrown when other_metadata contains overlapping names with geo_type or time_type fields", {
+ expect_warning(as_epi_archive2(dt, additional_metadata = list(geo_type = 1), compactify = FALSE),
+ regexp = "`additional_metadata` names overlap with existing metadata fields \"geo_type\", \"time_type\"."
+ )
+ expect_warning(as_epi_archive2(dt, additional_metadata = list(time_type = 1), compactify = FALSE),
+ regexp = "`additional_metadata` names overlap with existing metadata fields \"geo_type\", \"time_type\"."
+ )
+test_that("epi_archives are correctly instantiated with a variety of data types", {
+ # Data frame
+ df <- data.frame(
+ geo_value = "ca",
+ time_value = as.Date("2020-01-01"),
+ version = as.Date("2020-01-01") + 0:19,
+ value = 1:20
+ )
+ ea1 <- as_epi_archive2(df, compactify = FALSE)
+ expect_equal(key(ea1$DT), c("geo_value", "time_value", "version"))
+ expect_equal(ea1$additional_metadata, list())
+ ea2 <- as_epi_archive2(df, other_keys = "value", additional_metadata = list(value = df$value), compactify = FALSE)
+ expect_equal(key(ea2$DT), c("geo_value", "time_value", "value", "version"))
+ expect_equal(ea2$additional_metadata, list(value = df$value))
+ # Tibble
+ tib <- tibble::tibble(df, code = "x")
+ ea3 <- as_epi_archive2(tib, compactify = FALSE)
+ expect_equal(key(ea3$DT), c("geo_value", "time_value", "version"))
+ expect_equal(ea3$additional_metadata, list())
+ ea4 <- as_epi_archive2(tib, other_keys = "code", additional_metadata = list(value = df$value), compactify = FALSE)
+ expect_equal(key(ea4$DT), c("geo_value", "time_value", "code", "version"))
+ expect_equal(ea4$additional_metadata, list(value = df$value))
+ # Keyed data.table
+ kdt <- data.table::data.table(
+ geo_value = "ca",
+ time_value = as.Date("2020-01-01"),
+ version = as.Date("2020-01-01") + 0:19,
+ value = 1:20,
+ code = "CA",
+ key = "code"
+ )
+ ea5 <- as_epi_archive2(kdt, compactify = FALSE)
+ # Key from data.table isn't absorbed when as_epi_archive2 is used
+ expect_equal(key(ea5$DT), c("geo_value", "time_value", "version"))
+ expect_equal(ea5$additional_metadata, list())
+ ea6 <- as_epi_archive2(kdt, other_keys = "value", additional_metadata = list(value = df$value), compactify = FALSE)
+ # Mismatched keys, but the one from as_epi_archive2 overrides
+ expect_equal(key(ea6$DT), c("geo_value", "time_value", "value", "version"))
+ expect_equal(ea6$additional_metadata, list(value = df$value))
+ # Unkeyed data.table
+ udt <- data.table::data.table(
+ geo_value = "ca",
+ time_value = as.Date("2020-01-01"),
+ version = as.Date("2020-01-01") + 0:19,
+ value = 1:20,
+ code = "CA"
+ )
+ ea7 <- as_epi_archive2(udt, compactify = FALSE)
+ expect_equal(key(ea7$DT), c("geo_value", "time_value", "version"))
+ expect_equal(ea7$additional_metadata, list())
+ ea8 <- as_epi_archive2(udt, other_keys = "code", additional_metadata = list(value = df$value), compactify = FALSE)
+ expect_equal(key(ea8$DT), c("geo_value", "time_value", "code", "version"))
+ expect_equal(ea8$additional_metadata, list(value = df$value))
+ # epi_df
+ edf1 <- jhu_csse_daily_subset %>%
+ select(geo_value, time_value, cases) %>%
+ mutate(version = max(time_value), code = "USA")
+ ea9 <- as_epi_archive2(edf1, compactify = FALSE)
+ expect_equal(key(ea9$DT), c("geo_value", "time_value", "version"))
+ expect_equal(ea9$additional_metadata, list())
+ ea10 <- as_epi_archive2(edf1, other_keys = "code", additional_metadata = list(value = df$value), compactify = FALSE)
+ expect_equal(key(ea10$DT), c("geo_value", "time_value", "code", "version"))
+ expect_equal(ea10$additional_metadata, list(value = df$value))
+ # Keyed epi_df
+ edf2 <- data.frame(
+ geo_value = "al",
+ time_value = rep(as.Date("2020-01-01") + 0:9, 2),
+ version = c(
+ rep(as.Date("2020-01-25"), 10),
+ rep(as.Date("2020-01-26"), 10)
+ ),
+ cases = 1:20,
+ misc = "USA"
+ ) %>%
+ as_epi_df(additional_metadata = list(other_keys = "misc"))
+ ea11 <- as_epi_archive2(edf2, compactify = FALSE)
+ expect_equal(key(ea11$DT), c("geo_value", "time_value", "version"))
+ expect_equal(ea11$additional_metadata, list())
+ ea12 <- as_epi_archive2(edf2, other_keys = "misc", additional_metadata = list(value = df$misc), compactify = FALSE)
+ expect_equal(key(ea12$DT), c("geo_value", "time_value", "misc", "version"))
+ expect_equal(ea12$additional_metadata, list(value = df$misc))
+test_that("`epi_archive` rejects nonunique keys", {
+ toy_update_tbl <-
+ tibble::tribble(
+ ~geo_value, ~age_group, ~time_value, ~version, ~value,
+ "us", "adult", "2000-01-01", "2000-01-02", 121,
+ "us", "adult", "2000-01-01", "2000-01-03", 125, # (revision)
+ "us", "adult", "2000-01-02", "2000-01-03", 130,
+ "us", "pediatric", "2000-01-01", "2000-01-02", 5
+ ) %>%
+ mutate(
+ age_group = ordered(age_group, c("pediatric", "adult")),
+ time_value = as.Date(time_value),
+ version = as.Date(version)
+ )
+ expect_error(
+ as_epi_archive2(toy_update_tbl),
+ class = "epiprocess__epi_archive_requires_unique_key"
+ )
+ expect_error(
+ regexp = NA,
+ as_epi_archive2(toy_update_tbl, other_keys = "age_group"),
+ )
diff --git a/tests/testthat/test-compactify_new.R b/tests/testthat/test-compactify_new.R
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f2887eaf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/testthat/test-compactify_new.R
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+dt <- archive_cases_dv_subset$DT
+dt <- filter(dt, geo_value == "ca") %>%
+ filter(version <= "2020-06-15") %>%
+ select(-case_rate_7d_av)
+test_that("Input for compactify must be NULL or a boolean", {
+ expect_error(as_epi_archive2(dt, compactify = "no"))
+dt$percent_cli <- c(1:80)
+dt$case_rate <- c(1:80)
+row_replace <- function(dt, row, x, y) {
+ # (This way of "replacing" elements appears to use copy-on-write even though
+ # we are working with a data.table.)
+ dt[row, 4] <- x
+ dt[row, 5] <- y
+ dt
+# Note that compactify is working on version-wise LOCF (last version of each
+# observation carried forward)
+# Rows 1 should not be eliminated even if NA
+dt <- row_replace(dt, 1, NA, NA) # Not LOCF
+# NOTE! We are assuming that there are no NA's in geo_value, time_value,
+# and version. Even though compactify may erroneously remove the first row
+# if it has all NA's, we are not testing this behaviour for now as this dataset
+# has problems beyond the scope of this test
+# Rows 11 and 12 correspond to different time_values
+dt <- row_replace(dt, 12, 11, 11) # Not LOCF
+# Rows 20 and 21 only differ in version
+dt <- row_replace(dt, 21, 20, 20) # LOCF
+# Rows 21 and 22 only differ in version
+dt <- row_replace(dt, 22, 20, 20) # LOCF
+# Row 39 comprises the first NA's
+dt <- row_replace(dt, 39, NA, NA) # Not LOCF
+# Row 40 has two NA's, just like its lag, row 39
+dt <- row_replace(dt, 40, NA, NA) # LOCF
+# Row 62's values already exist in row 15, but row 15 is not a preceding row
+dt <- row_replace(dt, 62, 15, 15) # Not LOCF
+# Row 73 only has one value carried over
+dt <- row_replace(dt, 74, 73, 74) # Not LOCF
+dt_true <- as_tibble(as_epi_archive2(dt, compactify = TRUE)$DT)
+dt_false <- as_tibble(as_epi_archive2(dt, compactify = FALSE)$DT)
+dt_null <- suppressWarnings(as_tibble(as_epi_archive2(dt, compactify = NULL)$DT))
+test_that("Warning for LOCF with compactify as NULL", {
+ expect_warning(as_epi_archive2(dt, compactify = NULL))
+test_that("No warning when there is no LOCF", {
+ expect_warning(as_epi_archive2(dt[1:5], compactify = NULL), NA)
+test_that("LOCF values are ignored with compactify=FALSE", {
+ expect_identical(nrow(dt), nrow(dt_false))
+test_that("LOCF values are taken out with compactify=TRUE", {
+ dt_test <- as_tibble(as_epi_archive2(dt[-c(21, 22, 40), ], compactify = FALSE)$DT)
+ expect_identical(dt_true, dt_null)
+ expect_identical(dt_null, dt_test)
+test_that("as_of produces the same results with compactify=TRUE as with compactify=FALSE", {
+ ea_true <- as_epi_archive2(dt, compactify = TRUE)
+ ea_false <- as_epi_archive2(dt, compactify = FALSE)
+ # Row 22, an LOCF row corresponding to the latest version, is omitted in
+ # ea_true
+ latest_version <- max(ea_false$DT$version)
+ as_of_true <- as_of(ea_true, latest_version)
+ as_of_false <- as_of(ea_false, latest_version)
+ expect_identical(as_of_true, as_of_false)
+test_that("compactify does not alter the default clobberable and observed version bounds", {
+ x <- tibble::tibble(
+ geo_value = "geo1",
+ time_value = as.Date("2000-01-01"),
+ version = as.Date("2000-01-01") + 1:5,
+ value = 42L
+ )
+ ea_true <- as_epi_archive2(x, compactify = TRUE)
+ ea_false <- as_epi_archive2(x, compactify = FALSE)
+ # We say that we base the bounds on the user's `x` arg. We might mess up or
+ # change our minds and base things on the `DT` field (or a temporary `DT`
+ # variable, post-compactify) instead. Check that this test would trigger
+ # in that case:
+ expect_true(max(ea_true$DT$version) != max(ea_false$DT$version))
+ # The actual test:
+ expect_identical(ea_true$clobberable_versions_start, ea_false$clobberable_versions_start)
+ expect_identical(ea_true$versions_end, ea_false$versions_end)
diff --git a/tests/testthat/test-epix_fill_through_version_new.R b/tests/testthat/test-epix_fill_through_version_new.R
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2b76a851
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/testthat/test-epix_fill_through_version_new.R
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+test_that("epix_fill_through_version2 mirrors input when it is sufficiently up to date", {
+ ea_orig <- as_epi_archive2(data.table::data.table(
+ geo_value = "g1", time_value = as.Date("2020-01-01"),
+ version = 1:5, value = 1:5
+ ))
+ some_earlier_observed_version <- 2L
+ ea_trivial_fill_na1 <- epix_fill_through_version2(ea_orig, some_earlier_observed_version, "na")
+ ea_trivial_fill_na2 <- epix_fill_through_version2(ea_orig, ea_orig$versions_end, "na")
+ ea_trivial_fill_locf <- epix_fill_through_version2(ea_orig, some_earlier_observed_version, "locf")
+ # Below, we want R6 objects to be compared based on contents rather than
+ # addresses. We appear to get this with `expect_identical` in `testthat`
+ # edition 3, which is based on `waldo::compare` rather than `base::identical`;
+ # `waldo::compare` in waldo >=0.3.1 appears (as of 0.4.0) to compare R6
+ # objects by contents rather than address (in a way that is tested but maybe
+ # not guaranteed via user docs). Use `testthat::local_edition` to ensure we
+ # use testthat edition 3 here (use `testthat::` to prevent ambiguity with
+ # `readr`).
+ testthat::local_edition(3)
+ expect_identical(ea_orig, ea_trivial_fill_na1)
+ expect_identical(ea_orig, ea_trivial_fill_na2)
+ expect_identical(ea_orig, ea_trivial_fill_locf)
+test_that("epix_fill_through_version2 can extend observed versions, gives expected `as_of`s", {
+ ea_orig <- as_epi_archive2(data.table::data.table(
+ geo_value = "g1",
+ time_value = as.Date("2020-01-01") + c(rep(0L, 5L), 1L),
+ version = c(1:5, 2L),
+ value = 1:6
+ ))
+ first_unobserved_version <- 6L
+ later_unobserved_version <- 10L
+ ea_fill_na <- epix_fill_through_version2(ea_orig, later_unobserved_version, "na")
+ ea_fill_locf <- epix_fill_through_version2(ea_orig, later_unobserved_version, "locf")
+ # We use testthat edition 3 features here, passing `ignore_attr` to
+ # `waldo::compare`. Ensure we are using edition 3:
+ testthat::local_edition(3)
+ withCallingHandlers(
+ {
+ expect_identical(ea_fill_na$versions_end, later_unobserved_version)
+ expect_identical(tibble::as_tibble(as_of(ea_fill_na, first_unobserved_version)),
+ tibble::tibble(geo_value = "g1", time_value = as.Date("2020-01-01") + 0:1, value = rep(NA_integer_, 2L)),
+ ignore_attr = TRUE
+ )
+ expect_identical(ea_fill_locf$versions_end, later_unobserved_version)
+ expect_identical(
+ as_of(ea_fill_locf, first_unobserved_version),
+ as_of(ea_fill_locf, ea_orig$versions_end) %>%
+ {
+ attr(., "metadata")$as_of <- first_unobserved_version
+ .
+ }
+ )
+ },
+ epiprocess__snapshot_as_of_clobberable_version = function(wrn) invokeRestart("muffleWarning")
+ )
+test_that("epix_fill_through_version2 does not mutate x", {
+ for (ea_orig in list(
+ # vanilla case
+ as_epi_archive2(data.table::data.table(
+ geo_value = "g1", time_value = as.Date("2020-01-01"),
+ version = 1:5, value = 1:5
+ )),
+ # data.table unique yielding original DT by reference special case (maybe
+ # having only 1 row is the trigger? having no revisions of initial values
+ # doesn't seem sufficient to trigger)
+ as_epi_archive2(tibble::tibble(geo_value = 1L, time_value = 1L, version = 1L, value = 10L))
+ )) {
+ # We want to perform a strict comparison of the contents of `ea_orig` before
+ # and `ea_orig` after. `clone` + `expect_identical` based on waldo would
+ # sort of work, but we might want something stricter. `as.list` +
+ # `identical` plus a check of the DT seems to do the trick.
+ ea_orig_before_as_list <- as.list(ea_orig)
+ ea_orig_DT_before_copy <- data.table::copy(ea_orig$DT)
+ some_unobserved_version <- 8L
+ #
+ ea_fill_na <- epix_fill_through_version2(ea_orig, some_unobserved_version, "na")
+ ea_orig_after_as_list <- as.list(ea_orig)
+ # use identical, not expect_identical, for the R6-as-list test; latter isn't as strict
+ expect_true(identical(ea_orig_before_as_list, ea_orig_after_as_list))
+ expect_identical(ea_orig_DT_before_copy, ea_orig$DT)
+ #
+ ea_fill_locf <- epix_fill_through_version2(ea_orig, some_unobserved_version, "locf")
+ ea_orig_after_as_list <- as.list(ea_orig)
+ expect_true(identical(ea_orig_before_as_list, ea_orig_after_as_list))
+ expect_identical(ea_orig_DT_before_copy, ea_orig$DT)
+ }
+test_that("epix_fill_through_version return with expected visibility", {
+ ea <- as_epi_archive(data.table::data.table(
+ geo_value = "g1", time_value = as.Date("2020-01-01"),
+ version = 1:5, value = 1:5
+ ))
+ expect_true(withVisible(epix_fill_through_version(ea, 10L, "na"))[["visible"]])
+test_that("epix_fill_through_version2 returns same key & doesn't mutate old DT or its key", {
+ ea <- as_epi_archive2(tibble::tibble(geo_value = 1L, time_value = 1L, version = 1L, value = 10L))
+ old_DT <- ea$DT
+ old_DT_copy <- data.table::copy(old_DT)
+ old_key <- data.table::key(ea$DT)
+ expect_identical(data.table::key(epix_fill_through_version2(ea, 5L, "na")$DT), old_key)
+ expect_identical(data.table::key(epix_fill_through_version2(ea, 5L, "locf")$DT), old_key)
+ expect_identical(data.table::key(ea$DT), old_key)
diff --git a/tests/testthat/test-epix_merge_new.R b/tests/testthat/test-epix_merge_new.R
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..594b7b5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/testthat/test-epix_merge_new.R
@@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
+test_that("epix_merge requires forbids on invalid `y`", {
+ ea <- archive_cases_dv_subset$DT %>%
+ as_epi_archive2() %>%
+ clone() %>%
+ suppressWarnings()
+ expect_error(epix_merge2(ea, data.frame(x = 1)))
+test_that("epix_merge merges and carries forward updates properly", {
+ x <- as_epi_archive2(
+ data.table::as.data.table(
+ tibble::tribble(
+ ~geo_value, ~time_value, ~version, ~x_value,
+ # same version set for x and y
+ "g1", 1L, 1:3, paste0("XA", 1:3),
+ # versions of x surround those of y + this measurement has
+ # max update version beyond some others
+ "g1", 2L, 1:5, paste0("XB", 1:5),
+ # mirror case
+ "g1", 3L, 2L, paste0("XC", 2L),
+ # x has 1 version, y has 0
+ "g1", 4L, 1L, paste0("XD", 1L),
+ # non-NA values that should be carried forward
+ # (version-wise LOCF) in other versions, plus NAs that
+ # should (similarly) be carried forward as NA (latter
+ # wouldn't work with an ordinary merge + post-processing
+ # with `data.table::nafill`)
+ "g1", 6L, c(1L, 3L, 5L), paste0("XE", c(1L, NA, 5L))
+ ) %>%
+ tidyr::unchop(c(version, x_value)) %>%
+ dplyr::mutate(dplyr::across(c(x_value), ~ dplyr::if_else(grepl("NA", .x), NA_character_, .x)))
+ )
+ )
+ y <- as_epi_archive2(
+ data.table::as.data.table(
+ tibble::tribble(
+ ~geo_value, ~time_value, ~version, ~y_value,
+ "g1", 1L, 1:3, paste0("YA", 1:3),
+ "g1", 2L, 2L, paste0("YB", 2L),
+ "g1", 3L, 1:5, paste0("YC", 1:5),
+ "g1", 5L, 1L, paste0("YD", 1L),
+ "g1", 6L, 1:5, paste0("YE", 1:5),
+ ) %>%
+ tidyr::unchop(c(version, y_value)) %>%
+ dplyr::mutate(dplyr::across(c(y_value), ~ dplyr::if_else(grepl("NA", .x), NA_character_, .x)))
+ )
+ )
+ xy <- epix_merge2(x, y)
+ xy_expected <- as_epi_archive2(
+ data.table::as.data.table(
+ tibble::tribble(
+ ~geo_value, ~time_value, ~version, ~x_value, ~y_value,
+ "g1", 1L, 1:3, paste0("XA", 1:3), paste0("YA", 1:3),
+ "g1", 2L, 1:5, paste0("XB", 1:5), paste0("YB", c(NA, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L)),
+ "g1", 3L, 1:5, paste0("XC", c(NA, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L)), paste0("YC", 1:5),
+ "g1", 4L, 1L, paste0("XD", 1L), paste0("YD", NA),
+ "g1", 5L, 1L, paste0("XD", NA), paste0("YD", 1L),
+ "g1", 6L, 1:5, paste0("XE", c(1L, 1L, NA, NA, 5L)), paste0("YE", 1:5),
+ ) %>%
+ tidyr::unchop(c(version, x_value, y_value)) %>%
+ dplyr::mutate(dplyr::across(c(x_value, y_value), ~ dplyr::if_else(grepl("NA", .x), NA_character_, .x)))
+ )
+ )
+ # We rely on testthat edition 3 expect_identical using waldo, not identical. See
+ # test-epix_fill_through_version.R comments for details.
+ testthat::local_edition(3)
+ expect_identical(xy, xy_expected)
+test_that("epix_merge forbids and warns on metadata and naming issues", {
+ expect_error(
+ epix_merge2(
+ as_epi_archive2(tibble::tibble(geo_value = "tx", time_value = 1L, version = 1L, x_value = 1L)),
+ as_epi_archive2(tibble::tibble(geo_value = "us", time_value = 1L, version = 5L, y_value = 2L))
+ ),
+ regexp = "must have the same.*geo_type"
+ )
+ expect_error(
+ epix_merge2(
+ as_epi_archive2(tibble::tibble(geo_value = "pa", time_value = 1L, version = 1L, x_value = 1L)),
+ as_epi_archive2(tibble::tibble(geo_value = "pa", time_value = as.Date("2020-01-01"), version = 5L, y_value = 2L))
+ ),
+ regexp = "must have the same.*time_type"
+ )
+ expect_error(
+ epix_merge2(
+ as_epi_archive2(tibble::tibble(geo_value = 1L, time_value = 1L, version = 1L, value = 1L)),
+ as_epi_archive2(tibble::tibble(geo_value = 1L, time_value = 1L, version = 1L, value = 2L))
+ ),
+ regexp = "overlapping.*names"
+ )
+ expect_warning(
+ epix_merge2(
+ as_epi_archive2(tibble::tibble(geo_value = 1L, time_value = 1L, version = 1L, x_value = 1L),
+ additional_metadata = list("updates_fetched" = lubridate::ymd_hms("2022-05-01 16:00:00", tz = "UTC"))
+ ),
+ as_epi_archive2(tibble::tibble(geo_value = 1L, time_value = 1L, version = 1L, y_value = 2L))
+ ),
+ regexp = "x\\$additional_metadata",
+ class = "epiprocess__epix_merge_ignores_additional_metadata"
+ )
+ expect_warning(
+ epix_merge2(
+ as_epi_archive2(tibble::tibble(geo_value = 1L, time_value = 1L, version = 1L, x_value = 1L)),
+ as_epi_archive2(tibble::tibble(geo_value = 1L, time_value = 1L, version = 1L, y_value = 2L),
+ additional_metadata = list("updates_fetched" = lubridate::ymd_hms("2022-05-01 16:00:00", tz = "UTC"))
+ )
+ ),
+ regexp = "y\\$additional_metadata",
+ class = "epiprocess__epix_merge_ignores_additional_metadata"
+ )
+# use `local` to prevent accidentally using the x, y, xy bindings here
+# elsewhere, while allowing reuse across a couple tests
+ x <- as_epi_archive2(tibble::tibble(geo_value = 1L, time_value = 1L, version = 1L, x_value = 1L),
+ clobberable_versions_start = 1L, versions_end = 10L
+ )
+ y <- as_epi_archive2(tibble::tibble(geo_value = 1L, time_value = 1L, version = 1L, y_value = 2L),
+ clobberable_versions_start = 3L, versions_end = 10L
+ )
+ xy <- epix_merge2(x, y)
+ test_that("epix_merge considers partially-clobberable row to be clobberable", {
+ expect_identical(xy$clobberable_versions_start, 1L)
+ })
+ test_that("epix_merge result uses versions_end metadata not max version val", {
+ expect_identical(xy$versions_end, 10L)
+ })
+ x <- as_epi_archive2(
+ tibble::tibble(geo_value = 1L, time_value = 1L, version = 1L, x_value = 10L),
+ clobberable_versions_start = 1L,
+ versions_end = 3L
+ )
+ y <- as_epi_archive2(
+ tibble::tibble(geo_value = 1L, time_value = 1L, version = 5L, y_value = 20L),
+ clobberable_versions_start = 1L
+ )
+ test_that('epix_merge forbids on sync default or "forbid"', {
+ expect_error(epix_merge2(x, y),
+ class = "epiprocess__epix_merge_unresolved_sync"
+ )
+ expect_error(epix_merge2(x, y, sync = "forbid"),
+ class = "epiprocess__epix_merge_unresolved_sync"
+ )
+ })
+ test_that('epix_merge sync="na" works', {
+ expect_equal(
+ epix_merge2(x, y, sync = "na"),
+ as_epi_archive2(tibble::tribble(
+ ~geo_value, ~time_value, ~version, ~x_value, ~y_value,
+ 1L, 1L, 1L, 10L, NA_integer_, # x updated, y not observed yet
+ 1L, 1L, 4L, NA_integer_, NA_integer_, # NA-ing out x, y not observed yet
+ 1L, 1L, 5L, NA_integer_, 20L, # x still NA, y updated
+ # (we should not have a y vals -> NA update here; version 5 should be
+ # the `versions_end` of the result)
+ ), clobberable_versions_start = 1L)
+ )
+ })
+ test_that('epix_merge sync="locf" works', {
+ expect_equal(
+ epix_merge2(x, y, sync = "locf"),
+ as_epi_archive2(tibble::tribble(
+ ~geo_value, ~time_value, ~version, ~x_value, ~y_value,
+ 1L, 1L, 1L, 10L, NA_integer_, # x updated, y not observed yet
+ 1L, 1L, 5L, 10L, 20L, # x LOCF'd, y updated
+ ), clobberable_versions_start = 1L)
+ )
+ })
+ test_that('epix_merge sync="truncate" works', {
+ expect_equal(
+ epix_merge2(x, y, sync = "truncate"),
+ as_epi_archive2(tibble::tribble(
+ ~geo_value, ~time_value, ~version, ~x_value, ~y_value,
+ 1L, 1L, 1L, 10L, NA_integer_, # x updated, y not observed yet
+ # y's update beyond x's last update has been truncated
+ ), clobberable_versions_start = 1L, versions_end = 3L)
+ )
+ })
+ x_no_conflict <- as_epi_archive2(tibble::tibble(geo_value = 1L, time_value = 1L, version = 1L, x_value = 10L))
+ y_no_conflict <- as_epi_archive2(tibble::tibble(geo_value = 1L, time_value = 1L, version = 1L, y_value = 20L))
+ xy_no_conflict_expected <- as_epi_archive2(tibble::tribble(
+ ~geo_value, ~time_value, ~version, ~x_value, ~y_value,
+ 1L, 1L, 1L, 10L, 20L, # x updated, y not observed yet
+ ))
+ test_that('epix_merge sync="forbid" on no-conflict works', {
+ expect_equal(
+ epix_merge2(x_no_conflict, y_no_conflict, sync = "forbid"),
+ xy_no_conflict_expected
+ )
+ })
+ test_that('epix_merge sync="na" on no-conflict works', {
+ # This test is the main reason for these no-conflict tests. We want to make
+ # sure that we don't add an unnecessary NA-ing-out version beyond a common
+ # versions_end.
+ expect_equal(
+ epix_merge2(x_no_conflict, y_no_conflict, sync = "na"),
+ xy_no_conflict_expected
+ )
+ })
+ test_that('epix_merge sync="locf" on no-conflict works', {
+ expect_equal(
+ epix_merge2(x_no_conflict, y_no_conflict, sync = "locf"),
+ xy_no_conflict_expected
+ )
+ })
+ test_that('epix_merge sync="truncate" on no-conflict works', {
+ expect_equal(
+ epix_merge2(x_no_conflict, y_no_conflict, sync = "truncate"),
+ xy_no_conflict_expected
+ )
+ })
+test_that('epix_merge sync="na" balks if do not know next_after', {
+ expect_error(
+ epix_merge2(
+ as_epi_archive2(tibble::tibble(geo_value = 1L, time_value = 1L, version = as.POSIXct(as.Date("2020-01-01")), x_value = 10L)),
+ as_epi_archive2(tibble::tibble(geo_value = 1L, time_value = 1L, version = as.POSIXct(as.Date("2020-01-02")), y_value = 20L)),
+ sync = "na"
+ ),
+ regexp = "no applicable method.*next_after"
+ )
diff --git a/tests/testthat/test-epix_slide_new.R b/tests/testthat/test-epix_slide_new.R
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f748231a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/testthat/test-epix_slide_new.R
@@ -0,0 +1,810 @@
+test_that("epix_slide2 only works on an epi_archive", {
+ expect_error(epix_slide2(data.frame(x = 1)))
+x <- tibble::tribble(
+ ~version, ~time_value, ~binary,
+ 4, c(1:3), 2^(1:3),
+ 5, c(1:2, 4), 2^(4:6),
+ 6, c(1:2, 4:5), 2^(7:10),
+ 7, 2:6, 2^(11:15)
+) %>%
+ tidyr::unnest(c(time_value, binary))
+xx <- bind_cols(geo_value = rep("x", 15), x) %>%
+ as_epi_archive2()
+test_that("epix_slide2 works as intended", {
+ xx1 <- xx %>%
+ group_by(.data$geo_value) %>%
+ epix_slide2(
+ f = ~ sum(.x$binary),
+ before = 2,
+ new_col_name = "sum_binary"
+ )
+ xx2 <- tibble(
+ geo_value = rep("x", 4),
+ time_value = c(4, 5, 6, 7),
+ sum_binary = c(
+ 2^3 + 2^2,
+ 2^6 + 2^3,
+ 2^10 + 2^9,
+ 2^15 + 2^14
+ )
+ ) %>%
+ group_by(geo_value)
+ expect_identical(xx1, xx2) # *
+ xx3 <- xx %>%
+ group_by(
+ dplyr::across(dplyr::all_of("geo_value"))
+ ) %>%
+ slide(
+ f = ~ sum(.x$binary),
+ before = 2,
+ new_col_name = "sum_binary"
+ )
+ expect_identical(xx1, xx3) # This and * imply xx2 and xx3 are identical
+ # function interface
+ xx4 <- xx %>%
+ group_by(.data$geo_value) %>%
+ epix_slide2(f = function(x, gk, rtv) {
+ tibble::tibble(sum_binary = sum(x$binary))
+ }, before = 2, names_sep = NULL)
+ expect_identical(xx1, xx4)
+ # tidyeval interface
+ xx5 <- xx %>%
+ group_by(.data$geo_value) %>%
+ epix_slide2(
+ sum_binary = sum(binary),
+ before = 2
+ )
+ expect_identical(xx1, xx5)
+test_that("epix_slide2 works as intended with `as_list_col=TRUE`", {
+ xx_dfrow1 <- xx %>%
+ group_by(.data$geo_value) %>%
+ epix_slide2(
+ f = ~ data.frame(bin_sum = sum(.x$binary)),
+ before = 2,
+ as_list_col = TRUE
+ )
+ xx_dfrow2 <- tibble(
+ geo_value = rep("x", 4),
+ time_value = c(4, 5, 6, 7),
+ slide_value =
+ c(
+ 2^3 + 2^2,
+ 2^6 + 2^3,
+ 2^10 + 2^9,
+ 2^15 + 2^14
+ ) %>%
+ purrr::map(~ data.frame(bin_sum = .x))
+ ) %>%
+ group_by(geo_value)
+ expect_identical(xx_dfrow1, xx_dfrow2) # *
+ xx_dfrow3 <- xx %>%
+ group_by(dplyr::across(dplyr::all_of("geo_value"))) %>%
+ slide(
+ f = ~ data.frame(bin_sum = sum(.x$binary)),
+ before = 2,
+ as_list_col = TRUE
+ )
+ expect_identical(xx_dfrow1, xx_dfrow3) # This and * Imply xx_dfrow2 and xx_dfrow3 are identical
+ xx_df1 <- xx %>%
+ group_by(.data$geo_value) %>%
+ epix_slide2(
+ f = ~ data.frame(bin = .x$binary),
+ before = 2,
+ as_list_col = TRUE
+ )
+ xx_df2 <- tibble(
+ geo_value = rep("x", 4),
+ time_value = c(4, 5, 6, 7),
+ slide_value =
+ list(
+ c(2^3, 2^2),
+ c(2^6, 2^3),
+ c(2^10, 2^9),
+ c(2^15, 2^14)
+ ) %>%
+ purrr::map(~ data.frame(bin = rev(.x)))
+ ) %>%
+ group_by(geo_value)
+ expect_identical(xx_df1, xx_df2)
+ xx_scalar1 <- xx %>%
+ group_by(.data$geo_value) %>%
+ epix_slide2(
+ f = ~ sum(.x$binary),
+ before = 2,
+ as_list_col = TRUE
+ )
+ xx_scalar2 <- tibble(
+ geo_value = rep("x", 4),
+ time_value = c(4, 5, 6, 7),
+ slide_value =
+ list(
+ 2^3 + 2^2,
+ 2^6 + 2^3,
+ 2^10 + 2^9,
+ 2^15 + 2^14
+ )
+ ) %>%
+ group_by(geo_value)
+ expect_identical(xx_scalar1, xx_scalar2)
+ xx_vec1 <- xx %>%
+ group_by(.data$geo_value) %>%
+ epix_slide2(
+ f = ~ .x$binary,
+ before = 2,
+ as_list_col = TRUE
+ )
+ xx_vec2 <- tibble(
+ geo_value = rep("x", 4),
+ time_value = c(4, 5, 6, 7),
+ slide_value =
+ list(
+ c(2^3, 2^2),
+ c(2^6, 2^3),
+ c(2^10, 2^9),
+ c(2^15, 2^14)
+ ) %>%
+ purrr::map(rev)
+ ) %>%
+ group_by(geo_value)
+ expect_identical(xx_vec1, xx_vec2)
+test_that("epix_slide2 `before` validation works", {
+ expect_error(
+ slide(xx, f = ~ sum(.x$binary)),
+ "`before` is required"
+ )
+ expect_error(
+ slide(xx, f = ~ sum(.x$binary), before = NA),
+ "Assertion on 'before' failed: May not be NA"
+ )
+ expect_error(
+ slide(xx, f = ~ sum(.x$binary), before = -1),
+ "Assertion on 'before' failed: Element 1 is not >= 0"
+ )
+ expect_error(slide(xx, f = ~ sum(.x$binary), before = 1.5),
+ regexp = "before",
+ class = "vctrs_error_incompatible_type"
+ )
+ # We might want to allow this at some point (issue #219):
+ expect_error(slide(xx, f = ~ sum(.x$binary), before = Inf),
+ regexp = "before",
+ class = "vctrs_error_incompatible_type"
+ )
+ # (wrapper shouldn't introduce a value:)
+ expect_error(epix_slide2(xx, f = ~ sum(.x$binary)), "`before` is required")
+ # These `before` values should be accepted:
+ expect_error(
+ slide(xx, f = ~ sum(.x$binary), before = 0),
+ NA
+ )
+ expect_error(
+ slide(xx, f = ~ sum(.x$binary), before = 2L),
+ NA
+ )
+ expect_error(
+ slide(xx, f = ~ sum(.x$binary), before = 365000),
+ NA
+ )
+test_that("quosure passing issue in epix_slide2 is resolved + other potential issues", {
+ # (First part adapted from @examples)
+ time_values <- seq(as.Date("2020-06-01"),
+ as.Date("2020-06-02"),
+ by = "1 day"
+ )
+ # We only have one non-version, non-time key in the example archive. Add
+ # another so that we don't accidentally pass tests due to accidentally
+ # matching the default grouping.
+ ea <- as_epi_archive2(
+ archive_cases_dv_subset$DT %>%
+ dplyr::mutate(modulus = seq_len(nrow(.)) %% 5L),
+ other_keys = "modulus",
+ compactify = TRUE
+ )
+ reference_by_modulus <- ea %>%
+ group_by(modulus) %>%
+ epix_slide2(
+ f = ~ mean(.x$case_rate_7d_av),
+ before = 2,
+ ref_time_values = time_values,
+ new_col_name = "case_rate_3d_av"
+ )
+ reference_by_neither <- ea %>%
+ group_by() %>%
+ epix_slide2(
+ f = ~ mean(.x$case_rate_7d_av),
+ before = 2,
+ ref_time_values = time_values,
+ new_col_name = "case_rate_3d_av"
+ )
+ # test the passing-something-that-must-be-enquosed behavior:
+ #
+ # (S3 group_by behavior for this case is the `reference_by_modulus`)
+ expect_identical(
+ ea %>% group_by(modulus) %>% slide(
+ f = ~ mean(.x$case_rate_7d_av),
+ before = 2,
+ ref_time_values = time_values,
+ new_col_name = "case_rate_3d_av"
+ ),
+ reference_by_modulus
+ )
+ # test the .data pronoun behavior:
+ expect_identical(
+ epix_slide2(
+ x = ea %>% group_by(.data$modulus),
+ f = ~ mean(.x$case_rate_7d_av),
+ before = 2,
+ ref_time_values = time_values,
+ new_col_name = "case_rate_3d_av"
+ ),
+ reference_by_modulus
+ )
+ expect_identical(
+ ea %>% group_by(.data$modulus) %>% slide(
+ f = ~ mean(.x$case_rate_7d_av),
+ before = 2,
+ ref_time_values = time_values,
+ new_col_name = "case_rate_3d_av"
+ ),
+ reference_by_modulus
+ )
+ # test the passing across-all-of-string-literal behavior:
+ expect_identical(
+ epix_slide2(
+ x = ea %>% group_by(dplyr::across(all_of("modulus"))),
+ f = ~ mean(.x$case_rate_7d_av),
+ before = 2,
+ ref_time_values = time_values,
+ new_col_name = "case_rate_3d_av"
+ ),
+ reference_by_modulus
+ )
+ expect_identical(
+ ea %>% group_by(across(all_of("modulus"))) %>% slide(
+ f = ~ mean(.x$case_rate_7d_av),
+ before = 2,
+ ref_time_values = time_values,
+ new_col_name = "case_rate_3d_av"
+ ),
+ reference_by_modulus
+ )
+ # test the passing-across-all-of-string-var behavior:
+ my_group_by <- "modulus"
+ expect_identical(
+ epix_slide2(
+ x = ea %>% group_by(dplyr::across(tidyselect::all_of(my_group_by))),
+ f = ~ mean(.x$case_rate_7d_av),
+ before = 2,
+ ref_time_values = time_values,
+ new_col_name = "case_rate_3d_av"
+ ),
+ reference_by_modulus
+ )
+ expect_identical(
+ ea %>% group_by(dplyr::across(tidyselect::all_of(my_group_by))) %>% slide(
+ f = ~ mean(.x$case_rate_7d_av),
+ before = 2,
+ ref_time_values = time_values,
+ new_col_name = "case_rate_3d_av"
+ ),
+ reference_by_modulus
+ )
+ # test the default behavior (default in this case should just be grouping by neither):
+ expect_identical(
+ epix_slide2(
+ x = ea,
+ f = ~ mean(.x$case_rate_7d_av),
+ before = 2,
+ ref_time_values = time_values,
+ new_col_name = "case_rate_3d_av"
+ ),
+ reference_by_neither
+ )
+ expect_identical(
+ ea %>% slide(
+ f = ~ mean(.x$case_rate_7d_av),
+ before = 2,
+ ref_time_values = time_values,
+ new_col_name = "case_rate_3d_av"
+ ),
+ reference_by_neither
+ )
+ea <- tibble::tribble(
+ ~version, ~time_value, ~binary,
+ 2, 1:1, 2^(1:1),
+ 3, 1:2, 2^(2:1),
+ 4, 1:3, 2^(3:1),
+ 5, 1:4, 2^(4:1),
+ 6, 1:5, 2^(5:1),
+ 7, 1:6, 2^(6:1)
+) %>%
+ tidyr::unnest(c(time_value, binary)) %>%
+ mutate(geo_value = "x") %>%
+ as_epi_archive2()
+test_that("epix_slide2 with all_versions option has access to all older versions", {
+ library(data.table)
+ # Make sure we're using testthat edition 3, where `expect_identical` doesn't
+ # actually mean `base::identical` but something more content-based using
+ # `waldo` package:
+ testthat::local_edition(3)
+ slide_fn <- function(x, gk, rtv) {
+ return(tibble(
+ n_versions = length(unique(x$DT$version)),
+ n_row = nrow(x$DT),
+ dt_class1 = class(x$DT)[[1L]],
+ dt_key = list(key(x$DT))
+ ))
+ }
+ ea_orig_mirror <- ea %>% clone(deep = TRUE)
+ ea_orig_mirror$DT <- copy(ea_orig_mirror$DT)
+ result1 <- ea %>%
+ group_by() %>%
+ epix_slide2(
+ f = slide_fn,
+ before = 10^3,
+ names_sep = NULL,
+ all_versions = TRUE
+ )
+ expect_true(inherits(result1, "tbl_df"))
+ result2 <- tibble::tribble(
+ ~time_value, ~n_versions, ~n_row, ~dt_class1, ~dt_key,
+ 2, 1L, sum(1:1), "data.table", key(ea$DT),
+ 3, 2L, sum(1:2), "data.table", key(ea$DT),
+ 4, 3L, sum(1:3), "data.table", key(ea$DT),
+ 5, 4L, sum(1:4), "data.table", key(ea$DT),
+ 6, 5L, sum(1:5), "data.table", key(ea$DT),
+ 7, 6L, sum(1:6), "data.table", key(ea$DT),
+ )
+ expect_identical(result1, result2) # *
+ result3 <- ea %>%
+ group_by() %>%
+ slide(
+ f = slide_fn,
+ before = 10^3,
+ names_sep = NULL,
+ all_versions = TRUE
+ )
+ expect_identical(result1, result3) # This and * Imply result2 and result3 are identical
+ # formula interface
+ result4 <- ea %>%
+ group_by() %>%
+ epix_slide2(
+ f = ~ slide_fn(.x, .y),
+ before = 10^3,
+ names_sep = NULL,
+ all_versions = TRUE
+ )
+ expect_identical(result1, result4) # This and * Imply result2 and result4 are identical
+ # tidyeval interface
+ result5 <- ea %>%
+ group_by() %>%
+ epix_slide2(
+ data = slide_fn(
+ .x,
+ stop("slide_fn doesn't use group key, no need to prepare it")
+ ),
+ before = 10^3,
+ names_sep = NULL,
+ all_versions = TRUE
+ )
+ expect_identical(result1, result5) # This and * Imply result2 and result5 are identical
+ expect_identical(ea, ea_orig_mirror) # We shouldn't have mutated ea
+test_that("as_of and epix_slide2 with long enough window are compatible", {
+ library(data.table)
+ testthat::local_edition(3)
+ # For all_versions = FALSE:
+ f1 <- function(x, gk, rtv) {
+ tibble(
+ diff_mean = mean(diff(x$binary))
+ )
+ }
+ ref_time_value1 <- 5
+ expect_identical(
+ ea %>% as_of(ref_time_value1) %>% f1() %>% mutate(time_value = ref_time_value1, .before = 1L),
+ ea %>% slide(f1, before = 1000L, ref_time_values = ref_time_value1, names_sep = NULL)
+ )
+ # For all_versions = TRUE:
+ f2 <- function(x, gk, rtv) {
+ x %>%
+ # extract time&version-lag-1 data:
+ epix_slide2(
+ function(subx, subgk, rtv) {
+ tibble(data = list(
+ subx %>%
+ filter(time_value == attr(subx, "metadata")$as_of - 1) %>%
+ rename(real_time_value = time_value, lag1 = binary)
+ ))
+ },
+ before = 1, names_sep = NULL
+ ) %>%
+ # assess as nowcast:
+ unnest(data) %>%
+ inner_join(x %>% as_of(x$versions_end), by = setdiff(key(x$DT), c("version"))) %>%
+ summarize(mean_abs_delta = mean(abs(binary - lag1)))
+ }
+ ref_time_value2 <- 5
+ expect_identical(
+ ea %>% as_of(ref_time_value2, all_versions = TRUE) %>% f2() %>% mutate(time_value = ref_time_value2, .before = 1L),
+ ea %>% slide(f2, before = 1000L, ref_time_values = ref_time_value2, all_versions = TRUE, names_sep = NULL)
+ )
+ # Test the same sort of thing when grouping by geo in an archive with multiple geos.
+ ea_multigeo <- ea %>% clone()
+ ea_multigeo$DT <- rbind(
+ ea_multigeo$DT,
+ copy(ea_multigeo$DT)[, geo_value := "y"][, binary := -binary][]
+ )
+ setkeyv(ea_multigeo$DT, key(ea$DT))
+ expect_identical(
+ ea_multigeo %>%
+ group_by(geo_value) %>%
+ epix_slide2(f2, before = 1000L, ref_time_values = ref_time_value2, all_versions = TRUE, names_sep = NULL) %>%
+ filter(geo_value == "x"),
+ ea %>% # using `ea` here is like filtering `ea_multigeo` to `geo_value=="x"`
+ epix_as_of2(ref_time_value2, all_versions = TRUE) %>%
+ f2() %>%
+ transmute(geo_value = "x", time_value = ref_time_value2, mean_abs_delta) %>%
+ group_by(geo_value)
+ )
+test_that("epix_slide2 `f` is passed an ungrouped `epi_archive` when `all_versions=TRUE`", {
+ slide_fn <- function(x, gk, rtv) {
+ expect_true(is_epi_archive2(x))
+ return(NA)
+ }
+ ea %>%
+ group_by() %>%
+ epix_slide2(
+ f = slide_fn,
+ before = 1,
+ ref_time_values = 5,
+ new_col_name = "out",
+ all_versions = TRUE
+ )
+test_that("epix_slide2 with all_versions option works as intended", {
+ xx1 <- xx %>%
+ group_by(.data$geo_value) %>%
+ epix_slide2(
+ f = ~ sum(.x$DT$binary),
+ before = 2,
+ new_col_name = "sum_binary",
+ all_versions = TRUE
+ )
+ xx2 <- tibble(
+ geo_value = rep("x", 4),
+ time_value = c(4, 5, 6, 7),
+ sum_binary = c(
+ 2^3 + 2^2,
+ 2^6 + 2^3,
+ 2^10 + 2^9 + 2^6,
+ 2^15 + 2^14 + 2^10
+ )
+ ) %>%
+ group_by(geo_value)
+ expect_identical(xx1, xx2) # *
+ xx3 <- xx %>%
+ group_by(dplyr::across(dplyr::all_of("geo_value"))) %>%
+ slide(
+ f = ~ sum(.x$DT$binary),
+ before = 2,
+ new_col_name = "sum_binary",
+ all_versions = TRUE
+ )
+ expect_identical(xx1, xx3) # This and * Imply xx2 and xx3 are identical
+# XXX currently, we're using a stopgap measure of having `epix_slide2` always
+# output a (grouped/ungrouped) tibble while we think about the class, columns,
+# and attributes of `epix_slide2` output more carefully. We might bring this test
+# back depending on the decisions there:
+# test_that("`epix_slide2` uses `versions_end` as a resulting `epi_df`'s `as_of`", {
+# ea_updated_stale = ea$clone()
+# ea_updated_stale$versions_end <- ea_updated_stale$versions_end + 3 # (dbl)
+# #
+# expect_identical(
+# ea_updated_stale %>%
+# group_by(geo_value) %>%
+# epix_slide2(~ slice_head(.x, n = 1L), before = 10L) %>%
+# ungroup() %>%
+# attr("metadata") %>%
+# .$as_of,
+# 10
+# )
+# })
+test_that("epix_slide2 works with 0-row computation outputs", {
+ epix_slide_empty <- function(ea, ...) {
+ ea %>%
+ epix_slide2(before = 5L, ..., function(x, gk, rtv) {
+ tibble::tibble()
+ })
+ }
+ expect_identical(
+ ea %>%
+ epix_slide_empty(),
+ tibble::tibble(
+ time_value = ea$DT$version[integer(0)]
+ )
+ )
+ expect_identical(
+ ea %>%
+ group_by(geo_value) %>%
+ epix_slide_empty(),
+ tibble::tibble(
+ geo_value = ea$DT$geo_value[integer(0)],
+ time_value = ea$DT$version[integer(0)]
+ ) %>%
+ # new_epi_df(geo_type = ea$geo_type, time_type = ea$time_type,
+ # as_of = ea$versions_end) %>%
+ group_by(geo_value)
+ )
+ # with `all_versions=TRUE`, we have something similar but never get an
+ # `epi_df`:
+ expect_identical(
+ ea %>%
+ epix_slide_empty(all_versions = TRUE),
+ tibble::tibble(
+ time_value = ea$DT$version[integer(0)]
+ )
+ )
+ expect_identical(
+ ea %>%
+ group_by(geo_value) %>%
+ epix_slide_empty(all_versions = TRUE),
+ tibble::tibble(
+ geo_value = ea$DT$geo_value[integer(0)],
+ time_value = ea$DT$version[integer(0)]
+ ) %>%
+ group_by(geo_value)
+ )
+# test_that("epix_slide grouped by geo can produce `epi_df` output", {
+# # This is a characterization test. Not sure we actually want this behavior;
+# # https://github.com/cmu-delphi/epiprocess/pull/290#issuecomment-1489099157
+# expect_identical(
+# ea %>%
+# group_by(geo_value) %>%
+# epix_slide(before = 5L, function(x,g) {
+# tibble::tibble(value = 42)
+# }, names_sep = NULL),
+# tibble::tibble(
+# geo_value = "x",
+# time_value = epix_slide_ref_time_values_default(ea),
+# value = 42
+# ) %>%
+# new_epi_df(as_of = ea$versions_end)
+# )
+# })
+test_that("epix_slide alerts if the provided f doesn't take enough args", {
+ f_xgt <- function(x, g, t) dplyr::tibble(value = mean(x$binary), count = length(x$binary))
+ # If `regexp` is NA, asserts that there should be no errors/messages.
+ expect_error(epix_slide2(xx, f = f_xgt, before = 2L), regexp = NA)
+ expect_warning(epix_slide2(xx, f = f_xgt, before = 2L), regexp = NA)
+ f_x_dots <- function(x, ...) dplyr::tibble(value = mean(x$binary), count = length(x$binary))
+ expect_warning(epix_slide2(xx, f_x_dots, before = 2L),
+ class = "epiprocess__assert_sufficient_f_args__mandatory_f_args_passed_to_f_dots"
+ )
+test_that("epix_slide2 computation via formula can use ref_time_value", {
+ xx_ref <- tibble(
+ geo_value = rep("x", 4),
+ time_value = c(4, 5, 6, 7),
+ slide_value = c(4, 5, 6, 7)
+ ) %>%
+ group_by(geo_value)
+ xx1 <- xx %>%
+ group_by(.data$geo_value) %>%
+ epix_slide2(
+ f = ~.ref_time_value,
+ before = 2
+ )
+ expect_identical(xx1, xx_ref)
+ xx2 <- xx %>%
+ group_by(.data$geo_value) %>%
+ epix_slide2(
+ f = ~.z,
+ before = 2
+ )
+ expect_identical(xx2, xx_ref)
+ xx3 <- xx %>%
+ group_by(.data$geo_value) %>%
+ epix_slide2(
+ f = ~..3,
+ before = 2
+ )
+ expect_identical(xx3, xx_ref)
+test_that("epix_slide2 computation via function can use ref_time_value", {
+ xx_ref <- tibble(
+ geo_value = rep("x", 4),
+ time_value = c(4, 5, 6, 7),
+ slide_value = c(4, 5, 6, 7)
+ ) %>%
+ group_by(geo_value)
+ xx1 <- xx %>%
+ group_by(.data$geo_value) %>%
+ epix_slide2(
+ f = function(x, g, t) t,
+ before = 2
+ )
+ expect_identical(xx1, xx_ref)
+test_that("epix_slide2 computation via dots can use ref_time_value and group", {
+ # ref_time_value
+ xx_ref <- tibble(
+ geo_value = rep("x", 4),
+ time_value = c(4, 5, 6, 7),
+ slide_value = c(4, 5, 6, 7)
+ ) %>%
+ group_by(geo_value)
+ xx1 <- xx %>%
+ group_by(.data$geo_value) %>%
+ epix_slide2(
+ before = 2,
+ slide_value = .ref_time_value
+ )
+ expect_identical(xx1, xx_ref)
+ # group_key
+ xx_ref <- tibble(
+ geo_value = rep("x", 4),
+ time_value = c(4, 5, 6, 7),
+ slide_value = "x"
+ ) %>%
+ group_by(geo_value)
+ # Use group_key column
+ xx3 <- xx %>%
+ group_by(.data$geo_value) %>%
+ epix_slide2(
+ before = 2,
+ slide_value = .group_key$geo_value
+ )
+ expect_identical(xx3, xx_ref)
+ # Use entire group_key object
+ expect_error(
+ xx %>%
+ group_by(.data$geo_value) %>%
+ epix_slide2(
+ before = 2,
+ slide_value = nrow(.group_key)
+ ),
+ NA
+ )
+test_that("epix_slide2 computation via dots outputs the same result using col names and the data var", {
+ xx_ref <- xx %>%
+ group_by(.data$geo_value) %>%
+ epix_slide2(
+ before = 2,
+ sum_binary = sum(time_value)
+ )
+ xx1 <- xx %>%
+ group_by(.data$geo_value) %>%
+ epix_slide2(
+ before = 2,
+ sum_binary = sum(.x$time_value)
+ )
+ expect_identical(xx1, xx_ref)
+ xx2 <- xx %>%
+ group_by(.data$geo_value) %>%
+ epix_slide2(
+ before = 2,
+ sum_binary = sum(.data$time_value)
+ )
+ expect_identical(xx2, xx_ref)
+test_that("`epix_slide2` doesn't decay date output", {
+ expect_true(
+ xx$DT %>%
+ as_tibble() %>%
+ mutate(across(c(time_value, version), ~ as.Date("2000-01-01") + .x - 1L)) %>%
+ as_epi_archive2() %>%
+ epix_slide2(before = 5L, ~ attr(.x, "metadata")$as_of) %>%
+ `[[`("slide_value") %>%
+ inherits("Date")
+ )
+test_that("`epix_slide2` can access objects inside of helper functions", {
+ helper <- function(archive_haystack, time_value_needle) {
+ archive_haystack %>% epix_slide2(has_needle = time_value_needle %in% time_value, before = 365000L)
+ }
+ expect_error(
+ helper(suppressWarnings(as_epi_archive2(archive_cases_dv_subset$DT)), as.Date("2021-01-01")),
+ NA
+ )
+ expect_error(
+ helper(xx, 3L),
+ NA
+ )
diff --git a/tests/testthat/test-grouped_epi_archive_new.R b/tests/testthat/test-grouped_epi_archive_new.R
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8f0133b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/testthat/test-grouped_epi_archive_new.R
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+test_that("Grouping, regrouping, and ungrouping archives works as intended", {
+ # From an example:
+ library(dplyr)
+ toy_archive <-
+ tribble(
+ ~geo_value, ~age_group, ~time_value, ~version, ~value,
+ "us", "adult", "2000-01-01", "2000-01-02", 121,
+ "us", "pediatric", "2000-01-02", "2000-01-03", 5, # (addition)
+ "us", "adult", "2000-01-01", "2000-01-03", 125, # (revision)
+ "us", "adult", "2000-01-02", "2000-01-03", 130 # (addition)
+ ) %>%
+ mutate(
+ age_group = ordered(age_group, c("pediatric", "adult")),
+ time_value = as.Date(time_value),
+ version = as.Date(version)
+ ) %>%
+ as_epi_archive2(other_keys = "age_group")
+ # Ensure that we're using testthat edition 3's idea of "identical", which is
+ # not as strict as `identical`:
+ testthat::local_edition(3)
+ # Test equivalency claims in example:
+ by_both_keys <- toy_archive %>% group_by(geo_value, age_group)
+ expect_identical(
+ by_both_keys,
+ toy_archive %>% group_by(geo_value) %>% group_by(age_group, .add = TRUE)
+ )
+ grouping_cols <- c("geo_value", "age_group")
+ expect_identical(
+ by_both_keys,
+ toy_archive %>% group_by(across(all_of(grouping_cols)))
+ )
+ expect_identical(
+ toy_archive %>% group_by(geo_value),
+ toy_archive %>% group_by(geo_value, age_group) %>% ungroup(age_group)
+ )
+ # Test `.drop` behavior:
+ expect_error(toy_archive %>% group_by(.drop = "bogus"),
+ regexp = "Must be of type 'logical', not 'character'"
+ )
+ expect_warning(toy_archive %>% group_by(.drop = FALSE),
+ class = "epiprocess__group_by_epi_archive__drop_FALSE_no_factors"
+ )
+ expect_warning(toy_archive %>% group_by(geo_value, .drop = FALSE),
+ class = "epiprocess__group_by_epi_archive__drop_FALSE_no_factors"
+ )
+ expect_warning(
+ grouped_factor_then_nonfactor <-
+ toy_archive %>% group_by(age_group, geo_value, .drop = FALSE),
+ class = "epiprocess__group_by_epi_archive__drop_FALSE_nonfactor_after_factor"
+ )
+ expect_identical(
+ grouped_factor_then_nonfactor %>%
+ epix_slide2(before = 10, s = sum(value)),
+ tibble::tribble(
+ ~age_group, ~geo_value, ~time_value, ~s,
+ "pediatric", NA_character_, "2000-01-02", 0,
+ "adult", "us", "2000-01-02", 121,
+ "pediatric", "us", "2000-01-03", 5,
+ "adult", "us", "2000-01-03", 255
+ ) %>%
+ mutate(
+ age_group = ordered(age_group, c("pediatric", "adult")),
+ time_value = as.Date(time_value)
+ ) %>%
+ # # See
+ # # https://github.com/cmu-delphi/epiprocess/pull/290#issuecomment-1489099157
+ # # and
+ # # https://github.com/cmu-delphi/epiprocess/pull/311#issuecomment-1535149256
+ # # for why this is commented out, pending some design
+ # # decisions.
+ # #
+ # as_epi_df(geo_type = "nation", # bug; want "custom" from NA; issue #242
+ # as_of = as.Date("2000-01-03"),
+ # additional_metadata = list(other_keys = "age_group")) %>%
+ # # put back in expected order; see issue #166:
+ # select(age_group, geo_value, time_value, s) %>%
+ group_by(age_group, geo_value, .drop = FALSE)
+ )
+ expect_identical(
+ toy_archive %>%
+ group_by(geo_value, age_group, .drop = FALSE) %>%
+ epix_slide2(before = 10, s = sum(value)),
+ tibble::tribble(
+ ~geo_value, ~age_group, ~time_value, ~s,
+ "us", "pediatric", "2000-01-02", 0,
+ "us", "adult", "2000-01-02", 121,
+ "us", "pediatric", "2000-01-03", 5,
+ "us", "adult", "2000-01-03", 255
+ ) %>%
+ mutate(
+ age_group = ordered(age_group, c("pediatric", "adult")),
+ time_value = as.Date(time_value)
+ ) %>%
+ # as_epi_df(as_of = as.Date("2000-01-03"),
+ # additional_metadata = list(other_keys = "age_group")) %>%
+ # # put back in expected order; see issue #166:
+ # select(geo_value, age_group, time_value, s) %>%
+ group_by(geo_value, age_group, .drop = FALSE)
+ )
diff --git a/tests/testthat/test-methods-epi_archive_new.R b/tests/testthat/test-methods-epi_archive_new.R
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a267ba58
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/testthat/test-methods-epi_archive_new.R
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+ea <- archive_cases_dv_subset$DT %>%
+ as_epi_archive2() %>%
+ clone() %>%
+ suppressWarnings()
+ea2_data <- tibble::tribble(
+ ~geo_value, ~time_value, ~version, ~cases,
+ "ca", "2020-06-01", "2020-06-01", 1,
+ "ca", "2020-06-01", "2020-06-02", 2,
+ #
+ "ca", "2020-06-02", "2020-06-02", 0,
+ "ca", "2020-06-02", "2020-06-03", 1,
+ "ca", "2020-06-02", "2020-06-04", 2,
+ #
+ "ca", "2020-06-03", "2020-06-03", 1,
+ #
+ "ca", "2020-06-04", "2020-06-04", 4,
+) %>%
+ dplyr::mutate(dplyr::across(c(time_value, version), as.Date))
+# epix_as_of tests
+test_that("epix_as_of behaves identically to as_of method", {
+ expect_identical(
+ epix_as_of2(ea, max_version = min(ea$DT$version)),
+ ea %>% as_of(max_version = min(ea$DT$version))
+ )
+test_that("Errors are thrown due to bad as_of inputs", {
+ # max_version cannot be of string class rather than date class
+ expect_error(ea %>% as_of("2020-01-01"))
+ # max_version cannot be later than latest version
+ expect_error(ea %>% as_of(as.Date("2025-01-01")))
+ # max_version cannot be a vector
+ expect_error(ea %>% as_of(c(as.Date("2020-01-01"), as.Date("2020-01-02"))))
+test_that("Warning against max_version being clobberable", {
+ # none by default
+ expect_warning(regexp = NA, ea %>% as_of(max_version = max(ea$DT$version)))
+ expect_warning(regexp = NA, ea %>% as_of(max_version = min(ea$DT$version)))
+ # but with `clobberable_versions_start` non-`NA`, yes
+ ea_with_clobberable <- ea %>% clone()
+ ea_with_clobberable$clobberable_versions_start <- max(ea_with_clobberable$DT$version)
+ expect_warning(ea_with_clobberable %>% as_of(max_version = max(ea$DT$version)))
+ expect_warning(regexp = NA, ea_with_clobberable %>% as_of(max_version = min(ea$DT$version)))
+test_that("as_of properly grabs the data and doesn't mutate key", {
+ d <- as.Date("2020-06-01")
+ ea2 <- ea2_data %>%
+ as_epi_archive2()
+ old_key <- data.table::key(ea2$DT)
+ edf_as_of <- ea2 %>%
+ epix_as_of2(max_version = as.Date("2020-06-03"))
+ edf_expected <- as_epi_df(tibble(
+ geo_value = "ca",
+ time_value = d + 0:2,
+ cases = c(2, 1, 1)
+ ), as_of = as.Date("2020-06-03"))
+ expect_equal(edf_as_of, edf_expected, ignore_attr = c(".internal.selfref", "sorted"))
+ expect_equal(data.table::key(ea2$DT), old_key)
+test_that("Errors are thrown due to bad epix_truncate_versions_after inputs", {
+ # x must be an archive
+ expect_error(epix_truncate_versions_after(data.frame(), as.Date("2020-01-01")))
+ # max_version cannot be of string class rather than date class
+ expect_error(epix_truncate_versions_after(ea, "2020-01-01"))
+ # max_version cannot be a vector
+ expect_error(epix_truncate_versions_after(ea, c(as.Date("2020-01-01"), as.Date("2020-01-02"))))
+ # max_version cannot be missing
+ expect_error(epix_truncate_versions_after(ea, as.Date(NA)))
+ # max_version cannot be after latest version in archive
+ expect_error(epix_truncate_versions_after(ea, as.Date("2025-01-01")))
+test_that("epix_truncate_version_after properly grabs the data and doesn't mutate key", {
+ ea2 <- ea2_data %>%
+ as_epi_archive2()
+ old_key <- data.table::key(ea2$DT)
+ ea_as_of <- ea2 %>%
+ epix_truncate_versions_after(max_version = as.Date("2020-06-02"))
+ ea_expected <- ea2_data[1:3, ] %>%
+ as_epi_archive2()
+ expect_equal(ea_as_of, ea_expected, ignore_attr = c(".internal.selfref", "sorted"))
+ expect_equal(data.table::key(ea2$DT), old_key)
+test_that("epix_truncate_version_after doesn't filter if max_verion at latest version", {
+ ea2 <- ea2_data %>%
+ as_epi_archive2()
+ ea_expected <- ea2 %>% clone()
+ ea_as_of <- ea2 %>%
+ epix_truncate_versions_after(max_version = as.Date("2020-06-04"))
+ expect_equal(ea_as_of, ea_expected, ignore_attr = c(".internal.selfref", "sorted"))
+test_that("epix_truncate_version_after returns the same grouping type as input epi_archive", {
+ ea2 <- ea2_data %>%
+ as_epi_archive2()
+ ea_as_of <- ea2 %>%
+ epix_truncate_versions_after(max_version = as.Date("2020-06-04"))
+ expect_true(is_epi_archive2(ea_as_of, grouped_okay = FALSE))
+ ea2_grouped <- ea2 %>% group_by(geo_value)
+ ea_as_of <- ea2_grouped %>%
+ epix_truncate_versions_after(max_version = as.Date("2020-06-04"))
+ expect_true(is_grouped_epi_archive2(ea_as_of))
+test_that("epix_truncate_version_after returns the same groups as input grouped_epi_archive", {
+ ea2 <- ea2_data %>%
+ as_epi_archive2()
+ ea2 <- ea2 %>% group_by(geo_value)
+ ea_expected <- ea2 %>% clone()
+ ea_as_of <- ea2 %>%
+ epix_truncate_versions_after(max_version = as.Date("2020-06-04"))
+ expect_equal(ea_as_of %>% groups(), ea_expected %>% groups())