- update Bootstrap to v5.2.3
- update Popper.js to v2.11.7
- update navbar link
- add Nepcha scripts
- fix inputs on RTL
- update tag border
- update Bootstrap to v5.2.0-beta1
- fix code preview for input-outine
- fix running 'npm install' issue
- fix SCSS compiling issues
- Update Bootstrap to v5.1.1
- Update to Material Design 2
- Add more example pages
- New Documentation version
- Update Bootstrap to v4.3.1
- Updated plugins
- Small changes for the documentation
- Dependencies update
- Misspelling fixed
- Fixed HTML code in documentation tab title
- Multilevel dropdown caret rotate fix
- Change versions on CSS and JS files
- Changes for responsive devices
- Improvements and BugFixing for documentation
- Change versions on CSS and JS files
- Pro Documentation integrated in Free Version
- New page - Error Page 404
- Eliminated extra CSS and JS
- Solved responsive issues
- Updated plugins
- Multilevel dropdown integration
- Small changes for responsive devices
- Fixed-plugin in user archive integration
- Shopping Cart page
- Speed optimizations
- Documentation errors fixed
- Gulp compiling of the SASS files
- Change versions on CSS and JS files
- Small changes for components
- added scroll to id in Section Page
- change the demo.css/demo.js files to run the project without them
- resize the modal on devices to fit the page
- change the name and the route in the gulpfile.js file in the users archive
- in the html pages the path from images was changed
- we changed the path of images from
- Reestablish the gulp compiling of the SASS files
- Added two plugins in Documentation
- Included gulp task that opens the project in browser
- Reestablish the routes for some Documentation Components
- responsive issue fixed for carousel
- Core base code on Bootstrap 4
- Documentation code base written from scratch
- Speed optimizations
- Class changes : .card-block to .card-body
- .navbar-toggleable-* to .navbar-expand-*
- .hidden--down to .d-none .d--block
- .hidden--up to .d--none
- .checkbox to .form-check
- .radio to .form-check
- more class changes here:https://medium.com/@lukaszholeczek/how-to-upgrade-bootstrap-4-alpha-6-to-bootstrap-4-beta-d43b4210f2a3
- Bug fixes for responsive devices
- Small changes for components
- fixed parallax page scroll
- fixed cards from
- jQuery library update to the latest version
- removed atv-img-animation.js library ( multiple problems with the browsers )
- fixed rotating card system for IE, changed rotating cards with raised image with regular cards with background image or plain cards
- bootstrap-selectpicker.js updated to the latest version
- fixed problem with Morphing Cards(rotating manual and auto) and Perspective Cards when images were loading later than the javascript
- v1.1.0 14 Apr, 2017 -
- Bootstrap v3.3.7
- Bootstrap DateTimePicker v4.17.45
- Replace Bootstrap SelectPicker v1.11.2
- Replace Tags with Bootstrap TagsInput v0.8.0
- jQuery.Flexisel v2.1.0
- NoUiSlider v9.0.0
- jQuery v3.1.1
- moment.js v2.14.1
- Added new cards
- Added 3D animation effect for images on cards(atvImg library)
- Added DynamicShadows
- Added New rotating cards
- Added Ecommerce Page
- Bug fixing
- Documentation Updates
- Added simple input example
IMPORTANT! If you migrate from V1.0.0 to V1.1.0 please make sure your replace the '.content' class inside each card with '.card-content', we've made this adjustment for a better control of the content that is inside a card. Sorry for the inconvenience.