Student's name | SCIPER |
Fabrice Nemo | 359622 |
Mina Tang | 325767 |
Nicolas Ettlin | 312905 |
Statiswiss is a website created for the Data Visualization course. Its aim is to provide an interactive website where you can check the results for all the federal votes dating back to 1981.
Democracy is at the heart of Swiss culture, and the country especially prides itself on a direct democratic system that allows its citizens to directly shape policy through referenda and initiatives. Since Switzerland votes so often on so many different subjects, it can be helpful to have all of the data on every federal vote compiled and organised in one place.
Do you want to know how the Swiss population voted on a particular issue? Do you want to know the recommendations of the major political parties where? Do you want to have a list of all the votes for a given theme? In that case, Statiswiss is perfect for you! If you are not a politics aficionado, don't run away! Take a look at our website, check the notable votes, or maybe search for one that you remember, you may be suprised at the results! Browsing through our website may motivate you to vote next time you receive that famous envelope from the Confederation!
Luckily for you, Statiswiss is easily accessible by clicking on the following link: 🇨🇭Statiswiss🇨🇭
No problem! All you need to do is :
- Clone our repository
- Go to the website folder
- Start a HTTP server
├─── convex Semantic search
├─── create_JSON JSON generation
├─── data-preprocessing Data preprocessing
├─── previous_Milestones Previous Milestones
├─── sketchbook Sketchbook
└─── website Files for website
├─── data Data
├─── topo Topology of Switzerland
└─── ressources Ressources
├─── compsims Data for theoretical vs real results
├─── Names Partynames
├─── party_logos Party logos
└─── sims Data for theoretical results
Our data is taken from 📕Swissvotes and 📗 For the latter, here are the links to the specific datasets: federal elections, commune geometry, commune votes.
Milestones 1 & 2 can be found here : 📄 Previous Milestones