- refacto mesh script and config file
- only override hazelcast.xml, logback.xml, default-distributed-db-config.json and keystore.jceks
- bump mesh to 1.4.0
- update healthchecks
- add admin password management
- update mesh to 1.3.2
- add keycloack auth variables
- update mesh to 1.0.2
- update mesh to 1.0.1
- update mesh to 0.41.0
- update mesh to 0.40.3
- update mesh to 0.40.2
- update elasticsearch to 6.8.2
- add keycloack
- update ui : better textarea scroll and filter option in create node
- label refactoring install instructions:
k delete statefulsets.apps RELEASE-NAME-master RELEASE-NAME-replicas --cascade=false k delete deployments RELEASE-NAME-ui RELEASE-NAME-restore RELEASE-NAME-backup-explorer k delete cronjobs.batch RELEASE-NAME-backup-cronjob
- add metrics : getmesh and elasticsearch (based on justwatch/elasticsearch_exporter:1.0.2)
- add 2 grafana dashboard: getmesh and getmesh elasticsearch
- update to getmesh 0.33.1 (getmesh with orientdb 3.0.19)
- update to getmesh 0.28.3 (latest getmesh with orientdb 2.x)
- add custom legacy mesh-ui (fix input to textarea for string type edit)
- more vertx thread to prevent deadlock under certains conditions
- update backup and restore jobs
- add orientdb console and various tools (consistency check, elasticsearch reindex, ...)
- add horizontalPodScaling (optional)
- add hard affinity between elasticsearch nodes and getmesh nodes
- add sdd storage to elasticsearch and getmesh nodes
- schedule getmesh master node under sustainable pool
- add sleep + file time verification after invoking backup to let time to backup process to be done
- add backup cronjob, (only when nfs is available), backup are stored to nfs volume
- add restore pod, start it manually with deployment scaling then kubectl exec -ti into pod and invoke /config/restore.sh
- add backup explorer eg : https://getmesh-backup-explorer.getmesh.mydomain.com/ so we cant remote dl backup easily
- update getmesh to 0.28.2
- update default healthcheck probe url to better one
- add anygetmesh svc (routing to master + replicas instances)
- remove uuid in pv / pvc but let an unique name
- BREAKING CHANGE: remove version from getmesh-master-statefulset
- add default nginx proxy body size to 8m
- prepare backup mode
before updating the chart we must manually delete statefulsets k delete statefulsets.apps getmesh-master --cascade=false