WG projects | DIF page | Mailing list | Recordings
For this call, you are encouraged to turn your video on. This is a good way to build rapport given we are a large, disparate group experiencing a lot of churn.
This document is live-edited DURING each call, or shortly after the call, and stable/authoritative copies live on our github repo under /agenda.md . Please note that we might not notice a pullrequest in time, but you are free to propose agenda items for future meetings via hackmd.
Meeting information - 3pm ET odd Thursdays
- Before your contribute - [**join DIF**](https://identity.foundation/join) and [sign the WG charter](https://bit.ly/DIF-WG-select1) (both are required!) - Time: 3pm ET, time in ET - [Calendar entry](https://calendar.google.com/event?action=TEMPLATE&tmeid=M2c5ZnRnZWFnbWxqdm9tOG5ncXNzMm1wYnJfMjAyMTA2MjRUMTkwMDAwWiBkZWNlbnRyYWxpemVkLmlkZW50aXR5QG0&tmsrc=decentralized.identity%40gmail.com&scp=ALL) - [Zoom room](https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87960900967?pwd=Ti9KWXpyR0dkKzhEQ0lTTVkxOE1WQT09), Meeting ID: 879 6090 0967 , Password: 045023Tobias Looker
- Introductions and Greetings
- Proposal Review