A python emulator of a single card.
- CVC: 123456
- TAPSIGNER™ AES key: 41414141414141414141414141414141
- Precise error codes will differ from real product
- Completely insecure
- Uses wallycore for Bitcoin math
- Code is stand-alone, independent of
- No attempt to make it portable; might be MacOS-only
Usage: ecard.py [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
-q, --quiet Less debugging
-t, --testnet Operate on testnet3 rather than mainnet
-r, --rng-seed integer Seed value for (not) RNG
--help Show this message and exit.
emulate Emulate a card which has just powered on after CAP loaded.
satscard Build a SATSCARD and do the basics with it.
tapsigner Build a TAPSIGNER card and do the basics with it.
Command usage:
# emulate a factory-fresh card
% ./ecard.py emulate -f
# emulate a SATSCARD with first slot populated, certificate chain installed
% ./ecard.py emulate
# emulate a TAPSIGNER with no key picked yet
% ./ecard.py emulate -t --no-init
# emulate a TAPSIGNER with key already picked
% ./ecard.py emulate -t
When emulating a card, commands can be sent to the Unix domain pipe
at /tmp/ecard-pipe
as CBOR objects. Responses are CBOR to be decoded.