The [CU Boulder's Serval Mesh][] source code is available from [BitBucket][]. Download and build it for the first time using the following commands:
$ git clone https://[email protected]/csam233/batphone_cathleen.git
Cloning into 'batphone'...
$ cd batphone_cathleen
The gradle build process needs to know the install location of the Android SDK & NDK. If you open the project in Android Studio these locations will be writen to as follows;
ndk.dir={PATH}/Sdk/ndk-bundle sdk.dir={PATH}/Sdk
Or, you can manually create "" on the top directory.
Run app/src/main/jni/libsodium/
./gradlew libsodiumBuild
./gradlew assembleDebug
The app-debug.apk will be created on app/build/outputs/apk/debug.