test/test_022.md:1:1: module "MODULE" false 0 0.000000 (1, 1) -> (1, 7)
test/test_022.md:1:8: ident "Pointers" false 0 0.000000 (1, 8) -> (1, 16)
test/test_022.md:1:16: semicolon ";" false 0 0.000000 (1, 16) -> (1, 17)
test/test_022.md:3:0: type "TYPE" false 0 0.000000 (3, 0) -> (3, 4)
test/test_022.md:3:5: ident "ip" false 0 0.000000 (3, 5) -> (3, 7)
test/test_022.md:3:8: eq "=" false 0 0.000000 (3, 8) -> (3, 9)
test/test_022.md:3:10: pointer "POINTER" false 0 0.000000 (3, 10) -> (3, 17)
test/test_022.md:3:18: to "TO" false 0 0.000000 (3, 18) -> (3, 20)
test/test_022.md:3:21: ident "INTEGER" false 0 0.000000 (3, 21) -> (3, 28)
test/test_022.md:3:28: semicolon ";" false 0 0.000000 (3, 28) -> (3, 29)
test/test_022.md:5:0: var "VAR" false 0 0.000000 (5, 0) -> (5, 3)
test/test_022.md:5:4: ident "x" false 0 0.000000 (5, 4) -> (5, 5)
test/test_022.md:5:6: colon ":" false 0 0.000000 (5, 6) -> (5, 7)
test/test_022.md:5:8: pointer "POINTER" false 0 0.000000 (5, 8) -> (5, 15)
test/test_022.md:5:16: to "TO" false 0 0.000000 (5, 16) -> (5, 18)
test/test_022.md:5:19: ident "INTEGER" false 0 0.000000 (5, 19) -> (5, 26)
test/test_022.md:5:26: semicolon ";" false 0 0.000000 (5, 26) -> (5, 27)
test/test_022.md:6:4: ident "y" false 0 0.000000 (6, 4) -> (6, 5)
test/test_022.md:6:6: colon ":" false 0 0.000000 (6, 6) -> (6, 7)
test/test_022.md:6:8: ident "ip" false 0 0.000000 (6, 8) -> (6, 10)
test/test_022.md:6:10: semicolon ";" false 0 0.000000 (6, 10) -> (6, 11)
test/test_022.md:8:0: begin "BEGIN" false 0 0.000000 (8, 0) -> (8, 5)
test/test_022.md:9:2: ident "NEW" false 0 0.000000 (9, 2) -> (9, 5)
test/test_022.md:9:5: lparen "(" false 0 0.000000 (9, 5) -> (9, 6)
test/test_022.md:9:6: ident "x" false 0 0.000000 (9, 6) -> (9, 7)
test/test_022.md:9:7: rparen ")" false 0 0.000000 (9, 7) -> (9, 8)
test/test_022.md:9:8: semicolon ";" false 0 0.000000 (9, 8) -> (9, 9)
test/test_022.md:10:2: ident "y" false 0 0.000000 (10, 2) -> (10, 3)
test/test_022.md:10:4: assign ":=" false 0 0.000000 (10, 4) -> (10, 6)
test/test_022.md:10:7: ident "x" false 0 0.000000 (10, 7) -> (10, 8)
test/test_022.md:10:8: semicolon ";" false 0 0.000000 (10, 8) -> (10, 9)
test/test_022.md:11:2: ident "x" false 0 0.000000 (11, 2) -> (11, 3)
test/test_022.md:11:3: caret "^" false 0 0.000000 (11, 3) -> (11, 4)
test/test_022.md:11:5: assign ":=" false 0 0.000000 (11, 5) -> (11, 7)
test/test_022.md:11:8: integer "33" false 33 0.000000 (11, 8) -> (11, 10)
test/test_022.md:11:10: semicolon ";" false 0 0.000000 (11, 10) -> (11, 11)
test/test_022.md:12:2: ident "Texts" false 0 0.000000 (12, 2) -> (12, 7)
test/test_022.md:12:7: dot "." false 0 0.000000 (12, 7) -> (12, 8)
test/test_022.md:12:8: ident "WriteInt" false 0 0.000000 (12, 8) -> (12, 16)
test/test_022.md:12:16: lparen "(" false 0 0.000000 (12, 16) -> (12, 17)
test/test_022.md:12:17: ident "y" false 0 0.000000 (12, 17) -> (12, 18)
test/test_022.md:12:18: caret "^" false 0 0.000000 (12, 18) -> (12, 19)
test/test_022.md:12:19: rparen ")" false 0 0.000000 (12, 19) -> (12, 20)
test/test_022.md:12:20: semicolon ";" false 0 0.000000 (12, 20) -> (12, 21)
test/test_022.md:12:24: ident "Texts" false 0 0.000000 (12, 24) -> (12, 29)
test/test_022.md:12:29: dot "." false 0 0.000000 (12, 29) -> (12, 30)
test/test_022.md:12:30: ident "WriteLn" false 0 0.000000 (12, 30) -> (12, 37)
test/test_022.md:12:37: semicolon ";" false 0 0.000000 (12, 37) -> (12, 38)
test/test_022.md:13:2: ident "DELETE" false 0 0.000000 (13, 2) -> (13, 8)
test/test_022.md:13:8: lparen "(" false 0 0.000000 (13, 8) -> (13, 9)
test/test_022.md:13:9: ident "x" false 0 0.000000 (13, 9) -> (13, 10)
test/test_022.md:13:10: rparen ")" false 0 0.000000 (13, 10) -> (13, 11)
test/test_022.md:13:11: semicolon ";" false 0 0.000000 (13, 11) -> (13, 12)
test/test_022.md:14:0: end "END" false 0 0.000000 (14, 0) -> (14, 3)
test/test_022.md:14:4: ident "Pointers" false 0 0.000000 (14, 4) -> (14, 12)
test/test_022.md:14:12: dot "." false 0 0.000000 (14, 12) -> (14, 13)
test/test_022.md:15:0: eof "" false 0 0.000000 (15, 0) -> (15, 0)
@0 = global i64* inttoptr (i64 0 to i64*)
@1 = global i64* inttoptr (i64 0 to i64*)
@2 = global [3 x i8] c"%d\00"
@3 = global [1 x i8] c"\00"
@__argc = global i64 0
@__argv = global i8** inttoptr (i8 0 to i8**)
@__envp = global i8** inttoptr (i8 0 to i8**)
declare i64 @puts(i8* %str)
declare i64 @rand()
declare i64 @sprintf(i8* %buf, i8* %format, ...)
declare i64 @printf(i8* %format, ...)
declare i8* @malloc(i64 %size)
declare i8* @free(i8* %ptr)
define void @oberonMain() {
%0 = call i8* @malloc(i64 8)
%1 = bitcast i8* %0 to i64*
store i64* %1, i64** @0
%2 = load i64*, i64** @0
store i64* %2, i64** @1
%3 = load i64*, i64** @0
store i64 33, i64* %3
%4 = load i64*, i64** @1
%5 = load i64, i64* %4
%6 = getelementptr [3 x i8], [3 x i8]* @2, i64 0, i64 0
%7 = call i64 (i8*, ...) @printf(i8* %6, i64 %5)
%8 = getelementptr [1 x i8], [1 x i8]* @3, i64 0, i64 0
%9 = call i64 @puts(i8* %8)
%10 = load i64*, i64** @0
%11 = bitcast i64* %10 to i8*
%12 = call i8* @free(i8* %11)
ret void
define i64 @main(i64 %argc, i8** %argv, i8** %argp) {
store i64 %argc, i64* @__argc
store i8** %argv, i8*** @__argv
store i8** %argp, i8*** @__envp
call void @oberonMain()
ret i64 0