- High durability.
- Low cost (orders-of-magnitude less than any other storage option on AWS).
- Keyspace partitioning by prefix (e.g. pseudo-directories).
- Sorted keyspace retrieval.
- Conditional puts and updates -- allows for compare-and-set.
- Ordered traversal via indexes.
Implement crux's KV store on S3, and use a Moberg TxLog atop that. Use SQS with S3 notifications to pause a polling event consumer. Based on the "standalone" topology in crux.
Implement an atomic counter on DynamoDB, and use this to push events into S3, indexed by event ID generated by this counter. Again use SQS to pause a polling event consumer.
- Store transacted docs in DynamoDB, with sortable, increasing RANGE keys.
- Once the tx-log grows large enough, flush the tx-log into a large B-tree stored as objects in S3. This can be a persistent data structure, so old segments just stay as they are.
- Still need an atomic counter for tx-ids in DynamoDB (unless there is a different approach that can give us good ordering if docs, but I don't think there is).
- Would like a blocking notification when new txes are added to the log (right now
it just polls DynamoDB).
- Possibly use DynamoDB streams -> lambda -> SNS?