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Basis Universal wrapper

Provides a pure Java (no dependencies) abstraction layer over the native libs.

The module uses Basis Universal C/C++ code and JNI wrappers to connect to libGDX cross-platform code.

To manage native build configuration for all the platforms (except for the web, read notes below) we use jnigen Gradle plugin. See //region jnigen configuration section of build.gradle file for configuration details.

To streamline the native library assembly process, there are a bunch of assemble-natives-<platform>.[sh|bat] scripts are available in the project's root dir. Be aware that some of the ".sh" scripts are OS dependant (read comments in the scripts).

Native build requirements

This section isn't complete yet, there might be other important steps missing. Please use this information as general notes and not as actual build steps.

Some things besides JDK and Gradle to build the native libs.

First and foremost, make sure you have all the sub-repos cloned (including Basis Universal). From the project's root, use this command to recursively pull everything:

git submodule update --init --recursive


Install required packages onto the x64 based system. Example for Debian/Ubuntu:

sudo apt install ant gcc-arm-linux-gnueabihf g++-arm-linux-gnueabihf gcc-aarch64-linux-gnu g++-aarch64-linux-gnu

The dependencies are for Debian/Ubuntu packages, but their other package system counterparts should be available pretty much everywhere. gcc-arm-linux-gnueabihf (or similar) is required to build for Linux ARM32 target. gcc-aarch64-linux-gnu (or similar) is required to build for Linux ARM64 target.

You can also build Windows natives from under Linux. Install the mingw64 package.

sudo apt install g++-mingw-w64-x86-64


All further steps consider you have Chocolatey installed on the system.

  • Install Ant
    1. choco install ant
    2. Add ant's bin dir to the PATH (Chocolatey creates an ant.exe shortcut file, but jnigen expects ant.bat to be on the PATH).
  • To build for Win64 target
    1. Download and unpack MinGW64 or the latest release. It's important to download posix version of MinGW distribution.
    2. Make sure g++.exe, gcc.exe, strip.exe, and ar.exe are discoverable from the PATH

macOS & iOS

Nothing special is required, you only need the latest XCode (install from App Store) along with JDK and Ant.

brew install temurin ant


The build is configured and tested for NDK 26.0.10792818 and may not work with any other version. It's recommended that you install and use this exact NDK release.

  • Install the NDK (using sdkmanager or IntelliJ Idea/Android Studio's Android SDK manager or from the official web page).
  • Create an environment variable NDK_HOME pointing to the installed NDK location.

Follow the steps from this answer to install sdkmanager on a Debian based Linux system.

sdkmanager --install "ndk;26.0.10792818" 
export NDK_HOME='/usr/lib/android-sdk/ndk/26.0.10792818'


We use Emscripten to compile C/C++ code to WASM/JS and then connect it through JSNI to the libGDX GWT backend.

It's important to note, that we don't use jnigen to configure the Ant build script for web natives, jnigen doesn't support this platform. And thus it's all handwritten and needs to be kept in sync with jnigen configuration for other platforms in build.gradle.

The build is configured and tested with Emscripten SDK 3.1.46.

To be able to assemble natives for this platform you need to:

  • Install the Emscripten SDK
  • Make sure the Emscripten compiler executables (emcc and em++) are available on the system PATH. Usually, they are located at ${EMSDK}/upstream/emscripten.