Cristian Montejano 6/16/2021
Hello and welcome to my PuppyGram app!
This app uses the public Flickr api and gets the latest posts tagged with "puppy" and displays them in a scrollable GridView! You can also click on a container in the grid to get more details about the post.
The app itself is a pretty simple MVC architecture demonstration with simple network integration for API calls.
Third party libraries used: -Picasso (for images) -Gson (for json parsing) -Retrofit (for API calls)
Some problems I ran into: -I was specified to use DateFormatter for date strings. Couldn't get this to work for some reason and was taking up too much time debugging so I went with using SimpleDateFormat instead. -I'm not a graphics designer so UI choices are pretty barebones -Ran out of time to write some unit tests
Other than that enjoy the app and please provide me any feedback :)
What do you call a dog with a surround system?
A sub-woofer.