This is a jQuery plugin that can be used to pull in a patternized feed of YouTube videos from a certain username. In order to use this plugin, you will need to create a key for the YouTube Data API on the Google Developers Console.
You will also need to find the ID number for the username which you wish to pull in, which you can do by using the included tools.html
To use this plugin, include jQuery and the youtubeFeed.min.js
script in your html file, and then use the following function to call it on document ready. You will also need to include a div on your page where the feed will be placed. In the example below, the photos would be placed in the div with a class of youtube-feed
//ID of the channel to pull in
channelId: 'ChannelIdHere',
//API Key
key: 'ApiKeyHere',
//Number of videos to return (number per page if "pager" is set to true)
count: 9,
//include Next and Previous page buttons to asynchronously load more videos
pager: true,
//Previous Page Text
prevPageText: 'Previous Page',
//Next Page Text
nextPageText: 'Next Page',
//Append autoplay to video embed url
autoplay: false,
//HTML pattern for the output
pattern: '<div class="yt-placeholder">' +
'<a href="{{VideoEmbedUrl}}" class="yt-url">' +
'<img class="yt-thumb" src="{{Thumbnail}}">' +
'</a>' +
//Optional callback
console.log('youtube loaded');
The HMTL output for each item that is returned can be defined using the pattern
attribute in the function call. The following tokens can be used in the pattern:
Token | Example Output |
{{Title}} | Content Title}} |
{{Description}} | Description text. |
{{VideoUrl}} | |
{{VideoEmbedUrl}} | |
{{Thumbnail}} | |
{{ThumbnailMedium | |
{{ThumbnailLarge}} | |
{{Date}} | Monday, April 11, 2016 |
{{Month}} | April |
{{MonthAbbreviation}} | Apr |
{{MonthNumeric}} | 4 |
{{DayOfTheMonth}} | 11 |
{{DayOfTheWeek}} | Monday |
{{DayOfTheWeekAbbreviation}} | Mon |
{{Year}} | 2016 |