The project describes the migration of a KineticJs application to PixiJs
var stage = new Kinetic.Stage();
var stage = new PIXI.Stage(0x66FF99);
- If you want to join this project you can contact me at [email protected] or file an issue.
- Gitter Chat:
- Pan and Zoom - Example project here:
- Kinetic.Layer is handled using stage.addChild method with the index parameter
- Kinetic.Rect to PIXI.Graphics
- Kinetic.Image to PIXI.ImageLoader
- Kinetic.Group to PIXI.DisplayObjectContainer
- Event listeners are handled through PIXI.DisplayObject (abstract class, all object extend this and thus have listeners)
- Kinetic Stage events, Kinetic Node events
- Event listeners through Pixi InteractionManager
- Kinetic multi touch event handling on Shapes
- Kinect Layer system
- Export a Kinetic Stage to an image or a canvas