Releases: cuhacking/2025
Releases · cuhacking/2025
1.1.0 (2024-10-05)
Bug Fixes
- api/db: add database schema as input (262844d)
- api/db: build failing in pipeline (5169ef1)
- api/db: change monorepo moduleResolution from Node to Bundler (b4a5de5)
- api/db: drizzle schema from monorepo root (c5df0a6)
- config: make libraries public (ebb7a1d)
- libs/db: temporary workaround to get migration command working (558a050)
- api/api.auth: implement trpc communication from portal (3282a9d)
- api/api.auth: install required libraried for trpc api & auth (7f72e10)
- api/api: create initial user route (a6998f3)
- api/auth: create initial auth library (a0204d3)
- api/db: create docker-compose with postgres database (c63f1f8)
- api/db: create initial database schemas (65b48db)
- api/db: create sample database schema (1ebb188)
- api/env: add relevant env vars (07a3096)
- api/utils: create getBaseUrl method (e58f3a1)