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Working with the sources

The project is

To build, test and deploy the site you gonna need npm installedtalling-node-js-and-npm) on your system. Then to configure the dependencies and prepare development environment, execute

npm install

From now on, use one of the commands from under the package.json "scripts" section to do stuff. To see the full list of scripts run

npm run

NPM Security Issues

If npm fails the build and spits off the ERR_OSSL_EVP_UNSUPPORTED error, you might want to look to upgrade to the latest nodejs/npm or just skip the damn thing with:

export NODE_OPTIONS=--openssl-legacy-provider

Important scripts

npm start - starts a dev HTTP server and incrementally recompiles the project as you change the sources (read the console output for details). Simply go to http://localhost:3000/ once the dev server is running.

npm run build or
npm run build:dev - assembles the dev website and outputs the files to ./dist

npm run build:release - same as above but outputs production ready files.

npm run deploy - Deploys the production files to the AWS S3. Read the section below.


We host the website files statically on AWS S3 service.

To automate the deployment process, the project has a simple command

npm run deploy

In order to work, the command needs AWS Command Line Interface to be installed and configured on the system. Here's what you need to do:

1. Install awscli

For Windows -
For Debian based Linux execute the command:

sudo apt install awscli

2. Configure aws profile

Here's the doc describing the AWS configuration file and format. But the configuration can be done using the aws command line tool.

We use crashinvaders profile in the deploy command. To setup a new profile, execute the command:

aws configure --profile crashinvaders

It will ask you to enter your AWS personal access key ID and the secret key (ask Anton for those). Here's the full set of data required and what you should put in there:

AWS Access Key ID: ***
AWS Secret Access Key: ***
Default region name [None]: eu-central-1
Default output format [None]: text

Once it's done, you're good to go with the deploy NPM command.